Open Thread

With bated breath …

There are so many things that have happened in our recent history – things that have changed the world, things that change the definition of destiny, things that change who we think we can be, what we think we can achieve, things that change the boundaries of what is and is not. The West Wing gave us a glimpse of what it could be like. Season 7 took us though the Primaries with Matt Santos the minority candidate and into the general election under the guiding hand of Josh Lyman as they set the stage for Barack Obama and David Axelrod.

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Reality kicked in on the 10th February 2007 when Obama announced his national campaign at the place where just some 149 years earlier, Abraham Lincoln delivered his “House Divided” speech. A primary campaign sometimes referred to as the ‘Never Ending Story’ took us through to the 3rd. June when Obama was nominated as the presumptive candidate therein setting the stage for the national campaign between Barack Obama and John McCain.

Today is Sunday the 2nd. November 2008, just a couple of days away from the most important political moment in my life. Within 72 hours we will be watching the numbers rolling in. But unlike every other election – the substance and the implications of this election are tectonic in nature.

Today we wait with bated breath.

1,146 replies on “With bated breath …”

TF Obi has done it. They should round up that effin imbecile and all his mates tomorrow so they can’t do anything stupid between now and the inaug.
Fuck em all i say Paddy!
I gave up drinkin 5 years ago but i spose theres no reason i cant freeze one and chew it!

The South have clearly said no to 60 Dem Senators.

Dems under perform in Georgia, Missisippi, Louisiana and even Kentucky.

That c*nt Saxby Chambliss wins again.

but i spose theres no reason i cant freeze one and chew it!

yes, I reckon that makes it food, not drink (Dio, do you concur?)

I gave up drinkin 5 years ago but i spose theres no reason i cant freeze one and chew it!
I fear the only thing that will keep me sane is a wee drinkie.
Those talking heads are just too awful to bear without chemical help 🙂

The cream would be Al Franken. :mrgreen:

Fox calls Virginia for Barack

Damn…thats confederate country.

Congrats Barack. I bet that is special for every African America.

1003 Yeah HarryH, Dems won’t be getting 60 senate seats. Probably 58 or 57 if Joe Lieberman is booted over to the Repug side. It’s a shame, but at least they have a majority in both houses.

Spammy you may wish to include one of these for him:

(_!_) a regular arse
(_o_) an arse that’s been around
(_x_) kiss my arse
(_E=mc2_) a smart arse
(_?_) Dumb arse

more in the playground!

Adam in Canberra
Posted Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 2:43 pm | Permalink
Spam Bx, I also said that Howard wd lose his seat. I don’t recall anyone making predictions here on economic matters – I certainly never have. I concede that I underestimated Obama in both the primaries and the general. On the latter, however, I think McCain would have been competitive and might even have won had the GFC not happened.

Fox News already talking up Obama’s presidency as a problem for the country! Not a second wasted…

[On the latter, however, I think McCain would have been competitive and might even have won had the GFC not happened.]

In other words, Obama got lucky!

If he gets that close he will be able to give lieberman the flick by promoting a couple of moderate Repug Senators to his staff from Dem Governed states and the have the Governor replace them with a Dem. Game over, fillibusterfucked!

yes, how nice of him 🙂

this next thing is too much..right? 😉

……..(’(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.•´

Spam Box Says:
Where’s the damn Bris crowd?

Ratarsed no doubt. 🙂
What a great moment.

NYTs is reporting Obama President Elect.

Obama Wins Election
By ADAM NAGOURNEY 8 minutes ago

Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States on Tuesday, as the country chose him as its first black chief executive.

The loser = “We’ve come along way from the old injustices”

yeah, just a bit too far for your arsehole campaign to capture the “old” spirit eh?

piss off

Not a bad speech by old walnuts.
At least he tried the reconciliation path.
Sad what a toxic drink he’s brewed.
Thank God he didn’t win.

Sounds like he’s going to dress up as a moose for a holiday in Alaska.

Good luck chasing helicopters John.

Hey McGutterCampaign……..Pack up what’s left of your honour and twaddle off to the Senate to share your tales of woe with Hill and Holy Joe.

1049 Noticed that HarryH. When all votes are counted, this will be deemed a landslide… which is historic in itself for a non-incumbent.

From those drunken sods in Brissie.
Possum: Tomorrows Henderson – “but if it was Hillary standing, she would have won the election yesterday”

Talking Head on CNN has line of the night:

“The new face of America is NOT Joe the Plumber”

I love Al Franken lol

Karl Rove on Fox just said he ‘s met Franken once. Franken came over to Rove at a dinner and said:

“Hi..i’m Al Franken. And you’re Karl Rove…..And i hate you”….and walked off.


Peter Brent was another one who earlier proclaimed an Obama win an impossibility. Why? Apparently Americans are too racist to vote for a Black man, but just like Adam Carr, his analysis was based on a non-changing world, stuck somewhere between 1990 and 2004.

I’m sure Poss won’t mind for those who aren’t linked to the crikey liveblog. Too sweet by far. 🙂

Possum: Tomorrow’s Greg Sheridan “The glorious new regime of the Obama national security apparatus is a sight to behold (kiss, slurp). While my good mate Richard Armitage (flutter) was a powerful manbeast, the new masters of my universe reflect a human capability whose boldness is only surpassed by it’s intellectual depth”.

And with the stroke of a pen, 8 years of gratuitous arse kissing and cringeworthy fawning of a incompetence writ large will be washed away for 8 years of gratuitous arse kissing and cringeworthy fawning of the new regime.

Well let’s go for understatement here…….. Not a bad speech?

Go for it kid….You nailed it!!!

Tissues please. 🙂

If you thought that the kid’s ears were bad. Try the glasses on the pundit on SBS right now!
Good grief!!!

Paul Begala on CNN hit it on the head for me. And it is why i (who had completely given up on America and hated it with all my heart) think it now has a chance with Barack Obama leading it:

Begala iterated:

Obama could have easily whooped up the crowd tonight(like we are so used to seeing Americans do) but instead….he hushed it…..and made it think.

Change………let’s hope they can.

1080 HarryH – That tells me that Obama is serious about change and his new role as president. It’s not personal glory as much as it is a genuine desire to help change the world…

Spot on HarryH
He’s actually conducted his entire campaign in a way that’s left the pundits scratching their heads.

They (the pundits) have had 8 years of knowing they were smarter than the pres.
Sorry guys…. Those days are over.
This guy is so much smarter than you are…..You’re toast!
Get fucked. It’s time for change and *he* decides the agenda.
Not you!

What an day, what a year, what a victory!

Yes we can!

Obama’s speech was gracious towards McCain, and even Macca was to Obama too, but did you hear the Republican hyenas booing Obama?

God, that’s what Obama was decrying, and that’s the call the voters heard: it’s time for change.

Well they’ve got it now, and not before time.

Obama will win North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri. Montana has some very unfriendly precincts that haven’t reported yet and so McCain should retain Montana. The electoral vote of NE-02 is very tight but it appears that Obama will win it by around 4,000 votes.

That will give Obama a final total of 376 electoral votes.

Hope the US realise the job is not over.Bachmann is leading by 5%, with 67% counted in Minnesota.There will also be 50 million americans who still voted repugs despite the last 8 years and the worst campaign ever.All cynicism aside, I am the most hopeful now for the US and the world then at anytime in my lifetime :)That was a fantastic speech.   Go Obama!  Yes we can 🙂

asanque Says:
Hope the US realize the job is not over.Bachmann is leading by 5%

I have to admit Asanque, that’s probably the saddest result of this election.
I’d hoped that Kos and the other blogs etc, had dealt a lethal blow to the US version of “our Pauline”.

Oh well. It’s time to drown the sorrows and curse those lazy sods in Brissie. Who can’t even be bothered send us ticksters the odd Ipod photo or three. 🙂

Adam was replying to this

Oie! Dr Carr, Kirribilli Removals sure can pick em eh, – Howards loses seat, Obama wins primary, GFC, America in recession and now Obama is da prez

Not bad for an ignorant loathing lefty

Its been an honour and a privilege to be on this blog with everyone today 🙂

Its the end of a long journey and the start of a brave new world.

Time for the celebration dinner and drinks!

Guys, apologies from all of us at the Jubilee.
We had one PC and problems with the wifi. Believe me, it’s been a technically frustrating time and we had real problems getting the internet to work. We wanted to share the moment with you and all of us are sorry that we coudn’t

Nonetheless, it looks like you carried on wonderfully well without us. WHAT A FREAKIN’ RESULT!!!!!

I believe this requires a heartfelt –


1093… fuck off. we don’t believe a word of that! .. you were all just too pissed and having a good time 😉

Having said that… fair enough, we believe you and all is forgiven… just ‘up’ a few pics and everybody will be happy :mrgreen:

Dear Ferny Grover, we here at 101 understand the difficulties you’ve been struggling with.

Be assured. When you’re finally released from detention in sunny Brisbane….. We will allow you a generous amount of time to say goodbye to your relations.
After that…..You will have to deal with Christopher Hitchens.
Your tears will be music to our ears. 🙂

We’ll all be sitting in the “best” seats.
Cheering on the A.B. Friggin C.
Hoping you’re better than Tony Jones. 🙂

Never mind. What a day!!! Loved every minute.

I’ll give you a fuckin movie you bastard!!!
If you should move south of the Mason/brisbane Dixon/sydney line…….
We’ll be waitin (pardon my dropped G’s) for you.
Just thank your lucky stars that you don’t have to listen to Bob Carr.
Mind you Robert Mann sounds like how I feel (Sob)
Thanks Bob.
I want blood and a better America.

Heck. It’s actually a great day.
Thanks to all.

Missouri has gone right down to the wire. With less than 0.5% of the votes to be counted, and votes to come from precincts favourable to both sides, McCain leads by only 554 votes.

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