The Republicans seem to be handing the Democrats the next election on a platter. Newt Gingrich has ripped the Paul Ryan Budget.
On top of The Huffington Post Article I received this email from The Daily Kos.
We often don’t know what’s at stake in an election until it’s too late. Fortunately, Republicans in DC have been up front with us. (I know crazy, right?) Over the past month, they made it clear they will hand over Medicare to private insurance companies if they win the 2012 elections.
This is a good thing, because now we have another excellent reason to stand up and fight them. That’s why we’re sending John Boehner a cake, with the signatures of Daily Kos community members underneath it, thanking him for guaranteeing we will be fired up for 2012.
Click here to add your name to the petition that will appear underneath the thank you cake.
Here’s what happened:
On April 5, Paul Ryan released the Republican budget plan, which called for deep cuts to Medicare and the privatization of whatever is left.
On April 15, only two House Republicans voted against this budget.
On May 5, John Boehner said that Republicans wouldn’t push for this budget now because it can’t pass while Democrats control the Senate and the White House. However, Boehner made it clear that Republicans still strongly backed the plan.
That’s about as straight forward as Republicans are ever going to be. They are going to slash and privatize Medicare as soon as they control the House, the Senate and the White House.
The rowdy reception Republicans received at town halls last month was a sample of the blowback they are getting from this, but let’s give them another taste—in cake form! Click here to thank John Boehner for finally being honest about the Republican plan to destroy Medicare.
Keep fighting,
Chris Bowers
Campaign Director, Daily Kos
As well each of their potential presidential candidates has imploded shortly after they announced their decision to run. Well at least two have, and one announced he won’t run. As they self-destruct or withdraw, and they are slowly eliminating the potential candidates, one person is quietly sitting on the sidelines watching the carnage: Sarah Palin, my personal choice for the destruction of the Republicans. There is a LONG WAY to go yet. But after the let down of last year I am beginning to become more optimistic.
As I write this, something has clicked which had not previously occurred to me. My best hope for the senate, in my wildest dreams, would be to pick up two extra states over and above a swing of 5% on the 2008 elections for the Democrats to get anything done. Those states would preferably be the difficult to obtain ones of Arizona and Texas. Both states have retiring senators, and given the path of self destruction that the Republicans are currently on, (and will hopefully continue on till November 2012) the Democrats will nab them. They would then attain 62 seats in the senate, giving them a gap of 4 votes, not two as I had been wrongly assuming. This may be enough to bypass any Blue Dog block and enable a flood of legislation to pass. Meanwhile back in the real world, Walter Mitty says tell im ya dreamin. I am not a praying man, but till November 2012 I will be facing Mecca an awful lot. I think another sex scandal would be really nice. About 3 months out from the election and running right up to Election Day.
The unpopularity of certain state governors will also help the Democrats, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Florida, Maine and Ohio in particular. Massachusetts has a BIG party machine behind it so Scott Brown should be swept away with the Democrat tide. The Democrats have a big voter registration. Just paint him Republican. Lets hope we get two strong liberals in Connecticut & Massachusetts would REALLY help the Democrats. No Blue Dogs allowed. Tip for the Democrats: if you are lucky enough to get 62 in the senate pass 2 years of popular things with the voters to wipe them out in 2014. It’s called governing by popularism. Copying Australia’s National Broadband Network would be a great start.
United States Senate elections, 2012,_2012
911 replies on “Are The GOP Running Dead for 2012 or are they simply total goof-offs?”
That is really good news Jen.
Enjoy your stay on Hamilton Island.
No speeding in the golf buggies.
I admire your optimism. 🙂
Obama should win comfortably – unless Romney gets the nod, in which case Obama will win by a narrower margin – but the Senate is a different matter.
The Democrats will have 21 seats up for re-election, plus 2 independents who caucus with them. The Republicans will only have 10 seats up for re-election. To reach a total of 62, the Democrats would have to win 9 out of those 10, while not losing a single one of their 23 seats. This is not likely. At present, a status quo scenario apart from North Dakota, which the Democrats will likely lose, is the most plausible outcome. That would give the Dems 52, not 62.
Name names damn ya.
I hope Roo is shitting bricks as every new revelation brings the dirty sordid gutter dweller closer to the action.
Will the investigation go the distance or will another light plane fall out of the sky just short of the landing strip?
Who Knows?
IMHO it will be the latter.
Will the NY Attorney General Bring Doomsday Charges Against Wall Street? If So, How Long Will He Survive?
First time i ever heard of this.
How can this sort of stuff be kept secret.
Comments quite funny as well.
Jingees it would be loverly if Roo has to share his profits with those whose phones were hacked.
Grouse, absolutely fucken grouse as more hackings come to light.
Do us all a favour Justice Vos.
Could be a real live conspiracy here in this hacking biso David G.
Let the
raptureunhinging gather pace.
Yes, Gaffy, we’re here and enjoying your vitriol against the Dirty Delaware and Global Mendacity.
RN is live at the Sydney Scribefest. Hope you got along for a session or two, megan.
Have you been taken up in the rapture yet Gaffy?
I seem to have missed the boat here. 👿
Meanwhile this clip from Colbert with John Lithgow giving Newt Gingrich’s press release a dramatic reading
Is worthy of a trip upstairs.
Nah Paddy just got a Rupture from lifting big Barra out of the Herbert river.
Now let’s see if the roof comes off over the latest allegations involving the dirty little digger from Delaware.
IMHO if the other organisations don’t attack him then it means they are up to the same tricks and digger knows it.
Sarah moose slayer has bought a house in arizona.
She is now less popular than Bazza in Alaska. They don’t like her no more.
Who knows if she is going to run for POTUS in 2012 but in a poll asking if the locals wanted her to move to AZ, there was a resounding NO.
Wonder if Malcolm has been sneakily setting up a mobile broadband RSP and that is why he keeps plugging for it.
He will have a bit of trouble pushing it now.
Analyst: Mobile broadband up to 1333 times more expensive than fixed-line broadband
The NoW hacking saga is now also zeroing in on mr Plod as the former Deputy PM has won the right to a judicial review of mr Plods handling of the scandal.
Ideology-Obsessed GOP Knowingly Courted Political Disaster with Vote to Privatize Medicare.
Thanks David. This is ONE OF MANY articles backing up my claim overt the last week. I shall attempt to post my other evidence I have come across.
Tennessee 3% required
Nevada 14% (A bit harder. A nice sex scandle).
Massachusetts 5%
Arizona 9% (retiriing).
Connecticut unknown.
Texas 40% A bit too high. Although Kay is retiring.
Maine (Much higher than I relised). The Tea Party running the state of Maine is a major factor. The state Democrats have a gift in the Tea Party. If they keep acting like loonies. Maine will come into play.
It all depends on how the Democrats run their election. If I were the Democrats. I would use the Medicare issue as the number one issue. Bang them around the head with that.
7 gaffhook It will be a conspiracy theory till it is proven in court.
15 gaffhook Brilliant gaffy! I have just posted that on Whirlpool. With a game over naysayers comment attached. 🙂
Maine polls
Fox News poll: 57% think Barack Obama will be re-elected.
Fox News poll?????
So What’s Wrong With Ed Case? Is He Really Worse Than Joe Lieberman? …Tom DeLay?
More here…
For my sceario above to work. I think we need the worst possible Republican candidate. Newt, Sarah or Michelle Bachmann????
PS the usual Politic 101 site tricks didn’t work on my posting above. Sorry about that.
Recall petition against Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is live.
More here…
Senate battleground polling shows imperative of protecting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.
More here….,-Medicare,-Medicaid?via=blog_1
Mississippi 10% That gives us a bit extra. In my wildest dreams.
Newt: Look at my record. But don’t look at my record.
Just the type of leader the Repugs need. Could he be a worse leader than George Bush???
More here..
No one expected Ronald Reagan to almost clean sweep all except one state. Minnesota. Mondales home state. There is still a long way to go.
Like the snake eating its own tail.
Roos number one is pondering on the big fucken mess he has created.
ROTFL Just what we ticsters need.
A new cat in the hat party.
House GOP Proposes Budget Cuts To Domestic, Foreign Food Aid.
More here…
Happy 70th birthday Bob
White House Beefs Up Online Rapid Response.
The Whitehouse seems to be infinately more aware this time around than last time. About the importance of communicating with your base. Talk about slow learners.
More here…
Bazza at Dublin in the Green. Wit Wun Hoondrud Oirish peoples.
That’s Wun Hoondrud Tousand
David in a safe red seat an unknown Dem candidate.
NY-26 HOUSE Votes
Corwin (R) 43%
Davis (Tea) 8%
Hochul (D) 48%
Murphy (G) 1%
66% counted
As GOP 2012 Field Firms Up, So Does Discontent Over The GOP 2012 Field.
More here..
NY-26 HOUSE Votes
Corwin (R) 42%
Davis (Tea) 9%
Hochul (D) 48%
Murphy (G) 1%
87% reporting
Its all over bar the shouting.
Democrat Kathy Hochul Wins Upset, Medicare Vote Key To Victory.
More here…
This line makes it even sweeter:
Corwin and Republican-allied groups significantly outspent Democrats in the race, making her victory that much tougher.
NY-26: Kathy Hochul victory thread.
More here.
Rupert Murdoch uses eG8 to talk up net’s power to transform education.
Is this guy for real? He seems to have got the education and newsaper departments confused.
At the first eG8 conference in France this week, political and Internet leaders lay out the massive importance of the online economy.
More here….
A very good article in the Australian on Tony Winsor.
From Whirlpool.
More here…
The parrot is an intellectual giant. 👿
Alan Jones lasers in on NBN
Kathy Hochul Election Results: Did Medicare Sway NY-26 Race?
More here…
The two issues of a Tea Party candidate and the Medicare issue both helped. Will we see a lot more Tea Party candidates run in 2012? I certainly hope so.
Chris B,
This result has implications for the House – I was reading yesterday that the Republicans think that if a House election was held now they would lose their majority.
The Senate calculations, however, do not change markedly. As I said, the get a filibuster proof majority, on paper the Democrats need to win nine out of 10 of the Republican senate seats in the race without losing any of their own. They will almost certainly lose Dakota. So, in reality they need to win 10. This is not going to happen. And that means that the Republicans will be able to block any and all progressive legislation at least until the elections in 2014.
The last two years of Obama’s rule are going to be crucial. If the Democrats can grab momentum and take the Senate then climate change may yet become a problem that can be solved.
Florida’s Governor Rick Scott continues approval plummet in the polls.
More here…
David. Other than saying its not going to happen. How about posting articles that give an indication that things may not go that way?
Paul Ryan: Don’t Blame Me for NY-26 Loss! It Was Evil Democrats’ Demagoguery on Medicare.
More here..
David. Dakota? North Dakota needs a 40% swing. South Dakota not running. Maybe you mean Montana. Which needs a 1% swing.
Katters party is Country Alliance – they keptclaiming they were all independents at last Vic election but Katter spilt the beans on ABC radio then denied it. Check out their website.. They are the Shooters and Fishers (theyalso deny that). Their whole policy platform is based on
We Hate The Greens .
This will put the spotlight on them so its a good thing – they polled 20% in some seats at vic electionand almost got into upper house. They’re One Nationwith guns 🙁
hamilton island gorgeous … Love those golf buggies
Who Will Win in 2012? The Smile Can Be Telling.
Thats very good news for Obama. Lets hope the Republicans don’t read this and elect a sour puss. Does that mean a sour look would cause a bigger swing????
More here…
The GOP’s cast of clowns.
Will the quality of candidate effect the outcome? The lower the Repug quality or the bigger the clown the bigger the swing?
More here..
55 Jen Welcome back. I hope you had a good holiday? You didn’t submit any reports from our overseas bureaux.
President Obama vs. Republican Candidates.
I like a Palin/Bachmann ticket. 🙂
The Crystal Ball’s First 2011 Take on 2012’s Electoral College.
Government Shutdown: Polls Show Voters Blamed GOP For 1995 Crisis.
More here…
Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly. Nate Silver.
More here…
Senate Republicans Vote Overwhelmingly To End Medicare.
Keep hitting them around the head with a bit of 4 by 2 on that issue.
Medicare will influence red states across the country.
If the Democats can tie Obamas popularity along with the unpopularity of a republican candidate and the Medicare issue all together with a well run scare campaign, they have a unique opportunity to do very well.
North Dakota, which is currently Democrat, will likely be won by the Republicans according to the Cook report, Sabato and Roll Call. However, it has to be admitted that we are a long way out from the election. But the polls and their aggregators are all the definite information that we have to go on – speculation about what the Tea Party may or may not do or what the economy may or may not do or how big a role health care will play in getting independents to vote Democrat and Democrats to turn out is just speculation.
As to articles, there is no need: simple mathematics tells you that winning nine out of the 10 available Republican seats while not losing one of their own is going to be extremely difficult for the Democrats.
I have only looked back to 1992, but never in that time has a party come close to taking 90 per cent of the seats on offer. The best that the Democrats have done in that period was winning eight out of 23 on offer; the best the Republicans have done was winning nine out of 22 on offer.
So, it is extremly tricky. On that basis, the likely best Democratic outcome, assuming that 2012 is a swing year to them and assuming that North Dakota holds, is winning four out of the 10 seats on offer. To win nine, the Democrats would be extraordinary.
At the moment, polls – excluding Rasmussen, as you dislike them – show a five per cent swing to the Democrats, from a four-point loss last time to a one-point victory.
Lugar (Indiana), Snowe (Maine), Hatch (Utah) and Barrasso (Wyoming) are basically *untouchable*, with margins of 74 per cent, 53 per cent, 31 per cent and 46 per cent.
For the Democrats to win any of those seats is effectively impossible.
Re the presidential race, if the Republicans do not pick Romney (or possibly Huntsman) then they are going to get defeated by a good margin. If they pick Romney, on the other hand, they will simply lose.
David. Where are you getting those figures from?
Tennessee 3% required. Last time an African American stood and almost won. In the end his colour was used against him.
Nevada 14%
Massachusetts 5% Big number of Democrats registered. Which is a very big help.
Arizona 9% (retiring). Easier.
Connecticut unknown. Because of an independent.
Texas 40% A bit too high and it is Texas. Although Kay is retiring. That makes it easier.
Try here for my figures.,_2012
Maine has Tea Party problems. Which may cause Snowe problems.
Kent Conrad has a 40% lead in North Dakota.
Mississippi Roger Wicker only won by 10%. 1996 it was a Democratic Party seat.
Mathematically anything within 10% is gettable.
Well Jen, now that Customs & Immigration have let you back in the country. 👿
You can put your hands together for the paws with claws. 😆
David. Have a look at number 64. It explains how to do it. Use Medicare as the issue. A very bad presidential candidate will also help. Palin/Bachman will help.
That is the exact same place that I am getting my figures.
Kent Conrad is not running at this election and at present there are no Democratic candidates at all. This is why Dakota is listed by most as a Republican likely win.
If mathematically anything within 10 per cent is possible, then the impossible list is the one that I gave.
The seats available for the Democrats are:
Wyoming, Utah, Texas, Tennessee, Nevada, Mississippi, Massachusetts, Maine, Indiana and Arizona.
Cross off Maine, Utah, Indiana and Wyoming.
That leaves an absolute maximum of six for the Democrats. And that means they *cannot* get a filibuster proof majority.
As for post 64, the Democrats may well ‘do well’. But they will not win nine out of 10 of the Republican seats up for election. They will not even win 7 of them.
And, yes, a poor Republican candidate for President will help the Democrats. They are crazy if they do not nominate someone more in the mainstream (which basically leaves Romney, Huntsman and Pawlenty). But unless it is Donald Trump’s toupee it will not help the Democrats enough to win Maine, Utah, Indiana or Wyoming …
Utah, Indiana or Wyoming … never said they would. Hopefully the Tea Party will cause a backlash in Maine.
A candidate 15% to 20% behind Obama has got to be some help.
Sorry, I missed Kent Conrad retiring. It will make it harder.
Paddy – re MrOnTheMoon’s use of paws… As my typing indictes i am much better
at poking things with sticks . 😉
Democrats need a lot of these sort of speeches.×586629
Chris B,
Regarding the issue of you never saying that the Democrats would pick up those seats, if they do not pick up those seats they will not reach 60, let alone the 62 that you somehow seem to think is a slim possibility (or at least you did when you wrote the OP.)
To reach 62, the Democrats need to win nine out of the 10 Republican seats up for grabs. That 10 seat lot includes the 4 that I have mentioned. So, the maximum that they could pick up is six, which means that they get to 59 at the absolute maximum. No filibuster proof majority for the Democrats.
You are certainly right David. Have you thought of taking up maths? Well I just hope they get the majority again.
Bigger majority.
I loved this article – most amusing. 🙂
Chris B,
The crucial election year for the Democrats will be 2014. If they can grab the super-majority then and get back the reps, they can really do some great things in Obama’s last two years.
Firstdog has outdone himself today.
A true classic that is probably being stuck up on the walls of Dept of Freedom of Information as I type.
Damn! We’ve gotta wait another 2 years. They had better do it right this time.
83 David Gould 😆
Absolutely brilliant Paddy.
They are squeeling loud and long now that they can’t print exclusive bullshit.
HaHaHaHa. I don’t know who came up wit the idea but it is a doosie.
Chris Mitchell will be jumping off the gap this arvo.
2014 Damn. Thats an off year as well.
What’s the difference between The Onion and News Ltd ?
Certainly not the audience. 👿
Those people who think The Onion is real news?
WI-Sen: Feingold beats Thompson, Dems lead in nearly all matchups.
More here including polls..,-Dems-lead-in-nearly-all-matchups?via=blog_1
paddy I really like the one about the $8 billion abortion complex in Topeka Kansas.
Right in the middle of the bible belt.
They really have a sick sense of humour. Just like me.
Christopher Joye thinks Malcolm Turnbull is on a kamikaze mission, with nothing to lose.
The dumb fuckers in seppoland have now woke to find that their heroes that they re-elected in the midterms are not any different to the arseholes they got rid of in 2008.
Now they have buyers remorse and it serves them right for listening to fucks news.
And slimy Roo has 50% Australians in the same frame of mind ready to re-elect the party that shafts them completely.
96 gaffhook Exactly what I have been saying gaffy. Maine is the same. That is plain. (Apologies to Pygmalion). The Tea Party are in control. On the positive side. There is going to be a number of states turn very blue from this. Florida, Ohio and Wisconson. If those three do. It will be very, very, hard for the Repugs to win power for a long time.
Bastards!!! They’ll have to rip the vegemite from my cold dead hands.
So much for the marmite, what about getting your arm right.
The GOP is self destructing and that is a good thing.
Another light plane crash coming up?
God video.
Programmer Admits Under Oath That Computers Rig Elections & Data – Names & Explanations Provided
This is worth posting at the top of the page. gaffy posted this rip snorter at 100. gaffy his plane crash should have been before he testified! 🙂