Two years ago Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the U.S. with Democrats having a majority in Congess and an almost fiflibuster-proof majority in The Senate. Tomorrow the politicl landscape will have changed somewhat. To what degree depends largely on how many formerly energised Democratic supporters are “getting out the vote” because we know that a buzzed-up bunch of Tea-Baggers are going gangbusters to rally their people for E-Day.
Conventional Wisdom and assorted Solomons of Psephology like Nate “NYT” Silver predict Dems will lose the Congress and hold The Senate by a whisker. Seems a fair call, but wouldn’t be surprised if the Dems get done in the Senate too. We’ve all had our two bob’s worth over the possible result and the reasons for it. In the next day, many of those quetions and points of conjecture will be answered.
1,024 replies on “Loose Change Is Hard To Belive In”
What really annoys me is the Democrats have lost two years they could have put to good use. Will the Democrats wake up? I’m not sure.
My next quest is, following the failure to plan for the first two years. Will they plan for the next two? Will the Democrats make changes. The Republicans have already shown what basteads they are. They will continue being basteads for the next 6 years and more if the Democrats get back again.
White Southern Democrats Nearly Extinct.
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Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay.
More here..
It’s November, I live in Sydney’s inner west, and I’ve got my heater on. Bizarre.
The Rude Pundit sums up the situation perfectly.
Bill Maher on the Rally for Sanity. Makes some great points.
This is serious shit. I’ll tell you what deep trouble the Democrats are in by not putting up any sort of a fight or having a plan. The Republicans are now in charge of redistricting in a large number of states. They could now have the keys to the Whitehouse for ten years unless we get another George Bush in charge. By then the Democrats will have forgotten the lessons the learnt this time. If any.
It follows that the Republicans will have a huge influence on Australian politics and help the Liberals into a long rule as well.
107 Katielou Removed for copyright reasons.
You can read the transcript of Bill Maher’s comment about The Rally for Sanity here, as well as a bit more of a discussion about the issues he raises.
108 by Chris B,
Redistricting could cost the Democrats up to a dozen House seats but it won’t have a major effect on Presidential elections.
I have just watched Hillary on the ABC and i am totally confused how she will cope with meeting our esteemed leader of the rabble even for five minutes.
The Republican Decade?
GWV a lot more of this depressing story here…
It took me ages to find it again. I should have put it up in the first place. But I found it too depressing. Personally, I hope it is completely wrong.
Michael Fullilove likes Obama’s chances in 2012.
Katielou Interesting article. I’m still not sure after they made such a mess of the last one.
Well, Hillary’s come and gone. I enjoyed seeing her here and thought what a fantastic communicator she is. Perhaps not quite as great as her husband – but I noted how she would speak in detail and then return to the core of the issue to summarise her point. And even her scripted speech was delivered so much better than we see from our current crop of Oz politicians.
Blockbuster AFL games could be headed for pay TV.
Is Conroy trying to ruin the ALP?
Economists Krugman and Rajan: US Economy Will Suffer Terribly from Gridlock.
More here..
Here is a site that is hoping to boost blogging;
It lists 52 other Australian blogsites.
We do not rate a mention but i am sure that the Lovely Catrina, guardian of our site, may somehow get us a guernsey.
The site also has 6 ten minute videos reading Roos horoscope.
Brave New PacMan
Robert Greenwald and the crew over at Brave New Films have come up with a fun way to handle election hangover.
For those who haven’t seen it, here’s the Bill Maher clip from a couple of days ago.
Quite funny.
The money men.
They must have lost the page on the way to the printers about Jen.
More here…
123 HusseinStWorm It may have been far more effectgive for Obama if it was run Bill Mahers way.
The election was run the same way as Jon Stewarts rally. Very nice.
121 Gaffhook Catrina is not running this site to be a high profile site. Its not even listed in Google.
Oh cool. Jon Stewart is going on Rachel Maddow’s show Thursday evening, US time. No doubt the video will be everywhere. She tweets that’s she’s nervous.
Jon Stewart Responds To The ‘False Equivalency’ Critique Of The Rally To Restore Sanity (VIDEO) Very funny!
‘What The Fuck Has Obama Done So Far’ Creators Discuss Their Web Site (VIDEO) Brilliant!! After the election!
What the fuck has Obama done so far?
There was a fantastic interview on The Law Report on Radio National yesterday – with Chris Masters and Paul Barry on the legal and personal difficulties of investigative journalism, including Masters 13 year litigation ordeal over his reporting into Joh Bjelke Peterson’s Queensland. Well worth a listen, plus there’s a transcript at this link.
Greens oppose pay-TV sport moves.
I didn’t realise it had to be approved by parliament. Good!
More here…
Christopher Hitchens on cancer etiquette.
Any fellow fans of The Wire, check this out.
121 Gaffhook Thats a start. Mind you it has to start somewhere. Great idea. Its why Rupert is trying to stop the NBN. It needs quality links.
Keith Olbermann Returns From Suspension (VIDEO)
I’m starting to think this is all a plot between Stewart, Colbert, Maddow, Olbermann and Maher to get us watching their shows.
the definition of Fickle is that I, who wanted to slap Christopher Hitchens with a resounding whack for his ridiculous adherence to supporting FGWB’s Iraq invasion now find myself once again melting at his every line …
curse you Katielou 😉
and totally OT, but whatTF… Our esteemed Sophie (who is no longer a candidate, being an elected representative of the good people of Indi and all) has seen fit to distribute a brochure quoting the state-election Greens candidate (ahem.. guess who) as saying that Greens “wants to legalise illicit recreational drug use. ” (yawn – but they never give up do they?? 🙄 )
So, afore-mentioned Greens Candidate had to kick up a big stink with the local journos who appear to be also puzzled as to why Our Sophe wants to stick her bib into state election…and the questions are being asked – Why TF would she bother in such a safe seat?? and why is local liberal candidate not man enough to take on Greens candidate himself ??, etc etc.
All shall be revealed at the polling booth no doubt.
the definition of Fickle is that I, who wanted to slap Christopher Hitchens with a resounding whack for his ridiculous adherence to supporting FGWB’s Iraq invasion now find myself once again melting at his every line …
curse you Katielou 😉
and totally OT, but whatTF… Our esteemed Sophie (who is no longer a candidate, being an elected representative of the good people of Indi and all) has seen fit to distribute a brochure quoting the state-election Greens candidate (ahem.. guess who) as saying that Greens “wants to legalise illicit recreational drug use. ” (yawn – but they never give up do they?? 🙄 )
So, afore-mentioned Greens Candidate had to kick up a big stink with the local journos who appear to be also puzzled as to why Our Sophe wants to stick her bib into state election…and the questions are being asked – Why TF would she bother in such a safe seat?? and why is local liberal candidate not man enough to take on Greens candidate himself ??, etc etc.
All shall be revealed at the polling booth no doubt.
sorry – I’m sure once was more than enough.
btw Katielou-
Stage 4 oesophogael cancer with metastaces really does not sound like a good thing…
I suspect Mr Hitchens is telling us he is not long for this earth. 🙁
That old addage is fight fire with fire.
I am sure you can go about your daily stuff and just quietly drop the hint that you feel really sorry for Sophie, that in Canberra circles she is known as the “Moll”, ie Most odious lieberal lady.
I am sure it would catch on and get back to her.
Of course you could do a late evening letterbox drop as well.
Child Abuse Rate At Zero Percent In Lesbian Households, New Report Finds.
More here..
Worldwide support for Australia’s ‘Constance McMillen’.
Make sure you vote on this.
More here..
Gaffers – having a ball…
ABC radio gave me a good go this morning then Sophie came on and ranted like a maniac– me 10 sophie 0.
Then the television picked up on it so have both local news tonight… all good for a Green’s candidate with a $1000 budget
KL and Jen, despite taking the king’s schilling over Iraq, Hitchens is one helluva writer alright! His debunking and DEMOLISHING of muvver Theresa of Albania was the deft touch of a master of letters.
Nice work, Jen. The more you goad Sophs into public histrionics and bellowing hyperole, the more her cred erodes. Maybe slip something in when next on live radio ( ie. your message can’t be doctored/edited/censored) maybe try a throwaway line like:
“Unfortunately for Sophie, she still very much a captive of 1950s rhetorical bunting. Wouldn’t surprise if the ever-vigilant Ms Mirabella checks under the bed for Reds before retiring each evening. Perhaps Sophie was also an award-winning “Duck and Cover” champion as a youngster.
The take home message for Sophie Mirabella is that the rest of Australia has moved on….”
Things went terribly wrong too for a few million young men in the trenches and fields of the Great War. You remember the one doncha? The war to end all wars?
Musna worked, eh.
In the middle of summer nineteen fourteen
The young men of europe all in their prime
Ahead lay the horrors of a world insane
It haunts me now to think about that time
One assassination leads to a clash of nations
Everybody talkin’ war, a country worth fighting for
But how was anyone to know that hell was in store
Sign a dotted line and give a man a gun
Don’t worry boys, you’ll all be home by christmas
But little by little the lights were going out
And heading for the front line the men were listless
Wondering in the rain will they ever see home again
Slaughter is about to start. best friends are blown apart
Never been a bloodier war in memory before
Shelling day and night driving men insane
Screams of the dyng in no man’s land
Nowhere to run from the gas attacks
And everywhere you turn there’s another blind man
Losing life and limb. gangrene and rot set in
Weapons out to kill and maim. the boys are cryn’ out in pain
Never be the same again. never see an end
If you ever get to france see the poppies in the fields
Just think about the red of the blood of heroes
Who died in the fury of battle day and night
The carnage of war all around when the sun rose
All the mud and rain. machine gun fire again
Never gonna leave that trench. wallow in the mud ad stench
Dyin’ on a stretcher bench. time to say goodbye
A generation lost, four deadly years
Families left behind to a life of grieving
Ten million graves to be left untended
Nothing anymore left to believe in
Bodies ripped and torn long before i was born
But all those fine young men. never see their like again
I can vividly recall the pain down through the years
(echo) down through the years………..
~John Mayall, “Trenches” from Blues For The Lost Days.
“thank christ there was no-one waiting for me
when we docked at Circular Quay….
And the band played………..”
Remember William James “Billy” Schwarer who, with a kraut name, fought alongside his comrades in the trenches of Poziers for the honour of France and the AIF. As one of his eight grandchildren I’m eternally grateful for the loathing he instilled in me for the vainglory and ultimate stupidity of fighting somebody elses wars.
First World War Embarkation Roll – William James Schwarer
William James Schwarer
Service number: 1473
Rank: Artificer
Roll title: 301 MT [Mechanical Transport] ASC 17 Divisional Ammunition Park (Dec 1914)
Conflict: First World War, 1914-1918
Date of embarkation: 22 December 1914
Place of embarkation: Melbourne
Ship embarked on: HMAT Ceramic
Ship number: A40
(National Archives)
Of one thing be re-assured; if our nation ever really needs major Sep assistance, if it doesn’t suit ‘em, they’ll wipe us like a dirty arse.
Sorry I missed you this morning Jen. I’ve been somewhat distracted of late. (The hot water service blew up and I feel like I’m living beside Niagara falls)
Good to hear you gave Sophie a clip around the ears. 🙂
Meanwhile…..As lesbians take over the world and not even a “naice” private girls school is safe from their evil ways……
At least Firstdog has leapt to the rescue of fruit, vegetables and the Orstrayan way of life.
After having a good browse around that site i came across this 78 min movie of the fucking slimy little delaware digger and all of his visions of wrecking everything that does not fit in with his ideological ideas. I had not heard of it before but it really drives home what a slimeball he is and it should be compulsory viewing for year 10 students every year. Just to give them an idea of how he controls the media message here. I watched it last night.
It is clear that the lieberals are following his modus operandi in the hope Aussies are dumbed down enough to vote for them.
It is getting close though.
Fair dinkum, paddy, you wouldn’t read about it. If it’s not defiant schoolgirl lesbians, it’s bloody zombie porn!
Guess it’s just a matter of time before some frightfully imaginative almost-superstar has a serious wardrobe malfunction.
don’t hold back Jen. Tell everyone she is The MOLL Jen.
By the look on her face i would say she has gravel rashed knees.
Old Jelly back Obama. A gutless wonder.
White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts.
Where’s Hillary Clinton? We need someone with some backbone!
Bipartisanship at Last
The Onion: “A CNN/Gallup Poll released Monday revealed that a vast majority of registered male voters would have strongly supported a naked woman in the 2010 midterm elections.”
Can Obama be Re-Elected?
Larry Sabato notes the pundits who think President Obama will be a one-term president ignore some pretty compelling evidence: “It turns out that there is no statistical relationship between a midterm result and the outcome of the next presidential election.”
153 I heard she was a D cup and needed plenty of support.
Jen @ 141
Yes, as Hitchens notes, there is no Stage 5 for cancer. Stage 4 means it has spread to multiple places in the body, and sadly, the cancer will kill him soon if nothing else get him first.
Hitchens has been annoying at times. As EC notes – his stance on Iraq was objectionable, but he is very clever and entertaining, as well as poignant as he nears death.
I sat across the aisle from Paul Howes on a plane yesterday. I did say hi and wished him well on the book. Geez, he’s young.
147 EC
As also the grandchild of a French Croix de guerre medal WW1 vet(just a 17yo kid), i feel your #147. He apparently came back badly injured and damaged, yet re-enlisted again in WW2 as an overage.
Mind blowing.
Apparently he never spoke about it and neither really did my dad, although a tribute to him hangs silently on the family home wall that my brother put together after visiting the French war sites that he had endured and memorials.
Anzac Day and 11/11 make my blood boil annually.
I respect how any individual wants to remember the sacrifices of their loved ones but…….
…….suffice to say, Fuck You John Howard and all your filthy ilk.
Harry, thanks for your poignant rememberings and for sharing them.
As for johnny the grub, our High Court has just undone his bastardry on “Immigration”, booksales of “Magic Lazarus” are flat-lining, The Imbecile’s book brushed El Rodente to little more than three footnotes (rather appropriate for a toe rag), and the ICC shafted him something sweet. 🙂
What then should the Greens do?
First, they should hold their nerve. The biggest threat to a party establishing itself as a progressive alternative to the status quo is the temptation to start playing the game. For instance, in traditional electoral politics, negotiating a high price for your preference distributions makes sense. But for a party surfing a wave of progressive discontent about the political system, pussyfooting around with Liberal preferences is suicidal. In Britain, for instance, Nick Clegg’s Liberal Democrats used their new popularity to negotiate a coalition with the Conservatives — a decision that’s transformed a supposedly kinder, gentler party into enforcers of Tory cuts.
Secondly, the Greens should make a fuss about bias and misrepresentation. Public cynicism about the media is at an all-time high: the general disillusionment about how the ALP and Liberals campaigned during the federal election also manifested itself as a general disillusionment of the coverage during that election. There would be widespread support for a sustained Green pushback against the more egregious smears.
Thirdly, they should exploit new and alternative media. No, you can’t simply ignore the mainstream, since far more people still get their news from TV and the papers than anywhere else. Nonetheless, these are no longer the only shows in town. The Greens — as a party with disproportionate support from young people — have a tremendous advantage when it comes to social networking and new media. They should exploit it.
Fourthly, they need to develop an ongoing and deep relationship with their supporters, a relationship that insulates those supporters from whatever scandals or distractions the media whips up. That was, of course, the traditional Labor strategy (back in the days when the papers still saw the ALP as a threat): the party branches and conferences, the trade unions and the Labor press allowed members to participate, and thus forged a cadre capable of standing up against establishment hostility. In the Greens’ case, that would mean a transition from a largely electoral party, into something much more like a mass campaign.
Well Ticsters the bandicoot is back and firing on all …umm..legs! 🙂
As one august commenter put it. Bandicoot & Burnside would make a damn fine moniker for a law firm.
I just have to have a quiet chuckle when these morons come out with statements that they would really be stretching the imagination to prove. I mean who knows how powerful a one in 10,000 cyclone is. Would it be worse than a humungus one in 100000tsunami. Who has been there to measure the power of a one in 10,000 cyclone.
Stories like that remind me of when they built a new high level bridge across the Burdekin River near charters towers and some tosser politician stood there and cut the ribbon with the proclamation that the road to Charters Towers would never be blocked again. Two weeks later it was under 5 meters of flood water.
A couple of years later when some tosser politician cut the ribbon to open the Burdekin dam he said it will take three years to fill. Two months later it was running 8 meters over the dam wall.
They are not the first times i have heard the never to happen and i suppose the Titanic springs to mind, as well as BP oil rig in the Mexican gulf.
Any how we are about to embark on something that has never been done but be assured there is nothing on this planet that can affect a floating LNG ship type plant that could be loaded with anything uf to half a million tons of LNG at any one time.
No doubt the no smoking signs will be up.
And no doubt that since Labor has OK’d it then Tone and JoHo and their pals will be trying to block it.
We have to look after Shell though.
Cars love shell because it fucks them.
Jen, on current Nielsen Poll figures it appears that they will be a swing to the Greens in Benambra of 4 to 5 percent.
Really ? That means i could get over 10 percent.
Am giving up day jobs.
Jen will be the first 100 year old newly elected MP.
There’s still some junta posturing on the fine details but “release papers have been signed”. Serious deals have been done.
May The Lady with her spirit unbroken be released tomorrow.
Somehow I don’t think Aung San Suu Kyi is gonna swan around and punch out pulp fiction like The Imbecile and its Rat of Steel.
Gotta hunch Les Peuples de Myanmar have something else in mind for her.
We are with you tonight, Ma’am. And in the turbulent times ahead.
My thoughts exactly.
Meanwhile the wheels turn slowly in the hope that something may come of it, though i won’t hold my breath.
Eugene Robinson: Democratic base asks ‘Why don’t they fight back?’
Hear! Hear! At last. Someone is talking sense.
More here..
Pictures Of Karima Keyek, Berlusconi’s Alleged Party Partner.
Are Silvio Berlusconi days numbered at last?
More here..
More polly spotting – got in the lift with Peter Garrett yesterday. He smiled at me – therefore I conclude he’s a very nice man. 🙂
Oh, KatieLou, you are SUCH a political groupie!
Truly enjoy reports of your ongoing brushes with fame. 🙂
KL, MLK had a dream. Is yours playing minimalist attire poker with Greggie Combet, Billy Shorten, Paul Howes and, in the interests of balnce, Joey Le Shreck?
A glorious 50 minutes of Jon Stewart with Rachel Maddow here.
I’m still listening, so no verdict yet.
Rachel Maddow chats with Jon Stewart:
Two of our favourite people pow-wow without cuts. Wonderful exchange about the similarity and differences of their shticks. Stewart’s thoughts on the perpetual polarity of Sep politics are worth the listen. His argument on water-boarding being the moral equivalent of internment of Japanese-Americans during WW2 is easily countered although Rachel wisely didn’t pursue it because she’d already opened Jonny Boy up like a cluster of Chesapeake Bay oysters. Rachel could sense Jon was about to display a couple more pearls of self-insight.
Good call as things transpired.
Good ‘Eavens, KL, seems we crossed. 🙂
So wotja fink of the parlay?
Wow. 50 minutes and hardly a snicker. If Jon’s speech at the Rally showed who he really is, this is an expansion of that dialogue – you get to see Jon being real. What a fascinating interview. He’s way too kind to GWB in my opinion, but it doesn’t come from blindness.
I think students of journalism and comedy will be watching that interview for years.
Agreed, KL, it’s a keeper orright.
I agree with you EC that Maddow was clever in deciding not to debate his points to the nth degree – it was an interview as it should be done. Maddow’s a gem.
Brilliant even without satire.
Education Revolutions are made of this.
Anticipation grows ahead of Suu Kyi release:
Aliens shot down California missile.
Fruit Loops anyone?
Neilson scan top ten non fiction best sellers.
Top 10 – Non-Fiction
Pos ISBN Title Author Publisher Price
1 9781408809365 Eat, Pray, Love (Film tie-in) Elizabeth Gilbert Bloomsbury $24.99
2 9780747585664 Eat, Pray, Love Elizabeth Gilbert Bloomsbury $24.95
3 9781904994572 Guinness World Records 2011 Guinness World Records $49.99
4 9781742372389 The Happiest Refugee Anh Do Allen & Unwin $32.99
5 9780718154837 The Fry Chronicles Stephen Fry Michael Joseph $39.95
6 9780007320400 Booky Wook 2 Russell Brand HarperCollins $35.00
7 9781926428222 How to Make Gravy Paul Kelly Hamish Hamilton $49.95
8 9781864711585 Guantanamo:My Journey David Hicks Random House $49.95
9 9780732289959 Lazarus Rising John Howard HarperCollins $59.99
10 9781921382437 Your Place or Mine? Gary Mehigan & George Calombaris Lantern $49.95
Chris that dingbat is too deranged for even the Baggers, (sorry, Jon). Most of ours are ridiculed back to shadowland before they gain national traction. Except for our Sophie of course, who specialises in her brand of “talking over the top of people”-style, rambunctious and righteous pomosity.
Great stuff, gaffy. Hicks outsells Howard. Apart from a cameo on Q&A, Mr. Hicks has received close to zero publicity. David is no D.H. Lawrence but he tells his story well for a novice. His editor, whom he acknowledges helped heaps. All of Mr. Hicks’s claims are properly referenced. Bet your blue booties that they stack up or festering freaks of hatred like Planet Janet or Arsehoover Henderson would have ripped in bigtime.
One can glom a hardcover copy (Hienneman/Random House) for $22.95 at Wollies which is far better than the rrp of $49.95.
Wonder how many more copies he would have sold if he had a free week at their ABC and the Press club etc etc. Rodent jetsetting all over the country promoting his and he is coming second.
Top stuff eh.
Aang San Suu Kyi “is free”.
You little bloody beauty!
“11.09am: The BBC reports Aung San Suu Kyi has been released. She is trying to quieten the crowd so she can speak.”
I feel for the lady, she has been set free so many times only to have a day in the sun and then the bastards lock her up again.
What an incredibly strong willed person she is.
Such a good person locked away for twenty years and we have arseholes like Abbort running free, spouting hate and fear everywhere.
I hope she has a real good stretch of freedom this time but as soon as she calls the witchdoctor an arsehole again she will be back in the bin, sadly.
All true, gaffy, but if the junta wish to develop more o/s trade, they are gonna have to leave her alone.
Her physical presence among her people will give them strength. Perhaps next year if the repression continues unabated, there are over two thousand “throw away the key” political prisoners still incarcerated, she’ll will take her people’s claims to the “world court” and give the junta more static than they can endure.
The bastards can’t isolate Myanmar in the way North Korea has been isolated because of multiple land borders. Not beyond the pale to surmise that China could threaten to slip a few light machine guns, mortars and RPG’s to Burmese “freedom fighters”. Who knows?
Whatever happens, the generalissimo has to go if Myanmar citizens are to get the fainest sniff of the democracy they overwhelmingly voted for before the Military Dictatorship stomped their jackboots on the necks of Les Peuples.
184 Enemy Combatant Not wrong there EC. But boy would it liven up an election.
Want some more of her EC?
Aung San Suu Kyi freed from house arrest.
More here….
Chris, perhaps a little Dingbat Aversion Therapy (DAP) would help, n’est-ce pas? Maybe take a bus trip with Michelle Bachman, Christine O’Donnell, Jean Schmidt and Sarah Palin. The Manglespeak Express. And they all wanna be President. So they begin to discuss it. And stridently so, as if their throats had morphed into Lukey mufflers driven by the high-octane fuel of untrammeled ambition. You have to listen for three hours straight because you can’t get off the bus. You have no ear-plugs or iPod and you’re far too polite to jam your pinkies in your lug holes. There is no mute button and what was once powerful braying has no become a shrieking cacophany.
Well, that’s Week One of DAT, Chris. Are you going to take that bus ride, Mister?
Go Sarah for President!
More here…
192 Enemy Combatant I’m sure there would be plenty of Republicans voluntarily jump aboard that bus with enthusiasm.
Obama would try and negotiate with them.
Maybe god isn’t on their side after all.
More here..
November 13, 2010
The Limits of Redistricting
Though some pundits have predicted the GOP’s redistricting advantage will translate into a net House pickup of 20 to 30 seats in 2012, the Wall Street Journal notes that researchers “say the real number probably will be far lower, even though Republicans will dominate the process.”
“The reasons are both mathematical and political. Mathematicians have demonstrated that there is a limit to how many seats a party can put in its safe column. Aim to redraw lines in a way that exchanges a few near-certain seats for more seats won by narrower margins, and a political shift might reverse a lot of those gains in the next election.”
“Also, the way Democrats are spread throughout the country — centered in certain areas, especially cities — can play a far bigger role than intentional gerrymandering. And other political priorities, such as protecting incumbents, can compete with the goal of picking up as many seats as possible.”
Former “Best-In-Show” candidate and Baggers-R-Us standard bearer, Sarah Palin, has been unceremoniously shunted to the back of the Manglespeak Express.
“What is it with these other broads (cf. #192) giving me the Rosa Parkes routine!”, the distraught former GOP VP nominee kvetched to camera.
Wolf Slayer has misunderestimated the campaign trail she is tracking and as a consequence, has stepped on trap of her own construction. Unconfirmed reports claim her red shoes survived the Gallup metal jaws unscathed.
Alaskan wildlife are praying for her speedy recovery…… so she can stomp on some more.
Go and vote in the Wonkley awards here.
speaking of voting…
got No 1 on the ballot paper, so there’s the donkey vote 😉
had lots of media over Sophie’s stupid pamphlet… must send her a thankyou card. 😆