That is the existential question of our elected parliament. One of the most fascinating aspects of contemporary Oz Politics is the relationship between the NBN-phobic Rupert Murdoch and Neville Wran’s former Silk du Jour—now shadow Comms Minister—Petit Mal de Wentworth, the loyal Liberal tasked by his Dear Leader to not merely remove from the national agenda, but to DESTROY our NBN.
Pokud se chcete zaregistrovat, je nutné zaškrtnout souhlas se zprácováním osobních údajů. Doporučili byste tuto suplementaci, pokud ano, tak pouze vitamínu k1 nebo společně lekarnavceske k1 a d1 anebo k1, d1 a ca.
Call it a hunch , but after the way Fontleroy Wentworth was rolled from the tory top spot by the Monky Prince with the OO’s nod, I don’t believe the man who conjured Godwin Grech is too fond of Rupert OR Anthony! Some commentators see Malcs as being in the Death Seat. I don’t. Without the pressures of opposition leadership perpetually upon him, I think Malcolm Turnbull, one of the greatest bullshit artists to ever grace the hallowed halls of our Capital, has the patience and smarts to fuck both Abbott and Rupert.
Windsor and Oakeshott stated the NBN was a major factor in them going with Gillard.
The stakes couldn’t be higher. The control of the NEW medium— and thus the message— is up for grabs. Staggeringly until quite recently, the new paradigm came as a surprise to Rupert’s arse. As we’ve been witnessing, the day of the msm locusts is at hand. Hyper-alert,”trained” paparazzi are poised to swarm the first whiff of centre-leftist blood. Bewildered backbenchers have been told to cancel all travel and holiday plans. Klutzes are being coccooned; motor-mouths, muzzled. Good old-fashioned Team Play is flavour of the month in Party rooms.
We should be so lucky already. Let us rejoice in this year of the Team Player!
Kinda makes a guy wanna rush out and join a power-breakfast worship group.
How would Leo Strauss or Niccy Machiavelli, Gould of The Hill or Plouffe & Axelrod read this one?
Shall this government of ours, Ticsters, proceed to term or is the rule of Ranga I of Oz rife for Abbortion?
801 replies on “To Term Or Not To Term?”
One can only hope that little things like this will make the Seppo Dems get out and vote.
Could be a big wind puff but then again it could be the start of something good.
Turdblossom has to front up.
Chris you will be in raptures with all these GOP gifts coming out just in front of the midies.
paddy –
re Grog (who said a mean thing about Bob Brown 😡 )
obviously he is a communist .
Now – a question to Mr Windschuttle and Ms Albrechtson.. does PJK gets a full hour of self-promotion on Qanda just to be “balanced” ??.
Forget shoes – I’ll throw my knickers .
let’s hope Sophie doesn’t have her phone.
Democrats Outspending Republicans
War Hog for Peace (in our time)
Change we can believe in:
Let no foreign soil remain unstained with Australian blood so long as we maintain our National Gravel Rash and flash it proudly on demand to the American War Pig.
Australians died and were maimed to support President Thieu.
“Nguyễn Văn Thiệu ….was a general in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) who went on to become the President of South Vietnam (1965–75), first as the head of a military junta and then after winning a fraudulent election. He established an authoritarian and corrupt rule over South Vietnam until resigning and fleeing the nation a few days before the fall of Saigon……
Thiệu gained a reputation for turning a blind eye to and indulging in corruption, and appointing loyal cronies rather than competent officers to lead ARVN units…..
…… prompting Thiệu to resign and leave the country aboard an American helicopter with millions of dollars in gold, just before the communists completed their victory. He eventually settled in Massachusetts and lived in seclusion until his death, avoiding angry refugee compatriots who blamed his administration for the nation’s demise….. ”
(wiki )
Australians die and are maimed to support President Karzai.
But so what! Cannon fodder has always been expendable. On a per capita basis we are the best and fairest sporting nation on earth…… and the world respects us enormously for that.
Damn you Jen.
There goes the morning coffee all over the place again. 🙂
A couple of gems from twitter.
Nate Silver on the mid-terms
And Mr Denmore on Annabel Crabb’s address to the faithful yesterday
The full transcript of AC’s address here.
And finally….. I woke up this morning to the sound of Our ABFrigginC, giving airtime to some fuckwit, crying crocodile tears about how asylum seekers shouldn’t be housed in the Adelaide hills….Wait for it….Because they wouldn’t know what to do if a bushfire came!!!
Nearly ripped my ears off in disgust. 🙁
If you favor Republicans, you may believe Gallup and Rasmussen.
More interesting reading here…
703 Jen I’ll throw my knickers . Jen there is young and impressionable minds on here. 😈
President Barack Obama has gone on a veritable media blitz as the election has approached, speaking to reporters in off-record settings, doing sit-down interviews with traditional (National Journal) and alternative (Rolling Stone) publications, and appearing on radio programs with varying audiences (Al Sharpton and Michael Smerconish’s shows just this week).
The reach extends deep into the entrails of the new media world as well. On Wednesday, the president conducted what appears to be the first ever in-person sit-down with political bloggers, hosting a group of five in the White House.
More here…
Obama’s appeared on The Daily Show. I think it’s the episode that’s aired tonight here – if not, will be on tomorrow.
Jen, I still have the hots for PJK.
Last night on “The Late Show,” David Letterman weighed in on the Democrats’ chances in the upcoming election in his Top Ten list, the “Top Ten Signs There’s Trouble in the Democratic Party.” Letterman has noticed a few things lately that make him doubt the Democrats have what it takes to stay in control of the House and Senate. For instance, did President Obama really change his trademark slogan “Yes we can” to “Thought we could”? Here that and all the other warning signs in the video below.
Video here…
US President Barack Obama has dodged barbs from satirical news show host Jon Stewart, defending his change crusade in a bid to appeal to younger voters six days before mid-term elections.
Obama became the first sitting president to appear on Comedy Central’s Daily Show, which skewers top politicians with withering humour and delights in exposing hypocrisy and insincerity.
The episode featuring Obama, which was taped on Wednesday in the US, will be shown on ABC2 in Australia tonight.
Who said the econmy was boring? It gets better by the bong.
Offta see the Sorkin fillum this arvo. Min’s got a function to attend unfortunately and jnr. has the vapours which is a bastard cos it’s always good to chew the fat while the movie’s front-of-mind.
There is a slim chance, however, that said flick could get a mention onsite after sundown. 🙂
Great links at 703, paddy. Our national political scene seems as stimulating as the Sep Midies, because the the Sepside result is SO gonna be what Nate the Sep-Pseph-Gnat says the’re going to be.
Let’s see how good The Kid puts out with Jon S. and S. Colbert in his last desperate effort at shifting his base off it’s butt on Tuesday.
Dept. Of No Shit, Sherlock?
[“When we promised during the campaign ‘change you can believe in’, it wasn’t ‘change you can believe in in 18 months’,” he said.
“It was change you can believe in, but, you know what, we’re going to have to work for it.”]
Chris, in The Age clip apart from the lovely touch with the 3 Ionian columns backgrounding The Kid, what was wonderful to see Stewart crack-up when Obi came out with: “yes we can, but”.
Not many folk can laugh in the face of POTUS and get away with it, but Jon Stewart has earned the right and so too, btw, has Stephen Colbert. These two will sure help apply the handbrake to the runaway electoral train.
Sure will EC. The love in is over. Next stop the Rally To Restore Sanity.
Obama On ‘Daily Show’: Stewart Presses President To Defend ‘Timid’ Policies, Hiring Of Old D.C. Hands (VIDEO).
Blowback never sleeps; truthiness goes on and on.
Aussie SAS are presently upskilling Kopassus, opps sorry, this time it’s just a rag-tag squad of Oruzgani “freedom fighters” being “advised” here in Australia as to how best resist the recently CIA-trained Taliban.
Here’s hoping our good friends at the incorruptible ICC, opps sorry, ISI, are kept in the picture.
“SENIOR militia fighters loyal to a notorious Afghan warlord have been flown to Australia to train with elite special forces as part of a covert strategy to strengthen military operations against the Taliban…..
The six fighters are allied to Matiullah Khan, a powerful Oruzgan warlord with whom Dutch forces refused to work because of his alleged connections to murder and extortion.”
New Alaska Poll — Democrat Scott McAdams Surges Past Embattled Joe Miller
More here..—democra_b_775174.html
Olbermann: If The Tea Party Wins, America Loses (VIDEO).
More here…
722 Keith Olberberman at his savage best. Laying on the guilt to the fence sitters and non voters. Brilliant speech! Must watch video!
Even I am inspired to vote.
Grog’s Gamut is a great read as usual, but, especially for Jen, I am highlighting this video link from the series “Labor in Power” about Keating’s reform of the financial system. Maam, I submit what must be soft p*rn for us PJK lovers. Yummo….
I must watch Labor in Power again. I think it’s coming out on DVD.
And here’s the link for Grog’s latest piece….
Ooh, looky here, Labor in Power coming out on DVD in November….
Judge’s Order Makes Murkowski Write-In Bid A Longer Shot.
More here…
You Tube Sensation. Fainting Goat Syndrome. In Kittens!
😆 Firstdog on private members bills. Gold!
I just walked past Tony Abbott. Meh.
OMG, KL, You brushed him! Geez it musta felt good. 👿
“How does it feel to be
One of the beautiful people?
Now that you know who you are
What do you want to be?”
Status, class, “hooking up” at Harvard, elite fraternities, peer rivalry, geekery, friendship, love, betrayal, Brahmin culture, minds like steel traps; a veritable cluster of them. Oodles more on offer in “The Social Network”. Stunning script from Sorkin, editing to-die-for, cool casting and superb acting. Wouldn’t surprise if Timberlake snares a best supporting role Oscar.
Don’t want to be a plot spoiler so let’s give everyone interested a chance to silver screen it before we toss it on the discussion table.
Dept. of Politics, Division and Political Death:
Shreck has been bangin’ on about the Big Bad Banks and was yesterday, well after the cock crew, thrice denied support in front of the National Chook Pavilion by his political lord and master, the speak-no-evil, Mad Monk with the “ Joe who?” body language.
And notice how quiet Petit Mal de Wentworth, a former Merchant Banker of Renown, has been this week too? Must be a coincidence. Everyone knows how loyal Malcs is to Tones. Best of mates by a margin of one party room vote.
At first it appeared that Shreck was having a bit of a beat of the populist drum. But the snare went skew-whiff today with Bobby Brown exclaiming loud and clear to the nation that he’d be happy to pow-wow anytime with the Honourable Shreck of North Sydney about bank fees-greed in view Banks’ record profits in what are tightish times for the middle and under classes. i.e., the majority of electors.
This whole caper wedges away at tory solidarity. Consequently, the minority govt. effectively divides opposition and therefore, rules better in voters’ eyes.
No matter how many Rupert shills squawk otherwise.
Tony who?
I am all for pay walls. Bring em on i say, the quicker the better.
😆 It’s a shoe-in from Fiona today.
This can’t be right. BHP and Halliburton would never be like that, especially when the safety of the environment and people is involved. Such good upstanding,,,,,,,,,ah fuck it.
Murphy gets arrested for the umpteenth time for beatin his missus.
Fronts up to court and the Judge says;
Murphy why do you keep beatin yer missus?
Murphy says; well judge i have a weight and height advantage, longer reach coupled with speed and agility and superior footwork.
An Engineer’s Guide to Cats.
Unfortunately, due to a prior engagement with a fine bottle of French wine and a plate of Chateaubriand, I missed this particular session of Senate estimates. 😆
But I’m bloody glad Scott Ludlam didn’t.
The privacy wars in Oz are obviously hotting up.
A bloody good read here.
Tim Dunlop on Muddie.
Listen to a fascinating interview with Keith Richards here…..
If you’re a fan of the Stones, or in any way interested in rock history, that interview is a must listen.
Suspicious Packages Found On Flights Heading To US.
Timing! Obama has to be Presidential. If it was George Bush doing the same thing, there would be all sorts of conspiracy theories floated. More here..
Ironical isn’t it?
Rally To Restore Sanity: Jon Stewart Assesses The Risks.
More here…
A Late Democratic Early Voting Surge in Nevada.
more here..
I hope all you mexicans are safe indoors and not made of sugar.
Looks like Melbourne Victoria was a good day for blogging and grogging.
is there an election in the US soon.
First up there were no explosive materials/devices found, only suspicious.
Now they are finding stuff. Ho Hum.
And nobody knew about it until the “tip off” from Saudi arabia. Ho Hum. I find it hard to get into it.
That angle on the story couldna gone down to well so they are using the reverse Kopassus now.
The Afghans have been flown here to upskill our blokes.
No point in having a fast computer in Oz if these Lieberal wangkers want to persist with CTTH.
China says join the far que.
Please make it so. Nothing would be finer than turdblossom being caught out officially.–why-we-have-filed-ra-by-Harvey-Wasserman-101029-18.html
“Ho Hum. I find it hard to get into it.”
Tell me about it, gaffy. 🙁
In our first year we saw off a rodent and an imbecile. Are Ranga (first Kruddy) and The Kid better than their predecessors, and are the Lands of Oz ans Sep better off? Yes to both.
Do the ruling Party almost always take a hit in the Midies? Yup.
One senses a certain inevitability, even ennui about next Tuesday on the blogs and beyond.
Anyway, I’m sure we’ll not be able to resist a peek on Tuesday.
Just a little taste and the sap will rise again. Bloody well hope so. 🙂
Some reckon that loss of a majority in Congress will fire The Kid up to punch out a few “signing statements” to meet an agenda Obi told Jon Stewart can not be achieved in “just 18 months”.
Will post a Mid-Term thread after our Cup.
Harry was right. So You Think is as good as Phar Lap. Get well, Bart, you old rogue ! 🙂 Fleminton and Australia will salute you like no other when you lob on Tuesday.
Real champions transcend their fields. They weave themselves forever into our nation’s dreaming.
Monuments of steel and stone are superfluous.
Shit, mate, you’re on a roll!
I withdraw the ennui bit!
Tony Jones gives Robert Fisk his head on Lateline.
Fisk waxes brilliant on wikileaks, and the Middle East.
Senate Snapshot: 4 Days to Go.
More here…
752 gaffhook Great article there gaffy. I especially like this bit:
Wobblebies on the hooter. Yoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!
Are Seppos really dumbed down or are we reading too much in to it? 😉
The scum gutted lying Rodent has been outed.
He told a deliberate lie to the parliament about the waterfront issue.
He, John Winston Howard, the former Prime Minister, deliberately misled the Parliament of Australia.
Paddy, a bit of local knowledge please.
What is the forecast for Tuesday?
gaffy, folk who don’t have a sense of irony are axiomatically more stupid. Some of the best piss-takers around are the systematically oppressed. eg. Jews in Europe bfore the Reich’s rise, Kooris here and Native Americans. Downscale Euro-Seps have been brainwashed into believing that they are “more worthy stakeholders” in the American Dream and are therefore superior to socio-economic counterparts elsewhere.
The Imbecile said “The American way of life will not be compromised” and most bought it with bells on. An ongoing example of this phenomenon is the way Seps carry on when they win some international sporting event. Some of our Oi Ois are crass enough, but Sep triumphalism is in a league of its own.
Oct 30:
Oct 30: Australians are still being killed and maimed in the U.S. led NATO occupation of Afghanistan so that we may support our democratically elected man in Kabul.
And the end is not in sight.
“As a general rule in U.S. Politics, access to a large datad-base should never be confused with motivating said base off its date.”
~ Lloyd Fullerton, (the Big Picture guy)
(Lloyd appears on Politic 101 on a Special Guest Appearance basis courtesy of Village Voice cartoonist, Matt Bors)
This piece is fresh from the net. A couple of days ago one of our commenters noted the { Diem : Karzai :: Vietnam : Afghanistan } historical parallels.
“ President Karzai, Like Diem, have held power as a result of corrupt elections, featuring the not-so-invisible hands of his American backers. Once again, we have bet the mortgage on one leader, no matter how inept and corrupt he might be. Karzai is playing off various sides, eagerly accepting the largesse and patronage of at least two governments, each with its own interests. Karzai has admitted that Iran has lavished millions of dollars in regular payments to him and his entourage……..
We are once again waist-deep and sinking in a quagmire. We have a client state that is difficult to control and pursuing its own interests. At the same time, President Barack Obama is now captive to Karzai and the American military, and he is saddled with an increasingly unpopular, intractable war. To reverse that course, he undoubtedly will have to clash with current U.S. military leaders. When he had the opportunity and when it was right to begin our disengagement, the president instead raised our stake, fearful both of letting Karzai fail and rejecting the adventurism of his military people.
Obama’s Afghanistan war inevitably will become entangled in our already poisoned domestic politics. We can only guess at the turmoil and anguish that await us.”
Jon Stewart’s speech to the rally to restore sanity. Just brilliant – and I suspect, very important. Bravo.
And that looks like a huge crowd in the mall.
Love his style Katielou.
“racists who have put in the exhausting effort it takes to hate”
Sure loked like a big crowd.
Fuchs Nooz will no doubt report a crowd of nearly 4000 even though the Huff Post bussed in 10000 to the rally from New York.
Greek Celebrities Team Up For Get-Out-The-Vote Effort (VIDEO)
The Guardian News Paper suggest around 250,000. Not bad for a nights work! Great pictures.
If it gets that coverage in the UK, what will it get in the USA?
Stephen Colbert’s Entrance At The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear.
Just How Big Was The Stewart-Colbert Rally?
more here…
IL Dems optimistic with early voting, GOP pissy.
The early signs continue to be the opposite to what the MM keeps telling us. More here…,-GOP-pissy
NV-Sen: Late surge in Dem early voting.
More evidence to back that up.
More here…
Photos of signs from the Rally to Restor Sanity. That’s the America I like.
Brumby wins on economy, Libs on crime
More here…
Rally To Restore Sanity Attendance Estimated In Hundreds Of Thousands. [I notice the comments section on The Huffington Post about the rally is over 20,000 comments]
Double the size of Glenn Beck’s rally.
More here…
Part comedy show, part pep talk, the rally drew together tens of thousands stretched across an expanse of the National Mall, a festive congregation of the goofy and the politically disenchanted. People carried signs merrily protesting the existence of protest signs. Some dressed like bananas, wizards, Martians and Uncle Sam.
Stewart, a satirist who makes his living skewering the famous, came to play nice. He decried the “extensive effort it takes to hate” and declared “we can have animus and not be enemies.”
Screens showed a variety of pundits and politicians from the left and right, engaged in divisive rhetoric. Prominently shown: Glenn Beck, whose conservative Restoring Honor rally in Washington in August was part of the motivation for the Stewart and Colbert event, called the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. It appeared to rival Beck’s rally in attendance.
Whoops! 😳
I have been very disappointed in the Democrats campaign. It has been very feeble to say the least. Its like they wanted to loose it from the very start. They still may fall over the line yet. With a little help from our friends at the Sanity Rally. I am still waiting for It was all George Bushes fault.
The question now is BP or AC/DC.
I guess it will all depend on the duty cycle of these new batteries as to how good they will be.
For those ticsters interested in the big contest tomorrow….And NO, I don’t mean the mid-terms. 😆
I would recommend a trip to this website.
For some seriously good analysis of those glorious thoroughbreds running around Flemington tomorrow. Good luck to all!
I’m thinking that So You Think can make my heart sing yet again.
(He’s been VERY good to my TAB account so far this spring!)
Paddy FFS why do you do it to me.
Yep i just had to go there didn’t I and now i am more confused than ever.:mrgreen:
784 😆
Wait till tomorrow at 9.30 am EST Gaffy when Taj puts up the full ratings.
Then you’ll have a better view of what to back.
I still thing So You Think will kick them in the head.
But he won’t be at any flash odds.
Then again, as the wise man said. You can’t eat odds.
You Are Invited to the Ron Paul / Rand Paul Election Night Victory Party
Red Maggie in The Sun, not on Page 3.
Question is, what will Obama do?
I’ve got 5 horses including So You think in a box trifecta. But I expect I just donated some money to the TAB as per usual.
My $64,000
questionbox trifecta is 11,12,23.That is what it should pay provided all the favourites fall over.
Phil Coorey writes today that Rudd, Swan and Gillard were so suspicious of Lindsay Tanner that they used to hold fake pre-budget meetings to ensure Tanner didn’t leak their plans.
It’s a wonder Tanner didn’t resign earlier.
Dumb Jockeys, they are supposed to be in front at the winning post at the end of the race not the beginning. They rode my horses upside down! :angry:
I picked 1st and third but it wasn’t Maluckyday.
What a fantastic Cup !!!!!!!
3 superior staying thoroughbreds fought it out and an absolute warhorse battles his heart out for 4th.
I didn’t bet. I just barracked for The Champ, So You Think.
He was superb…just a little too stirred up. I really think The Arc will be his next year. A mile and a half is his go.
The first 4 horses home all were worthy efforts of a Melb Cup winner.
It was the best Cup field i have seen.
Agreed HarryH I’d love to see SYT run in the Arc. It was a stunning performance by the first four today.
At least I had a few nice collects on the earlier races and will have enough for a wee drinkie later.
Now we’ll see if the Americans can do and Americain in the mid-terms and beat off the tea party thugs.
We can only hope.
Well done Paddy.
A positive balance sheet on Melb Cup day is no mean feat.
Great Cup, all! Americain a worthy winner and the top bunch all ran their hearts out. Got the my usual 2 out of three in the trifecta but woulldn’t have missed it for quids. Harris ain’t done yet either. SYT didn’t do his rep any harm and would dfinitely show the frogs some leg in L’Arc. 🙂
The Seppos will be getting rather nervous now and having their last 40 winks before they do the honour.
One can only hope they do the right thing but it all seems so flat after the Saturday rally.