I agree David – it is all hypothetical now. Too late for Rudd to win and too late for Gillard to turn things around.
I was glad when they got rid of Rudd – whenever I hear him speak I am reminded of what an uptight little bureaucrat he is – but as pleased as I was that Julia took over she has been spun into oblivion. I wholeheartedly agree with Doug Cameron – they should have ignored the little prats in the PM’s office and all spoken with sincerity instead of carefully constructed messages that sound like bullshit and fool no one.
vale Labor 🙁
398 & 399
Get over it you pair. Tony Abbott and LNP is the target.
I can’t believe that you get sucked in by all this media crap.
This latest bullshit is their last ditch to get a change of leadership so Abbott can have a No confidence motion. If it gets up because of loss of support from the independents then he gets to go see the GG and get sworn in.
Shades of Goughs days in the seventies, but you both aren’t old enough to have witnesed that.
What Murdoch did then he is doing now. Trying to trash our government.
They only have a limited amount of time to do it as there is only two sitting weeks left.
There seems to be some stirrings around your way Jen. 🙂
Chasing involved democracy in Indi
Paddy – cathy will hopefully capture the moderate conservative bote who despise Sophie but would never vote Green or Labor. We aee hoping to whack her between us and at least make this seat marginslPreferences will be interesting!
Gaffhook – the only politician to take on Murdoch was Bob Brown so you get no argument from me about his role in politics. It appears Mark lLatham agrees with my perception of Rudd so i am hardly being antu-labor in my criticism if him.
Bote – vote ( as in sinking )
iPhone typing even worse than usual 🙂
Great article by Bushfire Bill … I so hope he is right
398 David Gould Spot on about that.
What gets me. Is that there is absolutely NO balance in the media. Its ALL anti Labor. No mention of the disability scheme. No mention of the NBN. No mention of the education reforms. No mention of any of Tony Abbott’s shortcomings. What happened to the balance in reporting? WTF???
btw Gaffers-
I remember Gough’s sacking very well 🙂
I remember it even better Jen.
God save the feckin queen, because NOTHING will save Sophie. :-0
Who suggested the “men in blue ties” line to JG. This is exactly what i have been talking about – lame, cliche uninspiring schlock when there is so much opportunity to nail Abbott on his conservative attitudes towards women. This did not cut it.
She should sack here speechwriters
Blue ties , red ties, gold ties, paisley cravats …. these liberal men are absolutely disgusting.
It’s time women of all political persuasions and all men who are decent send this lot a very clear message.
… big red box….
She should sack here speechwriters. Hear! Hear! Jen. She should sack “here” speech writers.
I have just seen a replay of The Drum. The Liberal Guy talked all over Cheryl Kernot. He did not say a word while another male commentator was speaking. Misogyny.
Excuse my grammer. And my grampa too.
Warren Buffett
Hello @Hillaryclinton! Happy to welcome one of my favorite women in the world to twitter. #45
His newspapers going down the pipes faster than a speeding bullet and his credibility in tatters in the UK and soon to be in jail hopefully in the US when the FCPA has finished with him, now his missus has given him the flick, the bastard might call Australia home. Hope not.
Radio host Howard Sattler suspended after asking Julia Gillard if partner Tim Mathieson is gay.
A commercial radio presenter in Perth has been suspended after asking the Prime Minister whether her partner Tim Mathieson is gay.
Fairfax Radio host Howard Sattler asked the question during an interview with Julia Gillard on Thursday, in which he challenged her to answer a series of myths, rumours, and innuendos.
During the exchange Ms Gillard said the questioning was absurd and “bordering” a line.
She accused Mr Sattler of making generalisations about male hairdressers.
I don’t know whose idea it was to go to Howard Sattler for an interview. But as a tactic it was brilliant. Now Julia should book Alan Jones for an interview. Maybe she could get him suspended as well. 🙂
I am sure that the FCPA in the US will want to ask SeweRoo a few questions after he has openly admitted that he knew of the payments to foreign officials. HaHa. Rupert plays cards with Conrad.
LOVE IT!… “My computer’s hard drive crashed… and the NSA won’t send me their backup copy! 🙁 “
There is a classic nick floating round blogs and twitter for the member for Indi.
The nick is “shedster” and i quite like it actually.
Just wonder if it is being used round your neck of the woods and if not why not?
Havent heard it Gaffy – not sure what it means though
A person who keeps old men locked in sheds!
Former Murdoch high roller tells it how it is
The Murdoch will come in the last few weeks of the election, just as he did when he erased the Whitlam government, hurling fear and panic at the electorate.
What we have to realise is that he now has forty more years of experience of manipulating elections in England, the United States and Australia. He is a master of the sleight of hand; an expert at picking the right time and the right strategy. One could call him a world champion at getting exactly what he wants whenever he wants it.
You only have to read a small sample of the trivia and pompous self-important garbage promulgated in The Australian newspaper by some of its narcissistic and slavish reporters to have a glimpse of the future of Australia under a Murdoch dictatorship.
The great danger now is for the Labor Party to lose its nerve and seriously consider a change in leadership. Such is being enthusiastically promoted in the Murdoch media every day. A switch from Gillard to Rudd, with one or two or three front bench members losing their nerve and triggering a leadership replacement would play right into the hands of the Murdoch.
Murdoch can control Rudd. He cannot control Gillard or her team. Murdoch loves a two horse race, but only when he owns both horses. Any change by Labor now would leave Murdoch rubbing his hands with glee.
That is why, in those fourteen days in September, we need to think carefully about who and what we vote for. We need to go deeper into the past and consider the future. We need to forget about personalities and media trivia and look at the whole issues. We need to realise that our vote can change Australia for good — or for selfish evil.
433 gaffers
Wondered if that was it … Consider it done
433 gaffers
Wondered if that was it … Consider it done
And 434
Nailed it
More Trouble for Rupert Murdoch?
Angelina Jolie’s former body double Eunice Huthart claims that her phone was hacked in 2004 and 2005 by a subsidiary of News Corp. Peter Jukes on the latest allegations.
The phone-hacking scandal that shuttered Rupert Murdoch’s bestselling British Sunday paper The News of the World and led to the resignation and arrests of several of his top U.K. executives has now officially crossed the Atlantic.A civil suit filed June 13 by Eunice Huthart, a former body double for Angelina Jolie, claims that messages from both the actress and members of Huthart’s family were intercepted and occasionally deleted by employees of News Corp.’s London subsidiary who were “hacking her cellular telephone as a means to obtain information about Ms Jolie.” She seeks damages for violations of both Californian and federal law over “intrusion into private affairs.”
Huthart was Jolie’s body stunt double from the Tomb Raider series 10 years ago and in the more recent Salt. According to reports, she noticed that voicemail messages were being lost in the system around 2004 and 2005, when she was living with Jolie in California during the filming of Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
434 Gaffhook Lets not forget the headlines during the first UK election of Margaret Thatcher. Rupert’s “Will last man out of Britain please turn out the lights”, headlines during the last week of Thatcher’s first election. This must have had an effect on the election result.
434. Spot on.
Hillary Clinton is coming.
Senator Endorses “Ready For Hillary” Super PAC
An old Clinton foe is the first member of Congress to support the early Hillary effort. “We can all agree today that there is nobody better equipped to be our next President than Hillary Clinton,” says Claire McCaskill. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill has endorsed “Ready for Hillary,” the political action committee fundraising and organizing for Hillary Clinton’s possible presidential campaign in 2016, the group announced Tuesday morning.
Hillary Clinton is the ONLY person that can lead the Democrats to a massive landslide in 2016. Like Hillary or not the Democrats NEED her.
Senate seats are thin. Kentucky is the closest. A 6% swing is needed. Changing Texas from red to purple is possible if they can get the Latinos involved like they are in California. Maybe even a shade of blue if they can pass an immigration bill. Maybe Susan Collins might throw in the towel in Maine. Returning to the blue state it is in the senate. The Democrats need to pick up a swag of seats in the congress. Hillary Clinton is the ONLY person that can do it.
Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down the career of General Stanley McChrystal, has died in a car accident in Los Angeles, Rolling Stone has learned. He was 33.
Every gross imputation, every cheap gibe should harvest a hundred thousand votes. Every woman who has endured humiliation (and every woman has) can avenge herself by supporting Gillard.
Fathers 4 Justice will find themselves overwhelmed by Mothers against Injustice, the sheer injustice of treating a hard-working and efficient woman who is as good at gathering loyal support as Rudd is at losing it, as if she were stinking trash.
Teach the shock-jocks some manners. Make them endure another three years of Gillard.
The Labor-Green vote is underestimated by 2.5 or 3 percent by this methodology – of ringing only crocks and wrinklies, plus 1.5 or 2 percent through misallocated Katter and Palmer preferences (few will go to the party of Newman, who is comprehensively hated by these rebel provincials) – puts the non-Coalition vote, two-party preferred, at about 52.5 where it has been for a year or so.
The same reasons most people got Obama wrong in 2012.
I think Bob Ellis is talking about the conservative vote. The ALP is in a coalition also.
Chris B,
Bob Ellis is being silly here. The polls were not wrong in the US election. It was the Republicans who deluded themselves into thinking that the polls were wrong. Those claiming the polls are wrong are in the same reality denying class now as the Republicans were then.
That is not to say that the polls now completely reflect the reality of what will happen on election day – I think that, based on history, Labor will lose 46 to 54. It is incredibly unlikely to be much worse than that, and something close to 43 to 57 would be almost unprecedented. According to Antony Green, there have only been two federal swings of that magnitude in federal elections since 1950, one being the Whitlam defeat in 1975 and the other being Labor clawing back support (again under Whitlam) in 1969.
Ok – so who suggested to Julia that doing a photoshoot for Women’s Weekly knitting a toy kangaroo was a good idea ?
Kevin Rudd perhaps?
Whoever it wasis either a complete moron ,
or hates her.
Obama’s speech on climate change was kick ass. This is real leadership. If he follows through, he will go down in history as a great president.
Oh, dear. It is on again. Or off again. Or not. Or something.
Labor is a disastor . Krudd has played his revenge game the hilt and is taking his party down wirh him. In the meantime they gave delivered us straight into the hands of the insufferable idiot Tony Abbott fFS.
You can blame Murdoch, the MSM and the hung parliament but in the end we have had two uninspiring leaders in Rudd and Gillard who have both failed to engage with the electorate- – and we are heading for a far right conservative government with no opposition left to hold them to account .
Bugger. Rudd won.
Better be worth it
Kevin’s back! We get to keep our NBN!
Jen. The polls don’t show the 18 to 35 year olds accurately. Because the don’t have a landline. Neither of my sons have a landline.
I hope you are right Chris .
I hope I’m right too Jen. Believe it or not I’ve been known to be wrong at times. 🙂
452 David Gould I only caught bits of it David. But it did seem kick ass to me. Backs up the Labor Party’s case.
449 David Gould
One of the surprises of the American presidential election was the attacks from the Republican side. Not that they were attacking Obama (hey, unless the airwaves were full of attack ads from both sides, how would we know there was an election on?), but rather that they were attacking a statistician, Nate Silver. But Mr Silver is having the last laugh now, having predicted every state correctly even as most media were saying that the race was tied (or that it may possibly be drifting ever so slightly in Obama’s favour). But how did Mr Silver predict the presidential race so accurately? What was this dark magic that he used?
463 replies on “A Second Term”
I agree David – it is all hypothetical now. Too late for Rudd to win and too late for Gillard to turn things around.
I was glad when they got rid of Rudd – whenever I hear him speak I am reminded of what an uptight little bureaucrat he is – but as pleased as I was that Julia took over she has been spun into oblivion. I wholeheartedly agree with Doug Cameron – they should have ignored the little prats in the PM’s office and all spoken with sincerity instead of carefully constructed messages that sound like bullshit and fool no one.
vale Labor 🙁
Bushfire Bill has a God one
398 & 399
Get over it you pair. Tony Abbott and LNP is the target.
I can’t believe that you get sucked in by all this media crap.
This latest bullshit is their last ditch to get a change of leadership so Abbott can have a No confidence motion. If it gets up because of loss of support from the independents then he gets to go see the GG and get sworn in.
Shades of Goughs days in the seventies, but you both aren’t old enough to have witnesed that.
What Murdoch did then he is doing now. Trying to trash our government.
They only have a limited amount of time to do it as there is only two sitting weeks left.
There seems to be some stirrings around your way Jen. 🙂
Chasing involved democracy in Indi
Paddy – cathy will hopefully capture the moderate conservative bote who despise Sophie but would never vote Green or Labor. We aee hoping to whack her between us and at least make this seat marginslPreferences will be interesting!
Gaffhook – the only politician to take on Murdoch was Bob Brown so you get no argument from me about his role in politics. It appears Mark lLatham agrees with my perception of Rudd so i am hardly being antu-labor in my criticism if him.
Bote – vote ( as in sinking )
iPhone typing even worse than usual 🙂
Great article by Bushfire Bill … I so hope he is right
398 David Gould Spot on about that.
What gets me. Is that there is absolutely NO balance in the media. Its ALL anti Labor. No mention of the disability scheme. No mention of the NBN. No mention of the education reforms. No mention of any of Tony Abbott’s shortcomings. What happened to the balance in reporting? WTF???
btw Gaffers-
I remember Gough’s sacking very well 🙂
I remember it even better Jen.
God save the feckin queen, because NOTHING will save Sophie. :-0
Who suggested the “men in blue ties” line to JG. This is exactly what i have been talking about – lame, cliche uninspiring schlock when there is so much opportunity to nail Abbott on his conservative attitudes towards women. This did not cut it.
She should sack here speechwriters
Firstdog has bloody gone and blown the whistle on blue ties. 😆
Menu – gate.
Pigs .
Blue ties , red ties, gold ties, paisley cravats …. these liberal men are absolutely disgusting.
It’s time women of all political persuasions and all men who are decent send this lot a very clear message.
… big red box….
More Tony Abbott sexist remarks.
She should sack here speechwriters. Hear! Hear! Jen. She should sack “here” speech writers.
I have just seen a replay of The Drum. The Liberal Guy talked all over Cheryl Kernot. He did not say a word while another male commentator was speaking. Misogyny.
Excuse my grammer. And my grampa too.
Warren Buffett
Hello @Hillaryclinton! Happy to welcome one of my favorite women in the world to twitter. #45
Seweroo has got the flick again.
His newspapers going down the pipes faster than a speeding bullet and his credibility in tatters in the UK and soon to be in jail hopefully in the US when the FCPA has finished with him, now his missus has given him the flick, the bastard might call Australia home. Hope not.
Radio host Howard Sattler suspended after asking Julia Gillard if partner Tim Mathieson is gay.
I don’t know whose idea it was to go to Howard Sattler for an interview. But as a tactic it was brilliant. Now Julia should book Alan Jones for an interview. Maybe she could get him suspended as well. 🙂
Rednecks just can’t help themselves.
SeweRoo was taped when he was telling his scumbag myrmidons that he would look after them if they were convicted.
I am sure that the FCPA in the US will want to ask SeweRoo a few questions after he has openly admitted that he knew of the payments to foreign officials. HaHa. Rupert plays cards with Conrad.
LOVE IT!… “My computer’s hard drive crashed… and the NSA won’t send me their backup copy! 🙁 “
Back at you Miss Cat :))
Lovely to see you passing by Cat 😉
Meanwhile…. Firstdog’s on fire today. A classic.
There is a classic nick floating round blogs and twitter for the member for Indi.
The nick is “shedster” and i quite like it actually.
Just wonder if it is being used round your neck of the woods and if not why not?
Havent heard it Gaffy – not sure what it means though
A person who keeps old men locked in sheds!
Former Murdoch high roller tells it how it is
433 gaffers
Wondered if that was it … Consider it done
433 gaffers
Wondered if that was it … Consider it done
And 434
Nailed it
More Trouble for Rupert Murdoch?
More here…
434 Gaffhook Lets not forget the headlines during the first UK election of Margaret Thatcher. Rupert’s “Will last man out of Britain please turn out the lights”, headlines during the last week of Thatcher’s first election. This must have had an effect on the election result.
434. Spot on.
Hillary Clinton is coming.
Senator Endorses “Ready For Hillary” Super PAC
Hillary Clinton is the ONLY person that can lead the Democrats to a massive landslide in 2016. Like Hillary or not the Democrats NEED her.
Senate seats are thin. Kentucky is the closest. A 6% swing is needed. Changing Texas from red to purple is possible if they can get the Latinos involved like they are in California. Maybe even a shade of blue if they can pass an immigration bill. Maybe Susan Collins might throw in the towel in Maine. Returning to the blue state it is in the senate. The Democrats need to pick up a swag of seats in the congress. Hillary Clinton is the ONLY person that can do it.
More here…
Whats the go here David
Tinfoil or what?
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/michael-hastings-rolling-stone-contributor-dead-at-33-20130618#ixzz2Wer9r1nc
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook
A lovely piece to camera by Rachel Maddow on Michael Hastings
Every gross imputation, every cheap gibe should harvest a hundred thousand votes. Every woman who has endured humiliation (and every woman has) can avenge herself by supporting Gillard.
Fathers 4 Justice will find themselves overwhelmed by Mothers against Injustice, the sheer injustice of treating a hard-working and efficient woman who is as good at gathering loyal support as Rudd is at losing it, as if she were stinking trash.
Teach the shock-jocks some manners. Make them endure another three years of Gillard.
Vote Julia.
Germaine Greer.
Some people are clever
Rather than waste your time reading the “so called” newspapers,
try enjoying yourselves with Firstdog’s fabulous new boardgame.
Tune in tonight for the 7.30 with Leigh Sales and her up to date informative
Bob Ellis: Massive Poll Fraud: Gillard To Win
The same reasons most people got Obama wrong in 2012.
I think Bob Ellis is talking about the conservative vote. The ALP is in a coalition also.
Chris B,
Bob Ellis is being silly here. The polls were not wrong in the US election. It was the Republicans who deluded themselves into thinking that the polls were wrong. Those claiming the polls are wrong are in the same reality denying class now as the Republicans were then.
That is not to say that the polls now completely reflect the reality of what will happen on election day – I think that, based on history, Labor will lose 46 to 54. It is incredibly unlikely to be much worse than that, and something close to 43 to 57 would be almost unprecedented. According to Antony Green, there have only been two federal swings of that magnitude in federal elections since 1950, one being the Whitlam defeat in 1975 and the other being Labor clawing back support (again under Whitlam) in 1969.
Ok – so who suggested to Julia that doing a photoshoot for Women’s Weekly knitting a toy kangaroo was a good idea ?
Kevin Rudd perhaps?
Whoever it wasis either a complete moron ,
or hates her.
Obama’s speech on climate change was kick ass. This is real leadership. If he follows through, he will go down in history as a great president.
Oh, dear. It is on again. Or off again. Or not. Or something.
Labor is a disastor . Krudd has played his revenge game the hilt and is taking his party down wirh him. In the meantime they gave delivered us straight into the hands of the insufferable idiot Tony Abbott fFS.
You can blame Murdoch, the MSM and the hung parliament but in the end we have had two uninspiring leaders in Rudd and Gillard who have both failed to engage with the electorate- – and we are heading for a far right conservative government with no opposition left to hold them to account .
Bugger. Rudd won.
Better be worth it
Kevin’s back! We get to keep our NBN!
Jen. The polls don’t show the 18 to 35 year olds accurately. Because the don’t have a landline. Neither of my sons have a landline.
I hope you are right Chris .
I hope I’m right too Jen. Believe it or not I’ve been known to be wrong at times. 🙂
452 David Gould I only caught bits of it David. But it did seem kick ass to me. Backs up the Labor Party’s case.
449 David Gould
Not quite correct David.
New post up …
The Next Election