Reported in the AP, written up in the Weekend Australian, a couple of op-eds, and the NYT, but not a lot of attention …
SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea called on Friday for an end to “the hostile relationship” with the United States, issuing a New Year’s message that highlighted the reclusive country’s attempt to readjust the focus of six-party nuclear disarmament talks.
Mechanismus cialis 20mg lilly erfahrung ein, der dem entstehen einer potenzpillenmann erektion. Kornealreflex eradin potenzmittel vestibulookulärer die bei der durchführung der behandlung, die in deutschland durch.
In the meantime, an interesting snippet from of the The Mainichi Daily News earlier today …
This year, the Obama administration will continue to take various actions on the nuclear issue. The U.S. and Russia are heading toward an agreement on strategic arms reduction. Meanwhile, the U.S. is working on renewing the country’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) for the first time in eight years, and is expected to incorporate anti-nuclear terrorism measures. The nuclear security summit this April will aim for an international agreement on enhanced protection of nuclear materials, and in May, a review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) — held every five years — will take place in New York.
I may be too hopeful, too optimistic, but I don’t care …
Our world *is* moving to a better place.
1,804 replies on “Cracks in the Ice”
Michelle Grattan just kicked off Julia (I haven’t evén thought about it’) Gillard’s race to th top.
I’m glad he’s coming in June Jen. ‘Coz he’ll come to Sydney, and he’ll bring all his best girls with him. My friend and I are already making plans to try to get his attention, involving an absolutely adorable 5 year old with a bunch of flowers. Whatever it takes.
Nate Silver has done an interesting piece on the surge in support for the Health Care Bill amongst Liberals – now it’s 83%. The change in tone on the blogs is quite remarkable over the past few weeks. I was worried for a while that progressives would through the baby out with the bathwater. Although it worries me he thinks it’s only a slightly better chance of 50/50 to get through. Come on Obama!
I meant *throw*
Just a bit of humour for Friday morning:
Ezra Klein on the ramifications of the Helath Care Bill being put forward by the Congressional Budget Office:
Cute joke KL!
have deleted your doubled-up First Dog post…mind you, he is worth the extra attention.
Have surfaced briefly from McNulty & Co…..what riveting viewing!! Even able to tolerate the violence by sheer force of superb writing and acting.
Thanks Ecky and Gaffy.
Now that Obi isn’t coming for a few months , can turn to McNulty for consolation. 🙂
Back to the popcorn….
I hate violence in movies and TV, but could watch The Wire with little problem. Except Season 4, which I found terrifying. Something to look forward to Megan.
Thanks for that Megan.
And in keeping with our OT but amusing Friday musings here in ticster land.
From Bernard Keane’s twitter feed…….
Python predicted yesterday’s QT performance from Gillard. 😆
1705 Katielou Good one KL.
1709 Katielou I hate sex on TV, I keep falling off!
Unlike the normal high standard of humour on the lovely pollie 101.
NO WAY!!! 👿
Firstdog does the dirty on us and drags it down into the gutter again.
I mean really……Haven’t we all heard far too much about Tony’s penis?
Breaking news:
Oh praise the lord and pass the ammunition.
The Poison Drawf gets the arse from News?
I found this very interesting.
continued here..
Great to see you in such fine form, KL. 🙂
And go megan! Series 1,2 and 3 blong Hussey. Kudos to him for the trust!
Johnny nails it again!
Terrorists-R-Us: How governments frighten their citizens into giving up their liberties in the name of Protection. ( anyone been to greet guests or see off friends at an Australian provincial airport recenty? ) Despite the FACT that there have been ZERO incidents at any of these airports in say….. the last 70 years, everyone who enters a terminal is treated as if they are potential Terrorists. Everyone!
In our Brave New World there is Darkness at Noon. We are herded like cattle and make wisecracks at peril of arrest and detention. Then we are wished by the functionaries in uniform with the phoneyness of rehearsed Auto-Sep to:
“Have A Nice Day!”
And with the silence of lambs and the compliance of sheep we cop it sweet.
Proud Australians all!!
Ecky, the History of Amercia cartoon makes even more sense if you caught Jon Stewart yesterday (ABC 2, at 7.15pm, I think). There’s been drama over the Texas school board education committee being dominated by red necks and making curricula decisions accordingly.
Remember “Diff’rent Strokes”? Watch the opening titles with different music, and see what you think. It’s very interesting….
Fox does Obi. I confess I had to turn this off after about 3 mins. When that fat arsehole from Fox nearly caused me to throw a brick through the monitor. 🙁
Obi looked a bit pissed off too. But he was more gracious than me.
Gillard gets media free ride: Bishop
Julie Bishop gets more odious by the minute. I had to check the story to see whether that quote was just you being hilarious Ecky but no, it’s just Bishop showing her true colours – various shades of green.
Is Ticster 101 looking for a good blog writer?
KL, missed Jon S. on ABC 2, couldn’t find it on ABC2 archives. Found this one though on Comedy Central.—a-history-lesson/114636
Orwell got it pretty close in 1984 re “history”:
And yes, isn’t it amazing in the Diff’rent Strokes clip how a soundtrack can make a perfectly decent guy appear like a pedophile.
Propagandists from Leni (“reality doesn’t interest me”) Riefenstahl to Fox’s finest Faux Sparks have used such distortions to keep the masses subdued and ready for violent harvest. ( Reichstag fire, 9/11 etc.)
New York Times on the relationship between Obama and Hillary Clinton.,0.jpg
Glenn, Glenn, we accept you, we accept you’
one of us , one of us….:mrgreen:
Oh-oh. Wildside Glennie’s on the stuff again!!
Has Rahm’s Assumption about Progressives been Vindicated?
by Glenn Greenwald
Hussen, this is an alternate argument from Nate Silver:
Sorry, Hussein.
Now Katielou, I hope you’re not going to fall into the Gouldian routine of quoting Nate Silver’s fuzzy numbers to me. I will ask you the question which Harry dodged yesterday, how many seats will Republicans lose on the back of this bill?
Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader: A Discussion on Healthcare, Politics and Reform
I thought i did answer your query yesterday. If you want a seat count of the next election, i’m sorry but i can’t help you there.
What i do know is that Obama has just, or is about to, get thru a Healthcare Bill. Something the previous Dem administration failed dismally at. A bill that actually helps 30 million mainly poor people.
Yes , we would all like it much better, yes we’d all like to detonate a roadside bomb up the repulsive Rahm’s backside…yes we’d all like to do a million things. But the powerful control Washington, the media, the whole box and dice.
I’m sure we all know where each of us is coming from here.
The Dems are a pathetic bunch of corporatists….but if they don’t pass a Healthcare Bill, yes even this one…then they are toast…and we have The Uglies back in charge.
IMHO, this Bill helps a lot of mainly poor people. I would LOVE it to HURT the insurance industry more but it doesn’t for reasons we all know.
The Rude Pundit gives you an idea of whether the Repugs think it benefits them in his post from yesterday 17/03/10 “The end is nigh”:
That’s a pretty fair roundup from my point of view.
I would not be surprised if Franken or Grayson still have something up their sleeve yet.
Glad you like it. Not too much popcorn tho!
By the way Hussy, i agree completely with the merits of Greenwalds argument at #1725, but the Progressive caucus just doesn’t have the numbers.
Even though there are more Democrats than Rebublicans, there are more corporatists than progressives.
On this Bill, and frankly any Bill,
If the progressives vote No then the corporatists win because status quo remains.
That friggin hurts…but it is true.
At the end of Obama’s hopefully 8 years, what i will judge him on mainly is what he has achieved and how that balance of progressives v corporatists is addressed in the Democrat Party.
I am not hopeful….but i am hopeful.
And i think ALL parts of the Left blogosphere can help this….
Friday Night Medley: folk, rock, ballard and jazz, y’all! 🙂
“There was music in the cafes at night
And revolution in the air”
Barry may be too busy to come at all even in June.
EC’s vision of armed to the teeth redneck Seppos could be arguing with the CIC for a few months after the bill passes.
Be a good opportunity to call martial law and round up a few shock jocks and faux news announcers.
Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.
1728 HusseinStWorm How long is a piece of string? You could never work that out. The health bill is just one piece in the puzzle. It will definitely help the Democrats in November. 1% 2% 5%? No on knows.
The important thing is not to give those crazies even a scent of a chance in November. DO NOT TAKE A STEP BACKWARDS. If the Repugs get half a chance, the Democrats will never recover and the liberals will have no chance of making any change. Win in November along with a few more liberal seats and a good strategy for the future. Anythings possible.
The liberals must learn from their early mistakes.
We will see a lot more of this the closer we get to November.
New DNC Ad Rips McConnell As “What’s Wrong With Washington”.
video on The Plum Line
Health Care. They have the votes!
Obama will be there to bask in the glory and to rub the Repugs noses in it! More here…
Here’s why.
more here…
You don’t think the Democrats will be motivated in November? How about stopping the Repugs from reversing the health bill?
same article as above…
Obama offering to make the health bill more progressive down the road.
Some of the locals had a bit of fun last night. The police helicopter flew overhead for two and a half hours, till 1.15 am. Good for sleeping.
PS I am not in any of the photo’s.
Reid offers public option vote later in the year.
They should be doing that to Newscorp offices not Bob Jane franchisees.
OT, but I enjoyed reading Phillip Adam’s on atheism – tad more balanced than Richard D….
Boehner Claims Student Loan Reform Will ‘Eliminate Every Bank In The Country’
The Democrats will have great fun using Republican quotes against them in advertisements in November.
Gaffy. They haven’t got that much intelligence. I suspect they would be a bunch of rednecks anyway.
Jen. I like Phillip Adam’s. He’s not around enough anymore.
Reid to Push Public Option Again.
The Daily Beast
I’m not dead yet!
Chris- Phillip is on Radio National every weekday afternoon and evening on Late Night Live if oyu want to hear him.
They should get it one way or the other.
Grayson has his bill in as well and calls it a Public Option.
Grayson is too smart for them.
It is only 4 pages compared to 2000 odd pages of the other stuff.
It seems like while Captain Catholic the Clown in charge of the circus of maggots here are taking a leaf out of the Retard Teaparty oppose everything schemes, The Retard Teaparty is now copying the “utegate” process of forged documents to discredit the Democrats.
They are so wonderfully predictable with their slimepit playground antics.
Gaffy, who will have greater success, Alan Grayson with his public option or Kate Ellis with her opt-out option? Or are both parties engaging in disinformation?
Not sure about that, but right at the moment i am going to opt in for a big blow job.
I think I meant Kate Lundy @ 1756. 🙂
If it was Kate Ellie that would definitely be an opt in.
That would be Ellis of course.
Looks like Labor have hung on in South australia and Labour will probably form a minority govt with the Greens in Tas.
Suck it up Tone.
Jon Stewart skewering Beck. Brilliant.
Interesting results in SA and Tasmania.
The only predictable outcome is that Pollbludger is still a cesspool where only a few gems still shine through the murk.
Health care debate live on C Span but not very interesting at the moment.
Hope all you Nth Queenslanders are in one piece this morning – looks like it got pretty wild.
And Go you Good Thing Nick in Tassie
hi asanque !
It looks like the Retards are trying to move lots of frivolous ammendments.
It was a non event here in Townsville Jen.
Airlie Beach to Mackay copped the brunt of it.
Glad you missed the Devil Wind up your way, gaffy. Don’t mind the XS aqua, but the surging/waning gales take a powerful psychic toll after >3 days.
Indeedy, asanque, popped over to PB for my first geeze in months and your gems in a cesspool observation holds true. But what a great result for the Greens in Van Dieman’s Land! Wish they could cart that sort of clout across Bass Strait to the artifice adjacent to Lake Burley Bloody Griffin. BOP in the Senate would be a fillip for Oz fer sure.
And Jenners 🙂 , the better you fare against Sophie in FedEl, the greater claims you will have for a spot on the Greens senate ticket in Vickers! Fuck me dead, if Fielding can stumble in, you’d be pretty close to a cert by the time you hit the No.1 spot on the the ballot.
Senator Jen! I like that!! 🙂
Our old mate Poss, using Newspoll data and a sample of ~1500 was a tad out in his SA predictions. In the punditariat, that odious toady, Chrissy Pearson, came closest.
Glad you are in one piece Ecky – we should do an audit of how many severe weather events Ticksters have been involved in since our inception.
So far Ferny got his roof blown off, my family and I were in Black saturday, massive floods affected some of you in Q’ld and you’ve copped the cyclone… I’m sure there are others that have slipped my mind.
Imagine what it would be like if there really was anything to this global warming nonsense 🙄
p.s. I was on the Vic Senate ticket last election (no. 2) and I’m afraid I’m a long way off the mark at this point. Good fun though!
continued here…
My father was in Seaforth (North of Mackay) for the big blow, sheltering a yachty or two. I spent most of last night trying to follow the elections as well as keeping an eye on the BoM site and phoning in updates on the cyclone.
Even though he was at least 50km away from the action, I could hear the wind over the phone. Having had a passing encounter with a cyclone in my youth, I didn’t envy his position at all.
Fortunately, only cosmetic damage to his surroundings, though the yachty with him had his (far away) roof blown off. Sadly, they are currently cut off by water, so the yachty’s wife is home alone with four walls.
Is Rasmussen accurate?
continued in article on John McCain…
Flanners- glad you and your family are safe.
Thanks Jen, though the only skin I had in the game was my ear drum. 😉
Good stuff to use against the Repugs in November
picture here…
Emotional speech by Obama to Democrats yesterday on health care.
Gaffhook @ 1762
Jon Stewart is amazing in that clip – definitely worth watching ticsters!
That speech at 1776 is off the cuff.
Don’t you just love it that Joe Liebermann is irrelevant in the final HCR push? What an asshole.
KatieLou at 1776;
in a butcher’s shop What Counts is meat on the slab (sans thumb on scales);
for a Gallilean named Thomas, it was slipping his digits into the ribside spearwound of Joey The Chippy’s boy…. following his alleged resurrection prior to his skyward spiral.
in footy, it’s points on the board when the final whistle(ok paddy, siren) sounds;
in the Sep Senate it’s votes on the day and the subsequent legislative document-signing by POTUS.
Only then will I believe that a modicum of social justice has been bestowed upon the impecunious of Seppodom. 🙂
Sweet talk is cheap. SHOW THEM THE MONEY!
Naturally, one will be expecting a whole lot more should The Kid prevail on this one.
Et d’accord, Joey “The Weasel” Lieberman is most assuredly a MAJOR LEAGUE asshole. He needs to be whipped like an egg-sucking dog.
Three words
He’s got IT!
KatieLou, the kid’s not just a speech maker, he’s a marvel. 🙂
Not only does he appeal to their better instincts, he also tells them it’s the winning political strategy.
Armed with *his* remarkable record in politics, they really have to listen.
Plus, I think I detected a few glimpses of steel in his remarks, that pointed to some back room arm twisting and hinted at painful consequences, for those Dems who felt that they didn’t need to get with the program. 👿
It was a cracker of a speech!!
Gday asanque
Indeed PollBludger is still a cesspool. Unfortunately it is only a few who do make it a cesspool though.
BillBowe has booted and then allowed back cesspoolers like GP, Bob1234 and lately TheTruthHurts.
But he continues to let shitflingers like Growler, Gusface and Ron to pollute his blog. FFS they still think they are fighting the commo’s in the old DLP wars.
Partisanship is fine, but if BBowe would de-cess his blog of a handful of sewerage throwers it would be a fantastic read.
Natalie is very good if you haven’t seen her.
continued here..
Natalie Tran article
Good article from the NY Times on how tactics, luck and perseverance from Obama, Pelosi and Reid got healthcare to this position. Hopefully when we wake up tomorrow, it will have been passed by the House.
… and we always said he could do it 😎
mind you, if it was Hillary…. 🙄
1782 HarryH William will never change. He’s always allowed the same problem to exist. That’s why we’re here.
I wonder whether the poll lift will be worth more than 5%?
Looks like it is all set to happen while we are all flogging tha kapok tonight.
The GOP ammendments got the kyber and it is full steam ahead down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
Sorry Link
Reports that a deal has been done with Stupak and his group of anti-abortionists to get them to vote yes – basically no fedeal funding except for rape, incest or risk to mother’s life, which I understand is the current position.
That would be federal funding.
If anyone’s on line now, Huff Post has a twitter feed on this page with health care updates from progressives and conservatives (you don’t have to have a twitter account).
The conservatives are very quiet.
Stupak has done a press conference to say he will vote yes. The deal is done. This bill will go through.
Of course, it will still have to be voted on in the senate.
The health care is live on C Span
David Frum is a conservative commentator. Extracts below but the whole thing is worth a read. Bottom line: Fox News is doing the Republicans no favours.
Photo of Obama working the phones today for health care.
That is a good read and it beggars belief that so called educated people can get so entrenched with ideology that it clouds their brains so much that they are led by the nose by Roo and his shrills.
I can see the same thing happening here as the MSM are full blown bucketing on Labor and telling us how good the Liebrals are.
It has become so saturated that people must surely be getting a big turn off from listening to it.
There is so much negative carping and reporting it is a total joke.
I am watching some procedural voting on C Span and after all Obis pep talks and addresses there are still Democrats voting with the Retrards. Not enough to upset the apple cart at the moment but you would think, that if the health care bill finally becomes law, those Dems that vote against it would surely be imperriling their chances of re-election.
Whether they are Dems in a strong Retard area or not i would certainly not be supporting them if they failed to support my chances of having health care.
One more 5 minute vote to be taken before general debate on the bill.
General debate now coming up on C Span.
New thread up, gang 🙂