Like Nelson said to Hardy “kiss me Hardy” and Hardy replied “kiss ya be fucked Horatio I’m next in line for Admiral”
The only things that Captain McCain and I have in common are that we both sailed through more water than the average shark, in the Grey Funnel Line, in roughly the same era except for the fact that he made more of a career out of it than me. We served in the same waters at the time of the Vietnam War. We both probably sailed past more lighthouses than the average Chucky Six Pack has seen shithouses and both probably saw more Action Stations than Barbie Six Pack has seen railway stations. He was a “Birdie” and I was an electrician. We were of course in different Navies, he in The USN and me in the RAN. Now days the life of a sailor is considered as the ships being made of steel, the men made of wood, and it is all Wine, Women and Song, but way back then the ships were made of wood, the men of steel, and it was Rum, Bum and Gramophone Records.
(disclaimer ; without the bum)
Macca had a lot to live up to as his Father and his Grandfather were Four Star Admirals. The only step above Admiral in the USN is Fleet Admiral (the big Boss). His boss of course is the C.I.C. (Commander in Chief).
Young Macca no doubt had burning ambitions to be the equal of or go one step better than his Pop or Pop Pop.
He joined the Naval Academy and in 1958 graduated as an Ensign at number 894 of 899 graduates. Not exactly top of the class! He subsequently went into training and became a Birdie. His ability to crash planes and play up left a lot to be desired and one wonders if the records of his Poppys had some influence on his not being severely disciplined which may have ultimately affected his chances of promotion. When one reads his records, he has had some bailouts over the years, but his most important bail out was on 26 October 1967 when he was shot down over North Vietnam and became a POW. He was released on March 14th 1973. He had the ranking of Lieutenant Commander at the time. There would have been little chance of him receiving any promotions as a POW and this would have severely stalled his desire to make Admiral. He was given different assignments in US Naval Bases and after having only reached the rank of Captain resigned from the Navy on April 1st 1981. (April fool)
At this point in his life he most probably would have been an honest and upstanding member of the community. He subsequently decided on a political career and was elected to the House in 1982 and the Senate in 1986.
Over the period of the next 26 years he developed an uncanny knack of becoming involved with lots of the more shady characters that have graced the US political stables and the only way he was going to surpass his Poppys’ Admiral Status was to become C.I.C. He ran against the Imbecile for POTUS in 2000 and failed after he was swift boated USS Enterprised by the Imbeciles Neo Cons.
Prodloužená a občas bolestivá erekce – k té dochází místě vzácně. Přístup k těmto datům mají pouze proškolení zaměstnanci.
The downward spiral of the now Ancient Mariner with a whole flock of Albatrosses hanging round his neck gathered pace even quicker over the next eight years. He now has the GOP nomination for POTUS election in a few days time and this ex Upstanding Naval Officer has morphed into the exact opposite of what he once was and no amount of lies, deception and self flagellation is going to get him over the line on Nov 4th (US time). His Political record of voting with the Imbecile, the Keating five and his record on Veterans Affairs votes leaves only one solution …
Having never made the rank of Admiral he would never stand triumphantly on a “Bridge” to anywhere whilst one of the stinking rotting albatrosses, hanging round his neck, is his running mate in charge of a partially built “bridge” to nowhere
He should be Courts Martialled, found guilty, keel hauled, demoted, shackled to an oar on a Galley, and sent in search of the “Santa Maria”. When he finds it he can duly tell Chris C the lie that he was a USN Rear Admiral and bend over for him.
From a jolly Jack Tar to Jack Tarred. What a miserable shell of a man!
A gentle reminder to Cindy McCain that if she wants to get involved in bashing BO then she also better be ready for return of serve. Even though she looks like a fresh faced lady she has not got exacty what you call clean skin!
Oct. 18, 1999 | PHOENIX — GOP presidential candidate John McCain’s wife Cindy took to the airwaves last week, recounting for Jane Pauley (on “Dateline”) and Diane Sawyer (on “Good Morning America”) the tale of her one-time addiction to Percocet and Vicodin, and the fact that she stole the drugs from her own non-profit medical relief organization.
Permission to step ashore please Sir?
770 replies on “A Rear Admirals’ Vice is A Vice Admiral in his Rear!”
One of the quirks of campaigns is the number of states which Dems are ahead for retaining/winning Senate seat in states where Obama is way behind or somewhat behind – Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virginia, South Dakota and Montana. And the next potential Senate gains for Dems are Missisippi, Georgia, Kentucky and Texas.
Different politics in same party
199 paddy-
no, but millions have.
Who is Sarah?
201 Wakefield Ooo, there’s that Texas word again. Yes I’ve noticed that too. Which means a national campaign across the country will be far more effective in getting the message across. If you look at the two maps on votemaster it makes a lot of sense.
Dontcha just love it when Mcain gets all indignant that anyone could suggest such a mean-spirited thing about him amd Sarah…
“Congressman John Lewis’ comments represent a character attack against Gov. Sarah Palin and me that is shocking and beyond the pale,” he said in a Saturday afternoon statement released by his campaign.
“The notion that legitimate criticism of Sen. Obama’s record and positions could be compared to Gov. George Wallace, his segregationist policies and the violence he provoked is unacceptable and has no place in this campaign”
It was the furthest thing from their rminds.
Too really put the cat amongst the pigeons, I would launch a separate campaign down in the south east corner. Dirt cheap and in McCains backyard. That hits them in 8 potentially vulnerable areas 😆
Northern Florida
North Carolina
North Carolina
Even if he doesn’t win it throes them right off guard.
Boppin wit Baz merkin style!
Beastie Boys to Headline Swing State Stadium Concert Tour
Gaffres- is that our very own adam?
Palin’s Record On Church-State Separation.
The camera closes in on Sarah Palin speaking to young missionaries, vowing from the pulpit to do her part to implement God’s will from the governor’s office.
What she didn’t tell worshippers gathered at the Wasilla Assembly of God church in her hometown was that her appearance that day came courtesy of Alaskan taxpayers, who picked up the $639.50 tab for her airplane tickets and per diem fees.
An Associated Press review of the Republican vice presidential candidate’s record as Wasilla mayor and Alaska governor reveals her use of elected office to promote religious causes, sometimes at taxpayer expense and in ways that blur the line between church and state. The U.S. Constitution provides for the separation of church and state.
Does anyone get the impression the press are going after Palin? 😈
Christopher Bee –
Sarah better know whether she took out a raffle ticket at the local mall in the last 10 years I reckon. She’s like a she-wolf being scoped from a plane now IMHO.
And that’s ‘natural justice’ for ya.
Sorry Gaffers – that question wasn’t very clear.
the one on the right, or the one on the left?
Still gone over the top Jen
the Adam on the right or left…
you know- from your beastie boys post.
clearly it’s bed time.
Well the harmony might need a little work and I don’t think this charming young couple will be appearing on fox TV any time soon.
But their song does have some very fine lyrics
and it IS about our favorite ice queen.
Hey Sarah Palin
Classic! LOL
Enemy Combatant
A fine crop of black humour you’ve picked for us this evening Ecky.
The worse things get the funnier the cartoonists become.
Funny that.
Apparently the MSM won’t touch this with a forty foot barge pole according to the Votemaster.
McCain Camp Ignores Questions About Candidate’s Military Record.
Pass it on, email it to a friend. If you are lucky enough to have more than one friend send it to them too. Remember Swift Boat!
The penny just dropped.
Could you imagine him Rappin?
John john McCain the real cum stain
Stuckit in the Fence and got hard against the palin
splinters in his dick cause he’s really out failin
lost the plot should be lookin for a Gran
fuckit Admiral, bomb bomb eyeran.
up in nagasaki the monkey fucked the cat
all the cat could do was fuck the monkey back
shoulda been bonkin up the gulf of tonkin
steada droppin bombs my plane was a konkin
should be out tricken n treatin halloween
But thats all fucked the same as my spleen
aint gonna be POTUS not a shit show
goin home to pullit to get a neat blow!
Obama Has Bought 30 Minutes of TV Time on Oct. 29
I hope there’s not a game 6. The way Obama’s going there won’t b a game 6. 😆
gaffy at 190, The Imbecile may be C-I-C but all the titles and signing statements in the world won’t help a President who can’t control his Chain of Command. I still think it’s a real long shot that he’d attempt to “bring it on”.
“The United States presidential election of 1944 took place while the United States was preoccupied with fighting World War II.”,_1944
kerneels, JMC wasn’t an easy read for me at first. Scoping his essays, especially his essays about other writers helped a great deal in accessing his literary breadth and depth. So did the reviews Johnny does in NYROB.
As for exile, (you mention at 197, “Helps to be a natural wanderer, that way one can become a citizen of the world, rather than an outcast of your own land”.), V.S. Naipaul’s not bad, but find him difficult to connect with because he’s so insufferably up himself.
Few writers, im(extraordinarily)ho, do exile as well as Jozef Konrad. He comforted me often during the reign of El Rodente when a sense of alienation pervaded my spirit with each news day. Be great to get back to some regular reading after this election. Really miss it.
Maybe we can discuss a book or two a tad more analytically onsite from time to time after Obi is inaugurated in Jan. Reckon we might even get a few starters. Did so with Jose Saramago’s “Blindness” on RTS blog last year with Tim leading. ‘Twas a lot of fun.
It’s a tad hyperbolic with elements of fact. Sure, the derivative market is huge, but many of the contracts will cancel each other and so the losses in the worst case scenario will not be anything like the sum total. (Not from what I’ve read elsewhere).
But the essential hysteria has a basis in the real situation: it’s dire! And Paulson et al really have no clue how to stop the implosion. Throwing vast amount of future taxpayer’s liability at it may do nothing. In fact on one account, the Fed opening the vaults has actually stopped the banks borrowing from each other, so it’s not a refusal to lend, but a lack of desire to borrow when they can get cheaper money from Helicopter Ben.
So no one knows how the ship will right itself, and how many will drown before it does. We are, to continue the metaphor, in totally uncharted waters and there are so many unkown unkowns out there lurking under the surface.
St. Louis, Missouri – St. Louis Dispatch Endorses Obama
Daily Kos/Research 2000 Tracking Poll:
Ta, Kirri.
Et pour Madame….
Just found this funny anecdote from one of the threads at 538… the level that some people would stoop down to:
Reading that editorial is both inspiring and deeply depressing.
It’s inspiring because it’s clearly written by someone who actually understands the opportunity for real change that Obama offers the US.
But I also find it deeply depressing.
Because as an Australian right now, I can’t conceive of a single newspaper in this country that would even print it.
Much less have an editor who was capable of writing it.
Thank God for the intertubes.
RCP Average nationally is now +7.8 to Obama (?!).
On top of that, Obama’s now sitting at 50 as an RCP average (his highest yet).
All I can say to this is… OBAMA LANDSLIDE!
Catrina Says:
October 12th, 2008 at 10:09 pm
St. Louis, Missouri – St. Louis Dispatch Endorses Obama
…..bewdiful words….speaks to the better inclinations of Americans….awesome really…
Wow Ecky,
That NYT cartoon is a keeper.
I think Barry Blitt is channeling Steadman! 🙂
KR & gaf, I reckon the EU states, the UK, the US, Japan and the other developed economies can keep the banking system going. They can almost do it by decree if necessary. But the underlying problem is not going to go away: a process of liquidation of doubtful assets has commenced and it won’t cease until it’s worn itself out. Basically, even the strongest banks can’t take the risk of dealing with other banks in case their liquidity gets swallowed up by the weak. At a certain point, the weakest banks are just going to have to give up the ghost. If they can’t actually conduct business, they will have to cease trading, surrender, close…and liquidate.
In the meantime, the strongest banks – those with the broadest depositor base and the best capital position – can continue their retail businesses. But their risk profile will be super-stringent. Only the best qualified borrowers will succeed in raising money.
So, in the best outcome, the will be no financial apocalypse. But it might still feel like purgatory: tight credit, asset collapses, price deflation, demand destruction, contraction in output, income and employment. This could go on for a long time, because the liquidation required is truly massive.
I do think that the prospect of a new government in the US will help too. Bush has just zero credibility. He has obviously failed to comprehend and assert control over the process and cannot speak for the future. Any talk of Bush somehow trying to subvert the electoral process is just deranged: nothing would be more likely to ensure a complete economic collapse.
I have to say as well, I’ve found new respect for Gordon Brown. When others have stood by gaping, he has acted calmly and strongly. The situation in the UK is almost calamitous, but he has probably rescued the system from otherwise inevitable implosion. I think this also says something for the Westminster system: governements can make decisions and act swiftly.
Maybe the pressure will start to recede this week. I sure hope so…
A clear case of Stating the Bleeding Obvious..
“After a turbulent week that included disclosures about Gov. Sarah Palin and signs that Senator John McCain was struggling to strike the right tone for his campaign, Republican leaders said Saturday that they were worried Mr. McCain was heading for defeat unless he brought stability to his presidential candidacy and settled on a clear message to counter Senator Barack Obama.”
The last feathers being plucked from the albatross as amerkins watch their nest eggs scramble down the gurgler:
The Mailer That Put the Final Nail in the McCain Campaign Coffin
Palin Met With Boos at Flyers’ Opener.
Notice how the try to drown out the boo’s with music.
Barack Obama has now built his lead in Colorado to double digits, the
newest survey of the state from Public Policy Polling finds.
Chris B
Looks like you have won over Ronny Rayguns’ former political adviser with your early landslide predictions. DG may have to get his money out of the bank to pay you before the meltdown.
Dems’ Dreams of Virginia House Seat Takeover Closer to Reality.
All the polls on Real Clear Politics are fairly consistent at this point. It’s Obama’s to lose. We have three weeks of treading water.
Or synchronised swimming Chris 😉
Yes jen, I’m glad Obama didn’t lead by a big margin early. Far more boring.
Amen to that!
Will you people please stop talking about landslides! 🙂
It makes me very very nervous. The next tree weeks are going to be hell, I really should give up my interest in politics, what with last year Oz run up and now this, I’m wishing large chunks of my life away!
Oops I nearly forgot
paddy that you-tube vid from your 214 was great!… thanks for finding it
Agreed Spammy – they are going to throw every piece of merde they can find at our boy. It will be ugly in the extreme. But, bar shooting him, which would unleash total havoc, there’s not much they can do to stop him.
I suspect anybody with half a brain will see it for what it is and it will backfire. And the one’s without half a brain are going to vote for the repugs anyway. Doubt they’ll get one new vote from hereon in.
Betcha a Long Island Tea on it.
Gaffers @218
BO does not even have to wedgie them they are doing it to themselves. They are disagreeing even before they sit down in the oval orifice! HAHAHAHA.
238 Gaffhook Some people like him are a bit slow to convert. 😈
Morning jen – I hope your right
I seem to have an inbuilt thingy with elections, the one’s I’m nervous about (usually in spite of strong polling for the good guys) are the ones were the GG win. The one’s that I think will be ok (ie: not worry to much) – they lose!
Right now, I nervous… which means…oh well you get the point 😉
Apparently he was seen rappin/buskin it in the Canberra mall markets on Sunday morning. $3.45 in loose change in his tin foil hat after 3 hours.
Jen, I’m glad you seem more upbeat today. Your posts testerday, hinting (?) at assasination, coups d’état and nameless abominations stalking the earth reinforced my own Sunday afternoon gloom.
You see, I’d been dredging the US blogs, and the
horrid things that came up in the slime & ooze made Los Tre Amigos seem positively benign. But the really alarming thought was that for each of these monsters spewing out his/her obscenities, there might be a quieter type who was sitting , polishing his assault rifle, smiling gently.
And McCain has the gall to complain that he & his abomination of a running mate are being smeared! Good God, a terrorist is one who seeks to dominate by terror, and I know who the terrorists in this election are!
244 Spam Box The economy is not going to make a miraculous recovery in the next three weeks. Obama will use extreme caution. Everything is meticulously planned. Chill out. 😆
Dont ya just love some of the original comments on US blogs. This one is in response to the report on the North Korea position by McCain and the Fence at:
Comment no 1
Guido the Loving OBGYN Says:
Classic Republican dual-messaging. It’s the reason Republican voters are nuts/split personality.
252 Gippslander One good thing about today is most of the buildings windows are sealed for air conditioning so it makes things a little bit harder.
This lady has a Bush clock too!
Comment no 7 on the same link at 254:
Marie Says:
One HUNDRED days to go before the WORST President in history goes back to Crawford — a stopover before he moves on to Paraguay where there is no extradition.
Chris B @ 25
Ha! … thats true enough. But considering my history of constantly being wrong when it comes to my worrying – I’ll keep stressing – for the good of all 😉
25 = 253
and after the wipeout-
” As John Cole puts it: “The coming circular firing squad is going to be fun.” It’s also likely to be protracted, bitter and brutal. Looking around at the utter destruction they’ve sown — to our Constitution, to our economy, to our standing in the world, and to multiple other countries — that is the only just outcome.”
Glenn Greenwald- salon.
256 Gaffhook What Bush is dumb enough not to know, is that there is a left wing government there now. They would only be too pleased to change the rules. 😈
Aren’t they just proud of their racist bigotted freedom of speech!
Gaffhook @ 261
See what he does next!..
Technology isn’t it wonderful. In the past he would have got away with that. Now everyone knows who he is! The Internet changing the world! By the way whats taking Rudd so long to build our new Internet highway? That was one of his best promises.
Yep Chris B, bet he thinks twice before pulling that shit again!… Lets see, those two clips have been viewed about 65000 times in about 2 days. It’s getting lots of ratings so I think maybe 1/2 a million?? hits but the time it’s run its course 🙂
sleep well old man, did you remember to lock the doors 😉 ( i don’t wish him any harm, I wish him worry
Do you think if we complain on here about one of Kevin Rudd’s promises anyone will take any notice? After all the new high speed Internet was one of Kevin Rudd’s central promises, that he so far has failed to keep. 😈
From the Independent:
The Independent: Republican leaders break ranks with McCain
What a jerk!!!!
humiliation is the best way to deal with the likes of him.
Yay for then internet!!!
267 GhostWhoVotes Infighting! That’s what I like to see! The polls will continue to climb with that going on.
Not sure who you’re trying to bait with this one Chris, but I would imagine the answer you’ll get is –
It’s a work in progress (perhaps will be brought forward due to meltdown) etc – ALP people
It’s a broken promise, all spin no substance etc – the others
Good find. Yup Yup theres no doubt about the intertubes.
He is scarred for life.
270 Spam Box What makes you think I am trying to bait someone? Who me? He he he!
I am hoping it will be brought forward. After all 70 billion in infrastructure funds and about the same in the budget. I would like them to build a better one now.
Kevin Rudd checks our site regularly, for accurate information on the US election.
Me too Chris, but I’m happy to settle for Kev spending the $ on whatever he thinks is best given the sky really is (apparently) falling in. If thats BB then great… if not… I’m happy to wait…
Do what you think is right Kev and don’t f#(k it up… thats all I ask 🙂
McCain: ‘I’ll whip Obama’s you-know-what’
BlindOp, you’re quite right about this long de-leveraging and plummeting asset prices, but of course the most liquid ones (ie equities) have been hit first and hardest. When you can buy Australian banks for near book value you know this thing has gone into panic mode and beyond. As I type the ASX is up nearly 5% and I suspect it’s more than the proverbial dead cat bouncing to exercise the trader’s eyeballs. But we ain’t out of the woods yet.
One thing that gives this whole disaster a silver lining is that the GOP, Reaganism, Neoconservatism and the phalanx of rigthwing nutbag bloviators will be drawn into the vacuum cleaner of history by this monumental series of events and Obama will take the Whitehouse back to sanity and some degree of responsible government.
Mornin’ all.
I’m just trying to remember the last President the Americans could feel proud of. Not the Imbecile or the embarrassing Clinton. Daddy Bush? Pffft. I guess many (tho not on this blog) would say Reagan – if they can forgive him needing cue cards to get him through the day. Ford? Nice guy, I guess, but an inefectual POTUS. Not Carter (though I like him – his honesty was the perfect antidote to the Nixon years) or the evil Nixon.
Obama doesn’t really have a lot to live up to, doess he. Who do you think was the last POTUS that made his country proud??
oops….or her
By the way Ecky, thanks for the Django clip, what a blast from the past. ( I loved the section where they pick it up into double time and swing the theme in that gorgeous shuffle). I ended up watching a few others of his with Grappelli…what a pair of geniuses.
Ferny, you’d have to go back to Camelot I reckon. Obama’s been compared to JFK and I think he’ll be right up there when he’s President.
What a breath of fresh air! And that Michelle! Phew, she’s gotta be the hottest first lady ever, (and she looks good too! LOL). She just seemed so at home with Jon Stewart the other day, relaxed, witty, and clearly her own person.
By contrast, Stewart quipped on Cindy McCain’s comment about an ‘icy chill’ flowing through her (when Obama failed to vote for supporting the troops), that she’s so cold Eskimos have 150 separate words for her! ROFL!!!
When the senate projection hits 60 on Votemaster, that’s when the panic buttons will be hit in a big way with the Repugs. No more filibusters Work will get done. It’s very close now. There’s three other states close.
lol… I have been chatting with the guy that upped the 2nd vid in the (fat white racist scarred mofo series)
We’re the #2 US blog in Australia… arn’t we? 🙂 lol
Louisiana’s chameleon voters tint red state purple.
If Bill Clinton did it twice why can’t Obama? Obama certainly looks like he’ll do better than Clinton.
282 As noted earlier there are very few places in US where either Pres, Senate or Reps elections are not potential winners for Dems – hence the 50 state strategy. But as well as that – if you are going to change things against well entrenched opposition you need to mobilise the people. Obama has the nouse to see that and with some luck from the Reagonic economic meltdown its looking positive.
KR @ 281
Camelot? Dear ol’ JFK was deified via a bullet. History would probably have put him in the mediocre basket otherwise. Having said that, he did add some excitement to Penn Avenue – and he did save us from Nixon for a while.
Yep, The Kid may not have a lot to live up to when compard to recent POTUSI but the expectations on this man of hope are immense.
And I’ve a feeling he will live up to them.
Obama Campaigning on Xbox 360?
Registration maybe needed.
The “rabid shitzu” as the Rude Pundit calls her, really knows how to shift blame:
Writing in The National Review, Michelle Malkin blames the crisis on illegal immigrants and Hispanics who were “greedy” enough to seek subprime loans. Blogging for the same publication, Mark Krikorian wonders if Washington Mutual’s demise was caused by its propensity for employing Latinos and gays. On Fox News, Neil Cavuto blames congressmen who were “pushing for more minority lending” without disclosing that “loaning to minorities and risky folks is a disaster”.
The audacity is extraordinary. Suddenly, this crisis is something poor blacks and Hispanics have inflicted on rich white people. That is beginning to sound, well, Germanic.
…and it’s precisely these kind of freaks that will wither and die when the Obama administration takes the US toward some sanity.
(Like those ugly goons braying for Obama’s blood at MacMoose rallies. How deranged are these poor deluded folks?)
288 Kirribilli Removals
Hear! Hear!
From the Courier Mail:
“BRITAIN’S oldest virgin has revealed the secret of her longevity on the eve of her 105th birthday – no sex.”
I reckon she’s really 45 and it just FEELS like she’s 105.
Anyways, if that’s the criteria I’ll happily die young-ish.
I should have died years ago. 😈
HA! Chris – braggard!
Obama Holds Lead in Pennsylvania, National Polls
Well it’s either that or “I’ve heard its so good some day I may take it up”.
Morning all, well it’s looking good for the kid and not so hot for the other side.
Plus, Guy Rundle is on fire, describing a Palin rally in Crikey today.
(reg required)
WEll Ferny – your theory is proved by JFK’s early demise – he was doing Marilyn (she counts for at least 20m women) and he didn’t even make it to 50.
So I’m starting to seriously think the old lady may have something…
That’s a corker cameo Paddy. It’s the exposure of the cartoonish character of Minnie Moose that’s fading under the scorching lights of scrutiny, and along with it any remaining possibility that her withered old sack of anger running mate can win this election.
What was once only a pipe dream is starting to look like a real possibility.
Who was I having the argument with the other day as to who the American public would blame? (Not David for a change).
Registration possible.
Kirribilli Removals @ 288
Amen to that brother …Amen
That was a very neat segue from sex back to US politics.