Voting is underway in the Republic Caucuses in Iowa. With less than 1% of the count Ron Paul lead the pack. With 3% of the count Rick Santorum took lead position. With 6% counted Rick Santorum held 1st. place with 1,229 votes just 25 votes ahead of Ron Paul, but just now the count clicked over to 11% and Ron Paul takes the lead, followed by Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Michele Bachmann.
UPDATE: Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum share dibs on first place, Ron Paul not far behind. Newt Gingrich in forth place closes the door on the Iowa circus leaving Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann alone in the dark.
1,289 replies on “Iowa Republican Caucuses”
The dwarf has the best leading role a dwarf has ever had and plays the part really well.
How many times tonight will Jimmy the Jaw say “I don’t recall” at the Leveson enquiry?
I doubt he’ll say it once *tonight* Gaffy.
He’s not on till Tues. 😆
Tonight we get the Russian.
This Slipper business is as ugly as it gets in politics. That’s all.
Meanwhile…..Firstdog has gone all ‘educated’ and is spouting middle English at us.
Chaucer no less. 😆
That’s not fair Paddy, i’m on top of the gumtree and some bastard cuts it down. 🙁
Open government advocates accused a conservative legislative group Monday of falsely claiming tax-exempt status while doing widespread lobbying.
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More trouble for Murdoch.
Tweet it guys.
Planned Parenthood Worried It’s The Target Of New Undercover Sting,
Tweet it guys.
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Can whoever is our moderater etc drop me an email.
You can read the full civil claim against Slipper here.
I know it’s inappropriate to demonise the alleged victim but this is a weak and imo somewhat unbelievable claim.
I think it is the last desperate throw of the dice by the monkey before he gets rolled. Or to use LNP terms, stabbed in the back.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at twitter quite the same way again.
Nothing to do with politics……
OMG ticsters. Did I tell you that before The West Wing and way before The Wire, I was addicted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I consider it one of the best series ever? I follow everything Joss Whedon does, and now, I am so excited about The Avengers. This review is fantastic.
Oh squee!!!!!!!!
“Buffy the Musical” was the best piece of TV ever made! EVER!
OMG! Sheesh KL, I’m feeling decidedly old and foolish.
I’d seen references all over the place to “The Avengers”….
😆 I thought they were talking about a remake of the Brit TV series. (Blush)
Note to self. Click on link next time.
I’ll now have to check out the film.
BTW. On other matters to do with far older politics.
“The Borgias” is fabulous TV.
Available in the usual places online. But I’m not sure if it’s running on Oz TV anywhere.
hey KL – I well remember our conversation about your great love for the Buffy series – glad your life can be complete 🙂
will check it out and report back
Democrats plan to force vote on Arizona immigration law if it’s upheld by court.
Great tactic.
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1111 Katielou Its not as if its a Catholic Priest or anthying.
Oops! Spellcheck broke.
James Murdoch is one of the most unconvincing spinners i have ever seen.
He just reeks of untruthfulness.
If any Murdoch hack ever has the nerve to accuse a politician or one of their other targets/victims of spinning/lieing , that person should just look them straight in the face and say “am i James Murdoch standard?”.
James Murdoch is certainly a lousy liar.
It would be nice to see him copping some serious flack for his smug contempt for the truth. (Doubtful that it will happen though.)
I guess the best we can hope for is the breaking up of the Murdoch empire in a year or two. 🙁
The Best of Tyrion Lannister – Game of Thrones.
The “Imp” or Dwarf Outstanding performance.
Rupert Murdoch Leveson Inquiry Hearing Is Decades In The Making.
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Chris B – Slipper is an Anglican priest.
There’s much that seems ugly about this whole business. But Ashby being harassed? I don’t believe it. The texts look like unremarkable banter between gay men. Ashby told Slipper he was gay on their first meeting ffs – he’s a guy who is used to talking openly about sexual matters – and this invites this sort of sexual banter in return. The conversations he alleges are normal and frankly tame in the gay community, and I can’t believe he didn’t help it along. He knew what he was doing when he stayed in Slipper’s flat.
What totally gives it away for me is him acting all innocent over the use of the term “f*ck buddy”. A 33 year old gay man who openly talks about it to someone (a Federal minister no less) he has just met? Oh please.
Slipper will be gone over the rorting of entitlements it seems. But imo the civil suit is nothing more than an opportunistic grab for money from a nasty so and so. The media and Abbott have latched on to the law suit – playing on homophobia and distaste that exists in the community for behaviour by some gay men.
I’m not supporting Slipper’s behaviour – he’s clearly been a hypocrite, and his family must be going through hell. But in the end that is none of my business, and no worse that the many heterosexual affairs that have and must go on with politicians.
To be clear, rorting, if it is proven, is another matter entirely.
Please thank the Catholic church for throwing the US election to Obama.
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1125 Katielou “Slipper will be gone over the rorting of entitlements it seems.” According to a driver on the ABC. Slipper was doing what everyone does. It helps speed things up.
Obama Holds Lead Nationally
Excellent Nick Davies piece on the dangers to the Cameron government from the latest evidence at Leveson.
This piece from the Indepedent also very good. It pulls out some of the most critical email exchanges about News’ dealings with the government.
“The head of the Australian Anglican Catholic Church says Speaker Peter Slipper is a “complex” man who has taken a “strong” stand on “conservative moral issues” but has another side to his character.”
well that’s one way of putting it.
Total Prick would be another 🙂
… because of his complete hypocrisy and lack of integrity politically. Which pretty much makes him like most of the others of course. 😡
I have read those two articles and they are very good. I did not stay up and watch Mr Jay taking off Mr Murdochs pants after the lunch adjournment.
I have read the transcript today of the afternoon sitting and he has got Jimmy the jaw to say things that i don’t realise he said or wanted to say.
Lots on twitter were saying it was very boring but mr Jay has a very good method of actually coming in the back door when they all think he is knocking on the front door. He very slyly wedged Jimmy a couple of times and got him agreeing that he was getting the heads up about where the BskyB things were going while all the time trying to hotly deny it.
I think by the time i went to bed Jimmy was up to 19 “i don’t recall” or similars.
Thats quite remarkable for a 39 year old brain in charge of a very large corrupt empire.
I think that at the select committee hearings either him or SeweRoo stated that they did not have lots of regular contact with brooks but last night Jimmy let slip that SeweRoo and Brooks were constantly in contact.
Tonight will be a constant, I had nothing to do with that i left it to others or I don’t recall from the 81 year old corrupt brain.
SeweRoo sinks further in the Poo.
Looks like the fallout from Jimmys evidence last night is about to take a scalp.
Ed Milliband calling on Jeremy Hunt to resign.
Was Young Jimmys performance a warning to Government to back the fuck off?
I think we might know tonight.
If Ol Rupe ups the ante and puts in successive PM’s like Young Jimmy did last night to Young Jeremy Hunt….i think it means he knows he is done and bitterness has taken over.
If he clams up and “cannot recall” he may think last nights warning can do the trick.
Personally, i think it’s all over for them. The genie is out of the bottle.
SeweRoo was very full of hubris last night and i am wondering if he actually realised he was giving evidence under oath even after swearing himself in. He was all over the place saying something one minute and 10 minutes later saying the exact opposite to what he had said previous.
Mr Jay did a very good job of leading him out with things he probably will wish today he had not said.
The USA is heavy in to it now as well.
Looks like the chickens are arriving home but there’s a problem. They are the size of emus and are kicking the shithouse down. Mr Cameron is sitting in it with his dacks down.
What a tangled web they weave and of course nthing like this happens in Oz, no sir.
SeweRoo has revealed in his evidence that he met with David cameron on at least 5 occasions which Cameron has not revealed in his record of meetings. HaHa
Looks like now Jeremy Hunt will be burnt toast and Cameron may have some difficulty in explaining things as well.
1140 Is that Mike’s brother?
From Twitter: Hon Peter Slipper MP has released a statement saying cabcharge documents have all been completed by him and are clearly in his handwriting.
This is an excellent article about how Bubba Clinton is such a powerful campaingner for the Dems. He just wins for them.
Jeremy Hunt’s Top Civil Servant Refuses To Confirm He Authorised News Corp Contact.
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Read Laura Tingle today. Without stating it definitively, she leaves the impression that the Slipper thing could well be a complete set up by the Libs. I find this whole mess just so awful. I can barely read anything about it.
can you imagine Julia trying to slow-jam the news?
this ones for you KatieLou
KatieLou – I would be surprised not one iota to find that the Libs were behind the Slipper fiasco… however that does not exonerate Labor for elevating a known non-performing politician of dubious reputation to the position of Speaker.
Typical self-interest over doing the right thing – and once again it backfires.
If this Government started to show some integrity instead of populism and power at the expense of all else they would be in a much different position to the one they are in now . Elevating Slipper to Speaker was another example of this.
Leadership drama started again on twitter. Graham Richardson giving Gillard a month. Wake me when this is over.
Jen @ 1147
Agree 100% Jen. The whole thing is a dreadful mess.
I’ve recorded Obama on Fallon but haven’t watched it yet. I’ll catch it tonight after work. Man, when Australian politics is in the gutter, I can always drool over the current POTUS. Yummo.
Murdoch a threat to Cameron.
Read more:
Have to disagree. Whatever the faults of Slipper outside parliament, he has made a very good Speaker. All this prejudging is the sickening bit. The bloke was elected as a representative of his electorate, and that is how he should be treated. Do we really need to go down the route of US politics where any indiscretion is a bar to public office?
(On a related note, I’m also against the law that precludes those with criminal convictions being banned from office – let the voters decide if they want to be represented by a crim.)
This use of the (civil) courts is the grubby bit. Remember, Abbott has form with these tactics – against Hanson.
Regardless of what Slipper may have done, he still gets a point from me for sticking it up the LNP, and another one for being the best Speaker that I’ve ever seen in action.
Jon Stewart on SeweRoo.
Flanners –
my comments are not a criticism of his ability as Speaker – he appears to relish the task and carries it out well … after all, both sides of the House hate his guts so he doesn’t have to appease any friends. But my understanding is that he didn’t get the nickname Slippery Pete for nothing, and that is why there were raised eyebrows about a fellow with his less-than-pure reputation being made Speaker by the very party he was elected to oppose.
It’s all dodgy crap that typifies why so many people think politics is simply about who gets to hold onto power for themselves, and it undermines the real achievements Labor has made as they are once again mired down in sleazy shit.
And they brought it all on themselves.
Again. 🙁
1151 Flaneur I agree with your sentiments Flaneur.
Your assessment of his character may be correct Jen, and that’d be reason enough to not vote for him in an election. But it has nothing to do with his performance in the House.
Why is it sleazy to appoint (*) a disaffected member of the opposition to the Speakership – especially when he does it so well? [(*) I know it isn’t an appointment.] Would you be saying the same thing about the ALP if it was Bandt, Wilkie, Oakeshott or Windsor given the gong? What about Katter?
If you were condemning Slipper’s actions in dumping his party to get the position, then I’d agree with that. Just as it was hard to fault Howard when he put Colston in as President of the Senate – the blame was with Colston.
The issue for me Flanners is that a man of dubious repute was made Speaker. Full stop. It is the highest position in the parliament – and it doesn’t matter which side of politics they come from…I expect someone who is trustworthy and honourable in that role (slim pickings these days) :)0
Slipper was made Speaker not because he was worthy but because it secured Labor a vote . The fact that he performed well is beside the point IMO.
Having said that it is equally unedifying, and not at all surprising , that Abbott and co have done nothing but try and find dirt on him to bring him down . The whole thing stinks from start to wherever it finishes – who knows, apart from the fact that it will definitely be in the gutter.
Fair enough Jen. Still, I don’t see it as unedifying as you do.
In fact, I find the appointment of a Speaker from the government benches less than satisfactory, but that is a battle long since lost.
But as soon as one side gets a majority, it’ll be back to business as usual and we won’t have to worry about the “Slipper Affair” again. 😉
The current view of the 2012 presidential election, based on HuffPost Pollster charts and analysis.
Jen 1156 “dubious repute” and you expect someone better from in politics????
Jen Look who the ALP is battling. The Liberal Party and Rupert Murdoch. Say no more!
President Obama didn’t call out Mitt Romney by name in a speech to a women group fundraiser in Washington Friday — but he brought back the Democratic “war on women” rhetoric in such a way that made the target clear.
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Koo Stark looks like being the first cab off the rank in the US version of survivor hacking. SeweRoo will definitely be pooing his pants with a few more of these.
Max Mosely doing his bit to rid the world of the scourge of SeweRoo.
He is offering the expense of legal aid to others who want to present evidence against the worlds greatest hacker.
Leveson tells UK PM Cameron to fuck off that Jeremy Hunt is not his problem.
Polls also reveal that a ratio of 5 to 1 want Hunt to resign.
Every time something like this is read it should be read twice. The second time substitute Tony Naybot and the Oz LNP
Great article about SeweRoo and idiot sons appearance at Leveson
Bruce Guthries take on SeweRoos appearance at Leveson.
How Apple Sidesteps Billions in Global Taxes.
Tax the corporations!
1167 Now there is a vote winning election issue. If I ever saw one.
Not for Obama Chris. It’s a state tax issue. The corporate tax rate imposed by the US government is 35%. There’s lots of stupid loopholes there too. But each state has its own tax regime as well, and that what that example is talking about.
Someone I know works for a union. They say always before a federal election, the union is asked to direct funds to Labor. It always coincides with an upcoming election. The union received tax request is the past days. Could be Labor is just preparing for the worst possible outcome, or could be they are expecting an election soon.
Former BBC boss heaps dung pile on Jeremy Hunt. Bye Bye Jeremy, time to fuck off.
Could this be the straw that broke the back of David Cameron.
SeweRoo dumped on him and former PMs at his evidence. I get the feeling that he knows he is going down and is prepared to take a couple of big fish with him. The link will be Mr Hunt.
Former Nooz editor
Mandy Rice Davies and Christine Keeleris about to follow SeweRoos dump with the release of all her communications now that everyone connected with and up to Cameron have come out and denied/covered up the alleged deals for BskyB. Pass the Popcorn.
I’m seriously thinking there’s something to my rumour @ 1170.
As David Marr says, this poor woman Gillard is velcro. She is, and Labor is done. I have lost all hope. Labor will be creamed and will take a decade to rebuild. I will just have to look away when Abbott is PM.
Obama, Bill And Hillary Clinton Deepen Political And Policy Ties.
What an awesome trio!
Video of Obama back to his best.
Today’s Firstdog is a gem.
At times like today, black humour is esential/
1173 “I have lost all hope. Labor will be creamed and will take a decade to rebuild” Still a year and a half to go. Peoples memories are short. There is no major issue that will stick out like dogs balls. Yet. Just lots of fluff.
Rove’s Forecast Shows Obama Way Ahead.
Katielou, hopefully Murdoch stench media will be a thing of the past by then. Things are gathering pace in the UK as Cameron now admits he did discuss the BskyB bid at the Brooks Xmas party with Jimmy the jaw.
It will take time but should unravel fairly quickly as momentum gathers.
No doubt Brooks is sitting on some hot messages.
Gillard , and Labour’s only hope used to be that Tony Abbott was the alternative PM.
Now , not even that will save them.
They have taken such a creaming by our shithouse media that they are unelectable. The ALP , partly by their own doing and mostly by an anti-NBN inspired and self interested mogul funded media shitstorm, are in the trash bin out there in voter land.
Their only remaining hope is the rapid PUBLIC demise and TRASHING of Murdoch. To such an extent that the public twig that most of what they have been fed in this extraordinary past couple of years of media pile-on has been utter crap.
That is the ONLY hope.
The ALP has to be the one to push the PUBLIC trashing of Murdoch, because lets face it, no-one in the media will.
It is the only hope of stopping a rout.
At every media appearance from now on, EVERY ALP Minister and spokesperson should ask if a deal has been done between Murdoch and Abbott. Embrace the shitstorm and keep asking the question.
There is an appetite out in voter land to despise both Murdoch and Abbott.
Lose in a rout.
No other choice.
Abbott and Murdoch are despised. The Murdoch papers are no where near the force they used to be. Michelle Grattan writes for The Age and she’s the one calling for Gillard’s head today.
The key to Labor survival has next to zero to do with Murdoch. People never got over the dumping of Rudd and the carbon tax. It’s hard for me to relate to that, because I see no problem in Labor dumping Rudd. Further, I do not resent the introduction of the carbon tax. But I am not representative of the electorate.
I seriously and strongly believe Gillard was a great deputy who couldn’t rise effectively to the leadership position. Labor has made many dumb political decisions (under both Rudd and Gillard), and as I’ve said many times before, their ability to communicate and sell their message is simply dreadful. And I don’t see a good alternative. Rudd was worse that Gillard imo, because Rudd couldn’t run a properly functioning government. Gillard has been able to implement things.
Labor’s problem in selling their message – Is this part media – yes? Is it mostly attributable to Murdoch – I don’t accept that. WTF is Labor’s message?
I despair.
Rudd, and then Gillard were systematically torn apart by a media that is LED & DOMINATED by News Ltd. It has been impossible to know what Labours “message” is because it has been totally unreported. Amongst their undoubted stupidity and own goals, Labour’s “message” is A STABLE ECONOMY AMIDST GLOBAL TURMOIL.
But the msm refuse steadfastly to give that “message” ANY air. They are hellbent on seeing off this Government before the NBN changes everything they currently have in their favour.
I happen to agree with Tom Watson that the Murdoch Empire is akin to the mafia. They are wholly corrupt, wholly enamoured with their power, wholly concerned with their own best interest and wholly out of control.
Labour’s “message” could once again be heard if only Gillard would play by their rules.
In Australia, where News Ltd’s dominance is unparalled, they play the tune and the mice follow.
For Australias journalists, speak against the grain and where are your job opportunities???
For Australias voters, where else can we get “the message” ???
Stop reading my mind HarryH. 🙁
I said in plenty of places after Rudd got in, the first thing he should do is clean up the media and the ABC. If he doesn’t the ALP will get what they deserve.
Little old Fiji had the gonads to tell Murdoch to fuck off and he is not even a voice there now.
As Ye sow, so shall Ye reap.
Start with Mark Scott and fuck him off. Howard planted him in there in 2006 and look at it now. It is a fucking disgrace.
KatieLou !
why can’t we have pollies like this ??? 🙁
I don’t think we Labor can solely blame Murdoch – they have done some stupid things and no matter what kind of backroom negotiator Julia may be she is fucking hopeless in front of a camera – and that’s where voters see her. Rudd was equally as awful.
There is no one in Labor currently that inspires as a leader – and that leaves a vacuum that Abbott, aided and abetted by Rupert and now Fairfax has been able to fill simply by hanging shit on Labor – and the electorate of course buy it.
What other message can they hear when even Labor itself isn’t saying anything worth listening to…???
and so here comes Abbott.
Hopefully to go the same way as Bailleau in Victoria – on the nose within 2 years.
what a disaster. 🙁
‘..we Labor … ” slip of the keyboard.
Green through and through
bin Laden is dead, General Motors is alive.
Great catch phrase.
More here…—-and-whats-next.php?ref=fpa
1179 HarryH “The ALP has to be the one to push the PUBLIC trashing of Murdoch” Totally agree Harry. I’m surprised its taken so long.
1187 Chris B Hmmm. Maybe they will wait till parliament returns and there is even more evidence around. Make sure they attack Murdoch with the protection of Parliament.
It would not matter who was leader of the ALP at the moment. The Media and the monkey are calling for Julia to go and if she did they would not waste a day ripping in to whoever it was to be next.
It does not matter what good things are progressed through this parliament, it gets absolutely no media. The NDIS is a prime example.
Hardly even half a minute of news about it but complete coverage of a fat useless fucken over rich miner who says he will stand against Wayne Swan. He won’t and it is a deliberate distraction aided and abetted by murdoch and his myrmidons.
Australian media is a fucken pathetic disgraceful bunch of groupthink hooligans intent on destroying everything to try to get the people who do them favours back in to power.
I did not watch it but David Speers and Morris, on one of murdochs prime outlets, apparently says it all yesterday when Speers sat there and let Morris promote the idea that the Prime Minister should be kicked to death.
The government needs to take them on and be real hard nosed about it.
It amazes me that you can give Murdoch even an inch of leeway though i suppose you are right. We can not solely blame Murdoch, we have to blame Murdoch and team murdoch that sail in her, all the editors and cut and paste merchants that bless him.
They all attacked Bob Brown with the threat that they will destroy the Greens and you give him breathing space.
The state of the country at the moment as far as i am concerned lies solely at the feet of the rancid media.
Good article on Facts are dead
Leaks already from the UK hacking report,
Who does Libtika work for?
Gaffers – I detest Murdoch and am not intending to give him any space at all . Clearly as a supporter of Greens Nd BB his treatment of us has even despicable as it has of Labor. I am simply making the point that Labor has made it easy for him to attack despite some of the good things they have done because they have not had a leader that can win the public. look at what Obama has had thrown at him and it has hurt him at times and yet he performs Ina way that counters the attacks. Sadly the same cannot be said for Labor. With scum like Murdoch running the country we need a strong decisive and convincing leader and in this Labor -With both Rudd and Gillard has failed .
A brilliant add for Obama and the Democrats starring Bill Clinton.
Must see!!!!
1189 Gaffhook Spot on Gaffy. The polls today aren’t good for Labor. On the positive side. The tax cuts come out 1st July. Hip pocket nerve will kick in. No matter what the Murdoch press says.
And whyTF won’t Labor back the Greens call for an inquiry into the media????
No doubt because they are just as prepared to get into bed with them when they can. 🙁
Exclusive: Three ex-News International executives misled Parliament.
More here..
MPs are set to find Colin Myler, Tom Crone and Les Hinton guilty of misleading the committee and therefore Parliament.
gaffy @ 1189
Clive Palmer’s announcement yesterday was an absolute gift to Labor – the complete antithesis of the damaging Murdoch conspiracy you think exists.
Wayne Swan should get down on his knees and pray everyday that Palmer sees his announced intentions through. Endorsing a crazy narcissistic billionaire would be frikkin pennies from heaven for Labor.
There’s plenty of support for this, but read Antony Green , and don’t try to tell me he’s a Murdoch stooge as well.
The comments by this dude in Crikey today about social conservatives freak me out. I don’t even understand what he’s talking about. Is it gay marriage? If so, I don’t see what the problem is, because Gillard is against it. And I don’t know wtf he means about the fixation on the language of individualism – if someone can work it out, let me know. And note this is a Labor man – no Murdoch conspiracy here.
Clive Palmer yesterday was a classic “look over here” trick to stop the NDIS getting any airtime.
With a decent media, he would be laughed at and given NO airtime….but no…our media thought the Clive Circus Show deserved MORE airtime than a major policy announcement.
Look, this isn’t even debateable. Palmer himself laughed at the media after the Qld election and openly told them he was running a distraction with his inane CIA bullshit, to deny Anna Bligh airtime.
He laughed his head off….and then pulled exactly the same trick yesterday.
Meanwhile , major policy goes unreported and the “shithouse Labour Government meme” roars along unchallenged by a single media person.
It is a disgrace…and it is intentional.
Regime change has been ordered.
Regime change will be delivered.
Abbott doesn’t have to do a thing except don’t get caught in bed with a dead body….although if it was Peter Slippers body then that would be all Gillards fault.