In geopolitical terms – the big trifecta is Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India (that’s the yellow, dark-yellow, and the grey band just to the right of Iran).
While the occasional geopolitical manoeuvres in the dark make for a great Bond movie, we have an obligation to dig a little deeper. First step on our adventure is to zoom in on the Afghan/Pakistan border where that orange band in the middle (see illustration below) is Taliban territory.
Things get more interesting when we throw in details of the ethnic, cultural, family, history, loyalty thing – and in the following map we should be cognisant of the fact that geopolitical boundaries don’t take centre stage (after all – the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan was nothing more than an arbitrary 19th century British colonial construct).
Just for reference – that big brown blob in the previous illustration is the Pashtun ethnic population. The following map drills down and identifies the principal regions at ground zero.
But lets zoom out again and factor into this equation that discussion about the relationship (and/or conflict) between Afghanistan and Pakistan that is of direct interest to their neighbour Iran (the big bugger over on the left). After all, Iran has many of the same tribal problems that face the fledgling Afghanistan administration (and an outbreak of secular testosterone in Afghanistan is a potential problem in the making for Iran). Let’s also take into account that big chunks of Afghanistan could be argued to be more properly part and parcel of Pakistan (which would go a long way towards explaining some of the accusations of Pakistan/Taliban loyalty). Equally, when we talk about Pakistan and India (the big bugger over on the right) there is the inevitable engagement of China (the really big bugger over on the far far right) as a player with more than a passing interest. And let’s not even get into the parallel universe of the Kashmir equation.
Thing is, a failed Afghanistan state creates stress for Pakistan and stress for Pakistan creates opportunity for India, an India/Pakistan conflict plays into the hands of China, and at the end of the day a bunch of nation states (US, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Australia) just aren’t ready for that reality just yet. But what ties this all together is that none of the players want to see a united secular solution.
And for better or worse – what if this conflict may be our best hope for peace in our time? Why? Simply because an alignment of common interests between the principal players in this equation. That the simple thing of an alignment just may be a greater good than the atrocities that have and will be committed in the sustainment of this transient moment.
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Recommended Reading
Agonizing over Afghanistan
David Shribman, 31 October, 2009
Pakistan is swiftly drifting towards an all out civil war
Abdus Sattar Ghazali, 28 October, 2009
613 replies on “The Big Trifecta”
Here’s a good visual of the history of NJ and Virginia. It appears they nearly always go the opposite to the new President.
OT I know. But we have to maintain a certain standard of intellectual rigour around here. 🙂
So….For those who like their cartoons ….deep.
Firstdog’s discussion of quantum metaphysics, cunningly disguised as a weather report.
Tianamen Mouse Leases Marx House:
Nov 4:
Nov 4:
Nov 2:
Nov 3:
GOP, the gall ! (we will decide who belongs to………)
Nov 4:
Nov 4:
Nov 4:
Nov 4:
(got broadband back, the fault was telstra’s end, glommed a few gigs gratis after a Howard Beale performance to the factotum who swore it’d be fixed by midight Cup eve. Very therapeutic. He awarded me a “9” for the dummy-spit and we parted loling this morning. Nice to get a regional manager with a sense of humour)
OMG!! The stench, the stench!!….Look what the cat’s dragged in. 🙂
Somehow I can see the resemblance Ecky.
I’ll bet you even threatened to sell all your Telscum shares and devastate the stock price if they didn’t fix it at once eh? 👿
BTW I think the script on that Kos Link is worthy of repeating.
paddy and EC
Not that I want to burst a lovely looking bubble or anything – but exit polls indicated that for the regular Joes were not thinking about Obama or federal issues – they were voting on who they thought could handle local issues. Sorry to break it to you but the HarryH breakout of ‘no surprise here, move along everyone’ is much closer to the money.
Italy Convicts 23 Americans In CIA Terrorist Kidnapping Case
Australia Puts Its Refugee Problem on a Remote Island, Behind Razor Wire
It’s all done by maths and i’ve got attitude!!!!!!!!!!!
Catrina says
I was just getting into the swing of an old fashioned chardonnay swilling rant. You’re such a bloody killjoy Cat. 🙂
Meanwhile as far as the Italian court case on rendition goes….I guess it’s just as well it wasn’t a *French* court.
Glen Beck’s head would have gone *nuclear*. 😆
The rude one is worth a look today.
505 and 506
Being the thinking person that i am i think i will go with the Rude Pundits version of the results.
Written in easy plain language to understand.
Joe the Arsehole has his resume submitted for him for his job when he goes in 2012, a Frankston level crossing Flagman.
How will Barry react to the UN basically shutting down in Afghanistan.
Well, Cat, we’ll have to wait a year for the Midterms to see if BHO’s base turns out in 2008 numbers. The exit polls didn’t question those who did not show up on the day though. The Dems dumbly ran with a dud candidate for VA guber. They deserved to be whipped like egg-sucking dogs!
The Shorter Doubleplusgood Duckspeak dictionary defines “extraordinary rendition” as:
kidnap and torture (execution, whole body shredding and dispersal optional) with the tab being picked up by American taxpayers.
paddy at 510
Retribution for your disparaging cat comment at #504!
It will not be forgotten.
“Being the thinking person that i am i think i will go with the Rude Pundits version of the results.
Written in easy plain language to understand.”
gaffy, does your brain feel like it wants to explode when you think really, really hard? Some days my head seems like the one on one of those old JJJ t-shirts showing a radio-head wired to coconuts while sporting a frequency modulated head charkra
Here’s more on BBC News. Although it is hard to find.
Catrina says:
So then, my fine, furry pussy cat………I see it’s the Pinot Noir, versus the Chardonnay at 20 paces eh? 😆
520 So as they keep convicting them is the USA going to keep ignoring them. Spain should be the next ones to convict.
Hey! What’s a lttle rendidtion here and there among friends?
(Chris, it’s not just happening in Italy)
A Court Decision That Reflects What Type of Country the US Is
Even when government officials purposely subject an innocent person to brutal torture, they enjoy full immunity
by Glenn Greenwald
Told you it was all about maths.
Convicted CIA Spy Says “We Broke the Law”.
continued on ABC News
523 EC I hope they all keep pursuing it. What I am worried about is the timing. We have an election in less than 12 months. My worry is that it will backfire on the Democrats. Even though it is fully the responsibility of the Repugs. I can imagine them turning it around into an anti American thing somehow. I keep waiting for some major blow up before Nov 2010.
paddy at 521
Presented with the scenario of a setting sun, the to-do-list of cleaning up the blood with the remaining dregs of a warm Chardonnay against the subtle edge of Pinot Noir as the darkness descends …
I have considered the options and I will do the better thing …
I put to you, a bottle of Pinot Noir Chardonnay NV.
gaffhok at 524
When you go to sleep at night – ask yourself the question …
Tory EU stance will ‘castrate’ UK.
continued on the BBC News
What? Fundamental Rights, employment and criminal law? Does that rule out any more Thatcherism? 🙂
It would be nice to see the conservatives explode in the UK. That is not likely to happen. Even if it did, Labour would not do the right thing while in power. Brown is a ditherer.
continued on The BBC News.
New row over Colombia-US accord.
It’s quite possible the USA hasn’t learned a thing!
continued on BBC News.
Cornyn Forced By Teabagger Base To Keep NRSC Out Of Senate Primaries.
This is pretty big news that shows the institutional power of the tea party conservative base. In the wake of last night’s disaster in NY-23, John Cornyn, the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the GOP campaign arm for Senate races, announced that his organization will not endorse or spend money in “contested primaries.”
continued on Firedoglake
Faced with such grace, I can only bow before magnificence mistress Cat . 🙂
paddy at 532
The power of the dark side …
😆 😆 😆
I think I preferred Darth.
Fort Hood Shootings: 12 Dead, 31 Injured On Texas Military Base.
The U.S. Army says 12 people have been killed and 31 wounded in a shooting rampage on the Fort Hood Army base in Texas. Lt. Gen Bob Cone said at a news conference that one shooter has been killed and two suspects were apprehended on Thursday. He says they are all U.S. soldiers.
Read more at:
The shooter was: Major Malik Nadal Hasan.
Is the Japanese ice cold exterior cracking?
Hand-Holding Hatoyamas: Japan’s First Couple Partakes In PDA (PHOTOS)
Read more at:
Study Paints iPhone Users As Porn-Watching Egomaniacs.
Read more at:
I haven’t got one. 😆
Spiritually uplifted by his church service, P.M. Rudd explains how Practical Australian Christianity is dispensed to The Swarthy.
Obama’s Generals:
“Meanwhile back in Washington, our pair of hyper ambitious generals – David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal – have thrown all their resources into the latest offensive aimed at pushing another American president to go for broke. Their rendezvous with destiny is now Obama’s. McChrystal, lest we forget, was author of the self-serving Pat Tillman myth and the man who institutionalized torture at Camp Cropper in May 2003. Now he is authoring “hearts and minds” strategies – evidently a man for all seasons.
In the duo’s current dubious battle, they are given encouragement by the nation’s editorial writers and receive near unanimous backing from the capital’s galaxy of think tanks. The famed Rand Corporation is using millions of Pentagon dollars to pursue the Mother of All Counter-Insurgency Studies. The project is promising, one of its directors former Ambassador James Dobbins told me, because it wisely has set as two positive reference points for successful, foreign led counter insurgency efforts: Vietnam and Iraq. We all have ways of amusing ourselves – I guess.”
Read more at:
Scott Ritter on Military Madness in Afghanistan:(audio recommended)
That is a good listen, that interview with Scott Ritter.
533 Catrina Brilliant! 😆
Breaking: Fort Hood Alleged Shooter Now Confirmed Alive.
continued on Firedoglake
Now I have seen everything. Live TV on petrol pumps. That wouldn’t be to distract you from watching how much you are putting in the tank, would it? Along with the Internet being used in exams (Denmark). It is going to make it very hard for the fundies to avoid TV and computers. Especially if governments makes exams on the Internet a compulsory part of schooling.
GOP’s special elections losing streak.
continued on Politico.
Chris B @ 536
The gunman has been identified as Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a military psychiatrist who was about to be deployed to Iraq.
Tomorrow: the Tom-Tom drum of the neighbourhood
Hope all’s going well for you and family, DG.
Yes, Gaffy. Ritter’s got bulk cred. He was one of the few career military people who spoke out against the rush to war in Iraq, 2003. Dunno if your saw any footage of Ritter confronting Saddam’s strongmen on the ground in Iraq when he was a UN WMD hunter. Very impressive. His passionately argued: why should U.S. personel have to die in another bullshit war with abysmally articultated objectives and no exit strategy?…… is both timely and valid.
Meanwhile, the surge is a done deal. Numbers? Can’t see any less than 15,000 or more than 25,000 US troops in the C-I-C’s upcoming announcement.
Cane toads for a free Tibet strike back with the ultimate fart joke.
Thank god Eddie Maguire doesn’t hit on naval officers like this!
Who Wants to be a Millionaire Host Meredith Vieira Hits on a Naval Officer.
continued on TPM
Kevin Rudd looks like he is about to roll up the sleeves and start throwin a few.
At his speech at the Lowy Institute today he gave all the Deniers and Sceptics a pretty clear message.
A very good speech IMHO.
His speech in full;
Just because he always makes me laugh…and nod.
A little Bill Maher
HarryH at 553
William Shatner And Twitter Poetry
John Stewart at his brilliant best. Especially the Glen Beck bit. A must see.
Stewart on Beck on Public Option:
“who’s to say they can’t take out your healthy appendix tomorrow and eat it in front of you and your children?”
“The Horror” Makes A Home Call, Collect:
gaffy, after the way Ruddster micro-managed his monumental stuff up of the Sri Lankan refugees this week he needed to boldly speak. Looks good on paper let’s see how much leadership he can bring to bear in shaping world response in Denmark next month. Appreciate a good political speech, but talk is cheap and co-ordinated global action is required.
“The Government I lead will act.”
On behalf of all who share this pale-blue, biospheric-bubbled spaceship no doubt, Prime Minister.
The Man That History Passed By: loses capacity to stun, amaze or pacify
* of or dependent on alms; charitable
ahhhh. Ther’s nothing like a good dose of Rude Pundit when he is fired up.
I don’t think it was a monumental stuff up and i think that the way the whole episode has played he is 100% correct with what has transpired.
I also think that a lot of people are confusing the issues because of the spin being put the issue by the media and opposition to make it look like he has stuffed up.
If the logic is followed he is clean.
Persons on a boat in Indonesian sea rescue zone call for asistance because the boat they are in is in danger.
Indonesia says it has no immediate facilities available to help these people.
Indonesia calls for assistance from anyone who may be in the vicinity and can help
Australia (two vessels in area) answers Indonesian request and is asked to assist by Indonesia.
Persons on boat are rescued by one vessel and transferred later to a vessel Ocean Viking, (OV) which is better equipped to give medical, food and clothing etc.
The rescued people probably identify themselves as refugees from Shri Lanka and are seeking Assylum in Australia.
The OV has rescued these people and is still in the Indo rescue area and is required, when given permission to enter Indonesia territorial waters, to deliver these persons to the nearest safe port in Indo where they would then be under the control of the UNHCR.
Indonesia is required to accept these people because they were in their maratime rescue area.
The OV has arrived at the required port for disembarcation.
The Indonesians did not prevent the people from disembarking and the crew of the OV did not prevent them either.
The rescued people decided they would not disembark and they demanded to be taken to Australia.
The indonesians and the OV have both said they will not use force to remove the people from the ship and want them to disembark under their own free will. While there is this mexican standoff i am quite confident that they are receiving proper and humane treatment.
The problem is that these people will not disembark under their own free will at the nearest safe port as they are required to do so that the ship that rescued them can go about its legitimate business and clear Indonesian Territorial waters.
Without the rescued people on board they would have no requirement to be in Indonesian territorial waters.
At this point i will say that had they left the ship immediately they may or may not have been given quick processing and allowed to go to Australia or some other country.
That did not happen so there is no answer to that question.
There are several huge repercussions that would occur if these people are allowed to control the sequence of events.
One is that people would get in to boats and go out to sea and call for assistance in the Indonesian Maratime rescue area knowing that if they are rescued they can bung on a blue and if it is an Australian vessel rescuing them, go straight to Xmas Island.
Two is that given that any future rescue vessel, after seeing what a rescue vessel has done and is required to do by maratime law requirements, and the rescued people have refused to disembark,
may just decide they do not want the same problem and sail past without offering any assistance whatsoever.
The issue to me is not the humane / inhumane treatment of these assylum seekers but the precedent that would be set and come back to bite them, when foreign ships are requested to rescue people in other countries maratime rescue areas.
By comparison the most recent boat that went down near the Cocos Islands was a tragedy with the loss of life.
The sequence there though was that a foreign vessel rescued the survivors in Australias maratime rescue zone and was given access to the nearest safe port which was Xmas Island.
They have disembarked without any problems and are now being processed to the best of my knowledge. The rescue ship is now on its way doing its business having done its duty under maratime rescue requirements.
Had the OV rescued those others in Australian Maratime rescue area there is no doubt they would have been taken to the nearest safe port in Australia.
Ruddster is 100% correct on this one, the rescued people are not in any danger, and the rest is just redneck dogwhistling at its best ably supported by Ruperts neocon press.
558 gaffy, you missed the bit where a certain Liberal wanted to invade Indonesia to get them off the boat. So did Labor. Otherwise and excellent article. (Wilson Tuckey).
Was Fort Hood Shooter Taking Army-Administered Medication?
Read more at:
AFL-CIO Threatens To Cut $$ to ConservaDems Who Don’t Vote for Health Care.
This could have a lot of influence on the outcome.
continued on Firedoglake
ain’t this` the truth..
‘The New York Times, which sent a reporter to Christmas Island, said Australia had a ”primordial fear” of people arriving on boats ”instilled over past decades of anti-Asian immigration policies and is still stoked by conservative politicians”.
Mr Rudd was described as ”rattled” by the influx of boat people, which had swung elections in the past.’
Elizabeth Warren keeps fighting the good fight.
Elizabeth Warren Introduces COP’s November Report
Will the Libtards win the next NSW State election with Alex Hawke as leader. HaHaHaHa!!!!!!!!
“A new study found that women’s faces age and wrinkle just like their mothers. The study was conducted by the American Society of Wrong Things to Say to Your Wife.”
—Jimmy Fallon
“This weekend, President Obama declared a national emergency in response to the growing threat of swine flu. … In response to Obama’s declaration, the Republican leaders this morning came out in support of the swine flu.”
—Jimmy Kimmel
Paraguay leader sacks army head.
continued on the BBC News.
Jon Stewart
Is our dick going soft?
gaffy, the thrust of my swipe at Rudd over the fate of the 78 Sri Lankans is from a humanitariam not a procedural viewpoint, which I didn’t make clear. It certainly didn’t come from the shills of Rupe’s rag. Reckon the 78 human beings should have been brought straight to xmas Is. for processing because they stand a better chance if they are cleared as bona fide refugess here in Oz than in Indon.
As for sending a message that’s it’s open slather for boat people fleeing brutally oppressive regimes, I’m not so sure. Since WW2 Australia has ~3,5000,000 new settlers of whom ~30,000 arrived by boat, the majority of whom were welcomed by Fraser after Vietnam. That’s less than point one percent by boat. Australia’s social fabric has been hugely enriched as a result of their making home here. Fears that new settlers are a threat to us is blown way out of proportion to the reality of Australia’s post WW2 social harmony yet a lot of Australians remain astonishingly hostile towards boat people.
Davis Marr on Q&A this Thursday said polls show a third of us say “no boats no way”. This is Rudd’s realpolitik. He’s got to manage the “2 Minute Hate” sessions dished out by the parrot and his tabloid and online equivalents. On the same program Maxine McKew mentioned how complex this particular issue was with half a million people from Sri Lanka being displaced over the last 25 years of viscious civil war.
So Rudd, I agree, played it straight bat according to maritime law and procedure, but my heart is out there on the high seas and in the backwaters with 78 refugees.
Ever wonder what happens to an aircraft when a propeller gets too close? You can just make out the name Australia on it, eight images down. Also check out the lions a bit further down.×8931121
I am sitting in the same chair as you from all the humanitarian points and numbers of boat persons %wise etc. No worries there.
The point from this which has to be unequivocal is that a boat/ship in a maratime rescue area should be rescued by coordination from the area to which it belongs and those rescued are to disembark at the nearest safe port in the country that is in charge of that rescue area.
To do anything else prior to that or in lieu of that and cave to the demands of the survivors sends the wrong message. That is why Indonesia will not refuse to accept them.
That is by example;
Malcolm Turnbull, Joe Hockey, Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop are on an 80 meter cruiser with Rupert Murdoch, Andrew Bolt, Laurie Oaks and some other distinguished guests taking a liesurely cruise to areas of the Far East. They are not in Indonesian territorial waters but in their rescue zone when they collide with a, just under the surface, shipping container lost overboard from another ship during a typhoon.
The speed at which they are cruising when they collide with the container causes a large gaping hole in the cruiser and the pumps can not gain on the flooding water.
SOS goes out.
Indonesia does not have available a suitable rescue facility so calls for assistance from any other vessels in the area.
Only other vessel in the area is a huge bulk carrier, they do not know the nationality of those on the sinking vessel, and the Captains controlling company says , because of the problems with the last boat load of survivors that were picked up in the same area, we require you not to go to the assistance of that vessel but go direct to Singapore and load with fuel.
At $700,000.00 per day we we can not have you sitting idle in an Indonesian port for any length of time and it will be cheaper should anything come of it to pay a fine for not picking them up. It will be much less messy. We did not get the may day because our radio was on the blink etc but we are really sorry we were unable to help.
Result; no survivors.
It would be good as well.
I don’t know whether that is clear but that is the unfortunate situation that these survivors may be responsible for by their actions to refuse to disembark.
Ruddster would be quite entitled to remove them by force but I do think that he may fear some backlash because of the the noise being made here, which is more the pity.
Those survivors must leave the ship before anything else can happen.
They can march on to the wharf and identify themselves to the local authorities and then be allowed to march straight back on the ship, because of some agreement between UNHCR and Indo and OZ, and then be taken to Xmas Island for further processing.
That would be fine, but they must leave the ship and go ashore first.
Lots of clouds are hanging over the issue and now there is speculation that mr Alex is in fact a people smuggler.
That being the case the authorities may be saying you are going nowhere until you identify who is arranging your attempted shipment to Australia.
Who knows but it is complicated i am sure.
I sincerely hope it all turns out positive for them.
An AFP report on trouble in Honduras is bouncing around the news rooms of the world. Basically Zenya is refusing to play with the other kids unless he gets to be President.
In the meantime the NYT has a piece up on it’s site with a little more of the background (and a notable bias with respect to their presumptions of what the agreement actually meant).
“The point from this which has to be unequivocal is that a boat/ship in a maratime rescue area should be rescued by coordination from the area to which it belongs and those rescued are to disembark at the nearest safe port in the country that is in charge of that rescue area.”
Aye, aye Cap’n. Unequivocably 🙂
Gaffy, liked your tragic example of what could happen to a mogul and his very well-connected hangers-on after they copped a bit of bad luck at sea.
Hadn’t realised that a merchant captain had to check with the vessel’s owners before assisting seafarers in life or death emergencies. Can you remember if Arne Rinnan had to get the nod from Willemsens before Tampa came about in 2001?
Terrible thing though that *The Code of The Sea* is calibrated by commercial concerns before all else. If big ships have to change course to avoid perfect-wave weather, then perhaps the big ships could at least cruise on by and and toss people in danger of drowning some rip-inflatable floaties and a zodiac to tow themselves to the nearest land. Or perhaps the UNHCR could have their own vessels patrolling the lanes most frequently used and at least keep the poor bastards alive while following unequivocal procedures to the letter of maritime law.
On a Samaritan Sea salted with essence of human kindness,
the stricken would ne’er need permission to come aboard.
On a Cruel Sea slicked with Mammon’s oil, the floating human damned are left to contemplate their transparency.
So, gaffy, here’s me in six. 🙂
First save lives; next follow procedure.
I do not think it is necessary that a captain of a ship would seek permission from the owners, more the protocol would be that he has received a request to proceed to save some unlucky sods and there could be an overiding of those orders.
It would then probably be left to the skippers discretion whether to disobey his orders.
That is why i say that this incident is not good for the future the way it has panned out with these guys refusing to leave the ship.
Pretty sure Arne did the right thing and i am pretty sure it was in Australias maratime rescue zone and he should never have been stopped from unloading them at Xmas.
So in hindsight the fucken Rodent is now a crew member in the above cruise at 575.
To my mind a real classic of expense to rescue a survivor at sea was the rescue of Mr Bullimore by the RAN.
We had to foot the bill and i for one do not regret it as if i were in need of rescue at sea i would hope that someone did the right thing.
and i would love for him to be a chronic sea sicker.
The rodent that is.
You had me confused Cat. Suddenly, I thought there was another player in the mix. 🙂
But seriously, there does seem to be a surfeit of testosterone over there in Honduras.
It’s all a bit tragic, and I fear it will end in bloody tears, if both sides can’t drag themselves back from the brink. 🙁
Where’s “Hils the heavy hitter” when you need her most?
BTW Cat.
I actually think *you* have a better, more nuanced grasp on this part of the world, than most of the blogosphere and certainly all of the MSN that I’ve seen.
I’d normally slip into the left=good Vs right=bad Cant when thinking about the Americas.
But you’ve given me plenty of “pause for thought” on numerous occasions. So thank you.
Anyway…..Time to crack a nice bottle of Chardonnay in honour of a successful spring carnival.
[After all, it’s not every day you back a long priced winner called IT’LLBEFANTASTIC. ] 😆
The prisoners are at it again. The world famous Filipino prisoners who presented Micheal Jacksons Thriller are back again. This time with Freddie Mercuries Queen. Do all the prisoners around the world a favour and send it on to your friends. Especially if you have any friends in the USA with a third of the worlds prison population.
video on The Daily Beast
Health bill reaches moment of truth
By Jared Allen and Molly K. Hooper – 11/07/09 06:00 AM ET
continued on The Hill…..
House Health Care Vote: Breaking Updates.
Read more at:
Come Saturday Morning: Tell Us What We DON’T Know, Mr. Steele.
continued on Firedoglake
I had a discussion with someone on here about the leanings of Politico, can’t remember who. It wasn’t David. The information is above.
Catrina. Isn’t it time for a new thread. Titled Health Care vote?
Chris B at 589
Email me text for the post and I’ll put it together.
TTYL (off to a BBQ)
Mammononics: god’s no longer away on business
*Blankie, however, didn’t denominate*
( ‘ere, is vat a gold sack wot dangleth from Mammon’s right claw, orwot? )
(bloody good read this, Ticsters, an endoscope into the belly of the beast)
gaffy, I recall the Elizabeth Autissiere rescue incident in The
Bight too. I hear what you’re saying about the refugess not “playing fair” by refusing to leave the boat and register, but also contend that after what they’ve suffered for the last years, it would be hard to trust any officials or people in uniform who makes promises.
Nice punting, paddy, be back to swap selections next spring, the god of punt willing 🙂
7:20 PM ET — Democratic aides: We’ve got the votes. “Today we will pass the Affordable Health Care for America Act,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said on the House floor Saturday evening. Politico is reporting that Democrats have at least the 218 votes needed to pass the bill. Three Democratic aides tell HuffPost the same thing.
Kristie Greco, a spokeswoman for Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.), declined to confirm the number.
The news that Pelosi has the votes can have unpredictable effects on undecided members. Some members, seeing the bill passing, may want to pile on and get on the side of history. Others react by thinking that they can now oppose it, look tough at home, but not jeopardize passage. Toward that end, watch for a handful of no votes to dribble out from Dems over the next hour or so.
Read more at:
It will be interesting to watch the polls as the process takes place. The senate bill also has to go through. Then both bills are combined and a stamp of approval applied. With the massive media coverage, will the polls climb as the process nears completion?
They could vastly improve the Afghanistan war situation.
continued on the BBC News.
On the other hand.
continued on the BBC News.
It is being reported in the Huffington Post and Politico that they have 225 solid vote for the health care bill.
The healthcare house debate is live on C-span
Thanks gaff. Was that you who had a discussion with me about Politico and their political leanings?
I have also been sin binned.
Did I miss something?
gaffy, can’t find any of your comments in moderation or in the spaminator. Sin-binned?
Chris, think it was DG with whom you had an exchange of perceceptions about Politico. I peg ’em for centre-right for the mostpart with the occasional bone tossed in to placate armchair lefties.
See if it goes this time.
There is a good chance Michele Bachmann will be on her ten speed next year. Two good Dem lady candidates about to line up against her.
House passes historic health care reform legislation. 220 members of Congress — including one Republican, Rep. Joseph Cao of Louisiana — voted in favor of health care reform, advancing the legislation by the slimmest of margins. Thirty-nine Democrats voted against the bill, along with 176 Republicans.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) cast vote #218, solidifying passage. Speaker Pelosi was “near sobbing,” HuffPost’s Ryan Grim reports. Here’s the roll call of how every member voted.
Read more at: