Open Thread

The State of Play

I believe that Obama will retain all the Kerry states, including New Hampshire. I also believe he will win Colorado, Iowa, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia. Read on to discover how Barack Obama will capture 310 electorial votes against 228 for John McCain.

With the current state of the polls and people’s interpretations of what the polls say is going to happen in 8 weeks varying by a large amount, I thought I would state just what is required to win in November, and what I personally believe will happen.

The Numbers

The results in 2004 were Kerry 251, Bush 286. The states that Obama can possibly take from McCain according to the polls are Colorado (9), Florida (27), Indiana (11), Iowa (7), Missouri (11), Montana (3), New Mexico (5), North Carolina (15), North Dakota (3), Nevada (5), Ohio (20), South Dakota (3) and Virginia (13). The states McCain can possibly take are Michigan (17), New Hampshire (4), Pennsylvania (21) and Wisconsin (10).

This gives Obama and McCain absolute maximums of 383 and 338 respectively.

Now to be more realistic about the candidate’s chances, the only state that McCain can reasonably believe he can take is New Hampshire. Obama on the other hand is almost guaranteed Iowa, while Colorado, Florida, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia are all very much in play.

This means that Obama’s likely maximum is 333 while McCain’s is 290.

Barack Obama needs 19 electoral votes more than Kerry to win, or 23 if McCain takes New Hampshire.

Oletko pystynyt nauttimaan reissuista samalla lailla kuin ennenkin tai onko pitänyt jättää jokin reissu tekemättä. Yhdessä nämä haittavaikutukset useimmiten eivät vaikeuta työtä, joten luultavasti tulee olemaan paikka, verkkosivusto johon ensin huomaat ne. Ei ole mun juttu vetää kloorin hajuista kemikaalia.”.

By GhostWhoVotes

An Australian political observer.

542 replies on “The State of Play”

Welcome to new world. The door is open. Head caterer EC!
Well done Catrina and all the other helpers on our new place of abode.
The gloves will no doubt be coming off with the preliminary stages of the unlacing, followed slowly by the tearing off process as the cycle moves closer to Guy Fawkes day and all the big bungers that may be ignited and thrown under Goppers.
BO by plenty!

“BO by plenty!”

Jeez, that takes me back. In my misspent comic childhood, there was a Dick Tracy character called “BO Plenty”. Maybe that could be the new slogan, ‘BO Plenty’.

Reassuring analysis. I hope David can’t see too many flaws in it.

U.S. seizes Fannie and Freddie.
Treasury chief Paulson unveils historic government takeover of twin mortgage buyers. Top executives are out.

Federal officials on Sunday unveiled an extraordinary takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, putting the government in charge of the twin mortgage giants and the $5 trillion in home loans they back.

The move, which allows the Treasury to provide as much as $200 billion in capital to the two companies, marks Washington’s most dramatic attempt yet to shore up the nation’s housing market, which is suffering from record foreclosures and falling prices.

Hmm, I wonder who is going to be blamed for this mess, I am sure DG will have a different slant on this.

The only flaw I see 😉 is that I do not think that Obama will win Virginia. As such, I still have Obama on 298. However, I did recently suggest that Obama might well get a boost of around 10 EVs from the Palin pick. While I probably resile from that at this point, that tallies up pretty close to adding Virginia. (And I also always had Virginia in play for Obama – well, the polls have, and I follow the polls).

Virginia. Ohio. Michigan.

Chris B at 6

There are process permission issues that are causing some grief. If your logged in you don’t need enter any details when you comment (check you inbox for account details). Basically the process that handles HTTP requests in running under a different identity to the identity I have control over for things like plugins, local files and such – but I have friends in high places and I’m working on sorting it.


$7 million and counting in attack ads; more coming as election nears.
At least $7 million has flowed into attack ads and stealth campaigns against state and federal political candidates in Colorado so far this year, with the most expensive campaigning still ahead.
Non-profit issues groups last week aired the last of million-dollar campaigns against candidates for Congress, while the independent 527 groups have amassed millions more to launch their political blitzes for control of the state Legislature.

The result will be a barrage of negative campaigning between now and the Nov. 4 election, analysts said.

Virginia Adds 49K New Voters in August.
With time running out on its push to register thousands of new voters in Virginia, the Obama campaign is picking up the pace. State election officials told the campaign Friday that 49,000 new voters signed up in August, a sharp increase from the 36,500 who signed up in July and the 28,000 who registered in June.
The campaign had predicted that its August numbers could lag given the difficulty of reaching residents during vacation season. But the August gain puts the Obama campaign very much on track toward its goal of signing up 150,000 new voters by the early October voter registration deadline, on top of the 142,000 new voters who registered during primary season.

Good morning all!
We’ve moved again(let’s not tell Ron and the other trolls).

I’ll predict Obama holds all the Kerry states, and gains New Mexico, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio and Colorado or Virginia.
So yes, a total a little over 300 ECVs.

Ten years ago, Washington was given a perfect example of what to expect with unregulated markets, and it was an expensive lesson they failed to learn:

…but this time around it’s going to cost many times more. Freddie and Fannie were time bombs, always there, always ticking, and no one bothered to call in the engineers and defuse them.

Now, even Macca realises that it’s not just a ‘mental recession’:

“Americans are hurting in a way that they have not hurt for a long time,” Mr. McCain said, adding: “You know, we’ve got a very tough sledding to go through.”


So the rhetoric is gradually shifting and this is one area where Obama can surely indict the Republicans and the failed economic policies of GW Bush.


Morinin’ Prog.

I’ve got a small wager for Obama to win over 300 EV’s so I’m with you on this one! LOL


Apart from the issue Chris mentioned at #6, if anyone is seeing any other technical problems please let me know as soon as possible.

I am Catrina and I authorize this message.


Spam Inbox – you have just been upgraded to Contributor. This means you now have the potential to grasp fame and fortune. The opportunity is there on a plate in front of you – all you need to do is click on Write/Post – create some amazing content – set the publication status to “Pending Review” and then … magic happens – trust me!

Congrats on the new site and well done Catrina!
Looking forward to spending many hours reading the excellent posts and comments here over the next few months.

You guys have created an excellent community here and in my daily travels around the interwebs, I find this place always makes me feel good. Coming here after some of the other places I haunt is like cleaning poo off your shoe’s after a walk 😉

Ah, I didn’t realise that it would do that when I registered :blush:

I’ll think about it Catrina, thanks for the encouragement but I wouldn’t hold your breath 😉

Nice to see the new home opened up. Just a minor bug, in the Authors list, KR’s name is spelt ‘Kirribillie Removals’.

Congratulations on the new site.

According to Drudge, the NYT is about to go with something bid on Palin’s baby.

GhostWhoVotes at 22

Yes yes – I know about this already. You would have though the morphine would have kept the bastard down but oh no – I get an email complaining about my spelling skills at 09:26 in the morning!

He must be getting better!


It was nothing to do with “it” – that was all to do with me.

😆 ok
In that case I promise to really think about it

Well, it seems that the 1%ers of outlaw poliblogging have found a home . 😀

Catrina, are you able to paginate the comments, now that the site if off WordPress? Some nice recipes on the home page too.

HusseinWorm at 26

Catrina, are you able to paginate the comments, now that the site if off WordPress?

Just hold your breath until comment 101.


Some nice recipes on the home page too.

Don’t mention that just yet – I’m about two weeks behind on a deadline for publishing a recipe for Salade Niçoise.

In the meantime – Cat needs sleep.

So HERE you all are! Ever read Dan Brown’s ‘Angel’s & Demons’ (yeah, I have low-brow tastes at bedtime) where Langdon has to find the clues around Rome that will lead him to the ancient Illuminati Lair? It’s a bit like that trying to find you lot!

Anyhow…so much has happened since I vanished into the ether. Has the politics of guns and ignorance vanquished The Kid? Hell….Pauline Hanson would have been elected Governor in Alaska….and maybe even VP! The GOP has gained a bigger bounce from their convention than the Dems could muster from theirs. Will it last with the focus now returning to Freddie & Fannie’s economy?

The sobering reality is that Obama should be miles ahead in the current circumstances but he’s not. As two old men, a charismatic black guy and a rather cute ignoramus tumble, neck and neck, towards the tape, will race be the deciding factor after all ? Is ignorance such a powerful totem in the (self-proclaimed) world’s greatest democracy?

What say you, Illuminati?


I think Catrina has got Kirribillie so as to suggest ‘hillbillie’ (which is the official hillbilly spelling in case you weren’t familiar with the nuances: drop the y, add ‘ies’ for the plural, and so, by ‘hillbillie’ logic, you drop the ‘s’ to get the singular! LOL)

Who says hillbillies aren’t smart?

Spaminator alert!! Seems it doesn’t like Fairfax or politico, can’t blame it.

FG, the American dark age continues unabated.

Hiya Spam. have you had a nom de plume graft since we last spoke or have we never met?

Hi to you too Hussein. Unabated? Try rampant and psychotic.

David G, I love your optimism. What’s it based on? And remember this is America we’re talking about so the normal rules of sense and reason don’t apply.

congrat on the new site, and DG happy to call a truce and believe that you are not a concern troll.

And everytime I scratch my head and think how the hell is McCain so competitive especially with Palin on board, I remeber that these guys voted in GWB twice (well once with the Supreme Court’s help)

Ferny Grover,

Actually, I am a pessimist compared to pretty much everyone here. But not in this case.

Bounces come and go, usually returning to the status-quo.

However, I think that Obama has some advantages here with recent economic news and Palin mobilising the Democratic base a tad. That is why I think that he will be up a little.

This will not have much impact on state polling, though. I expect that to be about where it was before the conventions.

As to sense and reason, America is different, yes. But we can look at historical convention bounces and see that they pretty much all fade in a few weeks.


No problems. 🙂

And that is what everyone should remember: the USA is right-wing. (We should recognise that Australia is right-wing, too, by the way – we voted for Howard four times in a row, and he needed no High Court help.)

Ah…righto Spam. I’m always happy to return a greeting to a friendly Inbox.

Thanks for that DG. The fact that it’s neck and neck this close to the line in the current climate is, in my view, grim for the Dems. They would not have expected to be in this position 8 weeks out. Is this a pro-Conservative thing – or a “anyone but the Dems” thing? As counter-intuitive as it may seem, the current economic uncertainty may just make folks cling to the familiar – and Grandpa McC has that in spades.

Obama slides on intrade big time. McCain is less than 11 points behind now.

One thing that I will mention here is that prior to the conventions all the momentum was with McCain. The polls had narrowed with the Hilton ads and the Obama camp was, imo, unable to respond effectively.

The conventions broke that pattern, which is good for Obama.

The question is: will the trend revert to what it was prior to the conventions or has it been snapped out of that trajectory?

I do not like the intrade trend. I think that for this short period they give us better information than the state markets, and I posted a comment over at possum to this effect.

I think that we need some state polling taken over the next weekend to see for sure what is going on here.

Ferny Grover at 41,

It has always been neck and neck, despite all of those folks predicting a landslide based on some mythical 50-state strategy.

The polls have always shown this. It is just that – for whatever reason – people have been inclined to toss the polls to one side. Foolish. This election will be close, with Obama winning it by two states that he will not win by more than a few per cent, with a national vote tally comparable to the Bush/Kerry spread.

The point, DG, is that in the current climate, it shouldn’t be close. There is nothing the GOP can say in its defence that could reasonably entitle them to 4 more years. They have blown the task of government by almost any indicator you could muster. And their candidate is an old man with nothing to offer in a ramshackle shotgun marriage to an ignoramus of the far right that he has always publicly shunned. The GOP have no legacy to look back on and no credibility in this campaign.

But they’re still in this race and the momentum is now running with them. The question is Why?

I will give my opinion, but it will draw boos and hisses from the crowd. And I am a Clinton supporter.

The fact is, the Democrats selected their weakest candidate; the Republicans, their strongest.

Obama is the most left-leaning person in Congress. He is certainly from the so-called liberal elite. He has an atypical life history. He is black.

So, while he most certainly appeals to the left, he is anathema to the right.

And, quite simply, McCain appeals to moderates.

We know that the Democrats have trouble winning the presidency. It has only happened three times in the last 40 years. This is because time and again they have underestimated how far to the right the US actually is. Carter won after Nixon, for pete’s sake. Clinton won in part because of Perot and in part because he was more to the centre.

I will give my opinion, but it will draw boos and hisses from the crowd

No boo’s or hisses from me DG… I think your on the money with this…. for what it’s worth, on many of your other comments as well

Depends on what you mean by weakest candidate, DG. If you have to walk and talk like a republican in order to win, then have the republicans lost? Clinton was a terrible President, his foreign policy sowed the seeds of 9/11 and was no break from the Republican continuum.

Australia is a conservative country, but Australians don’t play identity politics to the point of voting against their own best interests, like the Americans do. That is why Howard lost when he decided to attack the working class directly. That is the disconnect which exists in American politics, as identified by Obama with his talk of people clinging to guns and religion. The Coalition’s election platform would be the far more liberal than either Obama’s or Clinton’s if presented in the American context.

Anyhoo, we’ve done this to death over the last few months. Even you are predicting an Obama win aren’t you, DG? So he can’t be that weak.


Would you rather a moderate Republican or an extreme Republican? If as a leftist I have to dump some principles to win, I will do so. Better that than having those with principles that I passionately oppose in charge. But many on the left seem to insist that losing while being principled is better, which is ridiculous nonsense.

And Clinton was not a terrible president. The seeds for 9/11 were sown back in the Cold War years.

Obama will win. But not easily, and he never was going to win easily.

I agree that from our perspective Obama is not really on the left. But within the American spectrum, he most certainly is.

46 Ferny Grover Couldn’t agree more, there is no logical reason for these polls. I cannot see that the American public would be fooled three times in a row. I am still sticking with my bet of over 400 seats, and 60+ in the senate. It is not logical what is happening now, but I have no answer for it.

PS my email still does not fill in automatically.

Principles are the name of the game, DG. As I said in an earlier post on the old site. For educated liberals and the real poor, who are Obama’s biggest constitiuencies, nothing much has changed or will change in an economic sense, over the years. It’s the working class who are backsliding.

Hey Ferny –
good to see you back – and I’m not wagering anymore with you (hope you enjoyed all your spoils of war).
I am nervous about this too. I completely agree that Obama should be streets ahead by now. And as a few of us keep alluding to , this mob elected GWB- twice. Scary stuff.
However I’m not giving up, just sweating a little: appealing to the lowest denominator has been proven to work in the past unfortunately. And McBush and Madonna are the penultimate examples .

Why ‘should’ Obama be streets ahead?

In general terms, the working class have completely different social values than the intellectual left. They always have. This is what the Republicans have always known and the Democrats have not yet figured out – probably because they are run by the intellectuals and not the working class.

ps – Catrina: brilliant!
although am having the same prob as Chris with name and email address.
Will wait and see what happens…

Why Obama would be streets ahead, if you added moose shooting to the list. 🙂

DG, Obama has figured it out. he just doesn’t want to go down that path. It’s often puzzled me why New York, the icon city that is the target of most of the terrorist attacks, is a solidly blue state. Yet so many smaller states that don’t figure on the terrorists radar want to vote republican because their country is under attack. X)

One of the main reasons that the left loses so often is because … we do not understand why we lose.

The world is not left-wing, no matter how much we dream.

As for Bush, Bush won two elections. We hate him (well, I do not, but I am using the ‘we’ generically; the right, not so much. If he was running he would get close to 45 per cent of the vote.

Yoda: “And that is why you fail.” 😉

Good Afternoon and Happy Birthday, men and women of the One Hundred and First Fighting Pollies. We have lift off. Independent lift off, that is, and it feels mighty good.
Catrina, thank you for your determination, patience and techno-savvy. And hearty congratulations.

Ladies and Gentleman, please be upstanding and with your glasses suitably charged, a toast:


*glug glug glug*

While Cat kept megan and I “in the loop” re the vicissitudes and tribualtions of our C of A and rebranding, all the hard yakka was Cat’s.
Mon Sept 8:;_ylt=A0WTUcoot8RIuoAATQADwLAF
Great to see you, Ferny and Dio.
Now, back to read all the comments:)

DG, we are going a bit silly now. I think we all know that the left loses most elections because it’s not right-wing enough. So in order to win, the left has to become more right-wing. So then the left wins apparently??

I’m not an American, I’m not a Democrat, I don’t really care who wins out of the republicans and the right faction of the Democrats. What interests me about Obama is his different foreign policy approach and it’s affect on this country.

The trick is not necessarily being right wing. It is appearing to be right wing in the necessary – ie, vote-getting – ways.

The suffering of people is at issue here. To minimise suffering, we need the least right-wing government that we can get. Losing with nobility does not actually help people.

In any case, I am simply responding to all those people who seem to think that it is bizarre that this election is close. Understanding why is very important.

I find it easy enough to understand why business and the better off may prefer the Republicans, but why the white working class? They get little benefit from having the Repubs in power. The other strange thing both here and in the US is the idea that intelligence is somehow a negative in a politician. I prefer my leaders to be a lot more canny and intelligent than I am, even if that means they are a touch remote.


The “Howard’s battlers” syndrome was predicated on two broad principles: bribe the middle and working class with their own money, and scare the sh!t out of the not so bright ones that the Opposition would require their first-borne as down payment on remaining citizens, (or some such ludicrous proposition).

Fear and bribery worked for Howard, it worked for Bush, and momentarily (according to the never quite reliable polls), and it’s working for Macca, who since dragging out Rambo-Moose-Mom has seen his stocks rise.

And check the ‘base’, the ones who vowed to vote for Clinton instead of McCain, like Ann (‘the demented’) Coulter, and Rush (me to detox) Limbaugh spring to mind here, they are suddenly all cock-a-hoop since Macca found this hunting dog that can do tricks like bad-mouth Democrats on stage. Andadd in the creationists and the anti-abortionists and the loopy nutters that Macca p!ssed off years ago by telling the truth about: “agents of intolerance” he called them.

But with Sarah prancing around with the raw steak in her mouth, they’ve all started swooning about the Republican ticket, which from where I sit, is one old guy who’s been Bush’s doppleganger on just about everything for two terms, and a moose shootin’ version of Ann Coulter (with more kids and somewhat better personal grooming).

Moose Hunting with Jesus is fine (as long they take along Dick Cheney for some payback) for the rednecks and wanna be frontiersmen and women, but it’s got nothing to do with policy in real terms, and everything to do with tribal identification. In some ways Palin is just another (weird) variation on the Latter Day Confederates, and I’m never quite sure how much is calculated pandering and how much is the result of inbreeding, but there’s no denying it works…to some degree.

Here’s Obama’s challenge: to push this fringe stuff to the fringe (where it truly belongs) and replace it with a political dialogue that’s engaging and relevant. Given the dire position of America, there’s really plenty to talk about other than a dancing moose hound’s stage show.

Hi Kirri- too true. It is too horrible to contemplate that the Repugs could regain power simply because they appeal to the ill informed.
However we know it happens- too often. I was just hoping (and still am) that we were finally going to see neoconservatism ousted. Instead it’s getting a bounce cos of the Moose-shootin’ Mamma …
and the Fundies get power too.
Holy Hell.

57 David Gould I think we have gone over this so many times David. No point in explaining again and again and again.

[The trick is not necessarily being right wing. It is appearing to be right wing in the necessary – ie, vote-getting – ways.]

The REAL trick is getting the MSM on board. It doesn’t matter whether a presidential candidate’s politics is Left or Right, their policies, character, history, the whole she-bang, is easily spun into a positive or negative narrative. If you don’t believe me, just watch Fox News. The sad thing is that the U.S. has masses of unthinking people who will soak up the narrative and vote accordingly, even when their vote goes to someone who is likely to act AGAINST their personal interests. There are lots of Homer Simpsons out there. My impression is that this is less the case in Australia, as demonstrated by the previous federal election.

These days, part of getting the media on side is to preach Right-wing politics, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Obama needs to find ways of getting as many talking heads on side as possible. Fortunately though, his campaign is loaded with cash, so he can bypass the media to some extent with plenty of advertisements going direct to people’s living rooms, but if the media commentary runs against him, the road ahead will be much harder.

Hypothetically: how would Hillary have gone against McCain?
Where would the polls be right now if she was the Democratic candidate?
David: I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist this one!

Gaffhook @ 74

That was brilliant! Sums just about everything up at this stage.

One thing I am curious about (and I mentioned this back on the original PB blog a week ago) is that some people are absolutely insistent that had Hillary scored the nomination that she would be streets ahead of McCain by this stage. At least that’s what the rabid Hillary supporters have been spouting.

But exactly what proof is it that they have that leads to this conclusion that Hillary would have had the race in the bag had she scored the Democrat nomination? Wouldn’t we be looking at the same sort of split that we have right now? And the 18 million voters of Hillary appear to be OK with the result now and are leaning towards getting fully behind Obama.

I guess my point in all of this is that I cannot understand what would have made Hillary a stronger candidate than Obama to the point where she would virtually be assured the Presidency on a platter. There is nothing to suggest that it would go either way, poll-wise. From what I saw during the Primaries, they were both very strong candidates and both would do very well in the election. Right now, all I care about is trying to ensure that the Democrats as a whole are the party that wins on November 4.

Evening Ticksters,
Talk about late for the launch. Temporarily unable to self-despaminate. Sounds awful but it’s true! The bouncer at WordPress won’t come at my password. Two jammed in the slot, two standing by.
Assistance, s’il vous plait.

Enemy Combatant

It’s the orange jump suit Ecky…the system is programmed to keep your type on the other side of the razor wire! LOL

Ecky released @ 63 and 80(?)
Evening all, and isn’t the place just dandy! Cat has a real flair doesn’t she? And the rest of you aren’t too bad either 🙂
Hi Jen, sounds like a blissful hols.

Ecky, just read your post about not being able to despam yourself!
Talk about disempowerment! 🙂


Yep agree with your sentiments entirely.
It’s like the NT they say about it you never never know if you never never go. Thats where Hillary sits at the moment. She lost the primaries and she is not the candidate. Nobody will ever know if she woulda or wouldn’ta. Thats life and lifes a beach!

You don’t mind them saying it once, like free speech etc, but when they continually try to ram it down your throat it wears a bit thin.
I was more of a lurker over there watching all the slimewrestling.
It’s been real good so far here no personal attacks etc.

Law of aves says something will happen sooner or later but i am sure the “Welders Dog” will latch on to their ankles pretty quick.
There are a lot more posters now so things look like they might liven up a bit with a few more diverse opinions.



He may have scored one of the new Qld Yellow Ergon fireproof uniforms made in the orient. The CSIRO has them now testing them. All the workers that are wearing them are trippin out.

It’s not the moose murdering that’s the biggest worry! Just check out Palin’s ‘vermin eradication’ policy in the form of aerial shooting of wolves (the varmints kill ‘our’ moose!) and you realise she’s the got the ‘final solution’ hard wired into her DNA.

And scientific assessment? Well who needs science? Certainly not this moose in wolve’s clothing!

This article in Salon gives a much better idea of who Sarah Palin really is than her stand-up routine in Minnesota:

…pro-gun and pro-life just as long as you don’t howl. If you do…look out!

that can’t be true, what with all that money being poured into abstinence programs and Prayin to The Lord in the classrooms…
good for the wedding industry though. Not to mention florists and shotgun sellers:twisted:
What a fcked up country: “we support Life” (ie force young kids to have babies when they have unptrotected sex), but we defend the right to bear arms against each other – cos it’s not guns that kill, it’s people dontcha know.

And they vote…
in fact they run for president FFS.

The GOP poll bounce is particularly “character building” for supporters of The Kid. So is the fact that Olbermann has been demoted from his “anchor role” at MSNBC in favour of “Rap Dancing for Carl” lap dog, David Gregory.
Obi’s telly ads have been formulaic and relatively tame (cf link in right column to 538) and the MSM are fawning for the “Fuhrer Touch” from Mistress Sarah, as it was so accurately identified, by Anabel Crabbe in her lastest Op-Ed in SMH online.

For Obama to be where he is at this point of the campaign is a feat of leadership and teamwork. Team Kid have got a monumental fight on their hands. When opposing forces attack, a great leader rallies the troops to hold fast.
The old United We Stand routine. Obama must do this quickly to capitalise on his ground game advantage, because GOPper fundies (organisers, sidewalk pounding footsoldiers) have just had a rev-up extraordinaire from Yup-Yup Palin and this effect must be countered with rank and file registrations and enthusiasm.

The electorate at large have engaged and many are dazzled by Palin, but will the thrill fade in another 50 or 60 news cycles before the One on One debates between the leaders? Palin has a tame interview on ABC next Sunday. Apart from that she’s been quarantined because so far, her handlers are afraid she’ll fail under her “close-ups”.

By next weekend if McCain’s “bounce enhanced” poll advantage hasn’t been smoothed out, then Obi could have pause for con…..con…..con…cons…cons….CONCERN!. (goddammit)
The lock Baz has on the 12 ECVs in IA and NM are no doubt a source of consolation in these turbulent times.

Today’s polls produced a “shit, eh?” and a raised eyebrow, but that knawing feeling deep inside that is the harbinger of imminent defeat?

No way!
Merci megan, the ignominy of it all:sad:
And thanks to the reident smart arses for your warm gestures of support.
Ve know vere you peeble liff:evil:

I don’t know how true the figures are either Chris, but trust The Guardian to be reasonably thorough with their facts.

don’t you just lurve the hypocrisy? Pro-life and pro-capital punishment ? The list just goes on…..
Suspect the reason for the fundies being so smug is that they believe that if you are a Christian (by their definition of that word) you will be saved bodily by the Rapture , so they have absolutely nothing to fear….unlike the rest of us.

Comments are closed.