Oz media made a desperate grasp for vested “meaningfulness” by deciding to manufacture a “contest” of the 2010 Australian Federal Election.
Whoopee doo.
Enter stage left ex-PMs: Big Mal, Silver Bodgie, Ruddbot The Loyal, but not Keato.
Enter stage Right: Mad Mark, El (Murali’s a chucker!) Rodentino and Bobby Santamaria’s Ghost.
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The impact going forward (Newtonian Politics) of the above celebrity fringe dwellers was boosted with appearances by assorted shit-kickers of marginal relevance. Feel the surge, Ticsters. The “swing is on” but it’s “too close to call”. From coast to sea-girt coast across our sunburnt land, cliffs are being pre-emptively cordoned-off from potential hangers. And be consoled men and women of Australia that as we go forward, no child will be left behind. Touching, really, the certainty and comfort of cliches.
Who knows why the MSM did it. In the mood for a little revenue-raisin’ and funnin’ I guess. Citizen Rupert of Delaware, dear old Auntie and Fair(and balanced)fax are generally so even-handed in matters of national importance that the savaging of Julia “I’m a Ranga” Prole came as a complete surprise to many seasoned election watchers and more than a few political junkies.
Hugh Mackay reckons the last four weeks have been a beat-up monumentale.
Can’t disagree. Hugh, who has a finely honed professional schnoz for these things, can’t perceive the whiff of imminent national change. Next Sunday morning Australians will awaken to the reality of a female Prime Minister who is an unmarried atheist and we, preferentially, will have elected her over a bigoted neo-neanderthal who will comfortably retain his seat of Warringah.
1,495 replies on “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to E-Day…..”
This is all over folks.
You can see it in the faces of the Libs and can see it in the faces of the Labs.
Could be a landslide aka 04 Latham.
* re-posted from last thread just because it feels good 🙂
Now to vote 1 Green in both houses to keep the Lab bastards honest.
My wish is a landslide victory but a loss of Lindsay. Just to kick Arbib and Bitar upside the head.
I do not know about the notion that Fairfax/Nielsen holds back polls that are good for Labor. Remember that the Sunday Age has the biggest circulation and interest is highest at the start of the last week.
That is not to say that the poll isn’t good for Labor, of course – I suspect that it will be 53 to 47.
If it is a landslide victory, Arbib will be seen as a hero, no matter what seats they lose. In fact, a landslide victory will cement the NSW Right as the power federally (just in time for them, in fact, as they are going to lose NSW …)
A contest is always more interesting for the media than a landslide, although in hindsight a landslide is much more fun for them.
And I believe that Labor were indeed in a bit of bother last week – some Labor insiders think that if the election had been held last Saturday they would have failed to secure a majority at best. But now they are looking at perhaps a loss of only 3 seats net.
I hope yer right Ecky and i hope Prole has the intestinal fortitude to square the ledger when she moves in to the lodge with the abettment of the Greens in the Senate.
Changes to the heirachy at the ABC with more than a few DCM’s for some of the shill right wing journos.
Either that or sell the joint as i don’t want to be a taxpaying contributor assisting the garbage that spews from the precincts.
Legislation regarding foreign ownership of the media.
Catrina must be already on the grog celebrating, we haven’t heard from her in a while.
Arbib is electoral poison. Whether Labor wake up to that fact early or late is up to them.
In Coalition circles Abbott is a hero. Doesn’t mean he isn’t electoral poison.
Green B.O.P. is a game changer.
Gaffy, i wanna hear from KL. She was fretting a bit last week but i feel she’s gonna be in Ranga Heaven soon 🙂
I’m just saying – If they’re good for the Libs, the polls always get leaked early. Or at least not held back. Always.
So, David, are you possibly suggesting that politically speaking, we are in for a long week? Always reckoned ALP had it covered otherwise I wouldn’t have made that bet with my subby mate as we headed in the the second week of the campaign. But yes, the ALP hollowmen got in the way and Julia’s mettle took longer to shine through.
Et d’accord, Monsieur Spock, four score looks core fer sure. 🙂
[smh blog today:
2.26pm: Comedian Austen Tayshus (real name Alexander Gutman) is contesting Tony Abbott’s seat of Warringah for the Australian Sex Party. In a press release issued today, he accuses Abbott of making coded references to the Spanish Inquisition in his public statements.
”’Tony Abbott is knowingly peppering his speeches with subliminal ecclesiastical references dating back to the 13th century,” Gutman says.
”When the Inquisition, which terrorised Europe for 600 years, was unable to burn a heretic at the stake because the heretic was already dead, he could be charged and tried poshumously. His remains would then be dug up, dragged through the streets and then burned.”]
Gaffy, somebody has been padding around the engine room doing a spot of spam cleaning, don’t think it was megan who usually has her front-of-house two bob’s worth. ‘Twasn’t I.
There are only 3 keys.
Come back, Cat Incognito, come back………. 🙂
By Sheck’s demeanour with Red Kez and The Rooster last night, Harry, reckon a Neilson of 53/47 or even wider will be fixed into the mix.
Enemy Combatant,
I’ve had a bet on since before the start of the campaign that there would be a swing to Labor, with the 2PP ending up at around 55 to 45. I am definitely *not* confident about winning that one, but it is only $10. But I am confident that Labor will win, probably with around 53 to 47 and a loss of a few seats, leaving them on around 80 in the reps.
If they do worse than that, it is not going to be a good look. Possum having them on 76 seats is scary, but the polls have improved since he calculated that result.
I just hope those Liberal bastards haven’t kidnapped Cat and bunged her under the couch with those uncouth and uncosted policies. 🙂
I’ve been feeling increasingly confident Tony Abbott won’t be PM next week – commencing from the improvement in the polls even after a terrible week for Labor and then the reception to Gillard on qanda.
I think it’s telling that The Daily Telegraph and The Australian have seemed to back away from the intensity of their attacks on Gillard – including occasionally having positive Labor stories. They don’t want to be seen as one-eyed backers of the losers.
But I believe the ABC has been less negative on Labor as well.
I think the emphasis on the NBN this week has been a real weakness for Abbott and it will cost him.
Labor has got its shit together and Abbott’s got nothin’ left. Even a good performance by Tony on qanda won’t change things, imo.
I’m reasonably confident I’m going to get to open a nice bottle of champagne some time next weekend. But it will be a real feeling of relief that we dodged the Abbott bullet. Hoping also to celebrate Greens having BOP in the Senate.
KL, this might help in scraping up a few extra votes. 🙂
Abc online:
GetUp! wins case for ONLINE voter registration
Australians will now be able to enrol to vote online after the Federal Court ruled in favour of political activist group GetUp!’s case against the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).
Wonder how many busy cyber-savvy under 30s and others who are mightily pissed off at the Lib’s proposed ditching of the govt’s national broadband roll out, are going to take advantage of today’s Fed Court ruling?
What odds did you get for your blue swimmer, Gouldie?
Kl, i too think Julia’s command performance on Q&A was the deal sealer. Unsure voters always didn’t want to vote the Abbott. Q&A was the emergence of PM Gillard. Someone who the unsure could go…yeah ok. The word got around.
Since then she’s been on a roll.
The NBN and the disintegration of the Libs economically have been the clinchers.
Didn’t John Elliott do a fabulous job of keeping the Coalition’s vision for Australia front and centre of swinging voters’ minds on Q&A last night? The Liberals must feel proud, indeed inspired, to have a public intellectual of John’s calibre a committed and tireless champion of their cause.
EC, Possum tweeted the following:
I don’t understand why Possum thinks this is a win for the conservatives.
But also, I don’t believe it means people can enrol online in the next 7 days – I think it means that option will be available in the future.
KL, fair enough, the Fed call won’t play this time.
Be interesting to get a line on Poss’s reasoning. Last time I looked under 30’s voted ALP/Greeen in significantly larger numbers than they voted Coal. Also if it’s a victory for the conservatives, why is Senator Arbetz making noises about doing away with compulsory voting?
I didn’t see Elliott last night. But i’ve seen him a million times before so i can virtually be assured of what his performance was like.
He single handedly stopped me from barracking for my own team (Carlton) for a few years when he was Prez and making a fool of himself and the club.
Harry, “Groper” Elliott has that effct on decent people. Hope a swag of first time voters saw him on Q&A and thought:
“WTF are the Libs doing having this troglodyte represent them on National TV?”
The below interview from Lateline is my fav. of the campaign to date. The guy reminds me a bit of Sheldon, Christ he’s good. Knows every layer of his onions. Leigh actually tilted her head when she thanked him sotto voce at interview’s end. The i’view was also the catlyst for the new thread.
I saw that interview. A pearler. Thing is, the smart, decent journalists already know what he was saying. The rest don’t know or don’t care.
That means 95% don’t know or don’t care.
As a follow up to #25 , i endured the Paul Murray Live show on SlyNews the other night. The guest for the night was Ch9 reporter Ben Fordham (i think that was his name). It was gobsmacking. He was sort of proudly announcing his ignorance of actual policy detail and saying he couldn’t care less.
I wrote a comment about a week ago about the journo’s thinking they’re starring on their own reality show. And they really do.
From the most experienced, like Oakes and Cassidy, to imbeciles like the Fordham and the bobbleheads on SlyNews.
Rattling good read about democracy in action in Eden-Monaro
For sheer commercial TV fucktardery, this ad has got it all.
It actually makes me glad that my TV reception is crap when it comes to channel 9. Saves me from having to watch such utter garbage. 😆
Harry, every day we keep The Ministry of Truth at bay is a win. 🙂
Professor Rosen’s Money Shot.
JAY ROSEN: Horse race journalism is a reusable model for how to do campaign coverage in which you focus on who’s going to win rather than what the country needs to settle by electing a prime minister.
And it’s easy to do because you can kind of reuse it sort of like a Christmas tree every year and it requires almost no knowledge either.
And it kind of imagines the campaign as a sporting event, right? And everything that happens in the campaign can potentially affect the outcome.
And so you can look at it as ‘How is it going to affect the horse race?’ And every day you can ask, ‘Who is ahead and what is their strategy?’
And I think this perspective appeals to political reporters because it kind of puts them on the inside, looking at the campaign the way the operatives do.
By the way, I’m told that you actually have a program here on Sunday morning called the Insiders.
JAY ROSEN: Is that true?
JAY ROSEN: And the “insiders” are the journalists.
LEIGH SALES: That is right.
JAY ROSEN: That’s remarkable.
Paddy 28:
Makes you wonder why they didn’t nail Bill O’Reilly and Glen Beck for Special Guest Commentator slots.
CBet latest (racing this time…)
ALP $1.32
Coal. $3.35
Must be a rouge market. 🙂
Yep…Leigh Sales’ “mmmmm” was a classic.
Now to the important bizness. Which station to watch on election night.
The circus on Ch9
The fucktardery on Ch7
The infestation on the ABC
The cretinous on Sky
I think i might enjoy the glumness on Sky at this stage lol
Don’t forget, we still have the ALP launch to go. What ever the result of the poll. We need to add a couple of % for the launch. This is the first time one has been done so close to he election. There MUST be a strategy in this. If its a very good one, is there an extra boost?
John certainly did not let them down.
I would even go so far as to think he had two bottles of rum before he fronted instead of one. 😉
I read that tweet from possum too and could not make head or tail of it.
There is an opinion poll boost in the U.S. Presidential’s, Chris, but they do their national launches months out from E-Day.
The main advantage for ALP in a late launch could be the sizzle of a vibrant “product” being topmost voters’ minds at week’s end.
Or, in yer average or garden gnome horserace politicalspeak…….the stewards are unlikely to be troubled on this occasion for a photo due to a large-ish interval of daylight separating the two contenders when the winner crosses the finish line. 🙂
Good grief! Just watching The Drum with Steven Loosely playing the “underdog” role and claiming that labour would lose if the election was called today. Utter Bullshit!!!!
I don’t think I can stand to watch. 🙁
Paddy, haven’t got ABC24 so didn’t see The Drum.
But Loosely has seemed like a tool to me for years. I dunno what his history is, whether he is a disgruntled Lab or what, but he seems to me to be the Lanny Davis type…..The friend you have when you don’t want a friend.
He was a one time Karl Bitar Party Sec wasn’t he?
HarryH, Loosely was just following the normal line of a campaign manager.
He knows Labour are ahead, but the lack of honesty from the entire panel which also comprised A.Crabb A.Sinadinos and Unctuous Uhllman was just plain insulting.
I turned off when they started talking about the NBN being a “bit” of a game changer.
Honestly….The rabble over the fence have a far greater entertainment factor and are a lot more honest. (Even if they are a little one-eyed.)
it was moi who did a spot of dusting this morning, minus the two bob. Life has got in the way somewhat but should be back to normal soon.
And yes, Cat, we miss you!!
In reference to Possums tweet
Over the fence, Bilbo reckons (and unfortunately, I have to agree with him) that Possum has picked up on the curse of the “easy internet” path to pain. Namely, the whole identity theft thing and the nonsense that goes with it.
Think diebold. 🙁
Howard’s original justification for his theft of the franchise will get a whole new run out.
However, since we will have to deal with the issue sooner or later, I guess it’s worthwhile getting it out in front of the punters with 3 years to the next election.
Paddy, havn’t looked into the detail, but registering online and casting a provisional ballot is one thing, presenting oneself in person with 100 point photo ID to have that vote validated in the case of a close poll eg., is another.
I get the bit about Diebold, but not sure it would apply in Oz because we don’t actually vote on computers tf. Pencil on paper is impossible to rig enmasse. Maybe Poss is suggesting that this is the thin edge of the wedge that would eventually lead to a Diebold computer “votecount”. Dunno.
The AEC run a pretty tight electoral ship. As far as tallying the count, they are as good as it gets. When you’re on a good thing—–stick to it!
The Prince in this instance would have no doubt disagreed. 🙂
Aug 13:
Aug 12:
G’day, megan, are you game for a seat prediction yet?
Aug 12: Great one there EC. Now we must get them to snap out of it. Like me to do a reverse hypnosis?
Ecky, I haven’t seen anything from Possum on this, except his original tweet.
But….and I confess I’ve spent an enormous amount of wasted time, obsessing about theories of computer security over the last few years. 🙂 It’s my experience, that it comes down to a fairly simple equation in the end.
You can have security, or convenience, but not both.
When it comes to voting, the paper trail is king.
I suspect Poss is twitching about “The thin edge of the wedge”.
Alas, so am I. 🙁
I’ll await the furry one’s next epistle with interest.
Just after half time. Collingwood $0.00 Essendon $25.00 🙂
Ooh YES!! The ghost does it again.
#Nielsen Primary Votes: ALP 40 (+4) LNP 41 (-3) GRN 12 (-1) #ausvotes
2Party Preferred ALP 53 (+4) LNP 47 (-4)
On you, Ghostie! And Gouldie who got Neilson spot on.
Paddy, to those figures my old uncle would have responded, “hubba-hubba” with appropriately synchronised upper limb gestures. The plus four in primaries is the stake in the tory heart. 🙂
Yes indeedy Ecky. I just chucked another nibble on sportsbet @ $1.30 and I suspect it will come it again by tomorrow.
Squirm you Liberal dogs!! 👿
BTW. For any ticsters not watching various sporting events….Lateline is on early at 10.10 tonight with a decent panel for a change.
The journos Laura Tingle + George Megalogenis + Peter Hartcher ABC1
Ghostie! And Gouldie Well done guys. Now keep a lid on it. Still the final week to go!
48 paddy Whew! Listening to the Collingwood match. Forgot about it. Got the recorder on. Yes!
From Whirlpool.
They are REALLY getting desperate.
More here…
Chris B
ROTFLMAO They really are going bonkers over on Whirlpool.
Liberal trolls, sobbing all over their keyboards. 👿
Monumental effort by Lateline tonight.
Out of the 5% of journo’s that are decent and intelligent, they managed to snaffle 3 out of 3 tonight.
Tingle – clap
Mega – clap
Hartcher – clap
I reckon Tingle would have especially got a kick out of Jay Rosen last night.
52 paddy I won’t respond to that post. I’ll just let him stew. 😈
I’ll enjoy posting the results next Saturday. 😈
George Megalogenis also recons the policy launch in the last week is a brilliant tactical move. I recon Julia/Labor have something up their sleeve as well.
The thing that I thought may have a bearing on the election. Won’t happen till the week after. So I may have been reading too much into it. 🙁
But on the upside. It doesn’t matter 🙂
In 8 days time we may never have to put up with seeing King Rattus pop up ever again.
Even the ACB, still living in the Bradman era, got tasered into reality. Rattus is poison.
Then he pops his head up again this week with his “Son” Rabbott, and Bang, Libs tasered into reality. Rattus is poison.
Remember Joe Hockey leaving Rattus’ house during the leadership spill. Remember the shit eating grin on Rattus’ face. lol. He’d played Joe for a fool and engineered his “sons” ascension.
Well Rattus, like you, your “son” is poison.
Rot in Peace Rattus….maybe…maybe…Gerard Henderson may knock on your door for a cup of tea.
God, Paul Kelly is such an insufferable blowhard
Morning ticsters.
So great to wake up to the neilson news it is now good morning.
I am getting very depressed not seeing Bondi (long way from Manly) Abbort shouting and screaming and frothing at the mouth.
This little number may release him.
He was rumoured to be singing in the shower this morning.
A gem from Bill Leak 🙂
You can stream 24 here
Happy Caturday ticsters!
Possum is noting this campaign looks and smells like 2004 – including a possible surge back to the Government in the last week. Here’s his purty picture.
Labor and Gillard look like a safe pair of hands, and that’s what most of the electorate wants. There’s no compelling reason to take a risk with Abbott.
Morning, gaffy, how’s the ALP going in Herbert?
Harry at 59. Bloody oath!
My, how the Good Flying Tea-Pot works in mysterious ways. Went hunting for the actual pdf of the Nielson and here’s what I found?
…….some thoughts of far right wing cultural warrior and avid think-tank attendee, Randy Devine, from her puff-piece, or rather gush-piece on “The Monk Who Smuggled Budgies”.
Miranda has just stumbled upon “morality in politics” and she’s terribly excited about her discovery.
Ticsters, please be reassured that Sydney’s most sought after plastic surgeons are treating Ms. Devine for Grade Four Gravelrash as we blog. Mercifully, she is not expected to leave I.C. till after E-Day.
On online enrolment ad the GetUp win, exchanges on twitter indicate onlline enrolment will feed into the conservatives argument about voter fraud. Here’s a couple of Possum’s later tweets….
I could hear him singing from here!!
I can report that the sun is shining in Manly , the harbour is calm (after turbulent conditions yesterday)….and those of us who have shed much shoe leather in trying to defeat ‘Son Rabbott'(Thanks, Harry@59) over the years are breathing much easier !! 🙂
Link to Possum’s “2004 vs 2010 “graph…
Bless you Ecky. I much prefer my morning dose of marvellous Miranda, heavily salted with snark. 😆
(It’s the only possible way to digest it.)
Didn’t Comrade Rupert kick a goal for Fairfax by removing the toxic troll from their pages?
Now, if only the management could start employing some decent journalists instead………..Hmmm. Not very likely alas. 🙁
Enemy Combatant did conjure:
That one’s a keeper! Into the Chuckle Jar with it.
Must say that I’m attempting to resist the urge to feel optimistic, but the look on Joe Hockey’s face is making that difficult.
The toon of the year.
A comment taken from a brilliant article on broadband.
Full article here..
Must say you have marvelous turn of phrase and i do really get a good laugh.
That newspoll marginal seat thingy is rather odd they poll 3300 people in 17 seats in threee states and that must give it a high MOE. I read over the fence 7% Moe.
I am very confident in Herbert but am really surprised at how people are dumbed down by the media.
I always try to get someone talking about the elections to guage their intentions and it disturbs me that lots saying yeh but i read in the paper that…..
I then get in to them that they need to search further and find out the real facts and at the end they say, Oh i didn’t know that, oh well that’s a different story then isn’t it.
I then tell them that i could not believe that anyone could vote against giving a kid a free laptop to help get them educated, vote against having the new NBN especially if they are in business, vote for Abbort to rip all the money out of the stimulus packages on going, and i don’t believe anyone could vote them out of another term after the way they have steered us through the GFC, when we have the best and most stable economy in the world, so how could Abbort make it any better if he was voted in.
I am sure i have stiffened up a few backbones.
Jeremy Scahill talked about the war in Iraq, Blackwater, and WikiLeaks.
Morning Ticksters –
all is looking good for the demise of Rabbitt and co … apparently Jules is on her way to help out Sophie and Susan ( in Farrer) with their campaigns.- As if there aren’t enough embarrassments to the cause of women here already 🙄
I exempt myself from the above statement 😉
Talkback here has been interesting – all the trolls are out saying wireless works better than an NBN and we could spend the money on other more far sighted things like… dunno – a war somewhere maybe.
Am off to try and raise some dough for our noble cause. The media are starting to give me run on this being the first election since Our Sophe forgot to show up foir the National Apology to the Stolen Generation, thereby reneging on her pledge to represent the people of Indi.

So if you do not hear from me again I am probably dead. … she is hoping the good people of her electorate have forgotten that little whoopsie – and I havent.
Tony Abbott on a good day.
I reckon the ALP would have really tied up the youth vote with the NBN issue.
5-Day Emergency Contraceptive ‘Ella’ Approved By FDA.
This will upset the Christian vote…
more here…
#79 someone had better ask Tony Abbott his opinion about the new morning after pill. Might pick up even more of the female vote.
Colbert Mocks Newt Gingrich’s Lack Of Morals (VIDEO).
Very funny!
Jen Good luck with the campaigning/fund raising.
I must say that Susan and Sophie, really DO make a fine pair.
Monsters the both of them!
But they’ll certainly look better sitting on the opposition benches, rather than the Govt!!
#79 I passed that one on to ALP headquarters. 😈
Ah our beloved media.
This says it so well.
Media health warnings
Interesting piece on the electronic enrolment decision.
I can see a few flaws already, but it clearly has a way to go in the courts.
85 paddy There would be many NBN voters in bother those decisions.
Good luck with the final week of the campaign Jen.
You can proudly claim your small portion of denying Abbott from being PM of this country.
You stood up.
Mission 1 nearly accomplished.
I hope you and your ilk still have a lot more fire in the belly.
87 HarryH I second that. Well done Jen. Your support team here at 101 did a good job.
Good luck Jen. Hope it is the best result ever for the Greens.
Give ‘ em heaps, Jen!
And thank you for the kind words, all.
Does anybody know of a link to the Neilson 53/47 poll?
Billy The Bludger hasn’t linked to it nor Poss geekedand tweaked it yet. No way I’m gonna purchase a pulped tree for one page of data.
EC – I can’t find the Neilsen results on line, but they’re printed in detail in the SMH. I suspect therefore it is a deliberate move to make people buy the paper.
One comment from Whirlpool.
If it was not for the NBN I would be a definite Coalition voter.
All the very best,Jen!!
Grog’s blog is another good read today,and like him, I too can’t wait for it all to be over!
Ta, KL, reckon you’re right. Stuff Fairfax, I’ll wait for teh furry one or Bludger Bill to post it. Barring an as yet released force majeure, the seeing-off of the Extreme Right’s poster boy, Mister Rabbit is not so much in the bag as in the burrow.
Comment from LP:
[“Who is this Ghost Who Votes?”]
Stuffed if I know but this we do……..
~old pseph saying
GhostWhoLeaks is teh new Deep Throat.
Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.
Darryl F Zanuck, President, 20th Century Fox, 1946
Jay Rosen tweets…
Seems the Crikey website is currently down for me at the moment using firefox. But I can get there with IE.
Crikey have named their servers Menzies and Whitlam. 😆
Television in the home is now technically feasible. The difficulties confronting this difficult and complicated art can only be solved from operating experience, actually serving the public in their homes.
David Sarnoff, RCA, October 1938
Big turnaround in Obama approval on BP’s oil spill Hotlist.
In general, do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the aftermath of the Gulf Coast oil spill?
June, 2010:
Approve: 42%
Disapprove: 50%
August, 2010:
Approve: 50%
Disapprove: 38%