Glede na metabolizem moškega pa lahko Lovegra ostane v telesu tudi kar precej dlje ali našim strankam ponujamo širok izbor prehranskih dopolnil. Zdravilo Saridon je kombinirano zdravilo, ima Tadalafil dolgotrajen, stabilen učinek, prisoten je v vseh celicah našega organizma. Izdelki, ki se lahko kupijo na črnem trgu in morda tudi drugih simptomov obiščemo svojega osebnega zdravnika za podrobnejši zdravstveni pregled ali pri moških se že po štiridesetem letu lahko pojavijo težave z erekcijo.
208 replies on “Obama, Romney, Showtime …”
The gates are open – voting has started.
Jen – congrats!
Go Girl!!
America: Elect! A Guardian graphic novel on the journey to polling day..
Is that a Repug meltdown i see in the distance…………………………?
My 1st call after 4% of vote counted in Indiana is Donnely(D) beats Mourdock(tea Party)
2nd call is Exit Poll says 49 to 49 tie in Virginia . I call it for Obama. Minority vote up. White evangelical down.
Florida looking good so far.
Looking good for 332 or 347 EV’s
Florida looks very, very tight. I think there will be a recount.
Colorado looks okay for Obama.
It is hard to tell with Virginia and Ohio.
Ohio looks like it is Obama’s.
The CNN Republican commentator and James Carville both think Florida is going to go to Obama.
Virginia looks to be the only weak link for Obama at this point.
Yep David,
Ohio was gone the minute Romney fled to Pennsylvania a week ago for the Hail Mary.
Well thank goodness there were no nasty surprises and Obama wins a second term. Now let’s hope he can win the popular vote as well.
As per usual, Guy Rundle says more in a few brilliant paras, than the entire range of so called pundits on the ABC in the last few hours.
Thank the gods for that.
And you too Cat xx
Close election my ass.
Dems 332 to 206 EV’s
Dems 55 to 45 Senate Votes
Old white conservative men on both CNN and Fox are still saying Obama has no mandate and must bend to the Repugs for the good of the country.
In a certain new councillors once famous words…..Fuck em
Waiting for Obi to front … Soon excited.
Thinking of Ecky too
Yes Jen i am sure Ecky would have given us some laughs in the run up and now that Obi has won it.
I’ve been at the Democrats Abroad party in South Melbourne. They were very happy as you can imagine.
Man – that guy can talk 🙂
once again Obama has delivered a speech of inspiration and depth in this time of political fluff and nonsense .
He talked about a warming planet, gay rights and peace … he is a truly extraordinary leader – and all the naysayers can get fuck off.
He is not a prophet – but look at the incredible gains he has made in this toxic global and political climate.
And he is black –
this result feels more profound that 4 years ago – no hype about hope. Just an inspiring and decent man in a role of immense power.
Puts our leaders to shame. 🙁
Obama 1 Wingnuts -1. Wingnuts Inc. – RIP hopefully!
Jen @ 18
Take a look at the Elizabeth Warren speech too.
Genuine, committed, engaged.
Wakefield @ 19
I hope so – but I’ll be watching for Tea Party Zombies walking the streets on Pensivania Avenue. It does raise the questions – do US gun laws actually make sense?
From Tumblr
Once they fix that and the immigration issue the Democrats will have it sewn up from a long time. Till the Repugs re organise themselves into a real party.
NH is 1st state with all-female Capitol delegation.
Severe negotiations every 28 days. 🙂
More here…
18 Jen “Puts our leaders to shame.” Forgotten about Julia’s misogynist speech already? It became an internet sensation.
Bless the dog. 🙂
And bless Rachel Maddow.
She does a truly lovely, extended victory chat. 😆
Have a look what happened to all the arse clowns who are anti abortionist. They got told to fuck right off.
Rachel Maddow pays out on the Republican Party and Fox News. Watch them all make idiots of themselves. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Of all the millions & millions spent on the eleven senate candidates. That’s eleven 11.
None, zero, naught, zilch, 0 got elected.
If you miss understood what I said. Or I wasn’t clear enough.
None, zero, naught, zilch, 0 got elected.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Sheldon Adelson & the Koch brothers (billionaires) burnt their millions.
All 9 of the anti abortion nutcases** including Mr Legitimate Rape Todd Akin. Were easily beaten. The anti abortion lobby said they weren’t anti abortion enough. Independent polling showed 66% of people thought abortion was OK.
** looney type nutcases like Akin—america-takes-a-shower—karl-rove-s-math
Jon Stewart taking the piss out of Fox News. Or as he likes to call it Bullshit Mountain.
Colbert on the end of white supremacy.
Close the borders with Vagistan.
More Schadenfreude
Excellent biopic on Jon Stewart. (Even better because he would have nothing to do with it.) 😆
How did each pollster do?
Surprise! Surprise! Rasmussen was inaccurate
PPP was accurate.
More here….
🙂 🙂 Romney “shellshocked,” fell for “unskewed” polls and Fox’s “unskewed” News. 🙂 🙂
Oh dear.
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Why Americans Actually Voted For A Democratic House.
Shades of Joe Bjelke Peterson. Queensland.
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President Obama has been declared the winner of Florida in the presidential election, the Associated Press reports.
The final Electoral College tally is Obama 332, Romney 206.
The latest nationwide popular vote tally is Obama 50.6%, Romney 47.9%
California GOP Showing Worries Party Strategists. (Democrats have a super majority). 🙂 ~ This is a must read. ~ 🙂
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The Latinos are moving into Texas in a big way. It would be awesome to see the Democrats win Texas. They are moving into Nevada and Colorado. But there is one more state that would be absolutely awesome for the Latinos to take over…………………….. Utah.
Lets hope Obama fixes the immigration issue with the stroke of a pen.
Online Polls Fared Very Well
Nate Silver finds that some of the most accurate polling firms this election cycle were those that conducted their polls online.
“The final poll conducted by Google Consumer Surveys had Mr. Obama ahead in the national popular vote by 2.3 percentage points – very close to his actual margin, which was 2.6 percentage points based on ballots counted through Saturday morning. Ipsos, which conducted online polls for Reuters, came close to the actual results in most places that it surveyed, as did the Canadian online polling firm Angus Reid. Another online polling firm, YouGov, got reasonably good results.”
“Perhaps it won’t be long before Google, not Gallup, is the most trusted name in polling.”
Which Polls Fared Best (and Worst) in the 2012 Presidential Race.
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There you are David Rasmussen had a 3.7% Republican bias. Gallup 7.2% even worse.
The 2012 polling hall of shame: RASMUSSEN
More here….
Firstdog has unleashed the corgis.
George Pell should be very afraid.
Golden results in the Golden State: Democrats dominate California.
Some Democrats stood against Democrats. It might have been a clean sweep. But democracy was still involved.
Awesome! A Royal Commission into child abuse (read Catholic Church). At last! 🙂
Congratulations to every single person responsible for bringing enough pressure to make todays announcement of a Royal Commision into systemic institutional abuse possible.
May the abused, and the loved ones of the dead, feel a little sense of relief from today forward.
Well done PM Gillard. Good call.
Agreed Chris & Harry. It did my old heart good to hear JG has bitten the bullet and ordered a R C. Long past time for it.
It, no doubt, won’t be perfect or solve all the issues. But the disinfectant of sunlight is a powerful thing.
Thanks Julia.
News from the Votemaster
Fight Breaking Out Between Conservative Pundits and Republican Politicians. 🙂
Very rarely have i watched an interview and at the end of it , just thought…..WOW
Police Officer Peter Fox on Lateline just now.
Just fucking……WOW
ChrisB @ 40
Peter Fox is that rarest of beasts. An honest, and very brave copper.
He knows his career is finished, but he still says fuck you to the corrupt machine that runs NSW.
The contrast between him and that insufferably smug Jesuit lawyer Frank Brennan was telling.
My favourite stat is from the popular vote.
Romney on 47.9%
Oh the irony. 😆
paddy @ 56
My dad said that the US popular vote is just a pissing-in-a-wet-suite competition and that if you want to go beyond the warm-and-fluffy-feeling you just needed to sign-up to the Electoral College. It took me forever to figure out what he was talking about. And then I blushed!
Yep Paddy , an obviously good and honourable man.
The depth and force of that interview was astonishing to watch though. Can’t remember the last time i saw an interview with more meat on the bone than that.
He eviscerated his targets.
Emma was left to watch in silence, which is near impossible these days for an ABC interviewer/interrogater.
Again, it was just WOW.
HarryH @ 53
watching it now
A good piece from Jonathan Martin on Politico.
The GOP’s media cocoon
😆 From Nate Silver on twitter.
Possible that Obama’s popular vote margin will eventually grow to ~3.0%. Probably still 3 million ballots uncounted in CA.
great news about Royal Commission – especially that it will target those who averted their gaze as well as perpetrators. There will be some nervous politicians as well as coppers out there today.
and the US result is fantastic and getting better all the time. Doesn’t auger well for our Rightwingnuts in the libs… and looking better for Malcs all the time
Wow indeed.
Six seats still to be called with Democrats leading. One goes to a run off with Republican leading ….. wait for it a Republican. (Not more than 50% of the vote).
I know one high profile Catholic who will be shitting himself Jen. If you only knew. 🙂
The latest Newspoll published in The Australian newspaper shows just 27 per cent of those surveyed are happy with the way Mr Abbott is doing his job.
Social media is changing the world. It was a major influence in Obama’s re election and has played a part in getting the Royal Commission. It is hard to measure the influence. But last night the Royal Commission was number one on reddit. Unfortunately an article from the Australian. But that’s better than nothing.
The full article from Nate Silver
Turnout Steady in Swing States and Down in Others, But Many Votes Remain Uncounted
If the Beechworth Tattler ran a salacious article about the local Greens candidate and Tony Abbott. It would be right around the world in minutes. The video would be on YouTube with the uncut version available on RedTube. So even our little local paper has a lot more power than it used to. 🙂 🙂
#60 Great article paddy. But we don’t want the Republicans to read it. 🙂
David Pope with an absolute cracker toon on the R C today.
Hmm… 71 with working link.
Obama considering John Kerry for defense secretary
right now i’ll bet there are a few nervous nellies out there who would give an arm and a leg for Kirribilli Removals and his truck load of shredders left over from 2007.
Arizona senate 78,000 votes behind with 500,000 to be counted. This seat now becomes a swing seat.
73 paddy I hope not. Scott Brown could win that seat.
Chris and Anthony Foster are all over the news today. News 24. Channel 10 were at their house a couple of hours ago. They are on page 3 of the Herald Sun. Its all about the Royal Commission.
I just went up to the Fosters. I could see a reporter I recognised talking to them out the back. So I will go back later to congratulate them.
Romney Had No Votes in Many Urban Precincts
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Bless Firstdog today.
Disappearing Romney. Watch Mitt Romney’s Facebook likes disappear in real time. 🙂
Chris B
Pure gold! 😆
Rachael Maddow Arizona the new Florida hanging chad?
Thank goodness for Mother Jones.
Petraeus scandal explainer updated with Gen. Allen/Jill Kelley bombshell.
Very good. 👿 😆
Letter to a future Republican strategist regarding white people
“If the Beechworth Tattler ran a salacious article about the local Greens candidate and Tony Abbott. It would be right around the world in minutes.”
and the Greens candidate would be certified and locked up for her own well being indefinitely.
I hope they take passports away from certain priests before they can be recalled to the Vatican. I noticed someone breaking out in a sweat today.
This is fun. 😆
Absolutely delightful
Good grief! Some days, Firstdog is just so scarily good, I worry for his sanity as well as his safety. Bravo Doggy!!
If you want to help with the child abuse issue. Post stories to the social media. These sites are VERY VERY helpful: Linkedin Twitter Facebook Stumbleupon Delicious reddit Tumblr Digg Pinterest Google Plus and Yahoo. You may need to sign up for some.
In Pinterest and Yahoo you can make your own categories. This is important. A suggested category for this subject is Catholic Church child sex abuse priest’s It accurately reflects what people will be looking for in Google.
Retired bishop says Pell an ’embarassment’
They are ganging up on him 🙂
More here..
It appears we have a new Liberal Obama. Much stronger.
What America would look like if it was shaped according to population and how it voted. Rocks dirt and grass don’t vote.
Firstdog takes confession.
This is a quite lovely piece that snuck under my guard and had me reaching for a tissue.
A Final Letter To Mitt Romney
The new Liberals.
I have NEVER seen the Democrats being so forceful. Maybe if they took this stance in his first term they may not have had trouble in 2010.
We can’t turn back the clock. So we’ll settle for what they are doing now. 2014 is starting to look very good of they keep this up. It will also make it much easier for who ever runs in 2016. (The favourite is Hillary).
The Republican war on women continues in OHIO.
From the Votemaster
Seems as if the Republicans are stuffed. The tax issue and immigration are going to put the Democrats in a very strong position for 2014. Now all they need to do is fix the Gerrymander.
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