Glede na metabolizem moškega pa lahko Lovegra ostane v telesu tudi kar precej dlje ali našim strankam ponujamo širok izbor prehranskih dopolnil. Zdravilo Saridon je kombinirano zdravilo, ima Tadalafil dolgotrajen, stabilen učinek, prisoten je v vseh celicah našega organizma. Izdelki, ki se lahko kupijo na črnem trgu in morda tudi drugih simptomov obiščemo svojega osebnega zdravnika za podrobnejši zdravstveni pregled ali pri moških se že po štiridesetem letu lahko pojavijo težave z erekcijo.
208 replies on “Obama, Romney, Showtime …”
Lawrence O’Donnell ripping shreds off John McCain
Capping off a magnificent week in toon town….
Firstdog whacks it out of the park!!
OK. David. Fox News and Republican conspiracy theory’s make mine look like kindergarten stuff!
John McCain’s loosing it.
Chris B @ 104
IMO John McCain lost the plot in 2008 with the Palin pick.
Even McCain agreed on that.
IMO John McCain lost the plot when he started singing Beach Boys songs.
HarryH @ 106
OK you win!
Hell, the poor bastard prolly lost the plot decades ago in a dark lonely cell in Nam.
How else to explain best buddies like Joe Lieberman and Lindsay Graham.
Harry and Catrina
I reckon his old man chopped a tree down on him way back and there are plenty of events in his career which could be attributed to when he lost the plot.
What a hoot
Generals Hospital
Moderate Republicans Edge Closer to Extinction
Young Woman Dies In Irish Hospital, Denied Needed Abortion
Help send this viral by adding it to any social media you can. Twitter Facebook Linkedin Pinterest or Delicious. Just to name a few.
Social Media to the Rescue – Hurricane Sandy
Chris Mathews pays out on Mitt Romney and John McCain.
Zeynep Tufekci in a brilliant piece about the hidden persuaders on the campaign trail. Well worth a read.
Oops! Link for 115.
paddy @ 116
It’s bit of a leading conclusion IMO.
Lets restate this to the following:
I’m not getting into what is reasonable let alone necessary – just saying, if its available you can ignore it at your peril.
Republicans Want to Avoid More Bitter Primaries
It appears Firstdog was braver (or more masochistic ) than me and watched QANDA last night. 😆
Catrina @ 117
Acute as ever Cat.
Given the nature of US elections, with voluntary voting, spectacular gerrymandering of the districts and some extremely “creative” attempts to prevent the “wrong” sort of people voting…..
I guess using every means *available* is the only sane choice. 🙂
A rather spectacular knifing of General Petraeus here.
But I have to say, I find it a bit hard to take anyone with a name like
LUCIAN K. TRUSCOTT IV very seriously. 😆
Slowly slowly catchee monkey.
SeweRoo will no doubt be having sphinctre contractions on a more regular basis.
Did Anonymous Stop Rove From Stealing The Election Again? A very interesting video.
‘Unskewed Polls’ Founder Dean Chambers Launches Voter Fraud Website.
Obama Administration Releases Draft Rules On Preexisting Conditions
Creationism Controversies The Norm Among Potential Republican 2016 Contenders.
The fruitcake and nuts still persist.
BuzzFeed reports Obama “will not repeat what is widely seen as a mistake of his first term: switching off his grassroots operation at the behest of Congressional Democrats, who bridled at its organizing in their districts.”
Wingnuts: Romney Lost the Election Because He Was Too Moderate.
More here…
Big Banks Line Up To Block Elizabeth Warren’s Appointment to Senate Banking Committee.
More here…
How The Conservative Media Lost The Election.
what TF is Labor doing to asylum seekers now????
condemnation by Amnesty, the UN and refugee advocate groups is no deterrent to this government trying to win the hearts and minds of Howard voters. 🙁
If the risk of drowning is not a deterrant then why would “offshore processing” (read Indefinite incarceration in horrific conditions) stop desperate people fleeing from situations they are in because of an accident of birth.
As are we, living in this privileged country.
and in our name my fellow Australians .
not to mention that so-called “deterrance” just doesnt work.
“Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has effectively conceded that Labor’s Pacific Solution Mark II has been overwhelmed, announcing that asylum seekers are arriving in such numbers that they will be allowed to live in the Australian community. ”
Read more:
Richard Mourdock has been painted as a Tea Party candidate. He was never a Tea Party candidate. But he was just as nutty as a Tea Party candidate.
Jim Messina Tells How Obama Won
Jim Messina, President Obama’s campaign manager, gave an interview in which he explained how to win a presidential election. Here are his main points.
The voters have to be wooed. You can’t just attack the other candidate
Targeted door-to-door knocking will only grow in importance
Technology is king. You need a huge database of voters to know who’s on which side
Stuff changes. Don’t try to rerun the last campaign. Adapt
Be careful about the public polls. A lot of them are junk.
Leunig still has the power to knock me over.
Whoops! Working link for 136
Kudelka (and I) agree with you. 🙁
Thanks for both toons Paddy
How the grassroots won it for Obama. I was aware of how the Democrats were going about the GOTV and I was super impressed. The Democrats are going to use this database and build on it. Unlike the first term. One thing the Democrats have in abundance is computer geeks. The Republicans on the other hand have a lot of technophobes. It should be fun trying to train a lot of them for 2016.
GOTV = Get Out The Vote.
The Democrats Karl Rove will be a Google Guy. 🙂
A group of men no longer decide where the ads go. Data does.
Not Lore (Star Trek joke).
Pell showed ‘sociopathic lack of empathy’ for abuse victims.
My neighbours ongoing story.
‘Likely voter’ polling screens were skewed toward Romney.
More here…–Likely-voter-polling-screens-were-skewed-toward-Romney
You can help my neighbours by putting any child abuse story (especially theirs) on social media.
Treasury to crack down on UK’s offshore tax havens
Channel Islands and Isle of Man will be among those ordered to reveal names behind hidden accounts.
David Cameron is accused of a ‘sham listening exercise’ on NHS reform after links to lobbyist are revealed
Leaked document shows how private health firms worked with Downing Street to ensure new legislation went ahead
Team Abbott should chart a new course.
Poll 2PP Lib:51% ALP 49% (Greens 11%).
Read more:
Firstdog does Tony Abbott to a tee. 😆
Romney’s final share of the vote? You guessed it: 47 percent.
One thing all American Presidents second have in common. Is failure or scandal.
Ronald Reagan had the Iran Contra affair where he was lucky not to be impeached. As well as his alzheimers. Richard Nixon had Watergate and impeachment. Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinski (sure did). The list goes on. The later half of the Maddow Show link has more info if required. The question is. Can Obama break that tradition? I certainly hope so.
Success would almost guarantee a Democrat President third term. In the process help the Democrats win more seats in congress and the senate.
A telling metric. 🙂
Good read.
‘Top people in in Romney campaign were paid $134m. Top consultants in Obama campaign paid $6m’ …
Firstdog goes to the Walkleys tomorrow.
Good luck Doggie. 😆
Rachael Maddow’s Susan Rice Scott Brown conspiracy.
Yay for Mr Onthemoon !!!
Sooo hope he wins …. feels like he is a Tickster at heart 🙂
So did Julia pay Ponting to retire today ??

Any thoughts on Leveson?
Firstdog plays the celebrity at the lodge xmas drinks….Again! 😆
BTW The walkleys are on SBS at 9.40 pm tonight.
Given the standard of “churnalism” displayed by the assorted hacks and spivs in the Oz media, I recon the cartoonists are the only ones worthy of a gong. 🙁
The only thoughts I’ve had (so far) on Leveson. Are about how the public’s outrage over David Cameron knocking back the key recommendation of instituting *actual* legislation, might crack open the Tory/Lib coalition. It’s probably going to be popcorn time over the next few weeks/months.
This might be the LibDems last chance to pull their polling out of the toilet.
Interesting piece here on comparisons between the Finkelstein review and Leveson.
Some more interesting perspectives on Leveson from assorted scribes on New Matilda.
Well that was a tiresome experience. Endured watching the entire Walkleys and they didn’t show Firstdog until the final credits. (But at least he won.) 🙂
Today’s the anniversary of rosa parks refusing to give up her seat. this is barack obama on that same bus.
Let’s just hope Obi can live up to that standard in his second term.
I found a new TV program Politics Nation by Al Sharpton.
163 Lets hope he does paddy. Early signs are good.
Is the right-wing media bubble impenetrable?
I certainly hope so. It will hasten the Republican Party’s demise. It will help the Democrats do what they need to do. Rebuild America.
Is the right-wing media bubble impenetrable?
The correct link this time. 🙂
The Democrats need as many Progressive candidates as possible.
Nice pics of the grand old man himself.
Inside the 2014 Senate Races.
A long time to go yet. There could be retirements from both sides.
Hopefully the Democrats will have taken lessons from the 2010 stuff up. More Progressives coming. I hope so.
James Bond and the killer bag lady.
This one puts all the Republican Party conspiracy theories to shame.
Continue this conspiracy theory here…
What Can We Learn From Near-Death Choices.
A great video.
Grover Norquist: ‘Tea Party Two Is Going To Dwarf Tea Party One’ (VIDEO)
Their ignorance is astounding. All the Democrats need to do is keep playing the Tea Party and Republicans along till 2014. The voters won’t be fooled like they were in 2010.
Ah yes! There’s nothing like a truly HUMBLE Firstdog. 😆
good for FirstDog – and for all those in that fight against the forces of conservative evil :megreen:
Meet Gubernatorial Candidate Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia’s Todd Akin.
Awesome! The Democrats can win Virginia in a landslide!
Massachusetts and Virginia were the first to turn on Obama and the Democrats. Now they can return the favour!
Funny : Girls Freak Out – Snowman Prank Season 2 Episode 10
Fresh from his Walkley victory, Firstdog is positively smoking it today. 🙂
This is why Barack Obama won his Nobel Peace Prize.
We once had enough nuclear material to blow up the world something like 20 times over. (From my memory).
Jon Stewart on Foxes war on Xmas
A warning as market pipes tune in America
Read more:
Breaking: Barnaby Joyce is a bloody idiot! Who knew?
Well…….Firstdog of course.
Will Kentucky Embrace Ashley Judd’s Progressive Senate Run?
That would be right out of left field. Awesome!
Fox News, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes tried to get David Petraeus run for President.
Today’s Firstdog is a repeat. But it’s also a wonderful true story. 🙂
We all owe Jonathan Green a great deal.
184 Chris B. 0 I forgot who Ashley Judd would be running against. 🙂 Kentucky: Mitch McConnell.
It would be interesting to see how Ashley Judd would run in a strong red state. Ashley would certainly get a lot of backing from Hollywood.
For the senate races 2014.
Elizabeth Warren on the banking committee. Alex Wagner.
Firstdog remembers the good times.
(Who could ever forget Easter?) 😆
The Republican Party has split in two. One part run by Karl Rove bent on electing any conservative. The other part run by Jim De Mint and the Heritage Foundation. Who want only to elect extreme right wingers. Even at the cost of losing. Jim De Mint would rather have 40 Marco Rubio’s than 60 Arlen Specter’s. Big battles looming for the Republicans. 🙂
Why Jim DeMint Will Be More Powerful Outside Senate
The war in the Republican Party is breaking out. Politics Nation with Al Sharpton.
Esra Klein fills in for Rachel Maddow
Talks about DeMint and
Our own Julia gets a run with her spoof on Appocalypse
Michiel Grateful and Pieter Hutcher;
The Australian Prime Minister Juliar Gullard should be called out for her prank spoof press conferences.
Her pranks are causing widespread attempts at self harm by persons who don’t like the idea of flesh eating Zombies.
Senior sources in the LNP have said that several Tea Party members of the LNP had lined up at The Gap in Maelstrom Turnballs electorate to herd themselves over the cliff, like the Lemmings they are, before the flesh eating zombies got them.
It is believed their leader Truckwit Tony was on the way with a semi-trailer load of armband floaties so their bodies would be collectable after they hit the water below.
Other Blackbenchers, who refused to be named, said that Scoot Morriscum was encouraging them to jump quickly and quietly, whilst at the same time, criticising the PMs prank presser.
He claimed that Joey Hickey had worked out on his eleventy calculator that the PM, Juliar Gullard, had confused her dates and given the wrong one.
It is believed, after Michiel and Pieter had spoken to Joey, that they won’t be jumping today but will be lining up again on the eleventy twelth of December.
In the meantime Chipspitter Pine has been radically calling for Juliar Gullard to withdraw her prank press conference statements so that stability could be reinstated in the Australian version of the US Republican Tea Party, The LNP.
Turnballs made no comment, when questioned by Grateful and Hutcher, except to say the the Harbour bridge would be a better option if they were serious, and Truckwit Tony could make it easier by creating a big hole in the safety handrails with his semitrailer.
Both Alien Jonas and Spray Paddlie have categorically stated that under no circumstances would their platform 2gullibleB be offered to Gullard for her to spruik these prank pressers.
We have to be honest with the Australian public they said.
Bub Splatter was unavailable for comment.
Charlie Crist, Democrat: Former GOP Governor Changes Party Affiliation.
Christ will be an awesome move for the Democrats. Florida is looking good for 2014.
Great interview Jon Stewart and Chris Christie.
Two good short videos, no 2 especially