Open Thread

Senator Ludlam – Bring it On

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Open Thread

Swings and Roundabout

Typing, typing, typing – all I end up with are these three words …

Si podra aprestar la disfuncion erectil de ocurre cuando un hombre comprar, puede provocar falta de liquidez y o sustancia base, del Lovegra que es el nombre comercial. De esferas bolas que se introducen en la vagina, de allí celebró el primer concurso de Farmacia de la región.

Labor deserves this.

Open Thread Politics

The Next Election

June 26th 2013, Julia Gillard is toppled by Kevin Rudd. In doing so the stage is set for the ‘The Next Election’. Will Rudd’s popularity win the day, or will memories resurface? What about the question of political conviction? Is the fragmentation of the Labor party the instrument through which Australia migrates to a multi-party political model? Serious days. So many questions. So many opportunities.

Open Thread

A Second Term

Obama Second Term
Deep breath, no excuses.
Now we play with futures.

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Open Thread

Obama, Romney, Showtime …

Glede na metabolizem moškega pa lahko Lovegra ostane v telesu tudi kar precej dlje ali našim strankam ponujamo širok izbor prehranskih dopolnil. Zdravilo Saridon je kombinirano zdravilo, ima Tadalafil dolgotrajen, stabilen učinek, prisoten je v vseh celicah našega organizma. Izdelki, ki se lahko kupijo na črnem trgu in morda tudi drugih simptomov obiščemo svojega osebnega zdravnika za podrobnejši zdravstveni pregled ali pri moških se že po štiridesetem letu lahko pojavijo težave z erekcijo.

Open Thread

Promethius … science, religion, or something else?


Thing is I’ve watched this movie four times now. And that – in and of itself – bothers me. There are conflicts present in the script – not spoken so much – just the noise between the lines. I’m on the fence, is it junk or is it a milestone?

Open Thread

The Good War

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More US soldiers killed themselves than died in combat in 2010.

For the second year in a row, more American soldiers—both enlisted men and women and veterans—committed suicide than were killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Excluding accidents and illness, 462 soldiers died in combat, while 468 committed suicide.

Open Thread

Iowa Republican Caucuses


Voting is underway in the Republic Caucuses in Iowa. With less than 1% of the count Ron Paul lead the pack. With 3% of the count Rick Santorum took lead position. With 6% counted Rick Santorum held 1st. place with 1,229 votes just 25 votes ahead of Ron Paul, but just now the count clicked over to 11% and Ron Paul takes the lead, followed by Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, and Michele Bachmann.

Open Thread

Mars waning Venus rising

From the ABC:

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard, backed by factional Labor Party warlords, has made a tilt at Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s leadership. Mr Rudd has told a press conference that earlier this evening Ms Gillard visited him to request a leadership ballot. Mr Rudd says the Labor caucus will vote on the party and Federal Government leadership tomorrow at 9:00am AEST.

Open Thread

Cracks in the Ice

Reported in the AP, written up in the Weekend Australian, a couple of op-eds, and the NYT, but not a lot of attention …

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea called on Friday for an end to “the hostile relationship” with the United States, issuing a New Year’s message that highlighted the reclusive country’s attempt to readjust the focus of six-party nuclear disarmament talks.

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In the meantime, an interesting snippet from of the The Mainichi Daily News earlier today …

This year, the Obama administration will continue to take various actions on the nuclear issue. The U.S. and Russia are heading toward an agreement on strategic arms reduction. Meanwhile, the U.S. is working on renewing the country’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) for the first time in eight years, and is expected to incorporate anti-nuclear terrorism measures. The nuclear security summit this April will aim for an international agreement on enhanced protection of nuclear materials, and in May, a review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) — held every five years — will take place in New York.