This article,, caught my attention. While I realise that Obama and the Democrats have money to burn at this point, all the evidence to date indicates that this is going to be a much tighter election than many previously believed. On current polling, if McCain can hold Virginia then he needs Michigan and one other state (Indiana the likely one) in order to pull of a surprise victory.
As such, Obama spending money in North Dakota, North Carolina, Montana, Georgia, and Alaska seems a little bit of a waste. After all, even if we assume that he wins in North Dakota and Montana say, those six electoral votes will not get him the presidency. North Carolina is obviously a better place to attack, given its 15 electoral votes. But it would be a big ask for Obama to win North Carolina.
Instead, it would be far more useful to simply concentrate on Michigan, Indiana, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio. (I discount Florida, as the polls are going back to McCain there – I even tend to discount Indiana, but given that the polls tell us that it is close, and I go by the polls). It is in those states that this election will be won or lost. The others are effectively irrelevant.
As such, I think that Obama is wasting time and money in those states. There are 90 days to go in this election campaign and at this point in time the momentum – according to the polls – is with McCain. Time to get back to political reality. A fifty-state strategy might be a nice little dream, but that is all it ever was. A five-state strategy is what is needed to win this thing.
651 replies on “Is Obama wasting time and money?”
Just a follow-up from the previous thread:
Historic nominees indeed Ecky. One knows he is, the other wishes he wasn’t! LOL
Macca’s descent into the Rovian pigswill was the clear signal that the old guy hasn’t got a clue and that he’s outsourced his campaign to the usual retards from Smear Inc.
Obama only needs to walk over it all, keep focused on the issues and Macca will drown in his own swill.
How fitting.
Sorry, but I seriously doubt this is the case:
There are 90 days to go in this election campaign and at this point in time the momentum – according to the polls – is with McCain.
Take a look at the RCP General Poll Average on:
…and tell me that the ‘momentum’ is with McCain?
Maybe I need to hold my computer monitor upside down or something. Can anyone help me ‘get it right’? LOL
McCain has edged up slightly on Obama, but I wouldn’t call it momentum.
At this stage – 3 months from election day – slight poll shifts hardly matter. What matters most is the old Crosby/Textor “win expectations”, and a poll a few weeks back (sorry no link) showed Obama way out in front. The majority of Americans believe Obama will win. Because Americans love to back a winner, it means that more Democrats will get out and vote than Repugs, while some Independents will be swayed to back Obama when the crunch comes in November.
Mark my words. As long as win expectations favour Obama, he will steadily widen the gap between himself and McCain in the voting intention polls.
David’s argument is partly related to the ‘why bother’ principal. After all – North Dakota and Montana are worth next to nothing in the Electoral College big picture. But wasn’t that the same story in the primaries? The Obama Campaign focussed on the mathematics and the infrastructure on the ground to win pledged delegates – and through this Obama won the race – not the traditional Super Tuesday style, but an alternative using a cunning plan and tight organization.
I think what is happening here in the general election is that (a) Obama is not challenging old rules just like he did in the primaries, and he’s out to get every single possible electoral vote he can, and (b) Obama is thinking beyond election day through a process of changing traditional assumptions about red versus blue and the electoral map that will be drawn four, eight, and twelve years from now.
4 Catrina
Yes Catrina, you are quite right and that article is based on a rather silly premise.
This is very long term strategy, modeled dare one admit, on pure Rovian principles, but with infinitely better technology and a more encompassing openness to the young, the independents and real traditional conservative Republicans. Oh, and those darker Americans of various ethnic backgrounds, don’t forget them.
Why make critical remarks about Obama not fighting the old political map? He doesn’t get either the long strategy, or the new paradigm.
Besides, forcing Macca to parry across the country on a much tighter budget is good strategy in Go (the oriental board game) and it’s excellent strategy here. Force your opponent to spread himself thin and expose him and his weaknesses while he blunders around giving Paris Hilton a national platform to make a fool of him.
I love it. And besides, with so many of his ground troops being engaged at little initial cost, his advertising in these remote states (well, remote to Washington and liberal east coast elitists, ah, remember them? LOL) will bolster their efforts and energise his bunnies to cross the prairies singing his praises.
And thus he spake: “Go forth and mulitply”, and lo, Obama brought forth a plentiful harvest of air time, and smite the old curmudgeon until he was right sore at him.
Obama has a commanding lead with black voters, Latino voters, young voters and woman voters. Registered voters by 18% prefer the Democrats, see link elow. Does anyone see a trend here? I am yet to see anywhere where McCain is doing well, apart from the Fundies.
I agree Cat. He should chase every one of the EV’s he thinks he is capable of winning.
If he does win then it will be a thrashing and they will be able to do some good follow up stuff.
He should have enough money to also try to buy out Diebold before November and trash those bent machines.
If he can not buy them out then he should pick Paris for his VP running mate.
If he can not win with her as VP then he should make her his EP mate.
David, great to see you heading up a thread. Your contribution is most welcome. But people like your good self et moi were always destined to box on. What’s that….. a ding?
At first glance your supposition seems eminently reasonable. The Kid’s a dreamer, flinging dollar bills about like a confetti-ist on speed. An avalanche of greenbacks in Colorado, ticker tapes of the stuff in any State that even whiffs of battleground, and lots more in places deemed by “experts” to be unwinnable.
But let’s examine this situation more closely, after all, David, we are professionals:)
Politics is all about perceptions as well as practicalities.
If voters believe that Obama has a chance in States deemed by experts to be unwinnable, voters will be far more likely to perceive him as a presidential candidate with broad national appeal. If he plays a “short game”, puts all his eggs in just a few baskets, so to speak, then he risks being judged by voters less favourably. Nobody wants to be tagged a Small Picture guy these days, that’s why Lloyd Fullerton has been so successful.
By challenging in States that The Imbecile won in 2004 by 5-10%, The Kid also gets to mess with Johnny Bomb-Bomb’s mind, or what’s left of it. Keep Senator McCain’s “brains trust” constantly second guessing where they should be spending scarce campaign funds and deploying their grunts. Remember how shell-shocked El Rodente, not a young man himself at the time, looked while defending Bennelong AND the nation last October-November? That’s how I reckon the 50 State strategy will play for Obi.
Also there are 14 ECVs in NM and CO which BHO is a better than even chace according to electoral-vote cf. side bar.
As you say, David, “Time to get back to political reality.”
“The Lives of Others”
“Mister BHOjangles……….dance.”
When I said that Starbucks is the canary in the coffee mug, how little did I realise that my flippant remark was presaging this:
…and so folks, get ready to see those barista doing the Pied Piper routine down the boulevards of fast food in a town near you.
Which is where a lot of Australia’s yoof hang out on minimum wages and off the unemployment data.
Expect a rather sharp upturn in their numbers and therefore the touted drop in rates from the RBA will arrive on cue, unless inflation numbers go ballistic, which seems unlikely.
Steve “Schmuckens” Schmidt: a primer
OK Mr Kirribilli-
I don’t think the J’sWI is getting enough credit here… you know, Starbuck’s being the canary thing. Next Macca’s. Who needs psephology when you have a good bladder? 😈
David Gould – it’s good to see another take on the race here – we’re a bit biased it’s true.
However, i can’t really get a hold on the veracity of the polls until the Campaign Proper begins. And I really can’t get pst the hunch that the MSM has a lot invested in maintaining that this race is close, when qualitatively it clearly isn’t.
Paris Hilton can bring McCain down in 2 minutes, FFS!!
Thanks Ecky – hadn’t seen those pre my last post –
the bladder strikes again!!
Running a 50 state strategy not only bleeds McCain dry, it also feeds into win expectations because people do not expect the Dems to spend big money and effort in states they didn’t think they had a strong chance of getting.
[the MSM has a lot invested in maintaining that this race is close]
Not just invested in it for increased audience figures but invested in McCain winning – the CEOs of these corporations don’t want Obama because he might be prone to putting principles ahead of money.
By the way David, your article is a good one, it’s just that you need to give a little more wriggle room for what might shape up to be a non-traditional campaign from Obama, just as he conducted in the primaries.
12 jen
You are the Oracle of the Waters Jen, and we ALL know that!
(I’m not taking the p!ss, mind you! LOL)
I think you’re right not to take the national polls too seriously at this moment, they show a clear Obama lead, if somewhat smaller than the serious punters think is the case, but of course the MSM have no interest in letting the facts get in the way of their ‘truthiness’.
16 Noocat
Yeah, Obama beat Hillary at this stuff, so hey, give him some credit (and his team), for actually being able to think outside the box and then execute their plans almost flawlessly.
Why Obama ‘should’ play the game that McCain would clearly prefer ( and that thinking Republicans wanted to have with Clinton) is almost exactly why it’s a good strategy. Like you said, it messes with Macca’s mind, and seems to be doing quite well on that front from where I sit.
that’s it Noocat!
We all look at previoos polls and trends to try and predict the outcome of this election, but has there ever been a situation like this in recent political history?
An aging and unwell candidate who represents a party that has lost all credibility not only at home, but globally, ;an economy that they are directly responsible for sending down the toilet; seeing their young needlessly die in a war that is questioned universally and has no sign of any posiitive outcomes, etc etc….vs. a talented , articulate, hugely popular and Very VERY well financed opponent.
Perhaps we are comparing apples and oranges with previous elections and this one.
Kirri- just about wetting myself LOL! 😈
btw- all this talk of camels on cable beach – am visiting Broome in 2 weeks – Are there any bludgres there that want to catch up???
That’s if I can be convinced to actually get on the buggery Qantas plane after today. 🙁
Commie Californian Sea Life:
“Paris Hilton can bring McCain down in 2 minutes, FFS!!”
Yes, jen, but National Enquirer readers are clamouring to know how long it would take PH to bring McCain off:mrgreen:
He’ll need more than Viagra to keep up his election! LOL
Ecky – I sooo made sure I didn’t say that.
I’d bet on under 2 seconds – or not at all.
22 Enemy Combatant
That first one’s a cracker Ecky…especially when you get flashbacks of all them gloating how they’d track down bin Laden and deliver him some ‘justice’. All of them, Rummy, Darth, all the drooling Neocons, and of course, the Idiot Decider.
What a farcical result: they convict his driver. Of what exactly? Oh, we don’t get to find out. Maybe it was speeding?
They just keep making such idiots of themselves it’s almost impossible to be shocked any more.
It’s truly the meaning of Numbing Down America, eh?
well Kirri – they did get his driver so we can relax now.
But what about his barber??? – he’s clearly in the top 10 .oh, and then there was that Bin Laden guy, but apparently he’s not nearly as important.
Some heavy reading on polling stuff (technical term).
After what happened to Hillary, i didn’t think that you would still be underestimating Obama,Axelrod,Ploufe and the whole movement of change.
Don’t fall for the MSM and the polling companies. They are invested heavily in making the “race” appear more close than it is.
This election will not be close.
A drovers dog with a “D” next to his name would beat The Idiot Son’s inheritor of the “R” mantle. Why do you think the Hillbillies are so pissed off??? The presidency was decided in the Dem Primary.
“It’s truly the meaning of Numbing Down America, eh?”
Yeah, Kirri, it’s the slime oozing out of their TV sets wot dunnit mostly. The rot set in during the Fifties. No TV set=social leper. The math of demography is always brutal.
Without cartoons and Annette Funicello, an inordinately attractive Mouseketeer, many young Americans of that time would have necked themselves en masse in public dunnies from Frisco to Chesapeake Bay, driven insane by the torpor induced by feral commercialism and the politics of hate and fear. As seen on TV. Now there’s more of them and very little has changed.
“Since the reading skills of the American people are the lowest in the First World, the general public is always prey to manipulation by television. This means if you want to demonize drugs or the Arabs or the Japanese, you do so openly in the media…The oligarchy does not care whether the citizens make themselves sick with drugs or not. What government wants is simple: total control. If this can be got by dispensing with the Bill of Rights, then that’s a small price to pay.”
Gore Vidal
After the Olympics all this will be forgotten, and a whole new ballgame starts again.
the change movement isn’t so much a kumbayah thing with the great Messiah Obama.
it is just a movement away from the disaster of G.W. Bush and the disgraced Republican Party.
OK, don’t miss this one! Jon Stewart puts Macca and the bikers clips together and it’s a bloody hoot, and ends with the hooters being flashed around for the high throttled patriots. We didn’t get to see Cindy strutting her stuff, even though Macca offered her up to the crowd:
…class act, (and I don’t mean Macca! LOL)
Kirribilli Déménagements at 27
An interview between Kieth Olbermann and the drivers legal rep gives us all of the details. Apparently the guy has been convicted of giving aide to a terrorist organization. What sort of aide I hear you ask! Personnel, specifically – himself. What is more interesting is all of the things that he has not been charged with (terrorism being a notable example).
32 Enemy Combatant
Slime now oozes out in HDD, on screens bigger than old suburban theatres which draw enough power to illuminate a few third world villages at night.
That’s progress Ecky, and it costs a lot of literate, educated people to get there, no denying, but just look how ‘real’ it looks!
Whoops a link wood be handy.
36 Catrina
Good clip Catrina, thanks.
So, what’s his ‘crime’…he’s a bad driver? Who gave evidence? What was it? Was it ‘coerced’ testimony?
You see, we’ll never know the details, just that this guy is guilty of driving around bin Laden. No details, just a conviction and now he could spend the rest of his days behind bars because he was a driver?
I hope the Bush/Cheney chauffeurs are watching this stuff VERY carefully! LOL
But as you say, what he was NOT convicted of are the crimes (as we all accept them to be) of al Qaeda.
He was not involved in them, just driving the boss. So OK, bang him up for 7 years without trial, under god only knows what conditions, then stick him in a legal black hole, and convict him of being a driver?
It’s too surreal for words.
Maybe they could nab the cook too, and charge him with doing a bad falafel while they are at it! LOL
KR at 40-41
I know – there is a blind ridiculousness about all of this. I know we have this problem of a war against a non-nation entity and as such none of those standing conventions come into play – but the reality is that this is not new stuff. Irrespective of ones opinion about Al Qaeda the overriding premise must be the rule of law – but all of that gets thrown out the window along with Lady Justice, and any sense of moral center or a soul to speak of evaporates. I guess this is another one of those grounding moments when we get another glimpse of the mammoth changes the Kid will have to deal with.
“Bring me the head of Bin Laden’s barber!”
Dick Cheney, breaking the ice at a PNAC fundraiser in Washington earlier today.
Bush-lies and the art of war-making…..
Published on Wednesday, August 6, 2008 by The Huffington Post
The Forged Iraqi Letter: What Just Happened?
by Ron Suskind
What just happened? Evidence. A secret that has been judiciously kept for five years just spilled out. All of what follows is new, never reported in any way:
The Iraq Intelligence Chief, Tahir Jalil Habbush — a man still carrying with $1 million reward for capture, the Jack of Diamonds in Bush’s famous deck of wanted men — has been America’s secret source on Iraq. Starting in January of 2003, with Blair and Bush watching, his secret reports began to flow to officials on both sides of the Atlantic, saying that there were no WMD and that Hussein was acting so odd because of fear that the Iranians would find out he was a toothless tiger. The U.S. deep-sixed the intelligence report in February, “resettled” Habbush to a safe house in Jordan during the invasion and then paid him $5 million in what could only be considered hush money.
In the fall of 2003, after the world learned there were no WMD — as Habbush had foretold — the White House ordered the CIA to carry out a deception. The mission: create a handwritten letter, dated July, 2001, from Habbush to Saddam saying that Atta trained in Iraq before the attacks and the Saddam was buying yellow cake for Niger with help from a “small team from the al Qaeda organization.”
The mission was carried out, the letter was created, popped up in Baghdad, and roiled the global newcycles in December, 2003 (conning even venerable journalists with Tom Brokaw). The mission is a statutory violation of the charter of CIA, and amendments added in 1991, prohibiting CIA from conduction disinformation campaigns on U.S. soil.
So, here we go again: the administration full attack mode, calling me names, George Tenet is claiming he doesn’t remember any such thing — just like he couldn’t remember “slam dunk” — and reporters are scratching their heads. Everything in the book is on the record. Many sources. And so, we watch and wait….
Meanwhile, the US labour market continues to decline…..”A report today from the Labor Department showed initial jobless claims for the week ended Aug. 2 unexpectedly rose to the highest level in six years, signaling the labor market continues to weaken. Initial jobless claims increased by 7,000 to 455,000, the most since March 2002.”
The China Syndrome
Bo-Bo, the house of mirrors is stating to krinkle.
Good selection as usual, ec….The Bush White House – a house of mirrors or chamber of horrors?
Merci Bo-Bo,
“The Bush White House – a house of mirrors or chamber of horrors?”
Both and more. In the Obama W.H. there’ll be some changes made, bet yer blue booties on it! Night.
Goodnight EC!
Morning all. To back up my assertion I made some time ago on a previous blog, about the Confederates (and the KKK) finally loosing the war at this election. Here is a couple of articles connected with just that.
Tenn. Democrat faces lawyer who linked him to KKK.
A poll asked which candidate they had heard most about and by a
That’s now four polls. Tow how Obama ahead by 5% and two show Obama ahead by 6%.
Alls quiet on the Olympic front.
A great idea.
It’s the stupid economy stupid.
Very worrying.
Washington Post needs registration.
Tit for tat ads or anything you can do we can do better.
The New Southern Strategy
This is how shaky Republican fortunes are in 2008: In one of the most conservative corners of the conservative South, Democrats stand a good chance of winning a congressional seat.
This working-class, mostly rural district has been controlled by Republicans since 1964, when Alabama’s white electorate began its long turn away from the Democratic Party. In 2004, President George W. Bush won 67% of the district’s vote. Today’s leading candidate is Bobby Bright, a self-styled “Southern conservative” and sharecropper’s son from remote Alabama farm country. In another era, he would have run as a Republican. But he’s a Democrat, and early polls strongly suggest he can win.
Spurred by the souring economy and a newfound willingness to embrace conservative candidates, the Democratic Party is running its most competitive campaign across the South in 40 years, fielding potential winners along a rib of states stretching from Louisiana to Virginia, the heart of the Old Confederacy. Sen. Barack Obama’s ability to excite African-American voters in certain Southern races could provide an additional boost, too.
It’s the stupid economy stupid.
This article as in #59 is the perfect rebuttal to: Is Obama wasting time and money? The title of our thread.
The New Southern Strategy
Democrats Tap Conservative Candidates in GOP Bastions.
Thank you to David Gould who has provided us with material, that enables us to use our mind and think outside the square. More please it is very welcome.
After all we can’t have Vegemite, Vegemite, Vegemite, we need strawberries and cream occasionally.
The article in #61 also touches on the issues of the “Confederates (and the KKK) finally loosing the war at this election.”
44 blindoptimist
It’s right up there with “Curveball”, who to the best of German intelligence was at least totally unreliable and most likely a total fraud, but everything the guy ever said about mobile bio-labs ended up in Colin Powell’s mouth (to his eternal shame) in front of the UN and an attentive world.
This report is no more or less shocking in it’s utter damnation of a fraudulent, lying, dissembling, and utterly corrupt administration of neocon handlers.
Just more Bush/Cheney numb-numb, as in “Numbing Down America”.
God, bring it on (November), it’s time to bury the memory of this bunch of clowns masquerading as cowboys.
45 blindoptimist
You get the feeling the tide has only just started to run out, but it’s definitely running out! All the service industries, the household related, any discretionary spending…all tightening up the labour force. Not to mention the financial market contraction…lay-offs down Wall Street are gathering into a right little tornado.
It’s got a way to run out too.
46 Enemy Combatant
Nothing like waving the UN flag to the full-blooded paid up RNC members, eh Ecky?
I mean, had they listened to the UN in late 2002 they could have saved themselves a cool $3 trillion by not invading Iraq and letting the UN weapons inspectors actually check the places that Rumsfeld had marked on the map as being just chock full of WMD!
But nah, Georgie Porgie had a war to start, so stiff the UN and Hans Blix and plunge them into endless waste and death.
Yeah, how dare the UN get a cent of our money, eh?
$3 trillion, now there’s a good hip pocket nerve issue that people can be reminded about. Wasting 3 trillion on an unnecessary war, that could have stayed in the USA.
Surely if Clinotn can almost get impeached for misusing a cigar Bush and Co,. could be buried for the stuff that is coming out now about Iraq. Ah ,Democracy.
66 Chris B
It puts things in perspective when you realise that it’s nearly 20% of GDP!
The waste and financial they’ve dumped on them, you’d expect the Republicans to tarred and feathered if the electorate had had half a brain…and alas, they unfortunately do, since half are convinced that they’d be damned if ‘tax and spend liberals’ took over! LOL
They gonna need a dose of ‘tax and spend’ because they just cannot keep borrowing from overseas, and that message is getting louder and louder.
Time for a radical change: save, or pay in taxes, what you spend! Now there’s a concept they haven’t been familiar with in about a generation and a half!
As I keep saying, even the drovers dog can win this one, the signs are all there. After the Olympics, the assault shall begin.
What tactics will the Democrats use?
I prefer the Blitzkrieg method. Hit them very hard in four or five pincer movements (issues). Then encircle the disillusioned troupes and mop up in the last couple of weeks.
But they may use the gradual build up and hit them hard in the last two weeks.
It started sooner than I expected.
Off topic.
For science buffs and for those of you who enjoy Dan Brown, this is where the book Angels and Demons take place. The NY Times gives you an intricate look at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
You must be registered for the NY Times.
KR at 2,
If you look at the RCP average, it is clear that the recent trend has been dramatically in McCain’s favour.
On 28 June, Obama was 6.5 per cent ahead.
On 7 August, Obama was 3.6 per cent ahead.
That is a 3 per cent tightening in five weeks – a clear advantage to McCain.
Now, obviously I would much rather be in Obama’s current position than McCain’s – being 3.6 per cent ahead is way better than being 3.6 behind!
But the recent trend – and I would call 3 per cent in five weeks ‘momentum’, but I guess that is a question of definitions – is to McCain.
To all those who seem to continue to doubt the polls, I have to wonder why they are quoted so often by those strongly in support of Obama when those polls show him increasing his lead, and why minute swings to him in red states seem to be analysed continuously.
As I keep saying, the polls are the only data that we have to go on. If we assume they are wrong, we may as well assume that McCain is going to win 538 electoral votes – after all, the polls are wrong, aren’t they?
For those arguing that the 50-state strategy is all about the future for the Democrats, I would point out that this particularly election has unique factors, the most remarkable of course being Obama himself. If – if – Obama produces swings towards him in red states, then much of that will be because of Obama alone, combined with the unpopularity of Bush and the state of the economy. It will not assist the Democratic Party at future elections.
Reagan, for example, won in a massive landslide. A few elections later, Clinton was in power. There was no long-term change or trend in demographics or voting intentions. The same can be said of the Republican congressional victories in the 1990s. All those have been swept away in the course of around a decade.
I would also point out that Obama’s strategy in the primaries was against a different opponent and was dealing with different demographics than in the general election. And, I will point out, the primary was close – it was not a landslide victory to Obama. As such, it is debatable how successful this strategy was. If Obama had concentrated on big swing states in the traditional manner, he would likely have won by a similar margin.
This election is going to be decided in five states. (And I would argue for three, actually, but I am happy to go with the current polling). Obama is going to win. But it is not going to be a landslide. He will likely get close to 300 electoral votes. What we need to remember is that if he gets 300 electoral votes that would mean that if he had lost two states such as Michigan and Ohio he would have lost the election. That is a close election.
Drover’s dogs do not win elections in the US.
Further, arguing that this strategy ‘forces’ McCain to spend across the map on a much tighter budget ignores the reality. McCain is not bothering to spend money in states that he knows that he will win, while Obama is spending money in states that he knows he is going to lose. This is a huge mistake on Obama’s part, as it assists McCain in his efforts to match Obama’s spending in the states that do matter.
Chris B at 61,
That article is about congressional races, not the presidential race, so I am unsure how it is a rebuttal to my thesis.
However, if you are arguing that Obama spending ad money in states that he cannot win but where the Democrat congressional candidates can will help push them over the edge, then that is an interesting thought.
However, there is also the possibility that linking Obama with Democratic congressional candidates who are in with a shot because they are conservatives might weaken their positions.
As such, I am still not sure that it is a wise move. Further, I do not think that that is what is behind Obama’s strategy – at least, that has never been mentioned in any articles that I have read on it. Maybe someone here has seen something?
74 David Gould It certainly will help the Democrats after the 2010 election. The Democrats will have an unbeatable majority in the senate. Even if they don’t win a filibuster proof senate in 2008, they will it in 2010. Unless they stuff it badly. Which is always possible. After 2010 redistricting occurs. Which will favour the Democrats. One vote one value will be introduced. Which will help the Democrats maintain control. Proportional voting, instead of winner takes all, will be introduced. So in the interests of a far more democratic USA. The Democrats will be around for a long time. Again unless they stuff it.
David you seem to have totally missed my article at #59 so to help you out I’ll post it again.
The New Southern Strategy
This is how shaky Republican fortunes are in 2008: In one of the most conservative corners of the conservative South, Democrats stand a good chance of winning a congressional seat.
This working-class, mostly rural district has been controlled by Republicans since 1964, when Alabama’s white electorate began its long turn away from the Democratic Party. In 2004, President George W. Bush won 67% of the district’s vote. Today’s leading candidate is Bobby Bright, a self-styled “Southern conservative” and sharecropper’s son from remote Alabama farm country. In another era, he would have run as a Republican. But he’s a Democrat, and early polls strongly suggest he can win.
Spurred by the souring economy and a newfound willingness to embrace conservative candidates, the Democratic Party is running its most competitive campaign across the South in 40 years, fielding potential winners along a rib of states stretching from Louisiana to Virginia, the heart of the Old Confederacy. Sen. Barack Obama’s ability to excite African-American voters in certain Southern races could provide an additional boost, too.
David. I have sent a drovers dog to the USA to help out.
David you seem to have missed four recent polls two that have him on 5% and two that have him on 6%. A total reversal from having McCain in front.
Enemy Combatant at 8,
How’s it going? 🙂
Obama will win New Mexico and Colorado. I have no problems with him competing there. However, those two states are not the keys to this election. Obama can win them by 30 points and McCain can still win this thing if he holds Indiana and wins Ohio, Virginia and Michigan (or Pennsylvania instead of one of those four.)
That is the issue that I am concerned about here.
As to looking like a big picture guy, there are problems there, too. If he spends big in, say, North Carolina and doesn’t move the polls, then he looks like a chump, not a leader. And that look can flow over into other states.
Outspend McCain on national ads by two to one and hit the key five states.
As to Bennelong, there is no real analogue in the US. Which state, for example, would you see as Bennelong? On current polling, maybe North Carolina would fit the bill. But I am very sceptical that Obama can make any inroads there.
77 David Gould
If this is an opportunity to bolster enrollments and tilt the playing field for the long term it makes more sense. Even the stressing Macca line makes sense, but I’d doubt they’ve done it as an exercise in blowing money for no strategic reason. If the reports of Obama’s net worth are even near the mark, he’s building a cash machine with his database and you’d have to expect in some of those states there’s not been much harvesting (or sowing?) of that type been done for a very long time.
I read in Time or somwhere, that the OBama campaign will reimburse the train fair to the office, but not a cab fare! And the general tone is one of carefulness with cash, (unlike another Democrat Senator we could name! LOL).
Most importantly this one.
Democrats Way Ahead on Generic Congressional Ballot
The latest AP-Ipsos poll gives Democrats an 18 point lead in the generic ballot test for control of Congress. When asked who they would prefer to see win control of Congress, registered voters preferred Democrats by a whopping 53% to 35% margin.
August 6, 2008
ChrisB at 79, isn’t that the same article you posted at 61 and to which I responded? If not, I apologise.
Drover’s dogs don’t help in the US. 🙁
David Gould at 73
I agree with you – polls coming out now are giving us information about the state of things on the ground. But – every talking head with a pinch of electoral experience is telling us these polls are akin to long range radar in that they are suggestive, not authoritative. Based on that premise, Virginia, Indiana and North Carolina are all potentially in play (and they are all states that have been red for 20 years or more).
Anyway – I figure the next reference point will be polls after the conventions, and thats only a few weeks away. At that point the countdown to election day will be on in earnest.
82 David Gould. Thanks David we need someone to challenge us. 🙂
Democrats being way ahead on congressional ballots has nothing to do with the presidential election. They are two different elections, Chris. And that is why the polling for the congressional elections is showing different things to the polling for the presidency.
85 David Gould Yeah, I missed it. But they are all the elections tied in together. The major issues are the same for them all. The Republican brand is extremely damaged. As shown in #84
KR at 83,
As I pointed out previously, this long-term idea does not play. People do not get moved long-term. See my comments on Reagan and the Republican congressional victories in the 1990s. They changed the map – very, very briefly.
The Obama campaign may be careful with money. That does not mean that they will not make mistakes. And I think that spending money in states they know that they cannot win or they know will not make a difference to the final result if they do win them is a mistake. They obviously think differently.
I’ll go on the record and say that I agree with David Gould 100% on this issue.
Obama is wasting money in states like NC, where he hasn’t led a poll since April (excluding the slightly dubious Zogby Interactive). Meanwhile, his once strong leads in states like Oregon, Ohio and Wisconscin have been steadily declining. He should invest in these states (plus PA, MI, CO and VA) to try to lock up the 270 EC votes he needs.
After all, Obama is still President whether he wins 270 EC Votes or 538. It only makes sense to spend his vast resources on ensuring he will win in November – once he’s locked that up, then he can concentrate on realigning the South…
I am assuming that the polls you are talking about are the ones mentioned on RCP. As such, they are factored into McCain closing the gap by three points. I used the RCP averages. You will notice that the tracking polls with large samples have McCain a lot closer than the other polls. However, RCP weights them all equally, and that is how we get the current average of a 3.6 lead for Obama.
Chris B at 78,
I remember the Republicans gaining control of Congress in the 1990s. Where is that control now? Talking about long-term alterations to the political map is not sensible. The political climate just five years from now will be completely different to what it is now.
Oh, and Clinton for VP. 😉
Actually there is four elections. President, house , senate and state elections. Democrats will sweep all four. The Republican brand is so damaged, and the 5 top issues belong to the Democrats.
Including it’s the stupid economy stupid, being biggest.
No Ruling Party or president has ever been returned with a bad economy.
This would be the second worst US economy, in history.
94 David Gould Yes! 🙂
DG (and others),
It is possible that this election will be a realigning election in the US (like 1968 or 1992).
However, the way the map looks atm and the current state of the polls suggests that the map is going to look like something of a cross between Gore 2000 and Clinton 1992 (with some obvious exceptions like TN and AR).
It doesn’t seem like a realigning election at all – after all, most “blue” states look pretty safe for Obama (only real states in question are MI and NH), whilst the vast majority of “red” states look like they’ll vote for McCain. The only traditionally red states that are under serious threat are VA and IN – CO, NM and IA are classic purple states.
Chris B,
I agree that Obama will win. However, it will not be a landslide and it will not ‘change the electoral map’ in any meaningful way. Sure, he will pick up some red states. But guess what? He needs to do that to become president because the Republicans won the majority of EVs last time. This election is going to be close.
Chris B,
[No Ruling Party or president has ever been returned with a bad economy.]
That’s not quite true. Eisenhower’s 2 terms were marked by the US more or less being in a permanent recession/low growth phase.
However, Ike was re-elected in an even bigger landslide in 1956 than his initial election in 1952, whilst Nixon barely lost to Kennedy in 1960.
Also worth noting is that the US suffered several recessions between 1948 and 1994, yet control of the House never changed.
If the Democrats cannot win in a landslide they do not deserve to be in.