Open Thread

A Tale of Two Cities

On the 12 June 2009 a presidential election was held that would mark the beginning of an unravelling of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Just sixteen days later events were unfolding that would trigger a constitutional crisis in Honduras. As events unfolded in Iran, the world discovered a nation of people, educated, smart, brave, scared, and perhaps most of all – human. Across an ocean a South American head of state was removed from office in what has been cited as a democratic coup involving a supreme court, a congress, and a standing army.

Tehran and Tegucigalpa are the two cities in question. In Tehran we witnessed a popular uprising against an election result that announced a landslide victory to the incumbent president, a brutal suppression, and the beginning of a political power struggle that will possibly continue for a number of years. Tegucigalpa in contrast was much more a political/industrial action to maintain a status quo, a pre-emptive action to circumvent what was perceived as a move by a rogue president to move the country to the far left.

Rahm Emanuel said [1] …

You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.

[1] YouTube: Rahm Emanuel on a serious crisis.

What he meant by that was that in crisis there is opportunity to do things you could not have done before. In Iran this principal translates into an opportunity for structural changes to the Islamic Republic of Iran, it’s relationships with the outside world, it’s position on human and moral rights, and the potential for the change to the ultimate power structure. But to be clear, the role of popular unrest in this scenario is just the trigger enabling a political opportunity. Over in Honduras the events unfolded with a pre-emptive political move, a reactive but unsuccessful counter-strike, the emergence of a mediation process, and a probably conclusion within which the exiled president will be returned to his position but stripped of any effective power, and the ultimate arbitrators will be the people of Honduras in a new election in November.

In the Honduras case, chances are that the people will get to vote in free and fair elections in just a few months from now. For Iran the situation is much less clear and projection much more uncertain.

What is common between Tehran and Tegucigalpa is that …

Crisis is the mother of political opportunity.

452 replies on “A Tale of Two Cities”

He was in serious training to become a member of C Street.”

That’d be right. With a bible in one hand and a “nice piece of ass” in the other.

July 29: “So…. Did Obama burst from his mother’s chest in Hawaii or in a Kenyan slum?!”

Post-McLuhan Gothic: jaded by daily bombardment from the MSM, Birthers are losing their sense of The Miraculous.

July 28: The problem with DINOs: neutered Democracy;_ylt=AoXzoMp9S_PX8xUz7k6wpisl6ysC

July28: Great Wrecking Yards of The American Multitasker. Book your tour while stock cars last!;_ylt=AknYicZrpebuIil0OfEd4TUl6ysC

July 28: From Texas Benny With Love, Chris B!;_ylt=AgGTFfobtlpE4fqZPdJDZKAxvTYC

July 29:;_ylt=Aj1PTQ0vd1eFiZam2goa7sQxvTYC

The Republicans are sure working hard to help an Obama landslide in 2010.

The Republican Party, thanks to such stalwarts as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck has figured out just how to stay in power.

Oh sure, it probably doesn’t seem wise when they blow off hispanics like this:

Republicans’ dilemma in connecting with the growing Hispanic electorate will be on vivid display Tuesday: GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote overwhelmingly against confirming Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latino nominee to the Supreme Court. And the Democratic Party chairman will address the nation’s largest Latino political group — partly in Spanish. No national GOP official is speaking.

continued on Firedoglake

Cold War Revisited

Yesterday Russia, Iran’s strongest Security Council ally in the nuclear debate, agreed to a two-day joint naval exercise with Iran in the Caspian Sea. As the United States’ influence is on the rise in the Middle East, Russia looks to be balancing out power by tightening its alliance with Iran.

For nearly a hundred years, Russia blocked the use of the Caspian’s Volga channel for oil and gas exports from boundary states Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. Not surprisingly this exercise is called “Regional Collaboration for a Secure and Clean Caspian,” since Russia always claimed that Iran could not use the waterway, since it damaged the environment.


What next, sackcloth and ashes!? Celice and brand spanking new flagellum? Or are you having just plain old bad frock day, Chris? 🙂

July 29:;_ylt=ArzF8suYxOPnfomLDVGujRfX.sgF

July 29:;_ylt=AiVw1U4xBtd2LTqQ..vtwHw0vTYC

July 30: (Cross fertilization of toony ideas. cf. Matty Bors on Birthers yesterday);_ylt=Ahh_aUlZb9bAFcboElEHQSrd.sgF

“Practical American Christianity and Family Values: the C-Street perspective”

by William Kristol

Chapter 11, paragraph three….

“To assist with thoughtful disposal, always ensure that your used RPUs (Revenue Producing Units) are placed on your sidewalk after the children have said their prayers and are snugly asleep in their beds. Some collection contractors have sued their agencies for workplace stress issues after clinging and screaming children had to be physically pried from former Useful Ones. ”


Good grief Ecky.
This here’s a family blog and there you are, exposing dem kiddies to ….William Burroughs!!!!!
Have you no shame sir??
Meanwhile….in other news.
Australians need no longer feel the sting of cultural cringe, when contemplating who’s got the biggest bunch of arseholes playing shock jock of the week. 🙁

Move over Limbaugh and O’Reilly, Kyle and Jackoff are taking over.

paddy, nuh, I’m a sink. Beyond redemption. However as degenerates go, Burroughs is my kind of guy. Billy was a complex individual but he was definitely one of the first to fully articulate the consequences of the prohibition against drugs. His loathing of authoritarianism was both legendary and inspirational. And on a good day the bastard could write real purty. His reading of “Ah-Pook the Destroyer” from the album “Dead City Radio” is one of the routines I look forward to passing on to my grandkids, should any arrive.
“Tell us another story, Poppy”, they’ll beg with glee under bright stars around a campfire in a place where the scars of Homo Sap are immediately measureless to aspirants of imagination’s wonderland.

(will see if i can find “Scandal at the Jungle Hilton for tomorrow night. Nothing more corruscating has ever been written about the vanity of some Americams and the sycophancy of the MSM, imo. And the work goes for barely a couple of minutes)


Brutusina looks out for her President’s back. What a trooper!

The longer the State Department continues to favour Micheletti over Honduras’ rightful president, the more people will wonder why Obama needs enemies when he has friends like his secretary of state.

Ah Ecky, that Brutusina’s a card isn’t she?
It’s hard to imagine a braver, more impressive SoS, leading the good ol’ USofA into the sparkling 60’s…..
Whoops! I think we’ve been here before, haven’t we?
She’s a real trooper alright!

As for the wondrous Bill B. I share you admiration. He’s a bloody legend around here. 🙂

Love it
Thanks for all those turkeys and wholesome passenger pigeons that are about to go through the tubes…………. :mrgreen:

The ex member for Bennelong gets his picture in George Soros Think Progress. I’ve added a comment. Add yours.
Obama Restores Credibility To The Presidential Medal Of Freedom.
Think Progress

panther 47, wern’t you the guy selling dolls of a power-frocked Patty Hearst and a heavily “Afro-ed” Huey P. Newton at this Pinko demo back in the days when democracy was still a going concern?
Enshadowed by the bright and shining lie
Enforced by jackbooted goon-squads
Writhe the necks of We The People

“Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act. ”

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

~Eric Blair

Like oh!…my!….god! Seriously.
This guy’s writing about stuff that is so Totally “Quaint”.

We don’t have to guess what those principles are. The Founders created documents — principally the Constitution — which had as their purpose enumerating the principles that were to be immunized from such “practical considerations.” All one has to do in order to understand their supreme status is to understand the core principle of Constitutional guarantees: no acts of Government can conflict with these principles or violate them for any reason. ….”No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Even policies which enjoy majoritarian support and ample “practical” justification will be invalid — nullified — if they violate those guarantees.

Get some balls Obama.

In a Daily Beast exclusive, Larry Flynt, the notorious publisher of Hustler magazine, tells the president to toughen up, keep his campaign promises, and start whacking the Republicans.

President Obama:

You have proven to be a great campaigner. You have yet to demonstrate your ability to govern. Who needs the Republicans? They don’t know what compromise is. They’re just out to derail your presidency. Bitch slap ’em at every opportunity and put them in their place. They lost; you didn’t.

You need some gonads, Mr. President, and if you don’t have any, as Hillary would say, you’d better grow some.

continued on The Daily Beast
I must say I haven’t liked the way The Blue Dogs have walked all over the Democrats. I don’t know who is leading the liberals (whoops nearly put a capital L) But they need a leader. Maybe its not Obamas job. But it looks like he needs some balls. In that case the liberals need a leader, so Obama can get on with his job.

EC Yep that was me, I did all that. I was wearing glasses at the time and thought you wouldn’t notice. It worked for Clark Kent.

The Pink Panther strikes!!!!!!!!!

There is some nutbags on there Chris.

That’s what you call a lodown at the hodown with the rednecks.

222 gaffhook Great shot that. It’s now a wallpaper on my computer amongst 2,000+ others. Unfortunately, copyright prevents me from sharing.

From today’s Crikey. :mrgreen:

Beer drinking president big news. President Barack Obama’s ‘beer summit’ with Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr, a Cambridge police officer and vice president Joe Biden, has become a giant news event in the US, with Gawker live blogging the event, with plenty of comments, videos from cable news shows and photos of Obama clinking his glass of beer. And the whole beer/Obama/racism party has been a great day for pun enthusiasts, with some classic headlines being used including: “The Audacity of Hops” and “Yes, Three Cans!”. The American media seems happy to discuss racism if it’s washed down with some witty headlines and a few cans of Bud Light. For the record, the beers of choice were:

* Obama: Bud Light
* Crowley: Blue Moon
* Gates: Sam Adams Light
* Biden: Bucklers (a non-alcoholic beer!)

😆 😆
Crikey’s in fine fettle today.

Pig brother is watching you.
This was Michael Danby speaking on Radio National’s PM last night in support of Rebiya Kadeer’s visit to Melbourne, criticising the Chinese government’s attempt to prevent her visit: “The communist authorities in Beijing should understand that nearly every educated person has read George Orwell’s 1984, and are impervious to their zany totalitarian logic. People are not sheep that will simply shout ‘four legs good, two legs bad’, as do the sheep in that novel.”

It’s always good for our MPs to help by pointing out how close they come to being “educated”.

Footballers aren’t well known for their philosophy. But Harry O’brien from the Collingwood Football Club certainly is a very good philosopher. Especially when it comes to women. He definitely is thinking outside the square. Collingwood Football Club

229 gaffhook That’s exactly why the need an a Latino in Florida to run against a possible popular Republican candidate in the Senate. The final vote is going to change Southern politics for ever.

It was about Turdblossom having his second closed door question and answer session and he has come out now and getting Ruperts right wing rags to pre spin everything before the HJC starts releasing details.

Rove Concludes Second Closed-Door Meeting with House Judiciary; Spins His Side to WaPo, NYTimes

So many toonies….so little time..

July 30:;_ylt=AgKV6MlgCx7gmxfttPIBZ9Tb.sgF

July 30:;_ylt=AsxSBdSMtIkSeNuLcwC6_MfmcLQF

July 30: The practical side of bestowing god’s gift of freedom upon the heathen.;_ylt=Aj9p0hkjn81KPhVw8Jad4VbmcLQF
July 30:;_ylt=Auxp6SwUBouDim9WAVciO0rb.sgF

Jest a-Walkin’ tha Bluedog:

Mr. Thomas has dressed thoughtfully for this evening’s appearance…

Stevie and his bunch of white boys played hard done good too!

July 30: Slabs-R-Us: innovative ideas in Vulture Marketing;_ylt=Aly6xoeI76S4O5OFQIN8hv_d.sgF

Text now for our special introductory offer!

July 31:;_ylt=AuLyUP.wd3EsbmolH5dBrdIxvTYC

July 31:;_ylt=Ak28pDrRTBdsPOLfw95l88QxvTYC

Meanwhile at Edgbaston the Marylebone Cricket Club, cleverly disguised as a packet of epsom salts, have just been through the Aussie batsmen quick smart.
On the upside, the conditions seem to be partial to swing. If anyone remembers Bob Massey, test cricket’s equivalent of a one hit wonder(but oh what a hit!), then the ashes are not yet lost.

Good evening team. I just wanted to let you know some very sad news. Judith Barnes, who you will remember from Pollbludger, died today. She had a terrible life after the murder of her son but was an inspiration to all of us, especially the South Australians who shared her grief.

And comments you wish to make to her I’ll include on a card with a wreath.

May she Rest In Peace.

242 Catrina Great video Catrina. Good to see the revolution is still well under way.

Dio, thanks for bearing the sad tidings. Like to echo gaffhook’s comments at 245.
Nah, paddy and Cat, it ain’t Konkers. It’s an upwardly mobile Gattacan ape about to bust loose from earth’s crusty cage.

Diogenes – I am very sorry to hear the news of Judith’s death. And condolences to all at PB who regularly corresponded with her – these places become important real places in our lives and the relationships and people matter.
Please pass on my regards.

“Bad jokes and gay marriage are destroying this country. But torture can save it.”

~Jon Stewart

The Comforting Violence of Jack Bauer:

“The disconnect from professed Christians on the torture “debate” is particularly astounding. Given how central the crucifixion story is to Christianity, and that it depicts Jesus tortured and then executed in one of the most cruel methods ever devised, it’s mind-boggling to see anyone claim that supporting torture and Christianity are compatible – or that Jesus would support waterboarding. According to Christian doctrine, Jesus’ suffering redeemed him and the world – but it’s not the Romans who Christians are supposed to emulate in the story! “Turn the other cheek,” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and “As you have done to the least of my brethren, so have you done unto me” are hardly pro-torture slogans. But in the hearts and minds of movement conservatives, not even Churchill, Saint Ronnie or Jesus himself can compete with the comforting violence of Jack Bauer.”

260 is exactly the reason we need to send the video in 256 to everyone we know by email. The Right Wingnuts in the media are fulling this crap. The right wing has tried to control our thinking forever. Resistance is not futile!

255 Good to see John Stewart is Americas most respectable journalist. Although right wingnuts wouldn’t understand this. The comedian thing.

What do you call a Right Wing nut job with agoraphobia?

A Home Birther.

How do you like your slow-boiled frogs?

“At the risk of oversimplifying something that is far more complicated, in their most basic form, I see two trends that are disturbing:

1) Congress (not just the Republicans, either) has not supported President Obama’s attempts at delivering the change on which he campaigned (and the change for which Americans overwhelmingly voted).

2) The American people have not been savvy about the dynamic in Washington (i.e. the Beltway owning Congressional and POTUS ass), mainly because, it seems to me, they are in total denial as to the severity of the problems facing the country.”

Re Point 1:
GOPpers are in disarray with recent polls indicating core support of little more than ~20%. (Birthers, Palindrones, Rapturists, Antichristers etc.)

July 31:;_ylt=AnokeJ5Z8epdGo6HMwai6OnV.i8C

Aug 1:;_ylt=AjzaweV7g8162Yvy4Cv7GGAXvTYC

So why hasn’t BHO had the balls to confront Congress with “Actionable Change” after all Barry’s “change we can believe in” campaign rhetoric? Remember how The Imbecile fired up, literally going ballistic when lawmakers in Congress tried to thwart any aspect of BushCo’s treacherous agenda. “You’re either with us or against us” etc.?
Shame Obi didn’t show a bit of GWB mongrel when addressing the Health concerns of We The (taxpaying) People. It’s gonna be a long August for America’s Battlers. Thank goodness the Wizards of Wall St. will be able to afford to take their familes on a decent vacation though. Things were pretty touch and go till Geithner and Summers nailed ’em their taxpayer-funded bailout bonuses.
My, how the money-sucking animals have moved way beyond grunting “green shoots…green shoots”. These days they proudly brandish terms like “bullish” to burley the tiddlers.

It’s the little touches that make the MIC so worth preserving.

Re Point 2:
As many suspect and as Chris B’s link at 260 confirms, the MSM-induced myopia of Seppo triumphalism has spawned a nation of predomintantly blind consumers; a nation of commodity fetishists many of whom can’t afford decent heels or even a whip!
Irony-challenged wannabees.

“Num-ber one… num-ber one….U.S.A…..number one!!”, they bellow still as Uncle Sammy’s UAVs deliver inordinately “smart” ordnance to South-West Asian wedding parties or silmply anything that moves that spotters don’t like the look of—– god’s special gift of American Freedom to the “towel-headed”, goat-herding heathen.

265 EC Good points EC. Fortunately the Democrat tidal wave has not finished. Using the bash Bush technique developed by Ronald Regan against Jimmy Carter which will be refined by the Democrats. This tsunami will last quite a few election cycles yet. Things WILL get done.

As long as we don’t add to the Blue Dog list. I just read somewhere a potential Blue Dog withdrew from Ohio and we are left with liberals. (At least I think it was Ohio, so don’t quote me on that!)

“This tsunami will last quite a few election cycles yet. Things WILL get done.”

Yes, CB, but will it all come out in the wash. Besides, The Kid “gave indications” that he was gonna get ’em all Fab Clean in no time!

ROSE: I don’t know what “independent” means — “independent” in contrast to what?

GOODMAN: It means not being sponsored by the corporations, the networks — like NBC, CBS, ABC: NBC owned by General Electric, CBS owned by Viacom, or ABC owned by Disney —

ROSE: My point in response to that would be that we do need you . . . . Having said that, I promise you, CBS News and ABC News and NBC News are not influenced by the corporations that may own those companies. Since I know one of them very well and worked for one of them.

You have to be positive in elections. One hint of negativity can bring you undone. He is dealing with reality now.

Soon as someone mentions Hellfire one recalls Hellfire Pass and how many flicks john wayne made.
That’s all history now.
When the new hellfire word is mentioned it is uaually in sentences like you have alluded to, ie weddings etc in ‘ghan with the new Seppo lingo to go with it.

Excellent, men. A techno-triumph from the comfort of a Lazy Boy. A few collateral camels charring in the sand, is all; maybe an enemy combatant or two. Nomads should be fine once they find their family. Can you pass a Diet Pepsi. This sure beats Game Boy! Fly on, dude!

The issue for Obama is that he needs the right wing of the Democratic Party. They are too powerful to sidestep. The reason that the Dems have control in the Senate – although given how different the philosophies of many of these Democrats are, ‘control’ is massively overstating the case – is that they ran a lot of right-wing, gun-toting, Bible bashing, liberal hating candidates in areas that fit that profile.

It is hard to see how, exactly, Obama can ‘force’ these people to vote his way. There is no way that a liberal candidate would win in these districts, so if they ran a liberal candidate against them, or threatened to, the threat would be hollow.

And given that there are hardly any liberal Republicans left, it is hard to form a coalition there, either …


The Democrats need to get the health bill through. A solid majority voted for real change – and health care was central to that. If the Dems can’t get this bill up, it will undermine the whole message that Obama had in his campaign. But it was not just Obama – all Democrat candidates promised health care reform. They failed under Clinton – they can’t afford to fail this time.

McCain: Without Hispanic Voters, GOP In “Very, Very Deep Hole”

Having attempted to put together a voting coalition broad enough to get elected president, Sen. John McCain (R-A.Z.) knows better than any other lawmaker the shortcomings and vulnerabilities of the Republican Party.

So his declaration on Sunday morning that the GOP faced a dire situation unless it did more to bring Hispanic voters into its ranks is likely to be treated as a blaring warning siren, not mere political analysis.

continued on The Huffington Post

I am confident that Obama will get health care reform (in some form) through. Negotiation, compromise and a little force will do it.

When the owners of GE and Fox News start to realise they are having their interests affected, what do they do?

Why just tell Olberman and O’Reilly to STFU.
But RooPoo does not interfere with his broadcasters does he?

The New York Times this morning has a remarkable story, and incredibly, the article’s author, Brian Stelter, doesn’t even acknowledge, let alone examine, what makes the story so significant. In essence, the chairman of General Electric (which owns MSNBC), Jeffrey Immelt, and the chairman of News Corporation (which owns Fox News), Rupert Murdoch, were brought into a room at a “summit meeting” for CEOs in May, where Charlie Rose tried to engineer an end to the “feud” between MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann and Fox’s Bill O’Reilly. According to the NYT, both CEOs agreed that the dispute was bad for the interests of the corporate parents, and thus agreed to order their news employees to cease attacking each other’s news organizations and employees.

Along with exotic tall tales and true, of the banking executive bonus bonanza, that has to be one of the more depressing stories I’ve read for a while gaffy. 🙁
The sheer gall and total disconnection from *anything* resembling “ethics” or even plain old sanity, leaves me quite speechless.

I guess the media, like the banking sector, are so frightened of the impending reckoning, that they’ve totally lost sight of anything other than their own personal survival. (Preferably with a large paycheck attached.)
Fuck em!!

Yeah i agree. It does not only happen in good old Seppo land and RooPoo’s tentacles are openly distinguishable with his conglomerate of third rate so called hack journalists that spout their puerile bile daily in his rags.
The sooner they fall the better.
I also agree, fuck em!!!! as Jen would say.

paddy and gaffy, wot the lady at Huppo sed:

“Say it aint so, Keith O”.

Quelle bummeur!

WTF is going on in Gaza where Israel has forced Palestinian families out of their homes because 100 year old papers show they belong to Jews.
years ago I’d pretty much bet the land I live on was not owned by white settlers, but i can live here.

paddy –
I gotta tell you , there is no doubt in my mind that Tony Abbott is the Antichrist, so that lets FirstDog off the hook … although he could be an apprentice.
(Although my bet is on Stephen Fielding )

“I also agree, fuck em!!!! as Jen would say.”

such a slight on my blameless reputation.!!
Must be soemone else masquerading as moi (my bet is Sophie M..)

Yep looks like it has gone Chris.
Maybe the birthers have lots of shares in HBO and have felt the barbs and done a Rupert.

As for keith O…
if that is true then we should offer him a spot here on P101 where he can speak without fear or favour even if the pay is not quite as good.
or fuck him.

Dont forget to have a look at a bloke who is about to chew in to a shit sandwich on Australian Story ABC tonight.

The camera is apparently on him when he finds out the utegate email is faux.

gaffers- I have haerd this rumour too, but haven’t found too much about it…. so Malcs is about to crash and burn????

Actually – rumour has it that he is shown to have met with old Godwin himself before the email was released … any truth to this? (and who cares anyway – it’s a good story :mrgreen: )

7:30 report.
Palestinian recruits training to provide “security”
Gott a say – Jew, Palestinian, American , Australian, Irish whatever – boys and their toys.
All the fucking same.

Do Christians Have The Greater Sense Of Humour?

Ghost & Chris: here’s the pulled tape of “Billy The Jesus-Hating Jew”.
Reckon the reason the gutless wonders at You-Tube pulled it is…. the K9 Christ bit in the second minute of the Maher’s clip. Seriously offensive, funny, very brave. Some of the panel couldn’t believe what was unfolding before them. Two of ’em squirmed. Delicious!

Interestingly, if a similar dog skit was done by Maher about Mohammad, Billy would need to get on the blower to Sally Rushdie toute de suite for advice. Sally’d probably tell “Billy the Zionist Blasphemer” to take a sabbatical in Patagonia till fundy whack-squads were de-Fatwa’d.

Wonder if South Park plays on Al-Jazeera? All’s not lost however, at least the young uns can get the drift of totally offensive infidel humour on the internet.

Comments are closed.