An open thread in which to dicuss the ramifications of legislation currently being voted upon in The House. Will American citizens benefit as much as the Health Corps? Will the trillion-plus fistful of dollars be enough to make a dint in the diseases of the underclasses? And what will need happen for lawmakers to release a few dollars more to help their constituents in West Baltimore, “South Central” L.A. and those who like to go Deer Hunting with Jesus (the one reputed to have been a legendary healer himself, in his day)?
1,291 replies on “A Nation's Health: the good, the bad and the ugly”
1093 Enemy Combatant Notice how the Republicans are handing the Democrats the issues on a plate. At the same time the Democrats are ramping up the pressure.
Settlement day After drubbing, Goldman mulling deal with SEC
Not a usual source of material for me. NY Post via Huffington Post.
Read more:
Democrats Hold Small Leads in Ohio Senate Race.
This is the second independent poll that has the Democrats in front.
Ohio is one I had marked down for the Democrats to win, as they already have the other senate seat.
Aside from the link at 1087, all the news I’ve read and heard is silent on the backdown on the internet filter. Guess the trash dumping strategy is quite effective.
Crist Leaves Republican Party
Some positive news, at least for this ‘soft lefty’, ‘black-armband’ puppy.
This type of intervention is surely well overdue.
Election TV Debate: Who got the most from final clash?
more here….
Election debate: David Cameron wins third leg
more here…
Katielou, they’re desperately trying to tell us it’s all proceeding to plan. But the pungent smell of a dead cat lingers on.
I’m sure they want to drop it and hope that everyone will be nice and not ask “who farted”. 👿
Unfortunately, some people are just rude won’t play by the rules. 🙂
Some journalists are so good, that you’re even tempted to actually *pay* (gasp) to read them.
I haven’t actually gone out and bought a Fin review today….But I’m sorely tempted. 👿
(from over the fence.)
Laura Tingle AFR 30/4.10
Article on wider agenda behind intenet filtering.
Paddy @ 1110. People I respect say Laura Tingle is the best journo in the Canberra Press Gallery. I’ve read the article – she writes that the Rudd Government doesn’t know how to lead – that it is inept at making tough decisions become election winners, unlike the Hawke/Keating and Howard governments. Rudd cuts and runs when people disagree with him. She calls Rudd “Tony Abbott lite”. Yup.
There was an excellent interview with gobal economist David Hale on Lateline last night. Man that guy is smart. He talked about a number of issues, but I thought this bit on the UK election was particularly interesting:
Link here.
Sorry, the interview was Wednesday night, not last night.
Katielou, I’m ashamed to admit it….But I was so intrigued, I actually went out and bought the fin review. 😳
It’s certainly a cracking good article and even worth the outrageous price of the rag. 🙂
I’d agree with you that Laura’s the best in the press gallery.
Esp loved the last para of that article.
Yeah, KL and paddy, I wanna have Laura Tingle’s baby.
While the jury still seems to be out on “life was never meant to be easy”, little serious disputation remains re “rock n roll was never meant to be subtle”. Comes with the backbeat that never needs St. Anthony’s intercession.
When looking for the Drs.’, “Down By The Jetty”, which contains the memorable and presently relevant line “”this oil-slick they call the water” , couldn’t find a quality version good enough to C&P here, After all, Ticsters, we have our standards.
But I did (re)find this shit-kickingly brilliant anthem to hanky panky.
Let ‘er rip, Boris!
(Vye alveys, Boaris?) 🙂
From the “sublime irony” file comes today’s Firstdog barking at the moon. 😆
I especially love that toon Paddy, as just last night I was released from my own big dog barking hell, when the tenants in the house next door moved out (not to mention, all-night-parties-on-a-weekday hell). Halelujah!
😆 “I feel your joy” KL.
I’m currently pleading with FD to take them all to court.
Can you imagine the headlines. …..
FDOTM sues everyotherdoginthesreet.
“ The bronze rat:
A Tourist walked into a Chinese curio shop in San Francisco. While looking around at the exotic merchandise, he noticed a very lifelike, life-sized, bronze statue of a rat. It had no price tag, but was so incredibly striking the tourist decided he must have it. He took it to the old shop owner and asked, “How much for the bronze rat?”
“Ahhh, you have chosen wisely! It is $12 for the rat, $100 for the story,” said the wise old Chinaman. The tourist quickly pulled out twelve dollars. “I’ll just take the rat, you can keep the story.”
As he walked down the street carrying his bronze rat, the tourist noticed that a few real rats had crawled out of the alleys and sewers and had begun following him down the street. This was a bit disconcerting so he began walking faster.
A couple blocks later he looked behind him and saw to his horror the herd of rats behind him had grown to hundreds, and they began squealing.
Sweating now, the tourist began to trot toward the Bay. Again, after a couple blocks, he looked around only to discover that the rats now numbered in the MILLIONS, and were squealing and coming toward him faster and faster.
Terrified, he ran to the edge of the Bay and threw the bronze rat as far as he could into the Bay.
Amazingly, the millions of rats all jumped into the Bay after the bronze rat, and were all drowned.
The man walked back to the curio shop in Chinatown.
“Ahhh,” said the owner, “You have come back for story?”
“No sir,” said the man, “I came back to see if you have a bronze Republican.”
Lol EC
Katielou says
Half your luck Katielou, i have just had, two weeks ago, the two big dogs barking family move in next door.
My commiserations Gaffhook. It shits me that these owners don’t train their dogs properly.
No doubt she is good looking, comes across ok on Q&A, and she may write some good articles in the AFR which i must admit i do not read unless it is in the Doctors surgery waiting room.
I just wonder how she would feel if someone wrote?
The current AFR….. swings violently between behaving like a complete 1960’s Kings Cross Whisper slut or a sanctimonious opinion turd.
Far as i’m concerned there is far too much personal bash the government member abuse and not bash the policy.
The AFR is owned by Fairfax and are probably not as bent as Noos Ltd but, because of their formal agenda to try to destabilise the current government, they can both wallow in the sewer as far as i am concerned, Ms Tingle with them.
Gaffy, the thing about Laura Tingle is that she *doesn’t* resort to the name calling as a matter of course.
That’s why it was such a shock in a well written and powerful article.
Her reputation has been earned over years as a seriously good analytical journo. For her to excoriate Rudd like that says more about his cynical contempt for the punters than her “unusually colourful” language. She’s one of the best and Fairfax knows it.
She doesn’t have to kowtow to management and she’s kept a far more balanced view of the scene than most.
Not looking at anyone in particular Michelle G…..just saying. 🙂
gaffy, Laura is just one columnist with AFR. Agree that AFR blow with the Corporate breeze, but Rudbot will only benefit from Laura’s lashing as the ALP clear the decks for the FedEl. Politics is a tough game; Rudd can dish it pretty well to his staff and to tangential factota like flight assistants, so reckon a good boot up the date will do him the world of good.
If Julia Prole shows she’s got the goods in the hurly-burley of the next campaign, and ALP merely scrape back into govt, then she’ll be well positioned to challenge Rudd at a time of her choosing.
Remember what a tool El-Rod turned out to be when no one had the courage to challenge him for Leader?
Be wonderful to see her as First Femme PM 🙂
Apr 30:
Apr 30:
~WSB circa 1986.
Death Race 2010: Once again, Man demonstates his superiority over Nature and all creatures great and small. (King Jimmy version)
From the Dept of the Bleedin’ Obvious:
Can’t recall a previous occasion where huffpo drew nearly 15,000 blog comments on a “news event type-situation”.
and let’s look forward to the day that the plutonium produced from our uranium exports is put on a ship.
Apparently the risk is negligible.
ABC radio reporting Malcolm Turnbull has reversed his decision to leave Federal politics.
Happy May Day all.
Hat tip to over the fence.
Doubt you have ever heard Alan Jones in this frame of mind. He actually is interviewing a bloke who certainly knows what he has been talking about concerning the BER.
This bloke certainly pours cold water on the hissy fits of the Libtards and Jones actually lets him tell it.
Well worth the listen.
Evidence that things are turning around for the Democrats
Goodness me. May day again. My how time flies.
All together now.
Go Billy.
Stand up, all victims of oppression,
For the tyrants fear your might!
Don’t cling so hard to your possessions,
For you have nothing if you have no rights!
Let racist ignorance be ended,
For respect makes the empires fall!
Freedom is merely privilege extended,
Unless enjoyed by one and all.
So come brothers and sisters,
For the struggle carries on.
The Internationale,
Unites the world in song.
So comrades, come rally,
For this is the time and place!
The international ideal,
Unites the human race.
Boehner Says Republicans Could Win 100 Seats
Malcolm Turnbull !!
Another Lazarus in the Liberal party.
It will be even harder to distinguish Rudd from the Libs once Malcs is back in the leadership.
Fantastic… Abbott must be pooping himself.
The long-term impact of the oil spill… hopefully.
“For better or worse, catastrophe is a prime motivator of change and action. The accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl destroyed the U.S. market for civilian nuclear power. This oil spill will clarify the environmental costs of fossil fuels in a way that the climate issue cannot. These issues are both massive, but unlike the climate problem, the spill’s impact is visible and immediate. It does not take place in the future and does not require scientific literacy to understand. All you need is the ability to see the pictures, hear the sad stories or smell the death and destruction.”
Any future reference to this Gopper theme song is to be;
Wondering if there will be a narrowing in the Pommie Polls this week.
Although Gordon Brown was caught on air with his bigot begat he may have compensated for it in the third debate.–by-Michael-Collins-100430-147.html
Rachel Maddow destroys anti-immigration hate group.
Rachel in hand to hand combat (almost) with anti-immigration hate group. You will notice Rachel ends up with a stress rash around her neckline.
😈 😈 Tim Minchin – Pope Song 😈 😈 ——————-Warning it may offend some.————————-
Ooh Chris!!! I am deeply fucking offended.
How dare you link to Tony Abbott’s election anthem. 👿 😆
What a hoot.
best thing I’ve read so far on the Greens carbon tax proposal.
I am tempted to throw it over the fence.
Possum’s latest excellent blog post, discussing the ins and outs of the ETS and the timeline problems of a double dissolution.
It even convinced *me* of a few political truths.
Not too easy when I’m so pissed off at Rudd!!!
Well worth a read.
Paddy @ 1148
Great post by Possum. I’m glad to see the back of the ETS but I still think Kruddy has let us down on climate change.
There it is EC in Toon no 3.
The little black duck , SPILL, BABY, SPILL.
Bill Maher;
And those that kept saying drill, Baby, Drill should be down there helping clean up in their Drill, Baby. Drill T shirts!
My Case for Democratic Gains in 2010 (Someone other that Chris B).
Using this theory and mine together, might work well.!%29
My Case For Democratic Gains in 2010 Part 2: How It Happens.
United States Senate elections, 1934.
1934 results are very similar to what I have been suggesting. I like his strategy. Combine it with a few of my suggestions. Bobs your uncle!,_1934#Senate_composition_before_and_after_elections
What do you do when you only have a shit sandwich and you hate bread. That is what Haitians have to decide about their future under Big America and the other remoras.
BP’s message to those with whom they share the planet:
When I was young and full of dreams,
My whole life in front of me.
But things are not always the way they seem,
Some things will always change.
My papa’d been a trapper living hand to mouth,
But when I made shop foreman, I had it all figured out,
I thanked god each and everyday
When the industry came to town.
Sunset on Louisianne,
The sun going down on the promised land,
I’ve given you everything I can,
I’ve got nothing left to lose.
Married a girl from Pauché Briide,
Raised a family of Cajun kids,
Nobody did no better than we did,
But things can always change.
My sister lost her baby premature,
And my papa got the sickness that got no cure,
And what they told us about it at the plant,
We could not be sure.
Smokestacks burning on the river,
From New Orleans to Baton Rouge.
How can I go on believing
When they won’t tell me the truth.
I take my grandson fishing down at Camanida Bay,
I hope some of this beauty will last,
But, lord, it’s changing so damn fast,
Each and every day.
I love the river and I love the swamp,
The snowy egret and the old bull frog,
But they’re harder to find one and all
Since the industry came to town.
~Zachary Richard 1992
“’Sunset on Louisiana’ [from 1992’s Snake Bite Love] speaks about the problems created by chemistry. And I’m not anti-chemistry. I’m just against the misuse of industrial technology and the ramifications that it has for the health and the well-being of the people of a place that I love very much.”
(couldn’t find the track on You-Tube, Richard’s voice is heart-rending. Perhaps a Ticsterphilic web-whiz can locate and link it. Are there other sites as good as or better than You-Tube, comrades?)
Great slogan for the breeze business realists.
More Obama DOJ attacks on whistle-blowers
By Glenn Greenwald
When dealing with pesky neighbourhood dogs, I usually find a 130db blast of Aphex Twin does the trick. 😈
Oh-oh, Hussey, your little Commie mate is at it again. 🙂
Power to the people. Literally. In a continent wantonly despoiled by US & Allied corporate interests since the United Fruit Company came to bestow its benevolence in The Americas , the spirit of Salvadore Allende goes marching on.
“This land is our land, go fuck yourselves!”, the left-leaning President Morales diplomatically urged immaculately attired representatives of peso-sucking foreign conglomerates in La Paz yesterday as the needs of Bolivia’s people were placed ahead of Energy Corp profits (including the freelance gushers of BP).
Rather stimulating to witness a President act like a leader who is not beholden to Corporations masquerading as legitimate persons.
H Worm
That one sentence says it all and should be the perfect defence.
Obama Michigan Graduation Speech: President’s Advice To Class Of 2010.
Obama Michigan Graduation Speech: FULL TEXT, VIDEO
more here…
Crist Grabs Lead in Early Poll.
That will make it very interesting. Will he slant his policies towards the Dems.
UK Election: Wild Scenarios Emerge In Chaotic Ballot.
more here…
Why am I NOT surprised!
more here..
It is probably not as important as what ever else is happening on the world stage, but our little 16 year old Qld girl is battling mountanous seas below Tassie somewhere and hardly gets a mention , even on page 20.
So near yet so far. Go Jess you definitely are a guts girl, good speed and safe to Sydney.
The problem I have with Possum’s analysis is that while we focus on the daily dance of politics, the impact of climate chage and our dependance on fossil fuels waits for no man/ political party. 😡
From The Grist
“We’re still acting as if the economy is the thing that’s real, the thing with physical weight and force. We’re acting as if the natural world is the abstraction, the intellectual concept that we can adjust to better suit our needs. That confusion will be the root of more disasters.’
BP apparently has the worst safety record amongst the Drill Baby Drillers while it spends a small fortune on lobbying and sponsoring politicians.
Good article on Crist.
more here..
Meanwhile back at the coalface in Oz.
Alan Kohler sums up the govt’s response to the Henry tax review.
Oh dear. Not happy Wayne. 🙁
Interesting stuff, EC @ 1159. It seems Ruddster is also getting into the swing of things with his insistence that mining companies hand over more of the profits from the digging up and selling off of the commonwealth. With his ditching of the market solution to climate change and now his resource tax move, perhaps Kevvie is becoming our own Evo? 🙂
Yeah, Hussey, Kevvie The Red. Let the big end of town bellyache and squark. They are still gonna turn a mega-buck.
At first viewing The Govt’s tax changes will help those who need it most lest they end their days waiting for “”This Week’s Specials” on baked beans and Pal. After working and paying tax all their lives Les Peuples D’Oz deserve their fair share of the national pie.
Jen, a very salient para you’ve C&P’d at 1167.
And you’re right of course, the main game is the health of the biosphere now and tomorrow; notwithstanding their collective expertise, politicians and economists (almost all of whom “missed” the recent GFC Chernobyl like a bunch of amateurs) are going to have to team play with environmental scientists re the future of our shared planet.
If not, our grandkids and everyone elses will be living on The Road.
Apr 30:
Barrys speech at the Whitehouse correspondents dinner.
Some good jibes.
In a Mississippi oil slicken delta town
one oil rig they couldn’t shut down
Nothin left to do for these BP clowns
In a Mississippi oil slicken delta town.
Down in the gulf where all the fish spawn
We drill fucken oil from daylight to dawn
Drill baby drill till we get a big spurt
And if we get a blowout it wont fucken hurt.
We’ve drilled hard all over the earth
Nothin beats drillin when your taught it from birth
There ain’t no money in a fishin boat
When the oil spreads the gulf like a fucken big coat.
In a Mississippi oil slicken delta town
we’re too fucken big you can’t shut us down
We’ll Drill Baby Drill all you can do is frown
In a Mississippi oil slicken delta town.
You’ve had floods and hurricanes before
But you ain’t seen for you what we have in store
Fuck all your wild life and birds and bees
Till your walkin in oil that’s up to your knees
Now when we finish slicken and we’re all washed up
We’ll lobby the Congress and fill up their cup
They’re all not game to try to fuck us around
And Mississippi’s oil slicked and under ground.
There’s no dusty streets to walk up and down
Cotton, corn, and taters real scarce in the town
We can move to Arizona where we can not drown
And the sherriff won’t touch us cause we’re real brown.
In a Mississippi oil slicken delta town
one oil rig they couldn’t shut down
Everything is dead because of BP clowns
In a Mississippi oil slicken delta towwwwwwn. (C)
It looks like lots of oil has already reached land and some of the local boat charter owners are not real happy.
This is one huge fuck up and there is no light at the end of the pipe in sight.
A pretty good read and a couple of videos.
I have noticed the mining companies whining about the new tax. They say we are the highest taxing country in the world. Tell them to go to Venezuela, Peru or Bolivia. Then they will see what a high tax is. The mining companies are falling over themselves to do business there.
Betty Dukes, Wal-Mart Greeter, Leads Class Action Suit.
more here..
We now have two unknown, unknowns appearing in Novembers election, that will have a bearing on the end result. The first one is Goldman Sachs.
Meg Whitman = Goldman Sachs
The second one is the oil spill in the gulf.
Mary Landrieu Minimized Potential For Spill And Impact Of Damage (VIDEO).
Mary Landrieu is not up for election in November. But I suspect Sen. Blanche Lincoln will be tainted somehow. Hopefully. 😈
EC. Sent my article to Catrina’s email address. Is that OK?
A nasty little reminder of just how fragile complex systems can be, when they’re put under major stress.
Let’s hope this isn’t as bad as it sounds. 🙁
May 2:
May 2:
May 2: “The American way of life will not be compromised!”
Chris, if Cat hasn’t posted by mid-week, I’ll sort it for you in a jiffy.
She can do pictures and stuff, unlike tech-trog moi. 🙁
BP Australia has donated money today to the fire fighters, saying we are responsible in Australia. I don’t begrudge the fire fighters. But I will not use BP.
Jasper returns as Firstwombatonthemoon 🙂
I have no sympathy for the miners that are complaining about the rent resource tax. It makes perfect sense to me that the government takes a bigger slice of these super profits from the mining boom. After all, it’s not like they are making value added goods off their own back – they’re digging this stuff out of the ground. And yeah, the threat to go overseas is b.s..
I think the measures announced yesterday were sensible economically and politically but agree that as reform, it’s not high impact.
It’s just hearsay gossip but someone I’m close to was chatting to someone from Hawker Britton who said the election would be in October and Julia Gillard would replace Rudd soon after the election. Rudd is hated within Labor establishment. I hope that eventuates.
gaffy, great song and photos from You-Tube but I like your re-work of the lyrics more. Plus ca change. Every which way it’s the little people who get fucked over every time.
BP’s Big Black Blob is shaping as the mother of all enviro-crises. Nobody really seems to be in charge. The gusher remains actively projectile. But this is no cause for alarm in Snafu-land. Some one will always save the day. If Mighty Mouse can do it, then so too can a country like the United States that cherishes individual freedom like no other!
If the catastrophe sends fuel prices rocketing as expected and The Economy doesn’t churn, baby, churn so good anymore, Uncle Sammy may have to take a closer look at the bioshere’s fragility and legislate accordingly.
“Gee, maybe renewable energy is safe and better for everyone!”
That’s the only upside of this environmental devastation……. brought to you by our good friends at Big Oil & Allied.
Havn’t seen any reports that the deep sea gusher has been plugged yet. Not good.
Never fear ticsters. Super Kev to the rescue.
Katielou, let’s hope it’s actually true. This new jellyback model Kev is even worse than last year’s model.
It seems that the polls are also twitching a bit.
Meanwhile….Mungo McCallum in today’s Crikey has a wonderful spray. I think he’s been tutored by Jasper. 🙂
Katielou @ 1168, that would suit a lot of people down to a tee.
Go Julia Prole!
Kevvie can cop a 10 year stint as Our Man In Mandarin City. Probably carry on like a barbecued pork chop at first but the fat sinecure would, “going forward”, suit a seasoned public servant like Kevvie down to a tea too. 🙂
1184 Katielou Neither do many others. I venture to say. The Age said it was a brilliant move in an election year.
For his many fans who reside on politic 101……Here’s Rush. 😆
(If you thought he couldn’t get any dafter, you were wrong! 👿 )
Hat tip to over the fence
Have a listen from about 3min30 sec in.
Unbelieveable and disgraceful.×461019
This would be a really good time to put forward very strong environmental laws. Sure to win a lot of votes.
Gulf Oil Spill: At Least Another Week For ‘Underground Volcano Of Oil’
Jon Stewart On UK Elections: It’s A ‘Clustershag To 10 Downing’ (VIDEO).
Minchin is a complete bully – don’t think he has done himself or his party any favours.
and now he is proving what a moron he is as well.
Now then Jen, for a bit of sense, try listening to tonight’s Late Night Live with Phillip discussing Rudd and the Oz politic scene with Mega George and David Marr. It was an oasis of sanity in a world of madness.
Either Online later tonight or tomorrow’s replay at 4.00pm on RN.
am also v. annoyed that Mr Aussie Homeloans got to dominate the time – what the hell is that when there are 4 prominent Pollies/ Unionists representing every side of politics…
more “balance’ from the ABC????
Jen. ROTFL I think Mr Aussie home loans was a cane toad in his previous life. 👿
thanks paddy –
will listen tomorrow.
I am really amazed that in a week where the Gov’t reneged on the ETS, released the Henry Tax Review and has decided to lock up asylum seekers that the ABC would allow real debate.
…would NOT allow real debate… 🙄