Open Thread

A Rear Admirals’ Vice is A Vice Admiral in his Rear!

Like Nelson said to Hardy “kiss me Hardy” and Hardy replied “kiss ya be fucked Horatio I’m next in line for Admiral”

The only things that Captain McCain and I have in common are that we both sailed through more water than the average shark, in the Grey Funnel Line, in roughly the same era except for the fact that he made more of a career out of it than me. We served in the same waters at the time of the Vietnam War. We both probably sailed past more lighthouses than the average Chucky Six Pack has seen shithouses and both probably saw more Action Stations than Barbie Six Pack has seen railway stations. He was a “Birdie” and I was an electrician. We were of course in different Navies, he in The USN and me in the RAN. Now days the life of a sailor is considered as the ships being made of steel, the men made of wood, and it is all Wine, Women and Song, but way back then the ships were made of wood, the men of steel, and it was Rum, Bum and Gramophone Records.

(disclaimer ; without the bum)

Macca had a lot to live up to as his Father and his Grandfather were Four Star Admirals. The only step above Admiral in the USN is Fleet Admiral (the big Boss). His boss of course is the C.I.C. (Commander in Chief).

Young Macca no doubt had burning ambitions to be the equal of or go one step better than his Pop or Pop Pop.

He joined the Naval Academy and in 1958 graduated as an Ensign at number 894 of 899 graduates. Not exactly top of the class! He subsequently went into training and became a Birdie. His ability to crash planes and play up left a lot to be desired and one wonders if the records of his Poppys had some influence on his not being severely disciplined which may have ultimately affected his chances of promotion. When one reads his records, he has had some bailouts over the years, but his most important bail out was on 26 October 1967 when he was shot down over North Vietnam and became a POW. He was released on March 14th 1973. He had the ranking of Lieutenant Commander at the time. There would have been little chance of him receiving any promotions as a POW and this would have severely stalled his desire to make Admiral. He was given different assignments in US Naval Bases and after having only reached the rank of Captain resigned from the Navy on April 1st 1981. (April fool)

At this point in his life he most probably would have been an honest and upstanding member of the community. He subsequently decided on a political career and was elected to the House in 1982 and the Senate in 1986.

Over the period of the next 26 years he developed an uncanny knack of becoming involved with lots of the more shady characters that have graced the US political stables and the only way he was going to surpass his Poppys’ Admiral Status was to become C.I.C. He ran against the Imbecile for POTUS in 2000 and failed after he was swift boated USS Enterprised by the Imbeciles Neo Cons.

Prodloužená a občas bolestivá erekce – k té dochází místě vzácně. Přístup k těmto datům mají pouze proškolení zaměstnanci.

The downward spiral of the now Ancient Mariner with a whole flock of Albatrosses hanging round his neck gathered pace even quicker over the next eight years. He now has the GOP nomination for POTUS election in a few days time and this ex Upstanding Naval Officer has morphed into the exact opposite of what he once was and no amount of lies, deception and self flagellation is going to get him over the line on Nov 4th (US time). His Political record of voting with the Imbecile, the Keating five and his record on Veterans Affairs votes leaves only one solution …

Having never made the rank of Admiral he would never stand triumphantly on a “Bridge” to anywhere whilst one of the stinking rotting albatrosses, hanging round his neck, is his running mate in charge of a partially built “bridge” to nowhere

He should be Courts Martialled, found guilty, keel hauled, demoted, shackled to an oar on a Galley, and sent in search of the “Santa Maria”. When he finds it he can duly tell Chris C the lie that he was a USN Rear Admiral and bend over for him.

From a jolly Jack Tar to Jack Tarred. What a miserable shell of a man!

A gentle reminder to Cindy McCain that if she wants to get involved in bashing BO then she also better be ready for return of serve. Even though she looks like a fresh faced lady she has not got exacty what you call clean skin!

Oct. 18, 1999 | PHOENIX — GOP presidential candidate John McCain’s wife Cindy took to the airwaves last week, recounting for Jane Pauley (on “Dateline”) and Diane Sawyer (on “Good Morning America”) the tale of her one-time addiction to Percocet and Vicodin, and the fact that she stole the drugs from her own non-profit medical relief organization.

Permission to step ashore please Sir?

770 replies on “A Rear Admirals’ Vice is A Vice Admiral in his Rear!”

CQ Politics Map Now Shows Obama on Victory Trail — But Detours Possible .

CQ Politics has significantly revised its presidential ratings map, and Democratic nominee Barack Obama has what could be a comfortable Electoral College victory over Republican John McCain — if he is able to maintain the momentum he has built over the past few weeks.

The map now shows that the states in which Obama is rated safe, heavily favored or slightly favored total 311 electoral votes, well above the 270 that represent the bare majority of electoral votes needed to win the election. McCain is rated safe or favored in states totaling 174 electoral votes, and would not get close to 270 even if he were to win all three states CQ Politics currently rates as No Clear Favorite tossups. They have a total of 53 electoral votes.

The ABC continues to favour John McCain!
Today’s idiotic commentary from their U.S correspondent on what McCain should do to get back in the race – attack Obama personally!
Isn’t the national broadcaster meant to be objective, or have the journalists been given their marching orders by the conservative hacks on the board?

Apparently Democrat internal polls show them ahead in Montana, believe it or not! The last published poll I saw for that state had McCain ahead by only 5 points.

Today’s winner of the RW Wingnut Challenge is none other that fine upstanding preacher man of relentlessy accumulated megabucks for Jesus, ladies and gents please put your hands together for …………a man who devoted his life to bringing God’s love to every American with a TV set, a phone and a credit card,……….Reverend Pat BU-CHAN-NANNN!!

No bottom is in sight to the worst market crash since 1929. Recession is now certain. George W. Bush has fallen to 26 percent approval, a level unseen since Richard Nixon was driven from office in the Watergate summer of ’74. Four in five think the nation is on the wrong course.
Yet, Obama has only a six-point lead in an averaging of national polls. While he has moved ahead in Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia, one senses America is not so much rallying to him as running away from a Republican brand that is now on the same shelf with Chinese baby formula.
Obama still has not closed the sale. He has overtaken McCain not because of any brilliant campaign he has conducted but because of the dreadful news pouring out of Wall Street. McCain and Palin are being dragged down by Dow Jones, not Barack Obama.
kerneels, love the way you melded the messages of Swift and Elliot. “This one” very much appreciates and applauds your beautifully expressed obsevations. How sweet it is to witness the demise of the hatemongering Republicans that Ralph Steadman captured so well in his American campaign tours of fear and loathing. Can’t find his Republican “cows” at the GOP convention on Google images unfortunately, but boy did he ever get ’em down a treat!

Btw, it’s little wonder that Johnny Coetzee decided that depite its flaws, the land of Oz was a less “Disgrace”ful place to live and work.

Oh yes, those Wall Street bankers are in cahoots with the Obama campaign – how could I ever doubt Pat Buchanan!

Y’know, all this talk about Obama and terrorists reminds me very greatly of the lead-up to last year’s Federal Election here, where our glorious ex-PM (ha!) had the audacity, in Parliament of all places, to comment that terrorists around the world would be hoping for an Obama victory. Remember the controversy that caused? And the resulting put-down by Obama himself? And yet Howard remained totally indignant about the whole thing, saying that he was allowed to comment on such matters.

My, how times have changed…

hiya guys.
Progressive- I am utterly gobsmacked at the rightwing bias of the ABC – I have no doubt we can thank Windschuttle and Albrechtson. Anotehr legacy of JWH: may he and Georgie-Boy rot in some retirement home for dethroned neocons together .
Looks like “That One” is still on track for a massive win. Unless Pat Buchanan is right – and he so often is. It’s that direct line to God that does it. 🙄

Obama shows decency as always. McCain and Palin are disgraceful people.

«This morning in Philly, Obama thanked McCain.

“I want to acknowledge that Senator McCain tried to tone down the rhetoric yesterday at his town hall yesterday,” Obama said, “and I appreciate his reminder that we can disagree while still being respectful of each other. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Senator McCain has served this country with honor, he deserves our thanks for that.”

This was followed by an odd response from the McCain campaign, as if the GOP senator had not last night admirably tried to calm down a bizarrely agitated crowd.

“The tone of this election is not fueling voter outrage,” said McCain spox Tucker Bounds, “it’s that Americans are frustrated knowing that Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes during a down economy and his proposal for a trillion dollars in new government spending are the absolute wrong answers to our economic crisis.”

What’s the reason for the mixed messages? Well, the McCain campaign has no intention of letting up on the same character attacks on Obama that have been met on the stump with angry supporters yelling “treason!” “terrorist!” and “kill him!” when McCain and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin invoke ..


Also from paddy’s linked article:
“From the start, there have always been two separate but equal questions about race in this election. Is there still enough racism in America to prevent a black man from being elected president no matter what? And, will Republicans play the race card? The jury is out on the first question until Nov. 4. But we now have the unambiguous answer to the second: Yes.”

Dontca just love the delusion? They really don’t get it:

“I think you’re seeing a turning point,” said Saul Anuzis, the Republican chairman in Michigan, a state Mr. McCain pulled out of last week. “You’re starting to feel real frustration because we are running out of time. Our message, the campaign’s message, isn’t connecting.”


…on the contrary, the campaign message IS connecting. The message that the Republicans are out of ideas, out of talent and out of time is clearly taking root across the nation.

According to insiders, no US government has won form this far back since (I think) polls have started.

KR @ 112

I tend to think that the Repugs haven’t actually had any form of coherent or discernable message this particular election, and have been drawing long bows and grasping at straws, hoping to find something that will resonate with the broader American public.

So in essence, the Repug’s message is that they’ve had no message in the first place. It’s been like this since the primaries wrapped up. McCain is in the shitter, big time.

We also have four Senate polls and here too it is all bad news for the Republicans. Georgia is an exact tie, with challenger Jim Martin (D) and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) both at 45%. This was expected to be a blowout for Chambliss. In North Carolina it is even worse, with state senator Kay Hagan (D) leading Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) 49% to 44%. Iowa and Michigan will be Democratic landslides, as expected.

Andrew Bolt “The Election IS Over”.

His reasoning McCain has been tied completely tied to Bush, and the economy.

Ecky’s right. Given the near-total lack of support for Bush-Cheney, there’s no chance of a suspension of the election.

That’s not to say Dubya ain’t thinking about it. That’s my interpretation of his remarks about being glad the financial crash occurred on his watch. At least he seems to have abandoned his dream to be a great wartime leader. Mixing it up with his God conversations and so on, I wonder if he’s got visions of entering the temple of the money-changers. A better approach might be, “Be patient folks. I’ll be outa here in two months.”

I really prefer that nightclub comedians imagination of Dubya. In that scenario an aide was mentioning the post-presidential time as an an opportunity to write down his memoirs of his time in office, as so many ex-presidents do.

The Dubya reply was, “Ah-ve been trying very hard to FORGET what we did when I was President.”

If only…

Two good articles

One from Bob Herbert re: consequences of inept republican rule

“The first is how wrong conservative Republicans have been on so many profoundly important matters for so many years. ”

One from Chris Buckley son of the conservative William Buckley who is now voting Democrats for the first time

(ooops lost the quote!)
“What a difference a month makes. Rabid crowds now demand blood, and a bi-partisan report from Alaska confirms Palin is guilty of an “abuse of power”. We should all pray for calm given that angry mobs amped up on lies, in the midst of global economic crisis, led by people comfortable abusing power, make for a volatile mix. ”

so just how are they going to get this particular genie back in it’s bottle?????

Sad thing is, though, RCP is no longer including partisan pollsters in their computations, so the above poll will not count for CO on their site.

If the comedians and cartoonists have been savage in the last week, then I guess that they will be savagererer, this week.

The economic conditions were at there worst last week, so I guess it will slowly work its way into the polls.

Chris @ 127

That’s almost like Tina Fey saying “mavericky” during the SNL VP Debate skit… is that actually a word??

Never mind the comedians and cartoonists Chris.
Now we’ve got “W” the movie.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Oliver Stone’s new drama about President George W. Bush, “which hits theaters next weekend, is being financed by a patchwork of global investors — and hardly a dime of U.S. studio money… the studios turned their backs on the film, which Mr. Stone attributes to fear of the subject matter — a sitting president.”

“W traces the rise of the young Bush, from his fraternity days to his born-again Christian transformation, while also focusing on his presidency — specifically the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. The studios say they passed on the film because they don’t think the public is interested in Bush: The Movie.”

The Los Angeles Times talks to Stone about why he made the movie.

Chris B, you forgot Bolt’s comments that Palin was “a star” and would be back as a presidential candidate. Strange how being found to have abused her office, not being able to name what newspapaers she reads etc etc has passed Bolter by. But at least he called the election for Obama

Dear North Korea:
Call yourself evil?? Shit, you wouldn’t know evil if it slipped between your bedsheets, ripped off your frilly knickers gave you a nasty blow-job, jumped on your head, spat your happy juice back in your face, rolled you over, rogered you with a nuclear warhead (have you got rid of those yet??) and danced naked on your sorry ass singing, “I’m evil, evil evil….did you hear me – I’m fuckin’ evil!!”
Need an example of a serious badass? Take a look at that Palin bitch and learn something. That woman shits poison from both ends, fires ICBM’s from her pussy at them freakin’ liberals, farts bullets like gumball machines dispense gum, shoots dumb animals in her spare time for fun and (and here’s the important bit) does it ALL in the name of Sweet Jesus! Fuckin’ brilliant! The most evil bastards in the history of these here United States of Merka have been hot-gospellin’ Jesus yellin’ TV evanglisticin’, hate fuelin’ Jeezus people.
Got that North Korea?! There ‘aint no evil like God-evil! And there aint no hate like hate-in-the-name-of-Jeezus! Wanna know why the Devil got thrown out of heaven, North Korea?? Cos God out bad-assed him! The Good Lord out-hated him! Yep! I’m tellin you that God is the biggest badass in the universe. He makes the devil look like that pussy shit liberal, Obama. I mean, this is the God who destroyed the entire planet cos somebody ate his freakin’ apple!! This is the God who gave his Chosen People a pile of rocks and dirt that sits on a land bridge between every superpower that’s ever existed and calls it the Promised Land!!. Fuck! If you wanted to give them a peaceful life wouldn’t you give them Tahiti or somethin’?? If ever there was gonna be a shithole country that everyone would march their jackboots over and assfuck on the way through, it’s Palestine! And this is the Promised Land!??? Thanks much Yah fuckin Weh!
Now THAT’S fucken’ evil!!
Bottom line is that in the evil department, you’re officially a pile of shit! Consequently, I’ve decided to sack you from the Axis of Evil and replace you with McCain and Sarah fuckin’ Palin.
Fuck you!
Love and kisses
George Dubya Bush


Btw, has Dick Cheney been seen anywhere in “public” since the Red State fundraiser he did behind behind closed and guarded doors about three weeks ago?

Cheney is too busy deleting emails and cleaning up the hard drives on his computers. He hasn’t got time to go anywhere.

Ferny Grover

Call yourself evil?? Shit, you wouldn’t know evil if it slipped between your bedsheets, ripped off your frilly knickers gave you a nasty blow-job, jumped on your head, spat your happy juice back in your face, rolled you over, rogered you with a nuclear warhead (have you got rid of those yet??) and danced naked on your sorry ass singing, “I’m evil, evil evil….did you hear me – I’m fuckin’ evil!!”

It’s OK Ferny – I can confirm that the spam monster is in an artificially induced coma. No need for additional tests.


It’s serious Cat – and moreso as it’s from such a reliable and unbiased source.

Yep….mumma Obama knew all those 47 years ago that Baby Barry ‘Bama was gonna run for POTUS but couldn’t unless she somehow managed to defraud the entire birth registration system and have the registry office put a Hawaiin birthplace on the certificate of her foreign spawn.
She’s a genius as well as a prophet is Mumma Obama.

Can’t happen.

re. my usage of the term ‘substance’ in comment 142 should not imply fact or correctness, or non-fact or whatever – just substance in that it’s taking time away from major principals and could have media interest potential.

Catrina @ 142

There’s a lot of substance in there, that’s for sure, but whether it’s meaningful substance and the kind that would gain traction is another matter entirely.

As the blog entry itself suggests, this is just a tip at this stage. It’s funny though seeing all the Repub supporters getting all rabid over this. Imagine if it turns out to be not true. So much hot air will be seen floating all above the red states from all the hopes of the Repub supporters that just got burst and totally deflated.

Now that capitalism’s wonderous invention, it’s financial markets, have disappeared up it own orifice, and the US Treasury is about to both buy toxic debt AND equity in the banks, is it time for a fresh young Karl Marx to revisit the issue?

All over the world governments are telling incredulous populations that the banking system is the life blood of the economy and whoa, we can’t just sit around and watch it implode. Like kids playing with explosives, we have to protect them from themselves, or we become ‘collateral damage’.

How about some honesty here? The financial system has failed, utterly, in most of the first world with a few small exceptions (like ours, oddly enough). But hey, these banks are so vital to us breathing air and drinking water, that taxpayers must go into fabulous hock to keep this failed system going? What sort of a con game is this?

Firstly, the billions being chucked at it is almost small beer compared with the size of the leveraged losses, so it may not even have enough effect. Secondly, whatever happened to ‘moral hazard’? Bail out institutions that priced risk to nothing, leveraged every dollar of credit they created out of thin air 30,40,50,60 times until the inverted pyramid of liabilities over assets simply defied the laws of physics. Greedily making billions with this housing bubble and some egregious practices, they told us that risk was so widely spread it could do them no harm!

And now the world’s taxpayers have to recapitalise them?????

The taxpayer is the ‘bunny of last resort’ and the failure of government and regulators to put even the mildest damper on this runaway train wreck is a huge indictment on the ‘quality’ of leadership.

133 Andrew Yes, I did forget about Bolt saying Palin was a star. Either he was ignorant of the facts around her or that man is more extreme than I thought. The good thing is soon, dinosaurs like him will be replaced all over the world.

I’ve had a look at the Court documents. It’s like reading a black comedy. I know Berg is serious – it’s just that his claims are nutso.
Oh…and by the way – this guy is a manic (and I mean that in the pathological sense) Hillary supporter who also believes that the US government is responsible for 9/11
Credibility: zero
Case against Obama: zilch
Annoyance factor: Minor
Giggleometer reading: High

It’s all crap, Cat. Barry’s citizenship is easily proven and the plaint would have to show that his citizenship is somehow invalid or fraudulent. Even by the US’s strange laws, this aint gonna happen with this bit of courtroom mischief.

Nah, I’d already sprayed the last of the coffee over the TV, when I accidentally hit the remote and was confronted with Andrew Bolt spewing forth nonsense about the fence.

Meanwhile….. Cat’s link to the October surprise is even better than The Da Vinci code. 🙂
All passengers are requested to fasten their seat belts and make sure they’re wearing the correct tinfoil headgear.

FG @ 147

I just read through all those court documents too. If Berg was that desperate, he would have brought this up during the primaries, not at this stage in the campaign.

The part that I find amusing in all of that is where they call for Obama to be deported back to Indonesia as he is apparently an “illegal alien”. My mouth just dropped at that. And the plaintiff is supposed to be a Democrat supporter. He’d fit in with the 3 Amigos rather well, I’d imagine!

Yep there are times when even judges have a hard time preventing themselves from laughing out loud, slapping their knees and pointing at the Plaintiff while wiping the comedy-induced tears fom their eyes.

Berg’s application would be one of those times.

Ferny, you get the honorary Rude Pundit award for that bit of Rudeness, and we all get a good laugh.

OzFrog at 150

I just read through all those court documents too.

I’m only half way though but this one is a zigger. Lots of moral outrage and a few international legal issues from my point of view that complicate things significantly (which could be a plus or a minus).

Catrina @ 154

At the end of the day, the Plaintiff has himself demonstrated that he is, at the bare minimum, a serial pest. I cannot even begin to imagine *why* he is investing all this time into pursuing Obama. It almost borders on personal vendetta territory.

I’d love to know who the GA Jane Doe is though 😉

Cat, I can’t believe a lawyer with the experience of Berg would trash whatever reputation he had by putting this piffle into a court application. It’s laughable.

No wonder none of the MSM media have bothered to follow it (unlike the Palin Troopergate investigation).

Non event

The Rude Pundit Award???!!

I don’t know what to say. I’m honoured….touched….amazed…..twisted….mentally unbalanced….

It all began when, as a child, I discovered that the Hamlyn Encyclopaedic World Dictionary included ‘taboo’ words.

I’ve been tabooing ever since.

From the DNC and Obama’s Motion to Dismiss:

In Jones v. Bush, 122 F. Supp.2d 713 (N.D.Tex.), aff’d w/o opinion, 244 F.3d 134 (5th Cir. 2000), voters sued to challenge the qualifications of then-Gov. George W. Bush and Richard Cheney to be elected President and Vice-President of the U.S., respectively, on the grounds that they were both “inhabitants” of Texas in violation of the requirement of the Twelfth Amendment that the President and Vice President shall not be “inhabitants” of the same state. The Court dismissed the case on the ground that the plaintiffs lacked standing.

The Court found that plaintiffs’ assertion that a violation of the Twelfth Amendment “will harm them by infringing their right to cast a meaningful vote . . . fails to satisfy the Article III requirement of a ‘distinct and palpable injury.’ . . . This type of injury is necessarily abstract and plaintiffs conspicuously fail to demonstrate how they, as opposed to the general voting population, will feel its effects.” 122 F. Supp.2d at 717, quoting Warth, supra, 422 U.S. at 501. The Court also ruled that plaintiffs lacked standing based on harm to non-defendant candidates, recognizing that none of the cases “established standing for voters to vindicate the interests of candidates for public office.” Id. “Because plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate a specific and individualized injury from the pending alleged violation of the Twelfth Amendment and are unable to show DMEAST #10118497 v3 5 personal injury through harm done to non-defendant candidates, the court holds that they do not have standing under Article III to bring this suit.” Id. at 717-18.

More recently, in Hollander v. McCain, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 56729 (D.N.H. 2008), a voter sued Senator John McCain and the Republican National Committee, alleging that, because Senator McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, he is not a “natural born citizen” and is therefore ineligible to hold the office of President. The Court granted defendants’ motion to dismiss on the grounds that plaintiffs lacked standing. The Court ruled that the plaintiff “does not have standing based on the harm he would suffer should McCain be elected President despite his alleged lack of eligibility under Art. II, §1, cl. 4. That harm, ‘standing alone, would adversely affect only the generalized interest of all citizens in constitutional governance.’” 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS at *12, quoting Schlesinger v. Reservists Comm. to Stop the War, 418 U.S. 208, 217 (1974).

Like Mr. Berg, the plaintiff in Hollander also contended that he would be disenfranchised if he voted for Senator McCain in the general election and Senator McCain were subsequently removed due to lack of ineligibility. This theory, the Court held, “does not establish [plaintiff’s] standing because it does not ‘allege personal injury fairly traceable to the defendant’s allegedly unlawful conduct,’ . . . but to the conduct of those—whoever they might turn out to be—responsible for ultimately ousting McCain from office. Indeed, McCain and the RNC are trying to achieve the opposite.” Id. at *18, quoting Allen v. Wright, 468 U.S. 737, 751 (1984). The court concluded that: “This is not to demean the sincerity of Hollander’s challenge to McCain’s eligibility for the DMEAST #10118497 v3 6 presidency; . . . What is settled, however, is that an individual voter like Hollander lacks standing to raise that challenge in the federal courts.” Id. at *21.

Like the plaintiffs in Jones and Hollander, Mr. Berg manifestly lacks standing to assert his claim regarding the eligibility of Senator Obama to serve as President. Accordingly, this Court has no subject matter jurisdiction over that claim.

The court decisions in both Jones v. Bush and Hollander v. McCain would appear to make it very obvious where this case is going.

It is also interesting to read this excerpt from Mr Berg’s Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss:

In this case, (1) Obama’s candidacy for the
presidency in the general election as opposed to the primary
elections prevents citizens from voting for Hillary Clinton despite
her immense popularity;

Cat, unlike our learned pundit brethren. (Both rude and otherwise)
I’ve got no legal training whatsoever. But struggling through all that arcane verbiage. It seemed to me that Berg was claiming that Obama was born in two hospitals in Hawaii and another one in Kenya.

Clearly providing IRREFUTABLE evidence……
(think father, son and holy ghost)
That Barack Hussein Obama is……TADA!!
None other than the second coming. 🙂

paddy at 161

My understanding of the US legal system is based primarily on the TV series ‘Boston Legal’ combined with some intimate time with the NSA. From that background I can assert with some authority that ‘where there is smoke there are mirrors’, and – you can’t always count on the judge to do the right thing.


you can’t always count on the judge to do the right thing.

Ain’t that the truth.
On the other hand…… It appears you can certainly count on hockey fans in Philly to do just that.

So, how did Philadelphia Flyers fans greet Sarah Palin, who was on hand tonight for the ceremonial puck-drop?

Watching on Comcast, it seemed like there was an avalanche of boos when she walked out — boos that were almost immediately drowned out by blaring, bombastic music.

There is no doubt in my mind that that the music was ordered up to help tamp down what could have been an even more embarrassing moment.

Frank Rich’s OpEd excoriating the Republican campaign’s whooping up of the lynch mob includes this little gem:

There are indeed so few people of color at McCain events that a black senior writer from The Tallahassee Democrat was mistakenly ejected by the Secret Service from a campaign rally in Panama City in August, even though he was standing with other reporters and showed his credentials. His only apparent infraction was to look glaringly out of place.


…about as out of place as McCain and Minnie Moose would look anywhere near the Whitehouse! LOL

Ferny- that was extremely naughty of you.
I feel the tone has been lowered here by all that cussin’ and blashemin’ and I for one will pray for your eternal soul to be saved from the fires of damnation.
Apart from that – it was very fucking funny.

Yes Chris, weird that Bolt was not in denial about the outcome of the election, just the Palin candidacy. The latest polls show Palin is the LEAST favourably viewed candidate, not most (as he reckons).

Those conservatives that have heaped praise on Palin (and they have not all done so) are really going to regret their love-in with Palin. How can they EVER in future question the suitability and experience of a democrat candidate

Catrina- I’m sorry , but I just can’t take that responsibility any more. the burden has become too great to bear.
You, my dear need a much stronger guide than me .. now take Sarah Palin for example. there’s a fine example of womanhood who is morally upright and lives in the light of the Lord. When she’s not shooting defenceless animals and inciting racial hatred that is.

Yep – it was the one major omission from the Daily Show breakdown of “The Stupid Vote” – and if you didn’t see it, go to the website and view it! In among the dimwits, fucktards and tiger petters, there should have been the Palin voters.

Nonetheless, every time a future Party puts up a clueless, empty vessel whose lack of understanding of anything is only surpassed by their lack of self- awareness – they will be said to have ‘done a Palin’.

She will be a byword for the moronic, the utterly facile, the completely stupid, the intellectually lazy, and the clueless.

We can only hope the GOP wheel her out again in 2012.

The Grover is all guy….including his frilly knickers

Sun Oct 12:;_ylt=A0WTUcyHm_FIFAcB5wcDwLAF

Sun Oct 12:;_ylt=AiFUlZvGNivI5SpgJQ_mx5gVvTYC

OMG – and all of this from my personal moral compass!

Yes Ma’am! Sure shot its lodestone, orright.
First The Oscars, then the Grammys, the Emmys, the Baftas and now………
The Palins!

Conjure da Pundit…conjure da Pundit….conjure da Pundit…

The bastards just never give up do they:

The GOP assault on American voters has hit full stride as the economy and John McCain tank in synch…………………….. 2) U.S. District Court Judge George C. Smith, a Reagan appointee, has approved a GOP lawsuit demanding that the state give county boards of elections great leeway in attacking new voter registration forms. The decision, framed under the Help America Vote Act, would allow Republican challengers access to data from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the Social Security agency to challenge new voters. The Judge noted that Ohio law permits challenges to absentee ballots, thousands of which have been pouring in to elections boards. If allowed to stand, it could give the GOP the right to shred ballots already cast in the Buckeye State, with the precedent possibly being used to further enable a GOP nationwide disenfranchisement campaign. Smith gave Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner a week to respond. Brunner has stated she will appeal.


“She (Palin) will be a byword for the moronic, the utterly facile, the completely stupid, the intellectually lazy, and the clueless.”
So true Ferny.
Even better, unlike Quayle, who was merely stupid. She’ll be forever remembered as the iconic symbol of the republicans worst defeat in living memory.

Ode to Sean Hannity

by John Cleese

Aping urbanity
Oozing with vanity
Plump as a manatee
Faking humanity
Journalistic calamity
Intellectual inanity
Fox Noise insanity
You’re a profanity

Mrs McCain says her husband would not get PTSD as he is a trained Naval Pfficer who has trained for all that stuff. Only 18 yo draftees get that:

Cindy McCain Blames Vets for PTSD

I hope, Cindy McCain, that your son Jimmy, who served in Iraq, came back in good shape and never has to deal with the problems now being faced by many of his fellow Marines. If your son at the Naval Academy ends up in combat, I wish the same for him. However, if you think that this disease is only suffered by ill-trained soldiers who came from less than privileged backgrounds, I would suggest you spend some time talking to the wives, mothers and fathers of the young men and women who have to deal with this every minute of every hour or every day, sometimes for years, sometimes for the rest of their lives. Why don’t you do that, instead of doing interviews with sycophantic suckups like Sam Dealey?

This one is for you. Does this bloke know what he is talking about?

However, the real estate derivative problems created by these debacles have been important catalysts leading to the loss of confidence that is preventing banks from lending to one another, because these problems, like a Zippo lighter on high flame, metaphorically speaking, have lit the fuse leading to the quadrillion dollar powder keg waiting to blow any day now, and Hanky Panky and Helicopter Ben are running around like raving, corporatist, fascist lunatics trying to stomp out the lit fuse before the whole world financial system goes up in a blaze of glory.

Poll: Monthly churchgoers swing toward Obama.

Significantly more monthly churchgoers are supporting the Democratic nominee — Sen. Barack Obama — in this year’s presidential election than in the 2004 election cycle, according to a new poll.

Voters who attend religious services one to two times a month are supporting the Democratic nominee by 60%, up from 49% who supported Sen. John Kerry in 2004, based on a survey released Oct. 8 by the nonpartisan group Faith in Public Life.

About the only groups he is not making inroads into are the Fundies and the Ku Klux Klan 😈

Well Chris- I doubt that any of the Bush’s are going to vote for him either, just before you go getting too uppity.

Guys- btw: dontcha reckon Sarah is HOT!!???
surely that should have been enought to swing the vote.
What happend to red-blooded men fantasing about the idea of doin’ a hockey-mom on the altar at the Parish picnic .?
Or am i giving away something here… 😳

EC , Jen and Prog

Yes, I’ve thought a great deal about a desperate GOP/MIC/PNAC trying to pull a similar coup, however, it ain’t gonna happen. Here’s why.

Eccy i agree with your take on what will happen if the imbecile did declare Martial Law. However i am not quite convinced that he still would not do it. There are quite a few merkins who are convinced that he will do it as well and i am convinced that Martial Law is all the GOP has left. There is a fair bit of smoke building out there.
This article seems to be backed up by info from Wayne Madsen who has a reasonably impressive biography.

Arizona has already stated they will succeed from the Union if Martial Law is declared, and I believe they would be closely followed by Vermont and then a slew of states that demand to retain control of their own sovereignty. The President may believe that he can control the United States through a declaration of Martial Law, however, citizens know that we can weather almost any situation without stripping us of our rightr and resorting to measures that only a dictator and hater of freedom would employ.

They will succeed (sic)! Sure he meant secede but if the imbecile does it they will not be succin seeds they will be suckin depleted uranium.

Holy Smoke Gaffy !
the whole catastrophe woud be so transparent that even Joe Six-Pack (does that mean he’s always drunk?) would see straight through it.
Mind you, he might approve if it meant keepin’ a niggra out a’ the Oval Office, (‘cept as a cleaner o’course – i ain’t racist!..) but then again- he’s lost his plasma screen, so that means WAR.

Paddy, great clip, “4 Days in Denver” at #182.
Leaving aside his policies and outstanding leadership abilities for the moment, the Obama family really do love each other. You can’t fake something like that. Unlike former Dem Presidents JFK and Bubba, can’t see Barry having too much trouble keeping it in his pants while he’s Pres.
Michelle and Barry are very relaxed while the backstage vid cameras lurks constantly. The two have a wonderful way of physically touching their supporters be it a hand slap that morphs into a shake, a hug, or an arm around a shoulder. The last clip of the bloopers with Biden when he cracked up laughing and leant into Joe had great warmth and a lttle bit of magic to boot.

Da Kid loose, Ticsters….He got game!

What 71 Million Americans Will Read This Morning

Sun Oct 12, 2008 at 04:18:41 AM MDT
Parade Magazine is in 400 Sunday newspapers, with readership of around 71 million Americans. The following table is prominently displayed in today’s edition of Parade, which means that as many as 71 million Americans will see it. That’s great news, because aside from being factual – a concept the McCain campaign can’t seem to wrap its collective brain around – the table clearly shows that if you make under $111,600 per year, you’ll pay LOWER TAXES under President Obama than under John McCain. Even if you make as much as $227,000 per year, you’ll still see your taxes cut with Obama as President. Now, if you make over $603,400, you WILL pay more under President Obama, while getting a big tax cut from John McCain. Same thing if you make more than $2.87 million.
the table:

Looks like the Obama campaign is going to hit the voters with some good old fashioned pork.
Can’t hurt to tweek the hip pocket nerve, while simultaneously kicking the that poor old POW and madam moose in their respective crown jewels.

The only problem with this tactic, is the danger of blowback if the G20 can’t come up with a plan in the next 24 hrs.

“Now, if you make over $603,400, you WILL pay more under President Obama”
well personally, that’s me done then.
Go Palin/McCain.

EC at 105,
Thanks for the kind words. I have been reading J M Coetzee’s Youth, about a young man that left South Africa for all the wrong reasons, and stays an outsider no matter how hard he tries. Starting again is not as easy as it sounds. Helps to be a natural wanderer, that way one can become a citizen of the world, rather than an outcast of your own land.

Oh Ecky – the Green Grin … the highest of accolades!
Not sure what to say.. words fail me…(patting my hairpiece and straightening my pantyhose ) , let me say this…
God Bless a Merka.

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