On the 12 June 2009 a presidential election was held that would mark the beginning of an unravelling of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Just sixteen days later events were unfolding that would trigger a constitutional crisis in Honduras. As events unfolded in Iran, the world discovered a nation of people, educated, smart, brave, scared, and perhaps most of all – human. Across an ocean a South American head of state was removed from office in what has been cited as a democratic coup involving a supreme court, a congress, and a standing army.
Tehran and Tegucigalpa are the two cities in question. In Tehran we witnessed a popular uprising against an election result that announced a landslide victory to the incumbent president, a brutal suppression, and the beginning of a political power struggle that will possibly continue for a number of years. Tegucigalpa in contrast was much more a political/industrial action to maintain a status quo, a pre-emptive action to circumvent what was perceived as a move by a rogue president to move the country to the far left.
Rahm Emanuel said [1] …
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.
[1] YouTube: Rahm Emanuel on a serious crisis.
What he meant by that was that in crisis there is opportunity to do things you could not have done before. In Iran this principal translates into an opportunity for structural changes to the Islamic Republic of Iran, it’s relationships with the outside world, it’s position on human and moral rights, and the potential for the change to the ultimate power structure. But to be clear, the role of popular unrest in this scenario is just the trigger enabling a political opportunity. Over in Honduras the events unfolded with a pre-emptive political move, a reactive but unsuccessful counter-strike, the emergence of a mediation process, and a probably conclusion within which the exiled president will be returned to his position but stripped of any effective power, and the ultimate arbitrators will be the people of Honduras in a new election in November.
In the Honduras case, chances are that the people will get to vote in free and fair elections in just a few months from now. For Iran the situation is much less clear and projection much more uncertain.
What is common between Tehran and Tegucigalpa is that …
Crisis is the mother of political opportunity.
452 replies on “A Tale of Two Cities”
Morning Catrina.
Not being picky but line seven do you mean ‘cited”, and last line para 2 do you mean “rogue”.
After all if he wears “rouge” we may have to nickname him Merlin.
Thanks gaffhook – all fixed!
The Closing of the Southern Highway from Tegucigalpa: An Eye Witness Report
A great article on Honduras from the BBC News as to why it is so important. BBC News Honduras
Honduras Talks Stall on Plan to Return President
Anyone that wants to help Iran could set up a peer to peer network using Lime Wire or Vuze you could use both on the same directory. Then place documents that help them by pass the censorship laws. Make sure you have a very good firewall and virus protection.
Here’s your chance to help get the health legislation passed in the USA. Obama is going onto the Internet to promote his option. As soon as he does, log into your You Tube account, you know the one you used during his election. Then give his option a five star rating. Health care Obama. The Washington Post. You may have to be registered.
From today’s Crikey comes one of the better put downs I’ve ever read.
(sub req)
Meanwhile…..In more important news…..Annabel Crabb chats with Kevin Rudd’s dog Abigail about the mistress of the lodge. 🙂
Great stuff to use in the run up to the 2010 election. Use this and the Democrats will win Florida and possible Arizona.
Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) accused the Republican Party of playing “racial politics” with the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Sonia Sotomayor, even declaring that the leaders of the GOP had called her a “bigot” and the “head of the KKK.”
The Huffington Post
Free tourism publicity again. We do well out of the Huffington Post.
Kevin gets a mention too!
Also the British back packer who got lost. Australia 2 Austria 0
Well Jen.
It looks like the day of reckoning may be not far away, and Barry is making the smart move distancing himself from all the inquiries.
Can he blame it on the Bossa-nova!
While he is doing all that the wheels go round and round.
Wouldn’t it be loverly seeing some of those bastards squirming on their seats at Senate investigations.
And hopefully prosecuted.
And it gets better Jen
Remember the Elephant in the GOP room. Well, it has taken a sabatical and left a big steaming turd in the middle of the room.
The rest of the repugs are now claiming it as Dicky and are prodding it with sticks waiting for it to firm up a bit so they can kick it out the door as well. They are about to give him the leper treatment, not wanted Dick, fuck off and fight your own battles, we don’t want to know ya!
The village idiot has left em for dead as well. LOL
Good old slimy Dick has his daughter firing all his bullets now, she is the only one who wants to own him. Poor girl.
So sweet when the Ray McGoverns of the USA open their wardrobes and the corpses fall out.
White House Plans to Use DeMint’s “Waterloo” Quote to Rally the Troops
On Friday, on a “Conservatives for Patients Rights” conference call with conservative activists dealing with health care reform, Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., said, as Ben Smith at Politico reported, “If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.”
DeMint said he could “almost guarantee you this thing won’t pass before August, and if we can hold it back until we go home for a month’s break in August…Senators and Congressmen will come back in September afraid to vote against the American people.”
more on The Political Punch
Ensigns popularity drops 22% after the affair. (Something about glass houses and stones)?
continued in the Review Journal
July 18:
A little bed-time reading. This guy loathes Timmy Geithner as much as some Ticsters. Yeah, he hates Timmy real bad.
Vulnerable House Democrats Are Well-Funded.
The 42 House Democrats to whom party leaders are steering extra financial and political assistance banked an average of nearly half a million dollars 16 months before the 2010 midterm elections.
more on CQ Politics.
I’ve already got a fair idea how the 2010 election is going to go. I just want to see how the health bill turns out and the immigration issue turns out before I take on David and his political mathematics machine again. 😈
Enemy Combatant at 18
Wow – good read!!
Sprite Oral Sex Ad Banned In Germany (VIDEO)
Plenty of warning first!!!!! If upset easily don’t watch. But it is on You Tube.
Adulterous Saudi Princess Granted British Asylum For Fears Of Death Penalty.
Shades of the early 1970’s
A book called The Death of a Princess. A story written about the beheading of a princess for adultery. Bush invaded the wrong country!
I assume since Gerard Henderson thinks it represents the views of left wing pundits, that Liberal Rule tonight on SBS at 8.30pm will be pretty good. In fact, Hendo thinks “it’s a shocker and a disgrace”. I think therefore it must be great! The blurb in the TV guide in the SMH says it’s more balanced than “The Howard Years”, because it includes both the views of insiders and outsiders. Part 1 of 3 airs tonight.
I am thinking the same Katielou but just the sight of the prick on TV gives me a massive rush of reflux to the throat.
I would love to watch the series though when they try him for war crimes for taking us illegally to the Iraq war.
I will have a bucket handy that night.
Hi all –
gaffers @13 and 14- looking promising indeed.
This won’t go away no matter how much the Repugs might hope it will. Once the whistleblowing starts in earnest – and there must be people busting to spill all – thos slimebag bastatrds will be dragged through teh mud. Nixon came a cropper, but that will be nothing if what we know to be true is publicly proven. And then yes- let Howards and his merry band be dragged right alongside them .
Chris dear- you don’t really have to share every piece of footage you know. 😉
Cat – this was in The Age…
Poor old Sarah.
Mind you when i see this it reminds me why i used to hate my school teachers.
I was never in the same league as this though, I could string a couple of sentences together that meant something. I think.
Is this man what you call a lunar tic? What about the 3.7 million victims?
Dennis Hope: Nevada Man Claims Ownership Of The Moon, Challenges UN.
See if you can unravel this one Gouldie.
Fact or fiction?
Was Dr. David Kelly a Target of Dick Cheney’s “Executive Assassination Ring”?
Here’s a sample of whats to come in 2010.You Tube
25 Jen Forget to ask mummies permission to view it Jen?
Not at all CB – it’s just easy to find if I want to view it.
… but thanks for the tip.
Jen at 26
I suspect this is more rhetoric than real sentiment on the ground. Zelaya is playing a high stakes game and seems willing to actively engage in heating things up in Honduras. But other facts speak against this. Before the event his popularity was rather low (although this has picked up after the event). A poll taken by CID-Gallup on the 9-10 July asked a couple of questions:
Yes 41%, No 28%, Don’t know/No answer: 31%.
Support 41%, Oppose 46%, Don’t know/No Answer 13%.
These numbers suggests that ‘the people’ didn’t like what Zelaya was doing and figured it was reasonable to remove him from office. On the other-hand the poll numbers suggests that they didn’t like the way in which that act was executed. It’s just hard to see a major popular event unfolding here given these numbers.
In the meantime …
Despite Honduran crisis, Nicaraguan President Ortega launches bid to extend his term
hmm Cat- opportunism all round.
Not sure what I think about fixed terms- it meant Bush had to go regardless, and not having it allowed Howard to remain for far too long, but the Will Of The People and all…
but then again voters can be really fucking dumb.
Gorgeous thing you are.- even the emoticons!
I think i am for fixed terms as that is a sure fire way of getting rid of of a leader before he personally becomes firmly entrenched in activities which invariably are no good for the people.The particular party can still be reelected but with a different leader.
Surely fixed terms are some kind of preventative measures to having the likes of the Amins and Mugabes of the world. Surely after 8 years, or whatever the term may be, there would be someone in the party capable of taking the reigns if that party was still popular with the majority.
I am sure Julia would be able to do it after KR but not sure about Mal’s mob.
All right! Everyone of you conspiracy theorist freaks should look away now.
For the merely insane who haven’t yet closed their eyes……
Put down that glass and behold the madness of Firstdog.
Well Cat, aren’t we lucky to have CID-Gallup to fill the void where democracy once was. LOL
Democra-Phobia: Fear of Citizen Power in Honduras
HusseinStWorm at 41
Why does that remind me of another turn of phrase?
Mind you, at the previous rate of Coup d’état, I’m surprised it took so long for this one. Will they be able to hold back others is the next question.
despite the warning and the careful placing of the glass-
** snorting***
FFS, need the vacuum cleaner.
and a straw.
Defiant Honduras leaders to expel Venezuela diplomats
Gaffhook at 29,
It’s a conspiracy theory. Therefore, the odds are that it is crap. Conspiracy theories are like religion: they build a whole fantastic edifice connecting various events to a powerful and shadowy figure, discarding inconvenient things such things as ‘evidence’ and ‘logic’. The resulting construction is often very attractive to many people, even many intelligent people. But illusions often are attractive.
Paddy at 40,
Re term limits: any nation wisely tries to create laws that go some way towards protecting people from their own stupidity. Seat belt laws, for example; laws that ban cigarette advertising; laws that prevent people voting Liberal (okay, we haven’t got that one through yet, but it can only be a matter of time ;)).
Term limits are one of these laws. While we do not have them in Australia, many nations do have them, especially those with turbulent histories that contain dictators.
Shock and amazement!
Sarah may have done something unethical..
21 Chris B Turns out that the Sprite advertisement was a fake!
48 David Gould It only tale two to make a conspiracy!!!!!
Or didn’t you learn from before.
Chris B,
Learn what? I already know that conspiracy theory thinking is crap. I think some others need to learn that. 😉
Chris B
This one is is just for you!
There seems to be a misunderstanding here. The fact that conspiracies occur (something I do not dispute) is *not* evidence that any particular conspiracy theory is true.
David Gould at 56
Equally, it is *not* evidence that a given conspiracy is false!
Of course not – it is irrelevant. What is evidence that a conspiracy theory is false is the irrationality evidenced by those pushing it. You can see this irrationality clearly demonstrated in 911 Truthers, global warming deniers, creationists, moon landing hoaxists, holocaust deniers and so on. The similarity in methods and in arguments is very telling.
One test that I would give all conspiracy theories: what observation would falsify the theory? My experience has been that no matter what is observed, it can be fitted into the conspiracy theory.
Anyway, the important news is that England won the Lord’s test. 🙂
As to the specific conspiracy theory that Gaffhook raised, so many people would have to be involved that it is hard to know how to start. Basically, the theory makes the assumption that dozens of people in positions of authority in countries all around the world are prepared to directly assist the cover up murder.
July 22:
July 22: Good Night & Good Luck, Walter.
July 22:
Although Bennett’s cartoon is not addressing the issue, here’s why voluntary euthanasia bothers the people with vested interests in keeping all those machines going: “beep…..beep…….beep…..”
ChrisB –
got Cat’s you-tube message. Sorry if I was mean and stupid 😉
Oh for goodness sake Jen….You’re *not* mean and stupid…..!!!
We all know you just enjoy being unkind, by mocking older, less gifted sorts of people. 😆
Now is that an iron bar in your pocket, or are you just glad to see us all.
Arriving back to terra firma, and perusing the usual sources of comedic information:
Bernanke Is Ranked World’s Best at Handling Financial Crisis, Survey Shows Global investors give Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke top marks for combating the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and overwhelmingly favor his reappointment amid optimism that the world economy is on the mend.
…Bloomberg catches my eye.
This guy, let’s recall, told us that the little sub-prime hiccup was but a storm in a teacup, and hardly a drop of the precious fluid would even stain the table cloth!
Ooooops! But now we are told, he is the “maestro nuovo” and we should all hail him, just as we did his predecessor, until we discovered he was a clueless old git that had, in fact, ably helped to wreck the world’s economy.
Are we going to all genuflect yet again?
As I like to say to the kids: I don’t think so.
Yesterday on bloomberg some dude named Barofsky was touting that it was only going to take a measly $23.5 tril to rescue US.
It looks like that story has been pulled at Bloomberg but there is a ref here.
Not a bad hiccup though.
How to lie straight in a burning bed AND become First Maverick On The Moon:
Barack O’Bush:
Suggest cf. short Colbert clip, “Perfect World”: the agony of torture witnesses.
In Obi’s Perfect World, 1+1 = 3. Coulda happened to anyone who ever taught U.S. Constitutional Law, I guess. That’s the trouble with the audaciously hopeful, they can’t always deal meaningfully with numbers. Once knew a bloke went by the name of Winston Wordsmith who was utterly convinced that 2 + 2 =5.
paddy- no one does mean as well as FirstDog….
but I try.
Kiriri- can’t find the links from a few days ago, but headlines here in Vic were that housing prices are rising, retail is soaring, we have avoided the recession and, well – once again old friend, looks like the amigos were right and you were just getting all in a dither over nothing. 🙄
of course if you bother to read the content (which I suspect many don’t) it goes on to say that we haven’t really started to feel the full impact, that unemployment is going to rise sharply, that interest rates are almost certain to , that retail is only survivng due to the recent handoouts etc etc.
That old parallel universe again!
Ecky – don’t give up yet,. I still reckon Obi is just being seen to be keeping his hands off this one ,and the torture issue will gather so much social, public and international momentum that the truth will be forced out.
It’s just too big to bury IMO.
23.7 trillion …
what does that mean in years again ?? Still can’t get my head around the reality of these figures.
and finally –
a peace offering for CB
(btw – I got Prude on the rating scale 😉 )
“Follow the drugs, and you’ll find dealers and users. Follow the money, and you have no idea where the case will take you.”
55 Catrina Good song. I’ve just downloaded Garbage, Stupid Girl. 🙂
I like Pink, knows all about encouraging positive women.
63 Jen Nah!
72 Jen Thanks, but your a bit slow off the mark too!
Geez, Jen, I really do hope you’re right about The Kid, but from my perspective the portents don’t look inspirational, so not holding my breath for his promised changes.*
Now check dis out bruddah ‘n’ systems. Whole bunch o’ black folk gettin’ funky to white boys playin’ Sly Stone music.
Dem Whities sho’ got a natural sense of rhythm.
What is that?
Born right in ‘em ah guess!
In the end, only fate could wise-up Americans that multi-tasking has its limits. Meanwhile, in the true spirit of Sep entrepreneurialism, ATT are branching out into roadside funeral parlours.
July 22:
July 22:
Ah-Nuld’s next campaign will feature Guv Gropinator with a bong in one hand and a bible in the other. Both are nice little earners for their purveyors but only one can truly save the CA economy.
* no water-boarding was used in the preparation of this response
Here is another one for you to crack Gouldie.
Do not underestimate the numbers involved David.
I have to learn not to get excited when Holder or DOJ says they are going to do something or other.
I get to the top of the gum tree then a day later, look down and someone has got the chainsaw at the trunk, and get the feeling the more things change the more they stay the same.
Obama Lawyers Shield Cheney on Leak:
totally OT, but sometimes what is happening in our own backyard is just too sad to be true…
And why shouldn’t a good upstanding patriotic merkin company ask the judge for a gag order on all the evidence that will probably scar their good will among all upstanding merkins.
Seems like every merkin who knows the shrub and dicky are in court for one reason or another.
Gut wrenching stuff! 🙁
However, on an equally OT, but much more positive note….
(It always good to be pleasantly surprised by a “celebrity”.)
Ian Thorpe has made a damn fine speech in London recently.
Well worth a read.
Meanwhile back in the clear skies and drones over Paki hellfire missile department comes the news that:
Spokesperson said he was not targeted, he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Nothin like a bit of cruisin music when you are mindin yer own on a pleasant carribean cruise and the pommy grey funnel line stick their nose in.
Fucken spoilers.
Plus ca change, indeed, gaffy.
Reckon you make a great political koala though, all treed and waitin’ for the saw to fall. At first, all would seem lost, but in every imminent disaster there sprouteth glorious green shoots of opportunity!
Yeah, can picture it now…… feature this:
Always shootin’ from the hip; gaffy the Unscripted Eucalyptor. Dwindling though they be in influence, The MSM would eat you up. Now that we’ve witnessed first hand what a switched-on and dedicated teams of bloggers can do (BHO’s win), we can use the internet for “policy releases” on your website and keep personal appearances scarce enough to generate maximum campaign sizzle.
When you’re elected you’ll be able to get on the turps and watch the cricket with Gouldie in the Members Bar. FNQ politics needs a bit of colour, whaddya say? I’ll jump on a Greyhound Bus come spring and we’ll plan your——–
” The Capricornia Campaign: Fear & Loathing in the Land of the Rainbow Serpent”
A Senate seat would probably be best due to the widespread publicity your cadidacy will generate. We’ll have the right people handle the preference pow-wows. Piece of piss, no worries. Imagine the good you could do for your Shire, the Great State of Queensland, and the country we hold so dear if you managed to arse balance-of-power type power? Fair dinkum mate, if that dickhead Fielding can get up in Victoria you’d bolt in on a Queensland Senate ticket.
Seeing it has been a slow news week, on behalf of the Daily Show, we should drop a little snifter in here.
What’s that about foxes? Wher is Kevin Bloody Wilson, with his mate Mick, he should be in there as well.
“Yes, it’s hard to believe that a legal battle has ensued over fart noises. Says Daily Show correspondent Wyatt Cenac: “Pull My Finger and iFart have attorneys?” ”
Way things are these days, seems every arsehole’s got a mouthpiece.
Still, might make things a little easier for upwardly mobile folk in the advertising industry.
Fair suck a the sauce bottle Ecky, what kinda conspiracy theory is all that?
Well, gaffy, there would be more than 2 people involved, so theoretically it could classified as a conspiracy. Perhaps David could enlighten us tomorrow on our comprehension skills 🙂
Looks like BO is goin ahead with his cash for clunkers subsidy to get the old gas guzlin buckets off the road.
Not to be out done Chrysler are goin to double it if you buy an 09 Dodge, Chrysler and Jeep models. One would suspect that they are the big gas guzlin ones that they have not sold yet. FFS
Diogenes has made iton to the top 10 inappropriate iPhone apps.
Far out he made it twice.LOL
Gee Chris the Seppos are really giving us some free pub.
I missed this on Chasers and it pops up here.
And boo hoo to you mr Yoo.
gaffers- you just gotta love them.
The Chaser boys are surely just the latest incarnation of a proud tradition of Oz irreverence … think Rubbery Figures, think Aunty Jack, think Norman Gunston, Australia Down-Under and so on.
Or don’t think at all – just piss yourself.
As for Diogenes : he’s just attention-seeking.
Ecky – have faith.
it’s what got a man like Obama into the Whitehouse. He is not a revolutionary leader – he just can’t be.
He is not Jesus, Ghandi or Mandela , but he is a vast improvement on what we have had, working within a system that is entrenched with political minefields.
Have a little faith, my friend.
And accept that Strategy is part of the game he plays.
He needs to be seen to placate many interests, so he will use use the puppets he has on hand.
And if he fails – they can vote him out.
Obama’s prime-time news conference on health care.
John Stewart on the Huffington Post on the loonies that are on about his birth certificate. Very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama Boosts U.S. Image Throughout World, Except In Israel.