An open thread in which to dicuss the ramifications of legislation currently being voted upon in The House. Will American citizens benefit as much as the Health Corps? Will the trillion-plus fistful of dollars be enough to make a dint in the diseases of the underclasses? And what will need happen for lawmakers to release a few dollars more to help their constituents in West Baltimore, “South Central” L.A. and those who like to go Deer Hunting with Jesus (the one reputed to have been a legendary healer himself, in his day)?
1,291 replies on “A Nation's Health: the good, the bad and the ugly”
Guys, the previous thread was approaching the cumbersome stage and we need a fresh thread to cope with today’s anticipated volume. Please check the comments and links over the last two days in Cat’s previous thread to segue smoothly into the excitement of this historic event.
gaffhook says:
22 March, 2010 at 7:10 am (Edit)
The health care is live on C Span
KatieLou says:
22 March, 2010 at 7:15 am (Edit)
David Frum is a conservative commentator. Extracts below but the whole thing is worth a read. Bottom line: Fox News is doing the Republicans no favours.
Conservatives and Republicans today suffered their most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s.
It’s hard to exaggerate the magnitude of the disaster. Conservatives may cheer themselves that they’ll compensate for today’s expected vote with a big win in the November 2010 elections. But:
(1) It’s a good bet that conservatives are over-optimistic about November – by then the economy will have improved and the immediate goodies in the healthcare bill will be reaching key voting blocs.
(2) So what? Legislative majorities come and go. This healthcare bill is forever. A win in November is very poor compensation for this debacle now.
So far, I think a lot of conservatives will agree with me. Now comes the hard lesson:
A huge part of the blame for today’s disaster attaches to conservatives and Republicans ourselves.
At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.
Only, the hardliners overlooked a few key facts: Obama was elected with 53% of the vote, not Clinton’s 42%. The liberal block within the Democratic congressional caucus is bigger and stronger than it was in 1993-94. And of course the Democrats also remember their history, and also remember the consequences of their 1994 failure………
No illusions please: This bill will not be repealed. Even if Republicans scored a 1994 style landslide in November, how many votes could we muster to re-open the “doughnut hole” and charge seniors more for prescription drugs? How many votes to re-allow insurers to rescind policies when they discover a pre-existing condition? How many votes to banish 25 year olds from their parents’ insurance coverage? And even if the votes were there – would President Obama sign such a repeal?……..
So today’s defeat for free-market economics and Republican values is a huge win for the conservative entertainment industry. Their listeners and viewers will now be even more enraged, even more frustrated, even more disappointed in everybody except the responsibility-free talkers on television and radio. For them, it’s mission accomplished. For the cause they purport to represent, it’s Waterloo all right: ours.
(Cat, come home! 🙂 )
Auntie’s take via Kim Landers:
Games on.
One hour each to debate then history in the making.
A victory for incrementalism. 😉
The bill will be improved over time – decades, unfortunately, but it will be improved.
The fact that the conservatives have been *defeated* on this issue is as important as the issue itself. A victory for Obama and the Democrats is powerful stuff, even if the bill is weak. Nothing succeeds like success.
Greetings, Spock 🙂
Cheers Chris, let’s tag team it apiece?
Steny Hoyer D-Maryland: “historic choice……invokes MLK “
Nathan Dea, R-GA: “it’s socialism”
Ed Whitfield R-Kentucky: “this is the wrong bill”
Markey MA: GOP = Grandstand Oppose Postpone”
John Shadagg R-AZ: “it’s bankruptcy all round”
Anna Eshoo D-CAL: “ my constituents want this bill passed”
Mary Bono Mack R-CAL: “Vote no!!”
Stupak D-Mich: ” ~choice abortion not funded”. panders to fundies.
Sensenbrenner R-WI: “~signing statents are bogus” (guess he was asleep during the reign of The Imbecile!
Lois Caps D-Cal: ~universal access to preventive care is good. Vote Yes!
Lee Terry R-Nebraska: talks funny, says sfa.
Mike Doyle D-PA: my dead mate would have urged me to vote Yes
Pelican , Peach and Great Sattes R reps say Vote no to this “disgraceful dirty deal”
Shakowsky D- IL: Yes!
Gentleman GOPper from TX can’t use a stop watch
Not sure if i understand the process but it sure makes them say what they have to and then sit down and shut up.
I yield my time.
What about a link from the old post?
Rep R Camp- The American people have spoken HaHa
Tammy Baldwin D-WI: “whose side are you on. Health care for all”
Dud timekeeper R- TX: “This bill will not last” Wants delay and No vote.
Sander Levin D-Mich: “Republicans have turned their backs on the (health) problem.
Dave Camp R- Mich: Tentacles of Fed Gov will strangle you! Kill The Bill!
Chris B says:
22 March, 2010 at 9:43 am (Edit)
What about a link from the old post?
Chris, like this?
216 in reach: House Dems have the votes to pass healthcare reform bill.
House Democratic leaders have the votes to overhaul the nation’s healthcare system.
There are 35 Democrats who are planning to vote no and two undecided Democrats — Reps. Bobby Rush (Ill.) and Loretta Sanchez (Calif.) — according to The Hill’s whip list. If every member votes, Democrats can have 37 defections and still clear the bill.
Yeah gaffy, yielding to the gavel is the ultimate STFU! 🙂
Rep Wally Merger R The american people have spoken again and again. Lets destruct this legislation. HaHa. Wally by nature as well.
It should go in the comments section.
4 David Gould I Agree.
Bill Clinton said last year that Obama would get a 10% boost from health care. If he is right my figures for November are under estimated.
Obama Approval Jumps Back
John Lewis D-GA: inspirational, draws applause.
Sam Johnson R-TX: “will you cave to the demands of Speaker Pelosi?”
Richard Neil D-MA: doesn’t mention Ted Kennedy 🙂
Kevin Brady R-TX: you’re all gonna die faster cos bigger govt doesn’t mean better healh care.
Lloyd Doggett D-TX: this bill will NEVER be “just right” for the GOPpers. (why don’t these schmucks read Goldilocks?)
John Linder R- GA: kabuki theatre-R-Us.
Mike Thompson D-CA: Medicare donut hole will close. Better getcha finger out then America!
I hope they are getting plenty of useful footage of the radical right wing mob!
Virginian At Obama Rally: If Health Care Passes There Will Be Civil War (VIDEO)
Great election footage!
“Sancta Incrementata”……
“Ora pro nobis”.
Ron Kind D-WI: Buzz Aldrin is not a “loser”.
Xavier Baccera D-Cal: “the only instsitution that rejects progress is the cemetery” (best quote of the day to date for mine)
Ginny Brown-Waite R-FL: your taxes will escalate!!
Bill Pascrell D-NJ: ” we love Vets”
(sound appears down, plenty of movement, probably just gone for a Burton)
Daily Kos has Obama’s popularity at 53. See what happens later in the week.
Why Democrats Are Fighting for a Republican Health Plan
One of the Retards objected to what the bloke said regarding vets so they switched the mic off while they reviewed what was said.
Double barrell gavel brings House to order.
Bill Pascrell’s words stricken. No political harm done. Will draw attention to the bum deal that Vets get.
“No more ad hominem thanks reps”
Geoff Davis R-Ky: “headlong rush to socialism, (the commies are coming)
Joe Crowley D-NY: fix it now, this is good medicne for America.
Reichert R-WA: “Dem plan is Govt takeover; hearing aids and wheel chairs will be taxed!
Chris Van Hollen, D-MY: slags Boehner a treat! nice Left jab.
Chuck Boustany R-LA: ~this is a Greek tragedy
Dean Heller R-NV: this bill will kill Nevadans!
The bill has been costed and it is said how much etc it will save but the retards still get up and bash on about increases in this and that like a bunch of idiots they are.
Cheers gaffy, he sure stung ’em with the jibe though.
Petey Roskum R-IL: caterpillers will no longer become butterflys.
Danny Davis D-IL: ” let’s do the right thing”
(places notes in waste basket)
Chris B @ 20
I understand Fox News has been with the tea baggers out the front of the Capitol Building all day. There’s no other news – just the protesters. So there will be plenty of footage.
Agree with Ecky – Watching John Lewis was inspirational.
Frum: Health Care Is GOP’s ‘Waterloo’
continued here…
Thanks KatieLou
Rep Joe Courtney D Good one Joe rip it up em.
The amazing thing this morning that struck me was that, even though these geysers don’t vote along party lines, not one of the Retards have voted with the Dems on any vote leading up to this but up to 25 Dems have voted with the Retards on some of the votes.
John Kline R-MN: “why are we here. this bill will be paid for by our children”
(unlike the Wall St. bailouts of course)
Joe Courtney D-CT: Spoke fast. cf. gaffy above
Doctor Tom Price R-GA: this bill violates patients lives!
(presumably while they are still alive, eh, Doc?)
Lyn Woolsey D-CA: “being a women is a pre-existing condition, acc. to Insurance Corps”
Rep Brett Guthrie R Kentucky Passed Barnaby accountancy Billions and millions rolling fluently off his feral tongue.
Rep Judy
BigotBiggert R- Blah Blah we have had lots of time to get this right. (We have done fuck all to help) but please listen lets get it right FFS. What an airhead.Watching O’Reilly. Man, is he angry. As the most moderate man on Fox, it is very indicative to watch him. He was so angry he was even arguing with people who *agreed* with him – his rage blinded him to the fact that they were saying exactly the same thing as him.
Hannity and Beck are going to be enormously amusing to watch this afternoon. 🙂
(Although I am watching the cricket, too … the advantage of Obama cancelling is that there is basically no work here …)
I haven’t been this excited about politics since November 2008!
I have to say, the time limit rules on this debate, are one of the few things we could import into the Oz parliament and actually gain a benefit. 🙂
I certainly wouldn’t want their health care system. But it’s sure good to see them taking that first step towards sanity.
Yeah, gaffy, those 25 Dems are card-carrying DINOs.
Judy Biggert R-Il is “deeply troubled” and will therefore vote NO.
John Kline R-MN “citizens calling oppose this bill 13 to one.” Urges delay and postponement.
Dina Titus (not a pre-existing condition) D-NV: “Pass this Bill!”
John Tierney D-MA: doesn’t mention Ted Kennedy.
( Min’s gonna whip me if I don’t play Domestic Ball now. Back later 🙂
“Our current system is broken. It’s un-American,” Wasserman-Schultz said on the floor of the House of Representatives Sunday night. “The nightmare ends tonight.”
The Florida congresswoman, who has played a key role in the health care reform push, is the the party’s deputy whip and the vice-chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.
Does this reflect the actual vote?
more here..
From twitter comes a damn fine idea. 🙂
You almost have to pity those Repugs. The requirement to stand up in Congress and talk utter bullshit is a true character test. 👿
That is the quote of the day Paddy.
Game on voting for the bill right now. Go Dems.
43 It’ll make good footage come November.
It passes. Excellent. 🙂
`It’s done!!
Yubba Dubba Doo!
It sure was close! 219 to 210.
34 Democrats voted against it. Sigh.
Has anyone check the polls yet?
219 yea 212 nay
Yes we did!
Obamas Facebook group goes beserk!
16,000 likes in 4 minutes!!!
52 David Gould That will change after November.
Little steps first.
Chris B,
I do not think that you can poll 1,000 people in a few minutes. 🙂 Patience.
Yes we have a winner
60 David Gould Damn!
Someone will be doing an instant poll though.
60 David Gould Facebook could.
Chris B,
And instant polls are mostly rubbish. We will need to wait three or four days for decent data.
66 I agree. People also need to settle down and take in all the information. Someone always want to be first, regardless.
There are some polls due out later in the week (Daily Kos). But next week will be better.
This vote the Crem de Crem
She’s all over Red Rover.
Suck it up big Retards.
Repug retard shouts “Baby Killer” at Bart Stupak in the chamber…Yep at Bart Fuckin Stupak.
How out there can these Uglies get before someone reins them in.
They are totally insane.
That David Frum article “may” be them trying to claw their way back to the cliff face but they are too far gone. They are in huge trouble. They need Rupe, Roger and Rush to pass into the next life real quick.
Hussy, that article sums reality up perfectly.
The Dems have just produced a Republican Bill of 20 years ago and NOT ONE Repug voted for it.
It’s the same here.
😆 😆 😆
Firstdog has obviously been taking notes.
I wonder how our PM’s pussy would go as speaker of the house over the pond. I doubt even Nancy P at her most ferocious could hold a candle to the lovable Jasper.
Barry and Nancy on live now
From Twitter for fellow West Wing lovers:
I believe Obama fulfilled a personal pledge to his mother tonight.
I can imagine him going home tonight totally exhausted and emotional.
He will wake up tomorrow though and go back to work.
Here’s a photo of Obama and his staff in the Roosevelt room at the moment when the House voted to pass the Health Care Bill.
Obi on now
Cautious Gavelspeak:
“I’ll yield you my time…… if you promise not to waste it.”
That’s Rahm hugging someone in the background @76.
There’s been lots of criticism of him recently – saying he wanted to step back on health care after Massachusetts. But it looks like he had skin in this.
Here for the girls is the full sized photo of Obama in the Roosevelt room.
One Obama post has 78,000 likes on Facebook. (In the middle of the night USA).
I can only see one of Rahm’s hands while he’s hugging that unsuspecting person in that photo. I cannot see his knife hand.
An Ugly piece of work.
Dept. of Life Immitating Art
( be a 2 buck Weekly at your local DVD sto’)
One famous scene has Matty Damon, a known, “real-life” lefty, sitting opposite Jon Voight (who btw was geeing up T-baggers live on the steps during the recent vote) and fellow vultures at a board room pow-wow;
Sez Matt’s character ( directly to Jon’s character):
“Sir, there’s just one more thing I’d like to ask….”
Voight: “sure…….I’d advise you to mind your manners…you’re in a big war now””
Damon: ” do you even remember the first time you sold out?”
From Crikey’s video of the day, we discover that Steven Fielding has many wonderful close relations……and right now, they’re apparently all in Washington. 👿
Good one.
Paddy. I passed it on. Good one.
Here’s one for the Repugs. Waterloo – ABBA 😆
Yep, paddy, your Dumbo & The Dingbats clip was a hoot. Well-edited; tres cool interviewer.
Anyone else notice the shortage of black folk amongst interviewees?
Mar 21:
Mar 22:
Mar 18:
Mar 21: Dumbo Cornutto
How ’bout a little local flavour in there, Chris?
Rudd’s hospital take over 56% approve 12% disapprove. (Done from memory).
I think Rudd might be on a winner!
Shocking Blue – Waterloo – Jefferson Airplane style!
Hey man. That was real good stuff!
Obi speaking after the vote has been passed.
President Obama marks passage of landmark health care reform — FULL VIDEO.
30 million Americans get health cover. 30 million happy voters?
Good outcome for Obama although it is amazing that many Yanks can be so ignorant with the example of Canada next door.
Obama reached a goal that has eluded both Roosevelts, LBJ, and Clinton: guaranteeing coverage to nearlly all of America’s uninsured and restructuring the insurance market.
95 Wakefield What would those commie bastards know? 😈
Many liberals were ready to compromise during health care’s twisted path to passage. Matthew Yglesias on how the right’s just-say-no game helped bring the left together.
As health-care reform passes, I find myself in the unusual position of being enthusiastic about the bill on the merits, but disappointed that its success undermines my skills as a political prognosticator. Barack Obama’s brand of health-care reform is based on a three-legged stool that was popularized in progressive circles back in 2006 and 2007. The stools are new regulations on insurers, a mandate on individuals to buy insurance, and subsidies to low-income families to ensure they can afford to comply with the mandate. Back when this idea was becoming popularized I was, frankly, a skeptic.
My guess is that the brighter minds on the right will recognize that their determination to turn health-care reform into Obama’s Waterloo sowed the seeds of their own destruction.
It took a woman
Yes We Can!