Open Thread

Policy and Procedure, Caribbean Style

Honduras, South America leaps to the front page of the New York Times with the headline “Honduran President Is Ousted in Coup”, and to be fair to the NYT – the events of the last 48 hours do in fact bear all of the hallmarks of a classic coup d’état.

However, the story demands a little more investigation …

The now former President of Honduras, one Manuel Zelaya has been working towards an objective of increasing presidential term limits and if everything had gone according to plan – Sunday would have been the day of a national non-binding referendum on the subject. As things turned out, said referendum turned into the trigger for events that resulted in his removal from office and lots of news in the media on the role of the Honduras armed forces a subsequent pyjama drama in Costa Rica.

However, if we look deeper into the legal context a number of facts emerge:

  • The Supreme Court, top electoral body, and human-rights ombudsman have ruled the referendum illegal.
  • Article 239 of the Honduran Constitution, forbids any former chief executive from being re-elected President, states that any citizen (including the president) who proposes reforming this law, and any others who support such a person directly or indirectly, are to immediately “cease carrying out” any public office.
  • Article 42, Section 5 of the Constitution states that citizenship is lost for “inciting, promoting or supporting the continuation or the re-election of the President of the Republic.”
  • Both the court and the National Congress have ratified the actions of the armed forces.
  • The National Congress named and ratified Roberto Micheletti as President.

The last item in the above list is interesting in that normally the role of President would fall to the Vice President, Elvin Santos (Zelaya’s running mate). However, Santos had already resigned that position in order to run for the next Presidential Election in January 2010. Zelaya had replaced him with Arístides Mejía Carranza under the title “Vice President Commissioner” (a position barred from taking the position of President). This paved the way for the appointment by Congress of Roberto Micheletti (as President of the National Congress) to the position of Provisional President of Honduras until the end of the current term.

With all of the above information on the table – Barack Obama’s statement was telling:

I am deeply concerned by reports coming out of Honduras regarding the detention and expulsion of President Mel Zelaya. As the Organization of American States did on Friday, I call on all political and social actors in Honduras to respect democratic norms, the rule of law and the tenets of the Inter-American Democratic Charter. Any existing tensions and disputes must be resolved peacefully through dialogue free from any outside interference.

No coup d’état – just policy and procedure Caribbean style.

794 replies on “Policy and Procedure, Caribbean Style”

HusseinStWorm at #1
The Special Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) gets together around 4.00 PM Washington time on the 30 June (that about 20 hours from now). I going to go out on a limb here and suggest that the results of that meeting will be far more interesting.

Interesting article here.

The Coup in Honduras

Could the diplomatic thaw between Venezuela and the United States be coming to an abrupt end? At the recent Summit of the Americas held in Port of Spain, Barack Obama shook Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez’s hand and declared that he would pursue a less arrogant foreign policy towards Latin America. Building on that good will, Venezuela and the United States agreed to restore their ambassadors late last week. Such diplomatic overtures provided a stark contrast to the miserable state of relations during the Bush years: just nine months ago Venezuela expelled the U.S. envoy in a diplomatic tussle. ……

Ferny Grover at #9

Hold still! Now where are those fuckin udders?!

Just when I was thinking the the ABC was loosing its real journalistic integrity. Ferny – you set me strait!


Yep Cat,
Who gives a stuff about some ne’er-do-well-waste-of-soil that no-one’s ever heard of called Honduras, when we’ve got stories like that, eh?!

David , bomb, bomb, bomb,
As the hysteria whipped up by the pro-Zionista media runs out of bluster the story of the Iran Election becomes clearer,

From the BBC

New revelations about Nedia’s death

Ferny, Auntie has become quite declasse since The Days of The Rodent. Their online division is personed by people who are too dumb to realise how little they actually know. These idiots give arrivistes respctability. Probably reckon Honduras is the rear end of a new Nip-mobile.

Xox, whoever would have imagined that The Company were involved in Iran? Corroboration of such by Sy Hersh adds muchos investigative gravitas to the facts.

That Vasquez and other coup leaders were trained at the WHINSEC, which also trained Augusto Pinochet and other military dictators responsible for the deaths, disappearances, tortures of hundreds of thousands in Latin America, sends profound chills throughout a region still trying to overcome decades U.S.-backed militarism.

……need to examine the timing and character of this coup — which was carried out by military officers trained in the U.S. at the School of the Americans/Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), in a country with a substantial U.S. military base (home to roughly 500 troops and air force combat planes and helicopters) in Soto Cano. It is difficult to imagine that the Honduran military would have moved against Zelaya without notifying U.S. military officials

More evidence of CIA incompetence, then: revolutions go for far more than $400 million these days – they’re global-financial-crisis proof.

But it’s good to know that justice and truth have prevailed in the paragon of freedom and light that is Iran.

Brisbane Times: Madoff jailed for 150 years

Bernard Madoff, the high-flying New York financier who stole the savings of thousands of investors during an 18-year-long investment scam that will go down as the world’s biggest fraud, will spend the rest of his life in jail after he was sentenced to 150 years behind bars.

Madoff, who pleaded guilty, sat as impassively as US District Court Judge Denny Chin imposed the maximum sentence possible, after hearing requests for no mercy from prosecutors and many of Madoff’s victims.

Calling the fraud “staggering,” Justice Chin noted that that the crimes spanned more than 20 years and that “the breach of trust was massive”.

“Here the message must be sent that Mr Madoff’s crimes were extraordinarily evil and that this kind of manipulation of the system is not just a bloodless crime that takes place on paper, but one instead that takes a staggering toll,” Chin said, before telling the victims he was deeply sorry.

(aka Flanners!)
I’ve been somewhat remiss in my duties, in reporting that Miss Flaneur (First Daughter) has successfully competed in the QLD State Gymnastics Championship. Having come eighth overall and third on the Uneven Parallel Bars.

Negotiations are underway with the Leader of Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition on how to transform the actual to the perceived.

The Revolution is happening at a blistering pace. Rupert Murdoch will be spinning in his grave!
I’m not dead yet!

How would you like to get some pointers from Katie Couric and Tavis Smiley on how to conduct a good interview, from Bob Woodward on doing in-depth investigative journalism in the digital age, from Mike Isikoff on digging deeper to break news, and from Nicholas Kristof on how to cover a global humanitarian crisis and not get shot?

This expert input is now just a click away, thanks to a cool new project being launched today by YouTube. The YouTube Reporters’ Center aims to be a one-stop-shop for people looking to learn how to report on what’s going on around them, offering over two dozen videos — ranging from how to capture breaking news on your cell phone to the ins and outs of journalistic ethics.

The Huffington Post

We know how the Honduras destablised El Salvador. At least this time Nicaragua will have plenty of help.

It’s not often that I disagree with the UN, but here we go:

UNITED NATIONS (CNN) — The United Nations unanimously adopted a resolution Tuesday saying that deposed Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya should be restored to power.

Must be a bunch of threatened nations out there – you know – standing up for a the constitution of a sovereign state and all of that.

Despite the fact that Democrats will have a so-called ‘super majority’ when Franken is seated now that their number has reached 60 in the Senate (with two independents regularly voting with the Dems), these two progressives did not sound confident that the Democratic party and the White House would become more aggressive with their agenda.

The Huffington Post video

I am not up to speed on what is happening in Honduras at the moment but I would be very concerned to support any kind of return to military coups in Central America (Who can forget the death squads of the 1980’s) and so understand the concern of the UN, Obama, Chavez et al

I am also very concerned that some sites are reporting that the only left-wing candidate for the Presidential Elections (Cesar Ham) was assassinated by the Army during Micheletti coup – disturbing.

Any reliable information on this situation would be welcomed.

If you believe Crikey then the Wall Street Journal and Miami Herald can be relied upon for accurate reporting on the coup. 🙂

The Special Session of OAS started yesterday at 4.00 PM Washington time. It is now 02.00 AM over there and people are still huddled in meetings and no press releases have been issued.

Flanners, delighted to hear of Prima Flannelette’s success.
Can feel your proud heart pounding in yer chest from here! 🙂
July 1:;_ylt=Arma6p87uA1Gb6bQijBXr77mcLQF

Jun 30:;_ylt=AhyfLlZBtnC3wx5yT.d9X3A0vTYC
Jun 30: Joy Trailing GOPpers first began to go bad when they oggled too many Twin Peaks in geography classes in Junior High.;_ylt=Al5IF78Symt4m_xDmeAq3vQxvTYC

Jun 30:;_ylt=AgRJDb6.hWS5Kk8nVUAm9O3V.i8C
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July 1:;_ylt=A0WTUcgUB0tKMKcAwQsDwLAF

HusseinStWorm at 39
Reading the document, we can see that hand waving is in order under section 1, 2 and 3. Finally we get to section 4 which reads:

To instruct the Secretary General to undertake, together with representatives of various countries, diplomatic initiatives aimed at restoring democracy and the rule of law and the reinstatement of President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, pursuant to Article 20 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter and report to the Special General Assembly on the results of the initiatives. Should these prove unsuccessful within 72 hours, the Special General Assembly shall forthwith invoke Article 21 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter to suspend Honduras’ membership.

“It is good news for the Democrats and it is bad news for the Republicans. That is a simple fact,” said Mo Elleithee, a Democratic strategist who has worked on Hillary Clinton and Terry McAuliffe’s campaigns. “Having said that, you don’t want to get too far ahead of yourself here. It is not like the caucus is unanimous on every issue.”

Talking on condition of anonymity, some Democratic strategists were even blunter. “Sixty is an imaginary number,” said one operative. “You are always going to lose the Ben Nelsons and all the centrists. This is why 2010 proves to be so important because it can set a buffer for that 60 threshold.”

The Huffington Post

Totally agree about 2010 being so important. But I don’t understand why they don’t get the popular issues through now. Those with the most support, such as the health bill. The public health version has 76% of people behind it, how can they lose?

More political tennis …

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras—Flipping through a stack of legal opinions and holding up a detention order signed by a Supreme Court judge, the chief lawyer of the Honduran armed forces insisted that what soldiers carried out over the weekend when they detained President Manuel Zelaya was no coup d’état.

Over on the Daily Kos there is a really interesting article that details discussions between the Whithouse and Zelaya last Friday (before the event) and subsequently reported in Spain’s El Pais newspaper the following day:

“Last (Friday) morning, at around 1 or 2 am, Congress was passing a decree to incapacitate me and the armed forces were mobilized. But phone calls were made – I can’t say by who or from where – but these calls stopped the coup,” Zelaya said. “Everything was in place for the coup and if the US embassy had approved it, it would have happened. But they did not … I’m only still here in office thanks to the United States,”

Well worth reading for more detail on what actually went down.

And back on US soil, a Vanity Fair article on Sarah Palin
A long read but worth the effort for anyone who followed the primaries last year.
It Came from Wasilla

As John McCain’s top campaign officials talk more candidly than ever before about the meltdown of his vice-presidential pick, the author tracks the signs—political and personal—that Palin was big trouble, and checks the forecast for her future.

“for anyone who followed the primaries last year.”
Surely you mean
“for anyone who lived, breathed and was totally obsessed 24/7 by the primaries for months on end – like us” 😉
Still have to pinch myself occasionally when I hear the words “.. and today President Obama ….”

Thanks all for the info and links on Honduras. Cat, I particularly appreciate the Daily Kos article. It seems I am not the only person confused about the role of the US in this coup.

Chris B at 41,

They can lose because right-wing Democrats will not vote for it. The US is not a direct democracy, so the fact that 76 per cent of *people* support it is not all that relevant. Seventy-six per cent of *senators* do not support it.

Seventy-six per cent of voters is a very good arm twisting number. Just ask any pollie. You are quite correct about the senators. The health companies are also hard at work.

Another Republican can see the writing on the wall! If they keep dropping at this rate, the Democrats will have a cakewalk! Go Pies! Sorry couldn’t help it.

Politcal Wire

Only Blind Freddie can’t see what’s happening here. Oh, and Sarah Palin says she can beat Obama.


Well, he does not want me to tell you. But he highly recommends Canberran Zionist hospitality. 😉

Chris B,

It depends on the distribution of those voters and on whether it is an issue on which they would switch their vote. This is why level of support on any particular issue is not the best indicator of the weight that a politician will give it.

I must admit that I am not too sure what is going on with the Honduras thing or how I feel about it, which is why I am not commenting on it. I am reading stuff here, though. Thanks for the OP, Catrina.

55 David Gould Yes, the member for Louisiana for instance is receiving big money from the health industry. She would fit your criteria as well.

So it’s true!! Michael Jackson is not dead !
DG – suggest keep any kiddies safely in another room.

Trawled throught the Vanity Fair article on Palin – lots of good info but pretty much boils down to “she’s hot, and that made people initally overlook that she is vacuous and stupid .”
RE Honduras – like others have said, I really know nothing about this issue, but am trying to lift me game. Thanks for the good informative links Cat.

paddy – the crikey article is so disturbing.
Feel so helpless to do anything other than try to stay informed . Good to see Crikey ensuring this is in the public domain. It’s obviously of not much interest to the MSM. 😡

I wouldn’t worry about it, Jen. It’s all propaganda lies spread by my brother Israeli agents.

Well Gosh David – you really are having an impact ,aintcha? So Iran is just you jewish guys doing a Wag The Dog.
Well, you had me fooled there for a moment. 😉

For those of you at the back of the bus (like me) who missed yesterday’s “sermon on the mount” from the great and the good…..
Here’s a link to the transcript of John Hartigan’s address to the national press club.

After gritting my teeth and reading through the entire script of his inane fucktardery, I can only thank my lucky stars I missed seeing it on the box yesterday. (I’d have surely chucked a brick through the screen.)

The thought that I might just live long enough, to actually watch News Ltd implode before my eyes, is one of the few dreams I have left. 🙂

Yeah – it’s so bad it makes me feel embarrassed, on more than one level, so to speak.

paddy @67-
told you – Firstdog is a lurker.
(And John Hartigan is a wanker .. )

The tosh that spewed from John Hartigan’s mouth yesterday was……..just the kind of tosh you would expect to come out of the mouth of the Boss of News Ltd.

Laughingly full of it.

I did get a chuckle out of seeing Steve Lewis and Shamaham seated next to each other , eye glasses drooped low over their snouts, fastidiously taking notes as their boss preened and pouted.

The days of printing biased and/or untrue propaganda that will go unquestioned are over.

But can they change?

Ironically I was bemaoning the lack of coverage if Iran a few posts back and then I read paddy’s post of Hartigan wanking on about how important the MSM is for news coverage. Like , yah – if you want to know about Michael Jackson’s will or Britnetys kids. In the meantime innocent poeple are being chained to fences and beaten to a pulp for hours on end for voicing their protest ,and it is not even mentioned in the MSM.
What fucking planet are these guys on?
The sooner they die out the better.

Firstdog for PM.

And he “may” be even Deader if a certain AFP investigation finds that a shitload of personal dollars changed accounts, on the advice of a certain Treasury deepthroat, before the banking guarantees were announced earlier this year.

Will it happen?…did it happen?….popcorn.

I received a letter from France in French. It said, Carla Bruni, In 1989 Mail Order Catalogue (PHOTOS) in sheer lingerie. French politics at it’s best. Well at least Sarkosy doesn’t hire prostitutes. She doesn’t shave. 😈 The Hufffington Post Could you imagine if this happened in the USA? Say, in South Carolina?

59 Jen Just goes to show men think with their Tyson Goldsack. (It’s a Collingwood joke).

Cox has been dropped from Collingwood. We have no Cox at Collingwood. But we do have a Dick. If you didn’t see the last quarter against Fremantle, the commentators had more fun with those two names than Graham Kennedy on Blankety Blanks.

EC. What the MSM don’t realise is that they are digging there own grave. 😆;_ylt=AkK4mKNY4fPIx2X7m5WlSxrX.sgF

Other trolls and troglodytes don’t know whats happening as well. The Internet and technology are moving so fast that they have no idea what is going on. Hence, the ice age is approaching fast. The Republican Party is afflicted with the same problem. Before they know what’s hit them, they will be extinct. Even the some of the Democrats aren’t across it.

The tools that are changing and will change the world at a much faster rate than expected.

1. The new high speed Internet in the USA and Australia. Other countries following on.
2. Digital cameras.
3 HD movie cameras.
4. Portable memory sticks and hard drives with capacity no one could imagine not so long ago.
5. Wireless Internet. High speed.
6. Satellite transmission at much higher speeds
7 the unknown, knowns of the Internet. 😈

Evidence of this
1 Election of Barack Obama
2 Iran. It’s not over by a long shot. More to come.

3 The MSM companies going broke.
4 The Huffington Post coming from nowhere to a major player in four years. Rivaling cable networks with its reach. Soon to rapidly over take them with citizens journalism.

Chris, that’s a pretty fair analysis at 81 and 82.

Books are also selling their jackets off in cyberspace. Especially in these tough economic times. I remember in 2006 when Glenn Greenwald’s, “How Would A Patriot Act”, went from deep cyberspace to No.1 on Amazon’s bestseller list on the strength of blogosphere buzz alone. No MSM, no middle-persons. Nada.

Really would like to see Danny Froomkin , formerly of WaPo, glom himself a rent-gig soonish. He’s far too good a political writer to wither on the word vine.
Reckon he’s talented and prolific enough to start up cyberzine to rival HuffPo, but sans the National Enquirer crap that clogs the Huffy site.

Citizen Rupert is bleeding megabucks and that’s good. This hurts him a lot because of the way Seps equate status with net worth. Increasing net worth that is. The Delaware businessman remains a Player and is likely to remain one (Fox, WSJ etc.) for a while but he’s missed one of the biggest boats to ply the Mogul Sea by ignoring the profit potential of www for so long. News Ltd have got to be kidding themselves if they believe people are going to fork out to get through a paywall on the Oz to read the stenography of card-carrying cretins.

Tugger Bolt, Shill Shanahan, Shifty Sheridan, The Toxic Midget, Planet Janet (who’s just sunk the stiletto into the NSW tories btw), and the rest of the neocon spruikers will have to contend with an ever diminishing readership.
Talent eludes these scum like bludgers avoid hard work.
It’s only fair to recognise that the abovementioned will probably always jerk the chains of about one in four voters, but the huge majority of those were always going to vote tory out of deeply entrenched self-interest or equally plausibly, rank stupidity.

And hasn’t Petit Mal been quiet this week. Was it something he said? 🙂

Say, Chris, getta loada this zeitgeist zapping essay. Mistah Malcolm talkin’ to you mah man. He’s talkin’ to every goddamn commie pinko in cyberspace. Yes Sah! And he talkin’ dirty! 👿

“The digital age, Anderson argues, is exerting an inexorable downward pressure on the prices of all things “made of ideas.” Anderson does not consider this a passing trend. Rather, he seems to think of it as an iron law: “In the digital realm you can try to keep Free at bay with laws and locks, but eventually the force of economic gravity will win.” To musicians who believe that their music is being pirated, Anderson is blunt. They should stop complaining, and capitalize on the added exposure that piracy provides by making money through touring, merchandise sales, and “yes, the sale of some of [their] music to people who still want CDs or prefer to buy their music online.”

Thanks EC. I keep reading about advances in technology that stuff that makes my head spin. My brother, the guy on the left with hair in the Good Guys ad at the end, said he saw the latest in TV screens. One was so thin that you could put your finger up and it would hide the side of it.
PS I’m better looking than him. 😈

Jen, if you’ll hold him down, I’ll administer the shots. :mrgreen:
Might have to get Chas to sniff the bastard out!

[Still have to pinch myself occasionally when I hear the words “.. and today President Obama ….”]

Hi guys all. Jen – just posted this article on PB is an example of what seems to be a bit more positive on the climate change bill after your man Barry generated heat in the House (no pun intended) and could swing it in the Senate too now Franken is in there. Obama has the power, it’s real and it’s happening. Plus the squeeze goes on the LNP back here:

Chris- aren’t they all free?(eventually)
And isn’t that the whole point of the world wide web… or have i missed something?

G’day EC – You are of course spot on with a New Yorker article. They get the best of the best on those pages. I just posted another article on PB that I had read today in hard-copy, but couldn’t figure out how to get the whole article linked without the need for regristration. Any ideas as to how to make it ‘free’ – as Chris requires? 🙂

jaundiced view-
obama has the responsibility to lead the climate change charge – no country will make concessions that are more than what the US is prepared to do – and no western country would dare do less.
And then the developing world will need to assume the pretence at least that they are paying attention. Obama drives this boat – and if he gets it wrong we all sink. So -…. he is doing all and more than we could ask. We Obamabots weren’t wrong.
(and btw – just a little scratch I need to itch: apparently those who accused us of idiocy, naivity, synchronised swimming and plain out stupidity have apologised.
But not here, they haven’t.
And yes Adam Carr – that means you.)

Barack is doing it better than any of us could have hoped. He is amazing so far, given the choking vested constraints weighing down on his visionary mind every day. I think he has a real chance of getting the Senate to go with the bill. If any Democrat Senator votes against it because of a jolly coal mine in their precious selfish state, they’ll be getting a thunderous email from me – and then they’ll be sorry!

More apologies? Of course there should be, and they should be in person, and involve kneeling.

Jen @ 94 [ re: just a little scratch I need to itch
ok- reverse it.]
Well, perhaps the kneeling apology should also involve scratching as required?
Hmm, are there any women needing to apologise I wonder? -just a random thought. 🙂

I agree jv –
Barack is fucking amazing. i am of teh Rufde Pundit’s view that he cannot sort ita ll out in 6 months but he has already moved us from the unintelligent, ilii-informed, self-serving, delusional fucktardery that was GWB’s reign.
As for apologies on knees – you fucking bet. Catrina, for one deserves an unmittigated stomach-grovelling-across-broken glass hands-on heart apology for the nastiness she copped.
And so does Kirribilli Removalist .
And so do I.

[an unmittigated stomach-grovelling-across-broken glass hands-on heart apology]
I love that! I wish I were a cartoonist to make it visual – EC what can you find to fit that bill?

thanks jv – glad you get it.
a year later I am still pissed. I reckon if that crap had not happened the Oz-blog politics world would be formidable. Instead we are diluted.

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