Typing, typing, typing – all I end up with are these three words …
Si podra aprestar la disfuncion erectil de ocurre cuando un hombre comprar, puede provocar falta de liquidez y o sustancia base, del Lovegra que es el nombre comercial. De esferas bolas que se introducen en la vagina, de allí celebró el primer concurso de historia-parafarmacia.com Farmacia de la región.
Labor deserves this.
146 replies on “Swings and Roundabout”
This may well be true Cat for what has transpired over the last six years from a disunity point of view.
The saddest reflection of it all is that it is impossible to punish the party, or those responsible, for the stupidity and destabilisation and their inability to unite rather than feed their own egos.
We the people now have to suffer for their stupidity and the possibility of some very good infrastructure going down the gurgler and after the LNP joke of a commission of audit there will be a duplication of the carnage in Qld.
I am trying to work out who will be the first victim of the new Howard goon squad when they bash down their door and take the sledgehammer to their hard drive.
Only to remind us of free speech LNP style of course.
Oh dear, in South Australia the ALP and the Greens have helped elect a Family First senator. Shoosh! Don’t say a word…
Top question of the morning on Facebook “So if no one voted for Abbott how did he win?? Clearly the people that did don’t use the internet” My answer to that News Limited readers.
3 Flaneur Again? This happened once before.
Last night on Facebook someone asked who voted for the idiot? Everyone denied voting for him.
I’ll not rest easy till the Ruddbot actually resigns his seat.
If Julie Bishop should read this. Please offer him a job offshore.
Any where would do. But PNG, Nauru or Syria spring to mind.
Meanwhile, the bandicoot says it better than most. 🙂
Sophie Mirrabella looks like she may get back in.
Hi there Ticksters – well what a fucking circus. Clive Palmer, Bob Katter, Abbott as PM … Can it get any worse?? Only Sophie winning the recount – which she will.
What a ride.
Thanks the gods we can have another go in about 2 years (or less with a DD)
Bless democracy.
And fuck our leader Rupert Murdoch.
@3 Flanners – if that’s true might have to quit
I wouldn’t sweat it Jen – it was a choice between the Libs, Xenophon and Family First. (This is with 71.36% of the vote counted).
Details at http://www.abc.net.au/news/federal-election-2013/results/senate/sa/ at count 31.
Best thing I’ve read on Rudd’s campaign implosion yet.
Brilliant writing from Pam Williams in the Fin.
How Kevin Rudd’s campaign unravelled
NSW sends pro-gun Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm to Senate. The man elected to take one of six Senate seats in New South Wales says allowing the general public to carry weapons is one way of curbing gun crime in western Sydney.
Oh fuck!
NSW sends pro-gun Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm to Senate. The man elected to take one of six Senate seats in New South Wales says allowing the general public to carry weapons is one way of curbing gun crime in western Sydney.
Oh fuck!.
Definitely NOT a progressive.
Sports party pleasantly surprised by success in Senate count.
he Australian Sports Party, which is tipped to win a place in the Senate, concedes it has a lot to learn.
As a result of preferences, the little-known party is predicted to gain a seat in the Senate despite polling just 0.22 of a per cent of the initial vote.
Vote counting is still continuing.
Australian Sports Party senate candidate Wayne Dropulich, a former Australian grid-iron representative player, says the result has come as a pleasant surprise.
Cathy back in front by 427!
Watching this on twitter at #indivotes is better than Wimbledon. 😆
paddy @ 16
It’s 22:16, Cathy ahead by 1,754, 93 of 103 polling place counted.

Tony Abbott fires a warning shot at micro parties in the Senate.
This is the same Liberal Party that used the senate to bring down a Labor government in 1975. Oh the irony.
Firstdog introduces the new Senate.
So now it’s down to postals.
With all the prepoll votes now counted we are 1049 votes up – starting postal this afternoon. Anyone else holding their breath? #indivotes
paddy @ 20
Senior Liberal Sophie Mirabella in danger …
Cathy’s margin has slipped to a lead of just 764 votes.
It’s edge of seat territory.
Sheesh! Obi had me deeply worried there for a moment.
He started off saying he was going to bomb Syria.
Then said he wasn’t until a diplomatic solution had been tried.
After going out to do the shopping at lunchtime today. Then arriving home to find that the AEC had found a 1000 extra votes for Cathy McGowan, sitting in a misslabeled pile in Wangaratta. 😆 😆
As my twitter feed said it so well.
“Not only is there a God. She also has a great sense of humour”.
😆 I’m still trying to imagine the unhinging that must be going on in the Mirrabella camp right now. 👿
1000 extra votes should actually get her over the line.
Congrats via proxy to Jen and all the gallant souls of Indi!
Well done Jenny and the gang. Awesome!
Paddy can we be so lucky that Jens friend will be on the scrap heap.
No doubt Jen will be quietly shedding a tear or two over her demise if it comes to pass.
Fingers crossed for now.
Gaffy This one’s for real. 😆
It really couldn’t happen to a nicer predator.
While I’d really love Jen to be the member for Indi.
The chances of Indi voting in a green are nil.
I can’t help but be impressed by her graciousness in supporting Cathy.
But by goodness it would be fun to see Jen in the senate.
Start your own loony party Jen. Then I can vote for you. 🙂
Hey there Lovelies
– what a freakin’ hoot! Sophie’s stashed votes got found :)) and Cathy is back in front. For now. The postals are favouring SM but CmcG has a pretty good buffer. Meanwhile I get to swan around as failed but nevertheless well regarded Greens candidate who somehow has become part of the story- the young McG’s have decided at I’m partof this amazing process as I was the one that took Sophie on while Cathy played nice , so despite the vote ( decimated) I’m still in it up to my eyeballs .
Much better than facing the rest of the poll nationally – although so glad Adam Bandt got reelected and Janet Rice is second Vic Greens senator . The rest is pretty much crap…
Antony Green’s just called it for the forces of lightness Jen.
I for one, welcome our new Sophie concession speeches. HAHAHAH
Well done Jen it is obvious that lots of former green voters have gone with Cathy M and now having got rid of the Lady of the Backyard Sheds they may return to the fold next election.
All in all a brilliant result for Indi
Utterly brilliant.
Damn near wet myself watching this.
Sophie’s Downfall
The downfall continues:
Amazing if it really happens – in the death throes now me thinks. This sends a pretty loud message to politicians in “safe” seats. Don’t forget your own people – and never underestimate Politics101 :))
Thanks to Sophie ….
Firstdog has done a blinder.
I’m trying to be as Lovely as Cathy – it’s the new way in Indi.
Seems to win trillions of votes.
Have to admit that the elections won’t be nearly as much fun now..
Come Back Sophie *sob*
Hilarious . And not at all nice
jen @ 35
jen @ 35
ROTFLMAO Gracious in victory be stuffed. 😆
Next. We need an Albo!
From Julia on twitter.
My thoughts on Labor and the purpose of power published this morning. Online now @GuardianAus http://bit.ly/18jPsC2 JG
Bloody good piece from JG.
Well done jen. They could not have done it without your input. It maybe boring in Indi from now on. Bur boring is good, although one suspects the conservatives won’t leave easily.
Larry Summers Withdraws His Name From Fed Chair Job.
Its good to see the progressives wielding their power in a useful manner. More here..
McGowan ahead by 554 and 2000 to count … Should have a result today 🙂
Close of business Monday …

“There are lots of good women knocking on the door of the outer ministry and lots of women knocking on the door of Cabinet,” he said
And he slammed it shut in their faces.
Why is anyone surprised ???
Also good to see sport gets a ministry but science doesn’t.
We get the government we deserve. But surely we didn’t deserve this bunch of complete idiots .
It does make me wonder how these good women are, though.
I am glad Marise Payne got a promotion – she is a good senator.
Nash and Cash are okay, even though I completely disagree with them on most things.
But where exactly are the talented women in the coalition? Julie Bishop is most certainly not talented.
I would also pose the question as to where the talented men in the coalition are. Turnbull, Sinodinos, Robb, Scullion, Johnston and Cormann are probably the best (in terms of smarts and hard work) of a bad bunch. And I do not mind Senator Mason, I suppose. But who else is there?
David Gould
It appears Firstdog (and I) agree with you.
Can’t argue – having just witnessed the removal of one of our most toxic politicians the fact that she was a woman was irrelevant .
And have been invited to Cathy’s celebration …( it’s in the bag but not official apparently ) . Sisterhood can exist in politics
Well done Jen and all your and Cathy McGowan supporters. Brought a lot of sunshine on an otherwise rather cloudy few days.
Well done Jen. You’ve taken the high road this election.
May the force be with you. 🙂
We need to help Jen more than ever now.
#42 I like the term previous member. 🙂
Thanks for your support people – this victory belongs to Cathy and the people of Indi , and it has been great to have played a part over the years .
I will miss Sophie at election time – we had some good stoushes.
To the victor, the spoils.
To the rest of us and those that come after us……
Sweet fuck all. 🙁
Come on paddy … We might get Clive
Jen 😆
You can bet your last sweet billion, that Clive’s praying he loses.
Can you imagine the wailing and ranting if he has to sit next to Bob Katter. 👿
Plus the pecuniary interest statement would be a hoot.
I told you so.
well Paddy as of today it looks like Big Clive and the big Hat will be gracing each others presence in the house. It will be interesting to see who is absent for the most votes.
Fox Hunting!
Firstdog delivers a gentle kick to marvellous Malcolm.
What an insufferable git he is. 🙁
However, in better news. It seems Ann Summers interview with Julia G
at 6.30 pm next Monday 30/9 will be broadcast live on ABC24
Lovely work from the dog today.
BTW I just noticed that the Climate Council has managed to raise
over $160,000 in 13 hrs!
Today’s effort by the dog is destined to be a classic.
Takes no prisoners at all.
When will Malcolm challenge for the leadership?
Australia’s media problem (and how we can fix it).
More here…
ALL the links in the above articles HAVE to be shared by Twitter Facebook Google Plus and more if we are to defeat/bring down the News Limited. It must be done quickly to have any effect on the next election. If you stand by and expect everyone else to do it. YOU will let Murdoch and Abbott win again!!!!
Here’s a little trick to upset Rupert Murdoch. When linking to an article in a non Murdoch paper. Such as the Age, The Huffinton Post or the Guardian. Here’s how to link. Make sure you put these words in the link at the end of the description. “news not limited”. Anyone search for News Limited articles will have that article show up in some results. There’s not a thing he can do about it. 🙂 It will take quite a while to take effect.
Another link you must pass around. Tweet, Facebook, blog or link to by any means.
A magnificent rant about the US shutdown.
Because we all know Politics 101 needs more giant marsupials. 😆
Hi all
Good to see that this blog is still here 🙂
Better to see Mirabella got voted out 😉
Lost most of my interest in both Australian and US politics given recent events.
However, the US Shutdown has piqued my interest again.
Well the dog has done it again today with a blinder. 😆
But for an even better laugh, you’ll have to get a free trial sub to Crikey and read Andrew Crook’s stunning I/V with Steve Gibbons
(Well worth the bother of the free trial rigmarole .)
Hiya asanque – cant believe we have the ‘unelectable’ Abbott as PM and Clive Palmer has the BOP.
And the Teaparty holds the world to ransom.
Psychosis reigns.
Welcome back
asanque @ 69
Nice to see you!
Oh praise the Lord!
Firstdog’s felt the spirit move him.
News Corp Could Lose $1.6 Billion From Phone Hacking Scandal: Top Exec.
Phone Hacking Trial Of Rebekah Brooks And Andy Coulson Begins.
At last some action.
More here…
Vale the carbon tax. 🙁
The day has arrived where Ruperts Myrmidons will be held to account and hopefully he will have to answer to the FCPA in the US.
Both Brooks and Coulson have been charged with “conspiracy to commit misconduct in a public office” and Rupert brazenly stood before them all one day and told the world that they have been paying the london police for information.
To my mind that would be expert witness information to convict them both and ensure that he will get a visit from the FCPA.
The dirty little digger is already in negotiations with the FCPA trying to bail himself out of the shit.
I sure hope the FCPA is awaiting a sure outcome from the trials and will act accordingly and i hope the bastard does time over it.
Good longform piece by Robert Manne on Murdoch here.
It’s just growing better by the day Paddy and there have only been two days so far
Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson were having an affair, UK phone hacking trial told.
People will have to buy different tabloids to read about this juicy stuff. Oh the irony!
Virginia’s Tea Party debacle.
America has had there taste of the Tea Party and the don’t like it. Now the tide is turning.
Lovely to watch Team Murdoch get blown to pieces.
Emily’s List Membership Hits 3 Million As Women Candidates Attract National Attention.
New York Mayor now a Democrat
David Blunkett voicemail tapes found in NoW lawyer’s safe, court told
The trial is not going well for Murdoch. I will keep my celebrations on hold until a guilty verdict is reached.
In case of jury tampering etc…
Hillary’s Nightmare? A Democratic Party That Realizes Its Soul Lies With Elizabeth Warren.
More here..
The dog walks very softly today. But he draws with a very big stick!
Meanwhile…..Down in the pigsty that is the Victorian Parliament.
Swine & well known rorter in chief Mr Geoff Shaw, has decided it’s time to remove another Lib leader.
😆 😆 😆
Bye bye Denis the menace.
88 Paddy
HaHaHa thats a classic
Goodbye Kevin.
Dog on loose lips sink ships.
Here’s one for David. 🙂
A certain scum-sucking, lard-arsed hypocrite, is getting his clock cleaned in today’s Dog.
May he choke on his own tears. 🙁
Joe Hockey, take a bow.
The dog is having a field day.
House Democrats Fundraising At Record Pace.
More here…
Julia Gillard talking to Christine Amanpour
Worth a look.
Nuclear Fallout: The Real-World Consequences Of Senate Filibuster Reform.
When Harry Reid came in through a side door to the Mansfield Room Thursday afternoon, the majority leader was met with a raucous standing ovation from a crowd of activists, mere steps from the Senate floor where he had just successfully led a change of Senate rules to reform the filibuster.
Things are moving in Washington. At last!
Catrina. Remember this. It comes in handy for getting Google Plus 1’s. 🙂 Thank you.
Rebekah Brooks said it was ‘easy to listen to voicemails’, hacking trial hears
Eimear Cook, ex-wife of Colin Montgomerie, accused of lying under oath over statements made about lunch with Brooks
Golden Doggie moment.